16 research outputs found

    Facticity as the amount of self-descriptive information in a data set

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    Using the theory of Kolmogorov complexity the notion of facticity {\phi}(x) of a string is defined as the amount of self-descriptive information it contains. It is proved that (under reasonable assumptions: the existence of an empty machine and the availability of a faithful index) facticity is definite, i.e. random strings have facticity 0 and for compressible strings 0 < {\phi}(x) < 1/2 |x| + O(1). Consequently facticity measures the tension in a data set between structural and ad-hoc information objectively. For binary strings there is a so-called facticity threshold that is dependent on their entropy. Strings with facticty above this threshold have no optimal stochastic model and are essentially computational. The shape of the facticty versus entropy plot coincides with the well-known sawtooth curves observed in complex systems. The notion of factic processes is discussed. This approach overcomes problems with earlier proposals to use two-part code to define the meaningfulness or usefulness of a data set.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Generating realistic scaled complex networks

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    Research on generative models is a central project in the emerging field of network science, and it studies how statistical patterns found in real networks could be generated by formal rules. Output from these generative models is then the basis for designing and evaluating computational methods on networks, and for verification and simulation studies. During the last two decades, a variety of models has been proposed with an ultimate goal of achieving comprehensive realism for the generated networks. In this study, we (a) introduce a new generator, termed ReCoN; (b) explore how ReCoN and some existing models can be fitted to an original network to produce a structurally similar replica, (c) use ReCoN to produce networks much larger than the original exemplar, and finally (d) discuss open problems and promising research directions. In a comparative experimental study, we find that ReCoN is often superior to many other state-of-the-art network generation methods. We argue that ReCoN is a scalable and effective tool for modeling a given network while preserving important properties at both micro- and macroscopic scales, and for scaling the exemplar data by orders of magnitude in size.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, extended version, a preliminary version of the paper was presented at the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Application

    Effective complexity: In which sense is it informative?

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    This work responds to a criticism of effective complexity made by James McAllister, according to which such a notion is not an appropriate measure for information content. Roughly, effective complexity is focused on the regularities of the data rather than on the whole data, as opposed to algorithmic complexity. McAllister’s argument shows that, because the set of relevant regularities for a given object is not unique, one cannot assign unique values of effective complexity to considered expressions and, therefore, that algorithmic complexity better serves as a measure of information than effective complexity. We accept that problem regarding uniqueness as McAllister presents it, but would not deny that if contexts could be defined appropriately, one could in principle find unique values of effective complexity. Considering this, effective complexity is informative not only regarding the entity being investigated but also regarding the context of investigation itself. Furthermore, we argue that effective complexity is an interesting epistemological concept that may be applied to better understand crucial issues related to context dependence such as theory choice and emergence. These applications are not available merely on the basis of algorithmic complexity

    Information Width: A Way for the Second Law to Increase Complexity

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    SFI Working Papers contain accounts of scientific work of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Santa Fe Institute. We accept papers intended for publication in peer-reviewed journals or proceedings volumes, but not papers that have already appeared in print. Except for papers by our external faculty, papers must be based on work done at SFI, inspired by an invited visit to or collaboration at SFI, or funded by an SFI grant. ©NOTICE: This working paper is included by permission of the contributing author(s) as a means to ensure timely distribution of the scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the author(s). It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author&apos;s copyright. These works may be reposted only with the explicit permission of the copyright holder. www.santafe.edu SANTA FE INSTITUTEInformation Width: a way for the second law to increase complexit

    Multiscale structural complexity of natural patterns

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    Complexity of patterns is key information for human brain to differ objects of about the same size and shape. Like other innate human senses, the complexity perception cannot be easily quantified. We propose a transparent and universal machine method for estimating structural (effective) complexity of two-dimensional and three-dimensional patterns that can be straightforwardly generalized onto other classes of objects. It is based on multistep renormalization of the pattern of interest and computing the overlap between neighboring renormalized layers. This way, we can define a single number characterizing the structural complexity of an object. We apply this definition to quantify complexity of various magnetic patterns and demonstrate that not only does it reflect the intuitive feeling of what is “complex” and what is “simple” but also, can be used to accurately detect different phase transitions and gain information about dynamics of nonequilibrium systems. When employed for that, the proposed scheme is much simpler and numerically cheaper than the standard methods based on computing correlation functions or using machine learning techniques. © 2020 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.We thank Yuri Bakhtin, Victor Kleptsyn, Eugene Koonin, Denis Kosygin, Slava Rychkov, Stanislav Smirnov, and Tom Wester-hout for useful discussions and Elena Mazurenko for technical assistance in conducting food dye experiments. The work of A.A.B., I.A.I., and V.V.M. was supported by Russian Science Foundation Grant 18-12-00185. A.A.I. acknowledges financial support from Dutch Science Foundation Neder-landse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)/Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter Grant 16PR1024. M.I.K. acknowledges support from NWO Spinoza Prize. This work was partially supported by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Grant 2018.0060

    Multilevel Methods for Sparsification and Linear Arrangement Problems on Networks

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    The computation of network properties such as diameter, centrality indices, and paths on networks may become a major bottleneck in the analysis of network if the network is large. Scalable approximation algorithms, heuristics and structure preserving network sparsification methods play an important role in modern network analysis. In the first part of this thesis, we develop a robust network sparsification method that enables filtering of either, so called, long- and short-range edges or both. Edges are first ranked by their algebraic distances and then sampled. Furthermore, we also combine this method with a multilevel framework to provide a multilevel sparsification framework that can control the sparsification process at different coarse-grained resolutions. Experimental results demonstrate an effectiveness of the proposed methods without significant loss in a quality of computed network properties. In the second part of the thesis, we introduce asymmetric coarsening schemes for multilevel algorithms developed for linear arrangement problems. Effectiveness of the set of coarse variables, and the corresponding interpolation matrix is the central problem in any multigrid algorithm. We are pushing the boundaries of fast maximum weighted matching algorithms for coarsening schemes on graphs by introducing novel ideas for asymmetric coupling between coarse and fine variables of the problem