488 research outputs found

    Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Estimating the Library and Information Services

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    An analysis of statistical data shows that attendance in the libraries falls every year, the demand of library information as the material carrier (for example books) is greatly reduced, but the information in electronic form is in demand, and every year the figures are growing significantly. This paper presents an estimation method for separate and complex indicators of the efficiency of library and information product and service rendering depending on various factors that determine service quality, timeliness and efficiency. A fuzzy logic system to transform the primary data was designed with the "Fuzzy Logic Toolbox" software using MATLAB. The methods to rank the studied factors by their importance and effect on the criteria of the efficiency of library and information product and service rendering are given. It is shown that the quality of library and information services plays an important role in development of society and influences the global socio-economic development and wellbeing. The research application contributes to the optimization of the library helps to more efficiently organize and plan their work, as well as the right to determine the direction of further investment. In addition, it enables the management of the library to identify factors that contribute to improving the efficiency of their businesses, to study the most urgent and important needs of the market library services, and also to establish the factors that currently are essential as for institutions, and for users and consumers

    Assessing accuracy predictors in megatrend qualitative forecasting in the hospitality and tourism industry

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    Plenty of literature on megatrends escapes the logic of validation. Most publications on forecasting apply quantitative methods and the use of qualitative forecasting is scarce especially in the Hospitality and Tourism (H&T) industry, which is so sensitive to macro level factors. Alongside this, it is surprising that studies that explore the accuracy of such predictions are scarce which hampers the capacity to improve forecasting techniques. With this in consideration, the main goal of this study was to uncover the potential predictors of accuracy in qualitative forecasting sources in H&T. In order to do so, we identified and selected a set of documents that used qualitative forecasting methods to predict trends in H&T for the 1998-2008 period, and devised an empirical study that puts to test the expected trends against the test of time. With a panel of 14 experts in H&T that indicated what occurred in the aforementioned period, we computed a weighted score of accuracy for each document and classified it according to four potential causal variables (Explicit methods, Number of cites, Multisource, and Multimethod, thought of as indicators of forecasting quality). The model was tested with a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA) which indicated that clarifying the qualitative forecasting methods (Explicit) and having multiple sources (Multisource) are the main predictors of the qualitative forecasting sources’ accuracy in H&T.A maioria das publicações sobre previsão usam métodos quantitativos e a previsão de base qualitativa é escassa especialmente no sector da Hospitalidade e Turismo (H&T) que é tão sensível a fatores de nível macro. Em acréscimo, é surpreendente que os estudos que exploram a precisão de tais previsões sejam escassos, o que reduz a capacidade de melhorar as técnicas de previsão. Considerando isto, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi o de descobrir os potenciais preditores de precisão nas fontes de previsão qualitativa em H&T. Para o concretizar, identificámos e selecionámos um conjunto de documentos que usam métodos qualitativos de previsão para as tendências de H&T para o período de 1998-2008 e desenvolvemos um estudo empírico que põe à prova as tendências esperadas em relação ao teste do tempo. Com um painel de 14 peritos em H&T que indicaram o ocorrido no período mencionado calculámos um score ponderado de precisão para cada documento e classificámo-lo de acordo com quatro potenciais variáveis causais (métodos explícitos, número de citações, multi-fonte e multi-método, tidos como indicadores da qualidade da previsão). O modelo foi testado por via da análise comparada qualitativa de conjunto difuso (fs/QCA) que indicou que clarificar os métodos de previsão usados (explícito) e contar com várias fontes de informação (multi-fonte) são os principais preditores da precisão dos documentos que oferecem previsões qualitativas em H&T

    A Novel K-Means Clustered Support Vector Machine Technique for Prediction of Consumer Decision-Making Behaviour

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    A greater number of consumers are using social networks to express their feedback about the level of service provided by hotels. Online reviews from patrons can be used as a forum to enhance the level of service of hotels. Customer reviews are indeed a reliable and dependable source that aid diners in determining the quality of their cuisine. It is critical to develop techniques for evaluating client feedback on hotel services. In order to accurately anticipate the consumers' decision-making behaviors based on hotel internet evaluations, this study proposes a novel K-Means Clustered Support Vector Machine (KMC+SVM) technique. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is employed to determine the characteristics from the preprocessed data while the Min-Max normalization approach is used to standardize the raw data. The performance of the suggested technique is then evaluated and contrasted with a few other methods that are currently in use in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, RMSE, and MAE. The findings demonstrated that segmenting customers based on their online evaluations can accurately predict their choices and assist hotel management in establishing priorities for service quality enhancements

    Casas partilhadas monetizadas: a experiência turística e seus efeitos na autenticidade percebida, no apego ao destino e na lealdade

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    The emergence of the shared peer-to-peer accommodation (SP2PA) has attracted the attention of practitioners and academics, given this new business model’s increasing popularity amongst travellers. It is therefore suggested that this type of accommodation can offer a differentiated, eventually more authentic, experience to its guests, introducing new values and meanings to the hospitality provided at destinations. To sustain this argument, it is important to enhance the understanding of guest experiences while staying in such a SP2PA, while also the impact of these new tourist behaviour patterns on destinations is worthwhile exploring. Taking into account the relevance of understanding the tourist experience associated with the SP2PA, this study aims to gain theoretical and empirical understanding of the SP2PA guest experience by proposing and testing a theoretical model that estimates the relationships between the dimensions of the tourist experience (the SP2PA guest experience) and the constructs of ‘destination attachment’, ‘perception of authenticity’, ‘destination attitudinal loyalty’ and ‘SP2PA attitudinal loyalty’. To achieve this goal, two complementary methodology stages were undertaken: (i) an ‘exploratory qualitative approach’ by conducting focus group discussions and passive netnography; and (ii) a ‘quantitative approach’ by applying a survey to a convenience sample of SP2PA guests. Statistical analysis of data used descriptive and inferential methods, with the Partial Least Squares (PLSSEM) as the main method for testing the hypotheses. A total of 409 valid responses were used to test the proposed conceptual model. Findings confirm the ‘aesthetic’, ‘escape’, ‘entertainment’, ‘educative’, ‘affective’, ‘social interaction’, and ‘sharing experience’ dimensions as appropriated dimensions to analyse the SP2PA guest experience. Amongst these dimensions, the ‘educative’, ‘social interaction’, ‘aesthetics’, ‘sharing’, and ‘affective’ are, in this order, the dimensions that most influence the SP2PA guest experience. Regarding the influence of the SP2PA guest experience on the tourist experience outcomes, this study demonstrates that this experience positively influences the ‘perception of destination authenticity’ and ‘destination attachment’ formation. In turn, destination attachment mediates the relationship between the ‘SP2PA guest experience’ and ‘destination loyalty’, while the SP2PA guest experience predicts the ‘SP2PA attitudinal loyalty’. Besides, the ‘perception of authenticity’ positively influences ‘destination attachment’ formation and ‘SP2PA attitudinal loyalty’. The results contribute to the tourist experience theory by providing an empirically-based insight into its dimensionality in the hospitality sharing economy context. This study also provides an analytical framework to understand the effects of the SP2PA guest experience on constructs such as the perception of authenticity, destination attachment and tourist loyalty. Furthermore, results may help design management strategies for both SP2PA platforms and SP2PA hosts to develop and implement an experience-oriented service strategy in order to achieve a memorable experience for SP2PA guests and create positive future behavioural intentions. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research complete the picture.O surgimento do alojamento partilhado pessoa para pessoa (SP2PA) tem vindo a atrair a atenção de profissionais e acadêmicos uma vez que esse novo modelo de negócio tem ganho crescente popularidade entre os viajantes. Sugere-se, portanto, que esse tipo de alojamento ofereça aos seus hóspedes uma experiência diferenciada, eventualmente mais autêntica, introduzindo novos valores e significados à hospitalidade proporcionada nos destinos. Para sustentar esse argumento, é importante melhorar a compreensão das experiências dos hóspedes durante a permanência em um SP2PA, ao mesmo tempo em que vale a pena explorar o impacto desses novos padrões de comportamento turístico nos destinos. Tendo em vista a relevância de compreender a experiência turística associada ao SP2PA, este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver uma compreensão teórica e empírica da experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA, propondo e testando um modelo teórico descritivo que estima as relações entre as dimensões da experiência turística (a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA) e os construtos de ‘apego de destino', 'percepção de autenticidade', 'lealdade atitudinal ao destino' e 'lealdade atitudinal ao SP2PA'. Para atingir esse objetivo, duas etapas metodológicas complementares foram realizadas: (i) uma "abordagem exploratória qualitativa", conduzindo as técnicas de grupos focais e netnografia passiva; e (ii) uma "abordagem quantitativa", administrando uma pesquisa a uma amostra conveniente de hóspedes do SP2PA. A análise estatística dos dados utilizou métodos descritivos e inferenciais, sendo o principal método para testar as hipóteses a modelagem de mínimos quadrados parciais - PLS-SEM. Assim, 409 questionários foram utilizados para testar o modelo conceitual proposto. Os resultados confirmam a "estética", "escape", "entretenimento", "educativa", "afetiva", "interação social" e "experiências de partilha" como dimensões apropriadas para analisar a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA. Entre essas dimensões, "educativa", "interação social", "estéticas", "partilha" e "afetivas" são, nessa ordem, as dimensões que mais influenciam a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA. Com relação à influência da experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA nos resultados analisados da experiência turística, este estudo demonstra que a experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA influencia positivamente a ‘perceção da autenticidade’ do destino" e a formação do ‘apego ao destino’. Por sua vez, o ‘apego ao destino’ media a relação entre a "experiência dos hóspedes do SP2PA’ e a "lealdade ao destino", enquanto a experiência dos hóspedes do SP2PA condiciona positivamente a “lealdade atitudinal ao SP2PA". Além disso, a "perceção da autenticidade" influencia positivamente a formação do "apego ao destino" e a "lealdade atitudinal ao SP2PA". Os resultados contribuem para a teoria da experiência turística, especificamente em contexto de alojamento turístico partilhado, monetizado, fornecendo uma visão baseada empiricamente em sua dimensionalidade no contexto da economia da partilha na hospitalidade. Este estudo também fornece uma estrutura analítica para a compreensão dos efeitos da experiência dos hóspedes no SP2PA em constructos como a perceção de autenticidade, o apego ao destino e a lealdade do turista. Além disso, poderá auxiliar o gerenciamento de plataformas SP2PA e aos anfitriões do SP2PA a desenvolver e implementar uma estratégia de serviço orientada à experiência, a fim de obter uma experiência memorável para os hóspedes no SP2PA e criar intenções comportamentais futuras positivas. Limitações do estudo e sugestões para futuras pesquisas completam o quadro.Programa Doutoral em Turism

    Likert tip veride bulanık mantık ve derin öğrenme entegrasyonu

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    Deep learning networks have many modern applications and demonstrate a high-performance level. As the applications of deep learning networks to real-world problems continues to spread, the reason why they are effective remains unknown. However, it is possible to make some judgments by examining the behaviour of the network in experiments. The main aim of this study is to analyse the performance of deep learning techniques in the form of a 5-point Likert-type scale by converting the artificial data sets into a fuzzy form using triangular or trapezium fuzzy numbers. To test the performance of the proposed model, which is the integration of deep learning and fuzzy logic techniques, the satisfaction estimation problem was chosen. Data sets consisting of fuzzy numbers which reach at least three or four times more parameters than normal data sets. Thus, it decreases the possibility of falling into the local optimum trap in optimization studies with big data. In the analysis conducted with deep learning, in accordance with the fuzzification examples in the literature, the defuzzification was carried out with separate results for peak, maximum, and minimum values. In contrast to the literature, the performances of the deep learning model were investigated by suggesting that fuzzy numbers produce a single result series.Derin öğrenme ağları birçok modern uygulamaya sahip olup yüksek performans seviyesi göstermektedir. Derin öğrenme ağlarının gerçek dünyadaki sorunlara uygulamaları yayılmaya devam ederken bunların neden etkili olduğu bilinmemektedir. Ancak deneylerde ağların davranışını inceleyerek bazı yargılarda bulunmak mümkündür. Bu çalışmanın amacı 5 noktalı Likert tipi ölçeğiyle üretilen yapay veri setlerinin üçgensel ya da yamuk bulanık sayılar kullanılarak bulanık forma dönüştürülmesi ve bu yolla verilerin çoğalması durumunda derin öğrenme tekniklerinin performansının analiz edilmesidir. Derin öğrenme ve bulanık mantık tekniklerinin entegrasyonu sonucunda önerilen modelin performansının test edilmesi için memnuniyet tahmin problemi seçilmiştir Bulanık sayılarla oluşturulan veri setleri ile normal veri setinden en az 3 ya da 4 kat daha fazla parametre sayısına ulaşılmaktadır. Böylece büyük veri ile optimizasyon çalışmalarında yerel optimuma tuzağına düşme olasılığı azalmaktadır. Derin öğrenme ile yapılan analizlerde, literatürdeki bulanıklaştırma örneklerine uygun olarak, tepe, maksimum ve minimum değerler için ayrı sonuçlarla durulaştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Literatürden farklı olarak bulanık sayıların tek sonuç dizisi üretmesi önerilerek derin öğrenme modelinin performansları araştırılmıştır

    Muslim tourists' perceived value, satisfaction, religiousity and behavioural intention in patronizing Muslim friendly hotels

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    The increasing number of Muslim travellers has led to an increase in the demand and supply of Islamic tourism in the hospitality industry. Because of this trend, hotels have started to provide innovative services, in particular, the Muslimfriendly services to specifically cater to the needs of Muslim travellers. While the services have gained popularity, only a few empirical studies have investigated the relationship between the perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions of Muslim tourists towards Muslim-friendly hotels. Perceived value has been acknowledged as an influential measure of customer satisfaction and behavioural intention. Researchers have proposed a measure of theoretical knowledge and provided empirical evidence on the concept of perceived value, but only a few have applied this concept from the Muslim tourists’ perspective. Thus, this study aims to fill this gap by empirically investigating the mediating effect of Muslim tourists’ satisfaction in the relationship between tourist perceived value and tourist behavioural intention in patronising Muslim-friendly hotels in Malaysia. In addition, this study also examines how Islamic Religiosity moderates the relationship between tourist satisfaction and behavioural intention. By drawing upon the Theory of Reasoned Action, a conceptual framework was developed. Data was collected via a questionnaire survey distributed to 384 Muslim tourists, who experienced the services provided by eight selected Muslim-friendly hotels in Malaysia. The data collected were then analysed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) via Smart PLS3 software. The findings of this study indicate that service quality, emotional, Islamic physical attributes, and Islamic nonphysical attributes are interrelated factors that collectively contribute to Muslim tourists’ satisfaction. Findings also confirm the role of satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between (i) service quality, (ii) emotional, (iii) Islamic physical attributes, (iv) Islamic nonphysical attributes and behavioural intention. Lastly, the results of this study reveal that Islamic religiosity does not moderate the relationship between customer satisfaction and behavioural intention. Hence, this study offers conclusive insights for various stakeholders, such as academicians, practitioners, and policymakers. This study also calls for the government and other related agencies to engage in various cautionary strategies. In sum, the availability of Islamic attributes, along with conventional dimensions (service quality and emotional attributes) could increase the satisfaction of Muslim tourists during their stay at Muslim-friendly hotels

    Influence of consumer values and sustainable business practices on brand loyalty within luxury hotels

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of PhilosophyDespite the recent recession, the economic growth of recent decades has created a group of so-called ‘Global-Elites’ (CeMoRe, 2010). Small in number, but high in net worth and influence they are influential in the creation of, and desire for consumption, often portrayed as luxury, privilege, prestige, and 'class'. The tourism industry has also benefited from growth, with demand predicted to double by the year 2020, reaching an estimated $14.95 billion (World Tourism & Travel Council, 2010). Much of this growth has been at the top end, as Keissling et. al. (2009) note an unprecedented rise in demand for the luxury hotel sector over the past decade. The global elite’s leisure consumption practices require considerable research attention, and yet research into luxury services, such as hotels and associated hospitality services, is greatly undeveloped. Atwal and Williams (2008) note the ability of consumption as a means for consumers to make statements about themselves, and nowhere is this more true than in the world of the Global-Elite, who seemingly having no desire to curb current travel activities (Elliott & Urry, 2009). This may be due to the uncertainty that is felt about future travel opportunities, with environmental decline of natural and heritage attractions paralleled by numerous threats to travel such as peak oil and political instability. However, in recent years, there has been increased interest in the study of ethical consumption in the tourism arena (e.g. Novelli, 2005; Sharpley, 2006; Lansing & Vries, 2006; Yeoman et. al., 2006). Although there appears to be incompatibility between the concepts of luxury and concerns around ethical consumption and sustainability, this research posits that while current transitions (around travel and tourism) continue towards further unsustainability (Cohen, 2010), ethical consumption may provide an avenue for social distinction and status differentiation in the world of the Global-Elites. In order to adequately understand the behavioural intentions of the Global-Elites, the synergy between consumer values, luxury dimensions and ethical consumption needs to be explored. This research examines the influence of consumer values, as a more universal measure of intent, in relation to ethical consumption in luxury hotels. This research argues that by reducing the uncertainty related to the degree to which consumers (Global-Elites) value ethical consumption, deeper insights into these apparently incompatible spaces and places for ethical consumption will be obtained. Furthermore, luxury hotels will be able to assess the suitability of marketing and communicating such strategies to their customers

    Tourism experience co-creation: a service-dominant logic-driven model.

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    336 p.For some time now, new marketing paradigms are trying to set aside traditional and product-focused views of management and marketing strategies. Technological challenges, volatile customer needs, and alternative marketing application subjects and fields have pushed the discipline of marketing towards more adapted and generalizable marketing perspectives, leaving behind the long-established four Ps of marketing (Product, Place, Promotion, Price) and similar. These new paradigms emphasize especially the active role of customers in value creation, the inherent service-for-service nature of exchanges, the relevance of multisided resources, the formation of both planned and unintentional institutionally handled networks, and the interest on `experiences'. Among the propositions found, value co-creation is one of the most appealing and recurring. However, the lack of specification has transformed co-creation into an overused interpretation, a jumble of many different ideas (e.g., co-production, interactions, citizenship behaviors), and a concept at risk of turning into an "all and nothing"-type useless expression. Therefore, we need first, a conceptual underlying support that would lead the definition and implications of co-creation, and second, a practical backing that would demonstrate its empirical and contextual convenience.The objective of this study is to provide an empirical and context-driven approach of value co-creation, based on the service-dominant logic (SDL). In the conceptual concern, we believe that though in a meta-theoretical level, SDL provides a well-founded baseline framework for value co-creation, supplying a complete narrative and a number of premises centered on a comprehensive view of value co-creation. In the empirical concern, we chose place marketing in general and tourism in particular to situate our co-creation framework. Specifically, the research is focused on the tourism experience co-creation, which is thought to match the investigation requirements due to the experiential character of vacations, the multiple actors involved along the whole travel-related process, the main position of tourists in value creation, and the need of a marketing cut off from the traditional and commercial views in the tourism field.The study carries out an extensive and systematic literature review about value co-creation, SDL and similar concepts in place marketing, including urban, hospitality and destination environments. The literature review is then used, together with the SDL assumptions, to build an extended conceptual model of tourism experience co-creation, including antecedents and outcomes, represented by tourist and destination resources, and by functional, emotional, and social value dimensions, respectively. Value co-creation is defined as service exchange and resource integration represented by a set of tourist-driven processes, including interactional, behavioral, attitudinal, and mental processes before, during, and after the travel experience. Results show that tourist's specific travel-related knowledge and skills facilitate value co-creation processes, especially those connected with self-arrangement behaviors. At the same time, tourist co-creation processes are found to affect predominantly the emotional and social value dimensions, even more than destination resources. On the contrary, the latter positively affect the functional value of the experience. Among the co-creation processes, interactional and behavioral processes influence the tourism experience value perceived by the consumer. Concretely, interaction with local people is found to be one of the most influential. Mental co-creation processes deserve especial attention. Memorability is found to significantly and positively affect value, as well as representing a moderator role between other co-creative processes and value. This means that recalling the lived experience helps increasing the tourist's perceived value. On the contrary, attitudinal processes related to customer citizenship behaviors do not present any relevance. Therefore, the study contributes mostly in four aspects. First, an exhaustive literature review of place marketing co-creation allows acknowledging the efforts made previously on the field, in terms of identifying the different co-creation approaches, and registering the scarce variables used to precisely measure value co-creation (proxies are prevailing). Second, a verified measurement tool of value co-creation set up on a conceptually-based definition and composed of nine variables contributes to unfold the black box of "service exchange and resource integration". Third, the proposition and testing of various study hypotheses build on an expertise co-creation processes value chain helps identifying the most relevant tourist co-creation processes that increase perceived value, thus assisting destination and hospitality managers. Fourth, the two-phase data collection methodology used in the empirical part of the study provides a more rigorous research method that encourages alternative information gathering processes

    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021

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    This open access book is the proceedings of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)’s 28th Annual International eTourism Conference, which assembles the latest research presented at the ENTER21@yourplace virtual conference January 19–22, 2021. This book advances the current knowledge base of information and communication technologies and tourism in the areas of social media and sharing economy, technology including AI-driven technologies, research related to destination management and innovations, COVID-19 repercussions, and others. Readers will find a wealth of state-of-the-art insights, ideas, and case studies on how information and communication technologies can be applied in travel and tourism as we encounter new opportunities and challenges in an unpredictable world

    Tourism experience co-creation: a service-dominant logic-driven model.

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    336 p.For some time now, new marketing paradigms are trying to set aside traditional and product-focused views of management and marketing strategies. Technological challenges, volatile customer needs, and alternative marketing application subjects and fields have pushed the discipline of marketing towards more adapted and generalizable marketing perspectives, leaving behind the long-established four Ps of marketing (Product, Place, Promotion, Price) and similar. These new paradigms emphasize especially the active role of customers in value creation, the inherent service-for-service nature of exchanges, the relevance of multisided resources, the formation of both planned and unintentional institutionally handled networks, and the interest on `experiences'. Among the propositions found, value co-creation is one of the most appealing and recurring. However, the lack of specification has transformed co-creation into an overused interpretation, a jumble of many different ideas (e.g., co-production, interactions, citizenship behaviors), and a concept at risk of turning into an "all and nothing"-type useless expression. Therefore, we need first, a conceptual underlying support that would lead the definition and implications of co-creation, and second, a practical backing that would demonstrate its empirical and contextual convenience.The objective of this study is to provide an empirical and context-driven approach of value co-creation, based on the service-dominant logic (SDL). In the conceptual concern, we believe that though in a meta-theoretical level, SDL provides a well-founded baseline framework for value co-creation, supplying a complete narrative and a number of premises centered on a comprehensive view of value co-creation. In the empirical concern, we chose place marketing in general and tourism in particular to situate our co-creation framework. Specifically, the research is focused on the tourism experience co-creation, which is thought to match the investigation requirements due to the experiential character of vacations, the multiple actors involved along the whole travel-related process, the main position of tourists in value creation, and the need of a marketing cut off from the traditional and commercial views in the tourism field.The study carries out an extensive and systematic literature review about value co-creation, SDL and similar concepts in place marketing, including urban, hospitality and destination environments. The literature review is then used, together with the SDL assumptions, to build an extended conceptual model of tourism experience co-creation, including antecedents and outcomes, represented by tourist and destination resources, and by functional, emotional, and social value dimensions, respectively. Value co-creation is defined as service exchange and resource integration represented by a set of tourist-driven processes, including interactional, behavioral, attitudinal, and mental processes before, during, and after the travel experience. Results show that tourist's specific travel-related knowledge and skills facilitate value co-creation processes, especially those connected with self-arrangement behaviors. At the same time, tourist co-creation processes are found to affect predominantly the emotional and social value dimensions, even more than destination resources. On the contrary, the latter positively affect the functional value of the experience. Among the co-creation processes, interactional and behavioral processes influence the tourism experience value perceived by the consumer. Concretely, interaction with local people is found to be one of the most influential. Mental co-creation processes deserve especial attention. Memorability is found to significantly and positively affect value, as well as representing a moderator role between other co-creative processes and value. This means that recalling the lived experience helps increasing the tourist's perceived value. On the contrary, attitudinal processes related to customer citizenship behaviors do not present any relevance. Therefore, the study contributes mostly in four aspects. First, an exhaustive literature review of place marketing co-creation allows acknowledging the efforts made previously on the field, in terms of identifying the different co-creation approaches, and registering the scarce variables used to precisely measure value co-creation (proxies are prevailing). Second, a verified measurement tool of value co-creation set up on a conceptually-based definition and composed of nine variables contributes to unfold the black box of "service exchange and resource integration". Third, the proposition and testing of various study hypotheses build on an expertise co-creation processes value chain helps identifying the most relevant tourist co-creation processes that increase perceived value, thus assisting destination and hospitality managers. Fourth, the two-phase data collection methodology used in the empirical part of the study provides a more rigorous research method that encourages alternative information gathering processes