6 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Perangkat Lunak Anti Cyberbullying Berbasis Agen Sebagai Solusi Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Dampak Negatif Penggunaan Teknologi Internet

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    Penelitian tentang pembangunan sistem anti cyberbullying ini dibuat untuk memberikan solusi terhadap munculnya fenomena cyberbullying. Teknologi dapat digunakan untuk membantu korban bullying dengan cara mencegah konten bullying diakses dalam perangkat teknologi yang digunakan oleh pengguna, dan juga dapat mencegah pengguna untuk sebagai pelaku bullying. Teknologi yang digunakan untuk fungsi-fungsi tersebut adalah teknologi agen, beserta fungsi reporting yang dapat digunakan untuk melaporkan aksi-aksi bullying yang terjadi pada media sosial. Kegiatan penelitian difokuskan pada kegiatan analisa dan perancangan sistem, serta implementasi perangkat lunak anti cyberbullying berbasis teknologi agen. Perangkat lunak yang dibangun diharapkan dapat membantu mencegah dan mengatasi kejadian cyberbullying. Ada 2 sistem yang akan dirancang, yang pertama aplikasi untuk dijalankan pada PC desktop, dan memiliki kemampuan melakukan filterisasi terhadap konten bullying dari media sosial dan web, kemudian dapat memblok konten tersebut. Sistem juga dilengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk reporting sehingga dapat mengirimkan report ke pihak yang berkepentingan. Untuk sistem yang kedua adalah berbentuk aplikasi mobile dengan basis sistem operasi Android. Hasil akhir dari perancangan aplikasi ini adalah adanya sistem yang membuat orangtua dapat mengawasi penggunaan Internet oleh anak terutama dalam upaya pencegahan terhadap tinadanya sistem yang membuat orangtua dapat mengawasi penggunaan Internet oleh anak terutama dalam upaya pencegahan terhadap tindakan cyberbullying melalui media sosial


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    Online communities are platforms enabling their users to interact over the web. In particular, they are popular among adolescents as a tool to discuss topics of mutual interest. However, offending commu-nication is a growing issue in these online environments. In its basic form, the process of sending mes-sages over electronic media to cause psychological damage to a victim is called online harassment. In a more severe form, cyberbullying is the process of sending offending messages several times to the same victim by the same offender. In this work, we propose an approach to detect cyberbullies and their victims. Identifying and aiding victims received only brief attention in existing work. We introduce a harassment graph to capture multiple message exchanges comprising cyberbullying cases. We show that our approach is able to precisely detect cyberbullies and their victims. Additionally, we propose metrics to measure the severity of online harassment and cyberbullying cases in terms of quantitative aspects. In particular, the metrics allow to identify victims of severe cyberbullying cases and might be used as an early indicator to provide fast and selective aid by administrators. We further propose use cases for our approach in online communities to tackle the problem of cyberbullying

    Tackling bullying with technology:a literature review of existing bullying prevention solutions

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    Abstract. Bullying is a serious problem that affects people all around the world, particularly children. The consequences of bullying are so severe that the issue cannot be set aside. There are multiple ways to tackle bullying, and in recent years technology has been brought up as a possible solution. There are different kinds of technological solutions that have different points-of-view to the issue and on how to solve it. The research method applied in this thesis was a literature review of the technological solutions that have been developed to battle bullying. The purpose of the study was to examine and describe the existing bullying prevention technologies and their distinctive features. Two databases were used to gain material for this study, and through very strict exclusion criteria and several analyses from over 2000 search results, 15 articles were included in this study. Bullying and cyberbullying as concepts are explained. The study results pointed out four groups of possible solutions to bullying: Serious Games, anti-bullying apps, bullying detecting algorithms, and solutions that combine more than one type of technology as well as one group for cyberbullying. These groups are presented with suitable examples and their identified distinctive characteristics

    Gestionnaire de vie privée : un cadre pour la protection de la vie privée dans les interactions entre apprenants

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    L’évolution continue des besoins d’apprentissage vers plus d’efficacité et plus de personnalisation a favorisé l’émergence de nouveaux outils et dimensions dont l’objectif est de rendre l’apprentissage accessible à tout le monde et adapté aux contextes technologiques et sociaux. Cette évolution a donné naissance à ce que l’on appelle l'apprentissage social en ligne mettant l'accent sur l’interaction entre les apprenants. La considération de l’interaction a apporté de nombreux avantages pour l’apprenant, à savoir établir des connexions, échanger des expériences personnelles et bénéficier d’une assistance lui permettant d’améliorer son apprentissage. Cependant, la quantité d'informations personnelles que les apprenants divulguent parfois lors de ces interactions, mène, à des conséquences souvent désastreuses en matière de vie privée comme la cyberintimidation, le vol d’identité, etc. Malgré les préoccupations soulevées, la vie privée en tant que droit individuel représente une situation idéale, difficilement reconnaissable dans le contexte social d’aujourd’hui. En effet, on est passé d'une conceptualisation de la vie privée comme étant un noyau des données sensibles à protéger des pénétrations extérieures à une nouvelle vision centrée sur la négociation de la divulgation de ces données. L’enjeu pour les environnements sociaux d’apprentissage consiste donc à garantir un niveau maximal d’interaction pour les apprenants tout en préservant leurs vies privées. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, la plupart des innovations dans ces environnements ont porté sur l'élaboration des techniques d’interaction, sans aucune considération pour la vie privée, un élément portant nécessaire afin de créer un environnement favorable à l’apprentissage. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un cadre de vie privée que nous avons appelé « gestionnaire de vie privée». Plus précisément, ce gestionnaire se charge de gérer la protection des données personnelles et de la vie privée de l’apprenant durant ses interactions avec ses co-apprenants. En s’appuyant sur l’idée que l’interaction permet d’accéder à l’aide en ligne, nous analysons l’interaction comme une activité cognitive impliquant des facteurs contextuels, d’autres apprenants, et des aspects socio-émotionnels. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est donc de revoir les processus d’entraide entre les apprenants en mettant en oeuvre des outils nécessaires pour trouver un compromis entre l’interaction et la protection de la vie privée. ii Ceci a été effectué selon trois niveaux : le premier étant de considérer des aspects contextuels et sociaux de l’interaction telle que la confiance entre les apprenants et les émotions qui ont initié le besoin d’interagir. Le deuxième niveau de protection consiste à estimer les risques de cette divulgation et faciliter la décision de protection de la vie privée. Le troisième niveau de protection consiste à détecter toute divulgation de données personnelles en utilisant des techniques d’apprentissage machine et d’analyse sémantique.The emergence of social tools and their integration in learning contexts has fostered interactions and collaboration among learners. The consideration of social interaction has several advantages for learners, mainly establishing new connections, sharing personal experiences and receiving assistance which may improve learning. However, the amount of personal information that learners disclose in these interactions, raise several privacy risks such as identity theft and cyberbullying which may lead to serious consequences. Despite the raised concerns, privacy as a human fundamental right is hardly recognized in today’s social context. Indeed, the conceptualization of privacy as a set of sensitive data to protect from external intrusions is no longer effective in the new social context where the risks come essentially from the self-disclosing behaviors of the learners themselves. With that in mind, the main challenge for social learning environments is to promote social interactions between learners while preserving their privacy. To the best of our knowledge, innovations in social learning environments have only focused on the integration of new social tools, without any consideration of privacy as a necessary factor to establish a favorable learning environment. In fact, integrating social interactions to maintain learners’ engagement and motivation is as necessary as preserving privacy in order to promote learning. Therefore, we propose, in this research, a privacy framework, that we called privacy manager, aiming to preserve the learners’ privacy during their interactions. Considering social interaction as a strategy to seek and request peers’ help in informal learning contexts, we analyze learners’ interaction as a cognitive activity involving contextual, social and emotional factors. Hence, our main goal is to consider all these factors in order to find a tradeoff between the advantages of interaction, mainly seeking peer feedback, and its disadvantages, particularly data disclosure and privacy risks. This was done on three levels: the first level is to help learners interact with appropriate peers, considering their learning competency and their trustworthiness. The second level of protection is to quantify potential disclosure risks and decide about data disclosure. The third level of protection is to analyze learners’ interactions in order to detect and discard any personal data disclosure using machine learning techniques and semantic analysis