63 research outputs found

    Deteção de propagação de ameaças e exfiltração de dados em redes empresariais

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    Modern corporations face nowadays multiple threats within their networks. In an era where companies are tightly dependent on information, these threats can seriously compromise the safety and integrity of sensitive data. Unauthorized access and illicit programs comprise a way of penetrating the corporate networks, able to traversing and propagating to other terminals across the private network, in search of confidential data and business secrets. The efficiency of traditional security defenses are being questioned with the number of data breaches occurred nowadays, being essential the development of new active monitoring systems with artificial intelligence capable to achieve almost perfect detection in very short time frames. However, network monitoring and storage of network activity records are restricted and limited by legal laws and privacy strategies, like encryption, aiming to protect the confidentiality of private parties. This dissertation proposes methodologies to infer behavior patterns and disclose anomalies from network traffic analysis, detecting slight variations compared with the normal profile. Bounded by network OSI layers 1 to 4, raw data are modeled in features, representing network observations, and posteriorly, processed by machine learning algorithms to classify network activity. Assuming the inevitability of a network terminal to be compromised, this work comprises two scenarios: a self-spreading force that propagates over internal network and a data exfiltration charge which dispatch confidential info to the public network. Although features and modeling processes have been tested for these two cases, it is a generic operation that can be used in more complex scenarios as well as in different domains. The last chapter describes the proof of concept scenario and how data was generated, along with some evaluation metrics to perceive the model’s performance. The tests manifested promising results, ranging from 96% to 99% for the propagation case and 86% to 97% regarding data exfiltration.Nos dias de hoje, várias organizações enfrentam múltiplas ameaças no interior da sua rede. Numa época onde as empresas dependem cada vez mais da informação, estas ameaças podem compremeter seriamente a segurança e a integridade de dados confidenciais. O acesso não autorizado e o uso de programas ilícitos constituem uma forma de penetrar e ultrapassar as barreiras organizacionais, sendo capazes de propagarem-se para outros terminais presentes no interior da rede privada com o intuito de atingir dados confidenciais e segredos comerciais. A eficiência da segurança oferecida pelos sistemas de defesa tradicionais está a ser posta em causa devido ao elevado número de ataques de divulgação de dados sofridos pelas empresas. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de monitorização ativos usando inteligência artificial é crucial na medida de atingir uma deteção mais precisa em curtos períodos de tempo. No entanto, a monitorização e o armazenamento dos registos da atividade da rede são restritos e limitados por questões legais e estratégias de privacidade, como a cifra dos dados, visando proteger a confidencialidade das entidades. Esta dissertação propõe metodologias para inferir padrões de comportamento e revelar anomalias através da análise de tráfego que passa na rede, detetando pequenas variações em comparação com o perfil normal de atividade. Delimitado pelas camadas de rede OSI 1 a 4, os dados em bruto são modelados em features, representando observações de rede e, posteriormente, processados por algoritmos de machine learning para classificar a atividade de rede. Assumindo a inevitabilidade de um terminal ser comprometido, este trabalho compreende dois cenários: um ataque que se auto-propaga sobre a rede interna e uma tentativa de exfiltração de dados que envia informações para a rede pública. Embora os processos de criação de features e de modelação tenham sido testados para estes dois casos, é uma operação genérica que pode ser utilizada em cenários mais complexos, bem como em domínios diferentes. O último capítulo inclui uma prova de conceito e descreve o método de criação dos dados, com a utilização de algumas métricas de avaliação de forma a espelhar a performance do modelo. Os testes mostraram resultados promissores, variando entre 96% e 99% para o caso da propagação e entre 86% e 97% relativamente ao roubo de dados.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Malware Resistant Data Protection in Hyper-connected Networks: A survey

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    Data protection is the process of securing sensitive information from being corrupted, compromised, or lost. A hyperconnected network, on the other hand, is a computer networking trend in which communication occurs over a network. However, what about malware. Malware is malicious software meant to penetrate private data, threaten a computer system, or gain unauthorised network access without the users consent. Due to the increasing applications of computers and dependency on electronically saved private data, malware attacks on sensitive information have become a dangerous issue for individuals and organizations across the world. Hence, malware defense is critical for keeping our computer systems and data protected. Many recent survey articles have focused on either malware detection systems or single attacking strategies variously. To the best of our knowledge, no survey paper demonstrates malware attack patterns and defense strategies combinedly. Through this survey, this paper aims to address this issue by merging diverse malicious attack patterns and machine learning (ML) based detection models for modern and sophisticated malware. In doing so, we focus on the taxonomy of malware attack patterns based on four fundamental dimensions the primary goal of the attack, method of attack, targeted exposure and execution process, and types of malware that perform each attack. Detailed information on malware analysis approaches is also investigated. In addition, existing malware detection techniques employing feature extraction and ML algorithms are discussed extensively. Finally, it discusses research difficulties and unsolved problems, including future research directions.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables, no where submitted ye

    Unsupervised Intrusion Detection with Cross-Domain Artificial Intelligence Methods

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    Cybercrime is a major concern for corporations, business owners, governments and citizens, and it continues to grow in spite of increasing investments in security and fraud prevention. The main challenges in this research field are: being able to detect unknown attacks, and reducing the false positive ratio. The aim of this research work was to target both problems by leveraging four artificial intelligence techniques. The first technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on skip-gram modeling. It was designed, developed and tested against a public dataset with popular intrusion patterns. A high accuracy and a low false positive rate were achieved without prior knowledge of attack patterns. The second technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on topic modeling. It was applied to three related domains (network attacks, payments fraud, IoT malware traffic). A high accuracy was achieved in the three scenarios, even though the malicious activity significantly differs from one domain to the other. The third technique is a novel unsupervised learning method based on deep autoencoders, with feature selection performed by a supervised method, random forest. Obtained results showed that this technique can outperform other similar techniques. The fourth technique is based on an MLP neural network, and is applied to alert reduction in fraud prevention. This method automates manual reviews previously done by human experts, without significantly impacting accuracy

    Exploiting tactics, techniques, and procedures for malware detection

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    There has been a meteoric rise in the use of malware to perpetrate cybercrime and more generally, serve the interests of malicious actors. As a result, malware has evolved both in terms of its sheer variety and sophistication. There is hence a need for developing effective malware detection systems to counter this surge. Typically, most such systems nowadays are purely data-driven - they utilise Machine Learning (ML) based approaches which rely on large volumes of data, to spot patterns, detect anomalies, and thus detect malware. In this thesis, we propose a methodology for malware detection on networks that combines human domain knowledge with conventional malware detection approaches to more effectively identify, reason about, and be resilient to malware. Specifically, we use domain knowledge in the form of the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) described in the MITRE ATT\&CK ontology of adversarial behaviour to build Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS). Through the course of our research, we design and evaluate the first such NIDS that can effectively exploit TTPs for the purpose of malware detection. We then attempt to expand the scope of usability of these TTPs to systems other than our specialised NIDS, and develop a methodology that lets any generic ML-based NIDS exploit these TTPs as model features. We further expand and generalise our approach by modelling it as a multi-label classification problem, which enables us to: (i) detect malware more precisely on the basis of individual TTPs, and (ii) identify the malicious usage of uncommon or rarely-used TTPs. Throughout all our experiments, we rigorously evaluate all our systems on several metrics using large datasets of real-world malware and benign samples. We empirically demonstrate the usefulness of TTPs in the malware detection process, the benefits of a TTP-based approach in reasoning about malware and responding to various challenging conditions, and the overall robustness of our systems to adversarial attack. As a consequence, we establish and improve the state-of-the-art when it comes to detecting network-based malware using TTP-based information. This thesis overall represents a step forward in building automated systems that combine purely-data driven approaches with human expertise in the field of malware analysis