135 research outputs found

    Chance-constrained cost efficiency in data envelopment analysis model with random inputs and outputs

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    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a well-known non-parametric technique primarily used to estimate radial efficiency under a set of mild assumptions regarding the production possibility set and the production function. The technical efficiency measure can be complemented with a consistent radial metrics for cost, revenue and profit efficiency in DEA, but only for the setting with known input and output prices. In many real applications of performance measurement, such as the evaluation of utilities, banks and supply chain operations, the input and/or output data are often stochastic and linked to exogenous random variables. It is known from standard results in stochastic programming that rankings of stochastic functions are biased if expected values are used for key parameters. In this paper, we propose economic efficiency measures for stochastic data with known input and output prices. We transform the stochastic economic efficiency models into a deterministic equivalent non-linear form that can be simplified to a deterministic programming with quadratic constraints. An application for a cost minimizing planning problem of a state government in the US is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework

    Fuzzy Efficiency Measures in Data Envelopment Analysis Using Lexicographic Multiobjective Approach

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.There is an extensive literature in data envelopment analysis (DEA) aimed at evaluating the relative efficiency of a set of decision-making units (DMUs). Conventional DEA models use definite and precise data while real-life problems often consist of some ambiguous and vague information, such as linguistic terms. Fuzzy sets theory can be effectively used to handle data ambiguity and vagueness in DEA problems. This paper proposes a novel fully fuzzified DEA (FFDEA) approach where, in addition to input and output data, all the variables are considered fuzzy, including the resulting efficiency scores. A lexicographic multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) approach is suggested to solve the fuzzy models proposed in this study. The contribution of this paper is fivefold: (1) both fuzzy Constant and Variable Returns to Scale models are considered to measure fuzzy efficiencies; (2) a classification scheme for DMUs, based on their fuzzy efficiencies, is defined with three categories; (3) fuzzy input and output targets are computed for improving the inefficient DMUs; (4) a super-efficiency FFDEA model is also formulated to rank the fuzzy efficient DMUs; and (5) the proposed approach is illustrated, and compared with existing methods, using a dataset from the literature

    A compromise programming approach for target setting in DEA

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    This paper presents a new data envelopment analysis (DEA) target setting approach that uses the compromise programming (CP) method of multiobjective optimization. This method computes the ideal point associated to each decision making unit (DMU) and determines an ambitious, efficient target that is as close as possible (using an lp metric) to that ideal point. The specific cases p = 1, p = 2 and p = ∞ are separately discussed and analyzed. In particular, for p = 1 and p = ∞, a lexicographic optimization approach is proposed in order to guarantee uniqueness of the obtained target. The original CP method is translation invariant and has been adapted so that the proposed CP-DEA is also units invariant. An lp metric-based efficiency score is also defined for each DMU. The proposed CP-DEA approach can also be utilized in the presence of preference information, non-discretionary or integer variables and undesirable outputs. The proposed approach has been extensively compared with other DEA approaches on a dataset from the literature

    Defuzzification of groups of fuzzy numbers using data envelopment analysis

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    Defuzzification is a critical process in the implementation of fuzzy systems that converts fuzzy numbers to crisp representations. Few researchers have focused on cases where the crisp outputs must satisfy a set of relationships dictated in the original crisp data. This phenomenon indicates that these crisp outputs are mathematically dependent on one another. Furthermore, these fuzzy numbers may exist as a group of fuzzy numbers. Therefore, the primary aim of this thesis is to develop a method to defuzzify groups of fuzzy numbers based on Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR)-Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model by modifying the Center of Gravity (COG) method as the objective function. The constraints represent the relationships and some additional restrictions on the allowable crisp outputs with their dependency property. This leads to the creation of crisp values with preserved relationships and/or properties as in the original crisp data. Comparing with Linear Programming (LP) based model, the proposed CCR-DEA model is more efficient, and also able to defuzzify non-linear fuzzy numbers with accurate solutions. Moreover, the crisp outputs obtained by the proposed method are the nearest points to the fuzzy numbers in case of crisp independent outputs, and best nearest points to the fuzzy numbers in case of dependent crisp outputs. As a conclusion, the proposed CCR-DEA defuzzification method can create either dependent crisp outputs with preserved relationship or independent crisp outputs without any relationship. Besides, the proposed method is a general method to defuzzify groups or individuals fuzzy numbers under the assumption of convexity with linear and non-linear membership functions or relationships

    Uncertain Data Envelopment Analysis

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    Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric, data driven method to conduct relative performance measurements among a set of decision making units (DMUs). Efficiency scores are computed based on assessing input and output data for each DMU by means of linear programming. Traditionally, these data are assumed to be known precisely. We instead consider the situation in which data is uncertain, and in this case, we demonstrate that efficiency scores increase monotonically with uncertainty. This enables inefficient DMUs to leverage uncertainty to counter their assessment of being inefficient. Using the framework of robust optimization, we propose an uncertain DEA (uDEA) model for which an optimal solution determines 1) the maximum possible efficiency score of a DMU over all permissible uncertainties, and 2) the minimal amount of uncertainty that is required to achieve this efficiency score. We show that the uDEA model is a proper generalization of traditional DEA and provide a first-order algorithm to solve the uDEA model with ellipsoidal uncertainty sets. Finally, we present a case study applying uDEA to the problem of deciding efficiency of radiotherapy treatments

    Multiobjective centralized DEA approach to Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

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    "Open Access: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License...."There exist two types of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approaches to the Olympic Games: conventional and fixed-sum outputs (FSO). The approach proposed in this paper belongs to the latter category as it takes into account the total number de medals of each type awarded. Imposing these constraints requires a centralized DEA perspective that projects all the countries simultaneously. In this paper, a multiobjective FSO approach is proposed, and the Weighted Tchebychef solution method is employed. This approach aims to set all output targets as close as possible to their ideal values. In order to choose between the alternative optima, a secondary goal has been considered that minimizes the sum of absolute changes in the number of medals, which also renders the computed targets to be as close to the observed values as possible. These targets represent the output levels that could be expected if all countries performed at their best level. For certain countries, the targets are higher than the actual number of medals won while, for other countries, these targets may be lower. The proposed approach has been applied to the results of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and compared with both FSO and non-FSO DEA method

    Parametric programming: An illustrative mini encyclopedia

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    Parametric programming is one of the broadest areas of applied mathematics. Practical problems, that can be described by parametric programming, were recorded in the rock art about thirty millennia ago. As a scientific discipline, parametric programming began emerging only in the 1950\u27s. In this tutorial we introduce, briefly study, and illustrate some of the elementary notions of parametric programming. This is done using a limited theory (mainly for linear and convex models) and by means of examples, figures, and solved real-life case studies. Among the topics discussed are stable and unstable models, such as a projectile motion model (maximizing the range of a projectile), bilevel decision making models and von Stackelberg games of market economy, law of refraction and Snell\u27s law for the ray of light, duality, Zermelo\u27s navigation problems under the water, restructuring in a textile mill, ranking of efficient DMU (university libraries) in DEA, minimal resistance to a gas flow, and semi-abstract parametric programming models. Some numerical methods of input optimization are mentioned and several open problems are posed

    Assessing the Relative Efficiency and Productivity Growth of the Taiwan LED Industry: DEA and Malmquist Indices Application

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    [[abstract]]With the rapid acceleration of global competition the need has arisen for a more systematic performance evaluation system. This research develops a two-stage performance evaluation system to help maximize performance evaluation success. The performance evaluation is an important approach for enterprises to give incentives and restraint to their operators. It is also an important channel for enterprise stakeholders to obtain performance information. This study analyzes the current evaluation system for the Taiwan LED industry. This research measures the performance of ten LED companies in Taiwan for the period 2003–2009. The proposed method is practical and useful. The evaluation model indicates that proposed method is more reasonable and easier to grasp than other methods. As a result, it is easier to popularize this evaluation method in enterprises. The proposed method presents a complete assessment model that helps managers identify items for improvement, while simultaneously promoting cost and time efficiencies in the LED industry.[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙

    Managing radiotherapy treatment trade-offs using multi-criteria optimisation and data envelopment analysis

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    Techniques for managing trade-offs between tumour control and normal tissue sparing in radiotherapy treatment planning are reviewed and developed. Firstly, a quality control method based on data envelopment analysis is proposed. The method measures the improvement potential of a plan by comparing the plan to other reference plans. The method considers multiple criteria, including one that represents anatomical variations between patients. An application to prostate cases demonstrates the capability of the method in identifying plans with further improvement potential. A multi-criteria based planning technique that considers treatment delivery is then proposed. The method integrates column generation in the revised normal boundary intersection method, which projects a set of equidistant reference points onto the non-dominated set to form a representative set of non-dominated points. The delivery constraints are considered in the column generation process. Essentially, the method generates a set of deliverable plans featuring a range of treatment trade-offs. Demonstrated by a prostate case, the method generates near-optimal plans that can be delivered with dramatically lower total fluence than the optimal ones post-processed for treatment delivery constraints. Finally, a navigation method based on solving interactive multi-objective optimisation for a discrete set of plans is developed. The method sets the aspiration values for criteria as soft constraints, thus allowing the planner to freely express his/her preferences without causing infeasibility. Navigation is conducted on planner-defined clinical criteria, including the non-convex dose-volume criteria and treatment delivery time. Navigation steps on a prostate case are demonstrated with a prototype implementation. The prostate case shows that optimisation criteria may not correctly reflect plan quality and can mislead a planner to select a “sub-optimal” plan. Instead, using clinical criteria provides the most relevant measure of plan quality, hence allowing the planner to quickly identify the most preferable plan from a representative set

    Chance-constrained cost efficiency in data envelopment analysis model with random inputs and outputs

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkData envelopment analysis (DEA) is a well-known non-parametric technique primarily used to estimate radial efficiency under a set of mild assumptions regarding the production possibility set and the production function. The technical efficiency measure can be complemented with a consistent radial metrics for cost, revenue and profit efficiency in DEA, but only for the setting with known input and output prices. In many real applications of performance measurement, such as the evaluation of utilities, banks and supply chain operations, the input and/or output data are often stochastic and linked to exogenous random variables. It is known from standard results in stochastic programming that rankings of stochastic functions are biased if expected values are used for key parameters. In this paper, we propose economic efficiency measures for stochastic data with known input and output prices. We transform the stochastic economic efficiency models into a deterministic equivalent non-linear form that can be simplified to a deterministic programming with quadratic constraints. An application for a cost minimizing planning problem of a state government in the US is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework