15 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Daya Saing UMKM melalui Financial Technology dan Digital Marketing

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    The research purpose is to produce a model for increasing the competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through financial technology and digital marketing in Pangkalpinang City. 60 SMEs were selected as a sample using accidental sampling. Data was collected through observation and interview methods. Data analysis used a mixed method which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including validity and reliability tests, descriptive analysis, qualitative data analysis, and important performance analysis (IPA). The results show that the performance of MSMEs in implementing financial technology and digital marketing has met expectations, so that MSMEs can improve their service quality dimensions. This research is expected to contribute ideas to Pangkalpinang City government regulations in increasing the competitiveness of MSMEs in the current and future Covid-19 pandemic era

    Mind The Gap: Importance-Performance Gaps As Determinants Of User Satisfaction With Information Systems

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    This paper develops a new explanation for user satisfaction with IS. Combining insights from expectation (dis)confirmation theory (ECT) and importance-performance analysis (IPA), we focus on the gaps between the importance of particular IS attributes, and the performance of a system on those attributes, as an explanation for user satisfaction. We identify 12 relevant system attributes and theoretically argue how the gap between importance and performance with regard to these attributes may affect user satisfaction. Our empirical study is based on a survey (N=298) among student users of a newly implemented Student Information System (SIS). The results empirically support the relationship between importance-performance gaps and user satisfaction. For five out of 12 attributes, we find a significant negative influence of a negative gap (i.e., high importance, low performance) on user satisfaction. Our main contribution to the literature is that we provide an integrated perspective on ECT and IPA and empirically validate the relevance of importance-performance gaps for explaining IS user satisfaction. Our second contribution is that we make use of the difference score technique to measure the importance-performance gaps for user satisfaction. Thus, our contribution to the IS literature is both theoretical and methodological

    Exploring the Attractiveness of a Norwegian Rural Higher Education Institution Using Importance-Performance Analysis

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research on 15/06/2016, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00313831.2016.1212254

    Electric vehicles : An assessment of consumer perceptions using importance-performance analysis

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    Usvajanje tehnologija velikih podataka u pametnim gradovima Europske Unije: Analiza važnosti i performansi tehnoloških čimbenika

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    Gradovi Europske Unije na svom razvoju prema pametnom gradu usvajaju tehnologije velikih podataka. S obzirom na to da su tehnologije velikih podataka složene i disruptivne tehnologije, potrebno je utvrditi važnost čimbenika i njihovih aspekata za usvajanje tehnologija velikih podataka u gradovima. Cilj rada je identificirati najvažnije aspekte tehnoloških čimbenika usvajanja tehnologija velikih podataka u gradovima Europske Unije. Kako bi se ostvario cilj rada provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku gradova Europske Unije, a na prikupljenim podacima provedena je analiza mape važnosti i performansi čimbenika usvajanja tehnologija velikih podataka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su aspekti apsorpcijskog kapaciteta i tehnološke spremnosti gradova EU relativno visoke važnosti, no uz niske razine performansi u odnosu na čimbenike organizacije i okoline. Doprinos rada sastoji se od općih smjernica za povećanje razine tehnološke spremnosti i apsorpcijskog kapaciteta gradova kako bi se povećala uspješnost usvajanja tehnologija velikih podataka u gradovima Europske Unije

    Modelling perceived value as a driver of tourism development

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    This study investigates visitors’ perceived value in little known small areas, at the early stage of tourism development, participating in a European regional development project, for improving the local tourism supply and marketing initiatives, with limited investments. We suggest to employ an Ordinal Structural Equation Model with Pairwise Likelihood estimator to deal with non-normal and missing data. We detect which destinations’ aspects convey the greatest value to tourists, identify market segmentation variables, test the relations of perceived value with satisfaction, intention to recommend and destination image. Results are relevant for policymakers and destination managers, even more in the post-COVID-19 tourism recovery

    Antecedents and Impacts of E-Business Aligment Amongst Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    E-business has great potentials for firms to extend their business efficiency. Nevertheless, due to various problems and constraints, the e-business deployment within SMEs sector has been reported as not effective. To ensure effective e-business deployment, necessary measures are needed to assess how firms align diverse ebusiness capabilities in support of their business operation. This study therefore aims to investigate the extent firms align diverse e-business capabilities across business processes (e-business alignment). Using a strategic fit perspective, this study has observed two major propositions. First, firms‟ ability to align e-business to support the most crucial business processes has potentially led to better realisation of ebusiness values. Secondly, certain managerial and environmental conditions have explained the differing characteristics of e-business alignment amongst firms. This study employs quantitative research approach using survey method to collect and collate evidences from 140 owner/managers of SMEs. Preliminary analysis has indicated e-business alignment/misalignment patterns across business functions. The cluster analysis further reveals three distinct profiles with different characteristics of e-business alignment. These profiles are labelled as 'highly fit', 'moderately fit' and 'low fit' based on their e-business fit characteristics. This result confirms the first proposition where highly aligned firms will report greater and wider e-business impacts. The second proposition reveals that environmental uncertainty, IT sophistication, owner/manager knowledge on advanced IT/IS, e-business deployment status, and support network are significant predictors to different e-business alignment characteristics among firms. This study suggests that firms relatively have different priority over e-business solutions to support their business. These findings have demonstrated why some firms do not progress to a higher e-business ladder. It further justifies unequal deployment of e-business solutions to support functions across firms

    Antecedents and impact of AIS usage amongst Jordanian SMEs : moderating effects of environmental uncertainty and firm size

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    An effective use of the Accounting Information System (AIS) facilitates firms to sustain their competitiveness by providing timely, accurate and reliable financial information for more informed business decisions. Despite extensive government efforts, the usage of AIS amongst the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Jordan is relatively low and thus limiting the impact on firms‘ effectiveness. Furthermore, previous studies regarding the antecedents and impact of AIS usage are somewhat inconsistent. Thus, the purpose of this study was to propose an integrated model utilizing the Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) framework and the Resource-based View (RBV) theory to better explain the antecedents affecting AIS usage and its impact on AIS effectiveness amongst Jordanian SMEs. This study hypothesized seven factors affecting AIS usage based on the TOE framework. Meanwhile, RBV explained the relationship between AIS usage and AIS effectiveness as well as the moderating effects of environmental uncertainty and firm size on such relationships. Using the quantitative approach, this study employed a self-administered questionnaire survey on 741 owners of SMEs listed in the Amman Chamber Industry, of which 186 responses were usable for analysis (25% response rate). The Partial Least Squares (PLS) results revealed significant influence of compatibility (technological factor), owner/manager commitment and organizational readiness (organizational factors), as well as competitive pressure and government support (environmental factors) on AIS usage. Furthermore, compatibility demonstrated the strongest influence on AIS usage followed by competitive pressure. The results further demonstrated a positive and significant effect of AIS usage on AIS effectiveness. Finally, the findings only ascertained considerable moderating effect of firm size. Apart from extending the body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive model to explain how several interrelated factors influence AIS usage and its impact on AIS effectiveness, the results offer insights on how firms could improve the use of AIS for better firms‘ performance