2,769 research outputs found

    Solving the Klein-Gordon equation using Fourier spectral methods: A benchmark test for computer performance

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    The cubic Klein-Gordon equation is a simple but non-trivial partial differential equation whose numerical solution has the main building blocks required for the solution of many other partial differential equations. In this study, the library 2DECOMP&FFT is used in a Fourier spectral scheme to solve the Klein-Gordon equation and strong scaling of the code is examined on thirteen different machines for a problem size of 512^3. The results are useful in assessing likely performance of other parallel fast Fourier transform based programs for solving partial differential equations. The problem is chosen to be large enough to solve on a workstation, yet also of interest to solve quickly on a supercomputer, in particular for parametric studies. Unlike other high performance computing benchmarks, for this problem size, the time to solution will not be improved by simply building a bigger supercomputer.Comment: 10 page

    Evaluation of second-level inference in fMRI analysis

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    We investigate the impact of decisions in the second-level (i.e., over subjects) inferential process in functional magnetic resonance imaging on (1) the balance between false positives and false negatives and on (2) the data-analytical stability, both proxies for the reproducibility of results. Second-level analysis based on a mass univariate approach typically consists of 3 phases. First, one proceeds via a general linear model for a test image that consists of pooled information from different subjects. We evaluate models that take into account first-level (within-subjects) variability and models that do not take into account this variability. Second, one proceeds via inference based on parametrical assumptions or via permutation-based inference. Third, we evaluate 3 commonly used procedures to address the multiple testing problem: familywise error rate correction, False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction, and a two-step procedure with minimal cluster size. Based on a simulation study and real data we find that the two-step procedure with minimal cluster size results in most stable results, followed by the familywise error rate correction. The FDR results in most variable results, for both permutation-based inference and parametrical inference. Modeling the subject-specific variability yields a better balance between false positives and false negatives when using parametric inference

    How Not To Drown in Data:A Guide for Biomaterial Engineers

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    High-throughput assays that produce hundreds of measurements per sample are powerful tools for quantifying cell–material interactions. With advances in automation and miniaturization in material fabrication, hundreds of biomaterial samples can be rapidly produced, which can then be characterized using these assays. However, the resulting deluge of data can be overwhelming. To the rescue are computational methods that are well suited to these problems. Machine learning techniques provide a vast array of tools to make predictions about cell–material interactions and to find patterns in cellular responses. Computational simulations allow researchers to pose and test hypotheses and perform experiments in silico. This review describes approaches from these two domains that can be brought to bear on the problem of analyzing biomaterial screening data

    Power Saving Experiments for Large Scale Global Optimization

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    Green computing, an emerging field of research that seeks to reduce excess power consumption in high performance computing (HPC), is gaining popularity among researchers. Research in this field often relies on simulation or only uses a small cluster, typically 8 or 16 nodes, because of the lack of hardware support. In contrast, System G at Virginia Tech is a 2592 processor supercomputer equipped with power aware components suitable for large scale green computing research. DIRECT is a deterministic global optimization algorithm, implemented in the mathematical software package VTDIRECT95. This paper explores the potential energy savings for the parallel implementation of DIRECT, called pVTdirect, when used with a large scale computational biology application, parameter estimation for a budding yeast cell cycle model, on System G. Two power aware approaches for pVTdirect are developed and compared against the CPUSPEED power saving system tool. The results show that knowledge of the parallel workload of the underlying application is beneficial for power management

    Metascheduling of HPC Jobs in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets

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    High performance grid computing is a key enabler of large scale collaborative computational science. With the promise of exascale computing, high performance grid systems are expected to incur electricity bills that grow super-linearly over time. In order to achieve cost effectiveness in these systems, it is essential for the scheduling algorithms to exploit electricity price variations, both in space and time, that are prevalent in the dynamic electricity price markets. In this paper, we present a metascheduling algorithm to optimize the placement of jobs in a compute grid which consumes electricity from the day-ahead wholesale market. We formulate the scheduling problem as a Minimum Cost Maximum Flow problem and leverage queue waiting time and electricity price predictions to accurately estimate the cost of job execution at a system. Using trace based simulation with real and synthetic workload traces, and real electricity price data sets, we demonstrate our approach on two currently operational grids, XSEDE and NorduGrid. Our experimental setup collectively constitute more than 433K processors spread across 58 compute systems in 17 geographically distributed locations. Experiments show that our approach simultaneously optimizes the total electricity cost and the average response time of the grid, without being unfair to users of the local batch systems.Comment: Appears in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System

    Cloud computing resource scheduling and a survey of its evolutionary approaches

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    A disruptive technology fundamentally transforming the way that computing services are delivered, cloud computing offers information and communication technology users a new dimension of convenience of resources, as services via the Internet. Because cloud provides a finite pool of virtualized on-demand resources, optimally scheduling them has become an essential and rewarding topic, where a trend of using Evolutionary Computation (EC) algorithms is emerging rapidly. Through analyzing the cloud computing architecture, this survey first presents taxonomy at two levels of scheduling cloud resources. It then paints a landscape of the scheduling problem and solutions. According to the taxonomy, a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art approaches is presented systematically. Looking forward, challenges and potential future research directions are investigated and invited, including real-time scheduling, adaptive dynamic scheduling, large-scale scheduling, multiobjective scheduling, and distributed and parallel scheduling. At the dawn of Industry 4.0, cloud computing scheduling for cyber-physical integration with the presence of big data is also discussed. Research in this area is only in its infancy, but with the rapid fusion of information and data technology, more exciting and agenda-setting topics are likely to emerge on the horizon

    Random Neural Networks and Optimisation

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    In this thesis we introduce new models and learning algorithms for the Random Neural Network (RNN), and we develop RNN-based and other approaches for the solution of emergency management optimisation problems. With respect to RNN developments, two novel supervised learning algorithms are proposed. The first, is a gradient descent algorithm for an RNN extension model that we have introduced, the RNN with synchronised interactions (RNNSI), which was inspired from the synchronised firing activity observed in brain neural circuits. The second algorithm is based on modelling the signal-flow equations in RNN as a nonnegative least squares (NNLS) problem. NNLS is solved using a limited-memory quasi-Newton algorithm specifically designed for the RNN case. Regarding the investigation of emergency management optimisation problems, we examine combinatorial assignment problems that require fast, distributed and close to optimal solution, under information uncertainty. We consider three different problems with the above characteristics associated with the assignment of emergency units to incidents with injured civilians (AEUI), the assignment of assets to tasks under execution uncertainty (ATAU), and the deployment of a robotic network to establish communication with trapped civilians (DRNCTC). AEUI is solved by training an RNN tool with instances of the optimisation problem and then using the trained RNN for decision making; training is achieved using the developed learning algorithms. For the solution of ATAU problem, we introduce two different approaches. The first is based on mapping parameters of the optimisation problem to RNN parameters, and the second on solving a sequence of minimum cost flow problems on appropriately constructed networks with estimated arc costs. For the exact solution of DRNCTC problem, we develop a mixed-integer linear programming formulation, which is based on network flows. Finally, we design and implement distributed heuristic algorithms for the deployment of robots when the civilian locations are known or uncertain

    Parallel swarm intelligence strategies for large-scale clustering based on MapReduce with application to epigenetics of aging

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    Clustering is an important technique for data analysis and knowledge discovery. In the context of big data, it becomes a challenging issue due to the huge amount of data recently collected making conventional clustering algorithms inappropriate. The use of swarm intelligence algorithms has shown promising results when applied to data clustering of moderate size due to their decentralized and self-organized behavior. However, these algorithms exhibit limited capabilities when large data sets are involved. In this paper, we developed a decentralized distributed big data clustering solution using three swarm intelligence algorithms according to MapReduce framework. The developed framework allows cooperation between the three algorithms namely particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization and artificial bees colony to achieve largely scalable data partitioning through a migration strategy. This latter reaps advantage of the combined exploration and exploitation capabilities of these algorithms to foster diversity. The framework is tested using amazon elastic map-reduce service (EMR) deploying up to 192 computer nodes and 30 gigabytes of data. Parallel metrics such as speed-up, size-up and scale-up are used to measure the elasticity and scalability of the framework. Our results are compared with their counterparts big data clustering results and show a significant improvement in terms of time and convergence to good quality solution. The developed model has been applied to epigenetics data clustering according to methylation features in CpG islands, gene body, and gene promoter in order to study the epigenetics impact on aging. Experimental results reveal that DNA-methylation changes slightly and not aberrantly with aging corroborating previous studies