30 research outputs found

    Amplifying the Music Listening Experience through Song Comments on Music Streaming Platforms

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    Music streaming services are increasingly popular among younger generations who seek social experiences through personal expression and sharing of subjective feelings in comments. However, such emotional aspects are often ignored by current platforms, which affects the listeners' ability to find music that triggers specific personal feelings. To address this gap, this study proposes a novel approach that leverages deep learning methods to capture contextual keywords, sentiments, and induced mechanisms from song comments. The study augments a current music app with two features, including the presentation of tags that best represent song comments and a novel map metaphor that reorganizes song comments based on chronological order, content, and sentiment. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated through a usage scenario and a user study that demonstrate its capability to improve the user experience of exploring songs and browsing comments of interest. This study contributes to the advancement of music streaming services by providing a more personalized and emotionally rich music experience for younger generations.Comment: In the Proceedings of ChinaVis 202

    Una propuesta de unidad para el desarrollo de la motivación y la autonomía a través de la enseñanza online asíncrona

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    Este trabajo presenta una unidad online que ha sido diseñada para ser asíncrona y mayormente autónoma. Esta propuesta intenta abordar una brecha en la enseñanza online percibida en un cuestionario y durante las prácticas del Máster. Esa brecha es una falta de motivación en los estudiantes a la hora de enfrentarse a un aprendizaje online. Hay varias razones detrás de esto: permitir que los estudiantes tomen el control de su propio aprendizaje de un segundo idioma, por lo tanto, se incrementará su motivación e interés en el tema; darles la oportunidad para elegir cuándo quieren hacer las actividades (cuándo están preparados para aprender); y enseñarles que una unidad online puede ser tan buena como una unidad presencial en el aula. El tema para la unidad es redes sociales porque los adolescentes están en contacto con las distintas plataformas online existentes diariamente, así que es otra manera de incrementar su interés en esta unidad. This dissertation presents an online unit that has been designed to be asynchronous as well as mostly autonomous. This proposal means to tackle a gap on online teaching perceived through a questionnaire and during the Practicum I and II. The perceived gap was a lack of motivation on students when it came to online learning. There are several reasons behind this: letting the students take control of their own process of learning and acquiring a second language thus boosting their motivation and their interest in the topic; giving them the option to choose when they want to learn (when they feel ready to learn); and showing them that an online unit can be as good as a unit taught in class. The topic for the unit is social media because teenagers are in contact with different platforms of social media every day so it is another way of increasing their interest in this unit.<br /

    L2 acquisition and digital media world: the importance of modern media tools in ELT

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    The fast development of digital media technology and tools, we are presently witnessing, opens horizons to a more effective and efficient language teaching and learning. Research has shown that the integration of digital technology and tools can positively impact the educational process of English teaching and learning. In light of this, the aim of the present study is to analyse the digital media tools that are available locally and internationally, as well as determine their importance for ELT and L2 acquisition. The current study asks the following questions: How can media tools contribute to a more efficient ELT? Which tools could be used to facilitate second language learning in class? Do media tools facilitate the acquisition of the four main language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening? Are English language teachers open-minded about new innovations and are they willing to change their daily routine to adapt to the new changes? The primary methodology is based on data from studies done in Turkey, Scotland, China, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. The present study revealed that the majority of the countries and educational systems are in favour of using digital tools as a complement to ELT as it helps to improve student engagement and motivation. On this basis, the importance of digital tools in ELT and L2 acquisition leads to a set of recommended apps and websites that could be easily used by teachers and students inside and outside the classroom.O rápido desenvolvimento da tecnologia e ferramentas digitais, que estamos a testemunhar atualmente, abre horizontes a um ensino e aprendizagem de linguagem mais eficazes e eficientes. A investigação demonstrou que a integração da tecnologia digital e das ferramentas pode ter um impacto positivo no processo educativo do ensino e aprendizagem do Inglês. Neste caso, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar as ferramentas digitais de media disponíveis local e internacionalmente, bem como determinar a sua importância para a aquisição de uma segunda língua e do ensino do Inglês. O estudo atual coloca as seguintes questões: Como podem as ferramentas digitais contribuir para um ensino do Inglês mais eficiente? Que ferramentas poderiam ser usadas para facilitar a aprendizagem de uma segunda língua nas aulas? As ferramentas digitais facilitam a aquisição das quatro principais competências linguísticas: ler, escrever, falar e ouvir? Os professores de língua inglesa estão abertos a novas inovações e estão dispostos a mudar a sua rotina diária para se adaptarem às novas mudanças? A metodologia primária baseia-se em estudos secundários e dados da Turquia, Escócia, China, Indonésia e Arábia Saudita. O estudo revelou que a maioria dos países e sistemas educativos são a favor da utilização de ferramentas digitais como complemento ao ensino do Inglês, uma vez que ajuda a melhorar o envolvimento e motivação dos estudantes. Nesta base, a importância das ferramentas digitais no ensino e na aquisição da segunda língua estrangeira leva a um conjunto de aplicações e websites recomendados, que poderiam ser facilmente utilizados pelos professores e alunos dentro e fora da sala de aula.Швидкий розвиток цифрових медійних технологій та інструментів, який ми зараз спостерігаємо, відкриває горизонти для більш ціленаправленого та ефективного викладання та вивчення мови. Дослідження показали, що інтеграція цифрових інструментів може позитивно вплинути на навчальний процес викладання і вивчення англійської мови. У світлі цього, метою цього дослідження є аналіз цифрових медійних інструментів, які доступні на місцевому та міжнародному рівні, а також визначення їх важливості для викладання і вивчення англійської як другої іноземної мови. Нинішнє дослідження ставить такі питання: Як медійні інструменти можуть сприяти більш ефективному викладанню англійської мови? Які цифрові інструменти можуть бути використані для полегшення вивчення другої іноземної мови в класі? Чи сприяють медійні інструменти придбанню чотирьох основних мовних навичок: читання, письма, розмови та аудіювання? Чи відкриті вчителі англійської мови до нових інновацій і чи готові вони змінити свій повсякденний спосіб мислення, щоб адаптуватися до нових змін? Основна методологія базується на вторинних дослідженнях і даних з Туреччини, Шотландії, Китаю, Індонезії та Саудівської Аравії. Дослідження показало, що більшість країн і освітніх систем виступають за використання цифрових інструментів як доповнення до викладання англійської як іноземної мови, оскільки це допомагає поліпшити інтерес і мотивацію студентів. Виходячи з цього, важливість цифрових інструментів у викладанні і вивченні англійської як другої іноземної мови підтверджується за допомогою рекомендованих додатків та вебсайтів, які можуть бути легко використані вчителями та учнями під час і поза уроком

    Entertainment-Education in the New Media Landscape: Stimulating Creative Engagement in Online Communities for Social and Behavioral Change

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    The Entertainment-Education (EE) strategy uses dramatic serials on radio or TV to motivate audiences to engage in behavioral changes to designed to improve safety, health and equality. This dissertation explores how the EE strategy can be extended to the Internet

    Automatic text filtering using limited supervision learning for epidemic intelligence

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    Charting the Constellation of Science Reform

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    Over the past decade, a sense of urgency has been building in the scientific community. They have discovered that much of the literature body is unreliable and possibly invalid thanks to weak theory, flawed methods, and shoddy statistics. This is driven by a widespread competitive, secretive approach to research, which, in turn, is fueled by toxic academic incentive structures. Many in the community have decided to address these issues, coming together in what has become known as the ‘scientific reform movement’. While these ‘reformers’ are often spoken of a single, homogeneous entity, my findings underscore the heterogeneity of the reform community. In my dissertation, I explore the scientific reform group using ethnography and social network analysis tools. I primarily studied their online Twitter engagements to understand their culture, practices, and structure. With Wenger’s Community of Practice theory as an interpretive framework, I analyze scientific reform discourse playing out between reformers on Twitter. Using quantitative Twitter friend/follow data, I investigate which reform members engage online, using following behavior to understand aspects of their social structure. I link the quantitative exploration with my qualitative analysis, to conclude that while the reformers are united by their interest in improving science, they are better characterized as a constellation of small communities of practice, each with their own norms, priorities, and unique approach to the group enterprise of scientific reform. My investigation is an exercise in reflexivity as I have studied a community in which I am an active part

    Interactive Visual Text Analytics

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    Human-in-the-Loop machine learning leverages both human and machine intelligence to build a smarter model. Even with the advances in machine learning techniques, results generated by automated models can be of poor quality or do not always match users' judgment or context. To this end, keeping human in the loop via right interfaces to steer the underlying model can be highly beneficial. Prior research in machine learning and visual analytics has focused on either improving model performances or developing interactive interfaces without carefully considering the other side. In this dissertation, we design and develop interactive systems that tightly integrate algorithms, visualizations, and user interactions, focusing on improving interactivity, scalability, and interpretability of the underlying models. Specifically, we present three visual analytics systems to explore and interact with large-scale text data. First, we present interactive hierarchical topic modeling for multi-scale analysis of large-scale documents. Second, we introduce interactive search space reduction to discover relevant subset of documents with high recall for focused analyses. Lastly, we propose interactive exploration and debiasing of word embeddings.Ph.D

    Visualization Resources: A Survey

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    Visualization, a vibrant field for researchers, practitioners, and higher educational institutions, is growing and evolving very rapidly. Tremendous progress has been made since 1987, the year often cited as the beginning of data visualization as a distinct field. As such, the number of visualization resources and the demand for those resources is increasing at a rapid pace. After a decades-equivalent long search process, we present a survey of open visualization resources for all those with an interest in interactive data visualization and visual analytics. Because the number of resources is so large, we focus on collections of resources, of which there are already many ranging from literature collections to collections of practitioner resources. Based on this, we develop a classification of visualization resource collections with a focus on the resource type, e.g. literature-based, web-based, developer focused and special topics. The result is an overview and details-on-demand of many useful resources. The collection offers a valuable jump-start for those seeking out data visualization resources from all backgrounds spanning from beginners such as students to teachers, practitioners, developers, and researchers wishing to create their own advanced or novel visual designs. This paper is a response to students and others who frequently ask for visualization resources available to them

    Exploring Leadership Communication Strategies for Supporting Telework Employee Services Productivity and Job Satisfaction

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    The practice problem centered on the need for organizations to implement effective leadership communication strategies that can support teleworking employees\u27 job satisfaction and service productivity. In this qualitative case study, the significance of effective communication strategies between a behavioral health leader (BHL) and her employees in a telework setting was explored. The aim was to enhance service productivity and employee satisfaction in a behavioral health organization located in the southeastern region of the United States. The Baldridge Framework was used to assess and improve organizational performance, including leadership communication strategies. Data were gathered through multiple interviews with BHLs for 9 months and archival data. Findings indicated that effective communication, leadership, barriers, social isolation, time management, discipline, supportive workplace, and balance can support teleworking employees\u27 job satisfaction and service productivity. The results can inform leaders and organizations on effective communication with remote employees and the strengths and limitations of different strategies. Recommendations should be developed and implemented strategically over 6 months to 1 year. This study contributes to positive social change by establishing organizational structures, quality improvement objectives, and effective communication practices to enhance service productivity and employee satisfaction in telework settings while promoting compliance expectations