8,601 research outputs found

    Adaptive Ranking Based Constraint Handling for Explicitly Constrained Black-Box Optimization

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    A novel explicit constraint handling technique for the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) is proposed. The proposed constraint handling exhibits two invariance properties. One is the invariance to arbitrary element-wise increasing transformation of the objective and constraint functions. The other is the invariance to arbitrary affine transformation of the search space. The proposed technique virtually transforms a constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained optimization problem by considering an adaptive weighted sum of the ranking of the objective function values and the ranking of the constraint violations that are measured by the Mahalanobis distance between each candidate solution to its projection onto the boundary of the constraints. Simulation results are presented and show that the CMA-ES with the proposed constraint handling exhibits the affine invariance and performs similarly to the CMA-ES on unconstrained counterparts.Comment: 9 page

    A Bayesian approach to constrained single- and multi-objective optimization

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    This article addresses the problem of derivative-free (single- or multi-objective) optimization subject to multiple inequality constraints. Both the objective and constraint functions are assumed to be smooth, non-linear and expensive to evaluate. As a consequence, the number of evaluations that can be used to carry out the optimization is very limited, as in complex industrial design optimization problems. The method we propose to overcome this difficulty has its roots in both the Bayesian and the multi-objective optimization literatures. More specifically, an extended domination rule is used to handle objectives and constraints in a unified way, and a corresponding expected hyper-volume improvement sampling criterion is proposed. This new criterion is naturally adapted to the search of a feasible point when none is available, and reduces to existing Bayesian sampling criteria---the classical Expected Improvement (EI) criterion and some of its constrained/multi-objective extensions---as soon as at least one feasible point is available. The calculation and optimization of the criterion are performed using Sequential Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, an algorithm similar to the subset simulation method, which is well known in the field of structural reliability, is used to estimate the criterion. The method, which we call BMOO (for Bayesian Multi-Objective Optimization), is compared to state-of-the-art algorithms for single- and multi-objective constrained optimization

    Multiobjective synchronization of coupled systems

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    Copyright @ 2011 American Institute of PhysicsSynchronization of coupled chaotic systems has been a subject of great interest and importance, in theory but also various fields of application, such as secure communication and neuroscience. Recently, based on stability theory, synchronization of coupled chaotic systems by designing appropriate coupling has been widely investigated. However, almost all the available results have been focusing on ensuring the synchronization of coupled chaotic systems with as small coupling strengths as possible. In this contribution, we study multiobjective synchronization of coupled chaotic systems by considering two objectives in parallel, i. e., minimizing optimization of coupling strength and convergence speed. The coupling form and coupling strength are optimized by an improved multiobjective evolutionary approach. The constraints on the coupling form are also investigated by formulating the problem into a multiobjective constraint problem. We find that the proposed evolutionary method can outperform conventional adaptive strategy in several respects. The results presented in this paper can be extended into nonlinear time-series analysis, synchronization of complex networks and have various applications

    Multiobjective optimization of electromagnetic structures based on self-organizing migration

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    Práce se zabývá popisem nového stochastického vícekriteriálního optimalizačního algoritmu MOSOMA (Multiobjective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). Je zde ukázáno, že algoritmus je schopen řešit nejrůznější typy optimalizačních úloh (s jakýmkoli počtem kritérií, s i bez omezujících podmínek, se spojitým i diskrétním stavovým prostorem). Výsledky algoritmu jsou srovnány s dalšími běžně používanými metodami pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci na velké sadě testovacích úloh. Uvedli jsme novou techniku pro výpočet metriky rozprostření (spread) založené na hledání minimální kostry grafu (Minimum Spanning Tree) pro problémy mající více než dvě kritéria. Doporučené hodnoty pro parametry řídící běh algoritmu byly určeny na základě výsledků jejich citlivostní analýzy. Algoritmus MOSOMA je dále úspěšně použit pro řešení různých návrhových úloh z oblasti elektromagnetismu (návrh Yagi-Uda antény a dielektrických filtrů, adaptivní řízení vyzařovaného svazku v časové oblasti…).This thesis describes a novel stochastic multi-objective optimization algorithm called MOSOMA (Multi-Objective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). It is shown that MOSOMA is able to solve various types of multi-objective optimization problems (with any number of objectives, unconstrained or constrained problems, with continuous or discrete decision space). The efficiency of MOSOMA is compared with other commonly used optimization techniques on a large suite of test problems. The new procedure based on finding of minimum spanning tree for computing the spread metric for problems with more than two objectives is proposed. Recommended values of parameters controlling the run of MOSOMA are derived according to their sensitivity analysis. The ability of MOSOMA to solve real-life problems from electromagnetics is shown in a few examples (Yagi-Uda and dielectric filters design, adaptive beam forming in time domain…).

    A Descent Method for Equality and Inequality Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems

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    In this article we propose a descent method for equality and inequality constrained multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) which generalizes the steepest descent method for unconstrained MOPs by Fliege and Svaiter to constrained problems by using two active set strategies. Under some regularity assumptions on the problem, we show that accumulation points of our descent method satisfy a necessary condition for local Pareto optimality. Finally, we show the typical behavior of our method in a numerical example