58 research outputs found

    Public Twitter data and transport network status

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by IEEE in 2020 10th International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST) on 22/09/2022, available online: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9202204 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Twitter data can be collected and analysed to be used for predicting the status of a transport network at a given time and geographic location (e.g. forecasting disruptions, congestions, or road closures). However, this requires geolocating the tweets to define the parts of the transport network which may be related to these tweets. This paper investigates the relationship between the actual transport network status, with that being synthesised using public Twitter data in the Greater Manchester conurbation. Therefore, it answers the following question: are the sentiments of tweets around the incidents and accidents areas (or bounding boxes) different from the sentiments of tweets in the seamless traffic areas?. According to the used research methodology, analysis techniques, and sentiment detection APIs, it has been concluded that there is no significant difference between the sentiments in the tweets regardless the prevailing traffic conditions of the locations the tweets refer to.Published versio

    Iran und die Neuen Medien - Herausforderungen fĂĽr den Auslandsrundfunk

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    Social Media

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    Anlässlich der 10. Wissenschaftlichen Tagung „Soziale Medien“ am 27. und 28. Juni 2013 im Statistischen Bundesamt in Wiesbaden und in Fortsetzung des 2010 erschienenen Recherche Spezial Web 2.0 – Alle machen mit! werden in dieser Ausgabe in sechs Kapiteln Nachweise zu Veröffentlichungen und Forschungsprojekte der letzten drei Jahre zusammengestellt, die sich mit der Rolle von Social Media in verschiedenen Nutzungskontexten befassen. Social-Media-Dienste sind mittlerweile fester Bestandteil der Online-Welt. Das Prinzip des Austauschs von nutzergenerierten Inhalten, das Mitte der 2000er Jahre unter dem Namen Web 2.0 als neue Errungenschaft gefeiert wurde, hat sich längst im Alltag etabliert: Nutzer kommunizieren über Soziale Netzwerke mit Freunden oder Geschäftspartnern, veröffentlichen ihre Fotos und Videos, teilen Links zu interessanten Neuigkeiten oder berichten gar selbst live von aktuellen Ereignissen, schreiben Berichte in eigenen Blogs oder spezialisierte Lexikonartikel bei Wikipedia. Hinzu kommt die passive Nutzung: denn auch für diejenigen, die selbst wenig oder keine eigenen Inhalte veröffentlichen, dienen Social Media mitunter als Ersatz für Fernsehen, Nachrichten oder Lexikon. Unter dem Sammelbegriff Social Media werden eine Vielzahl ganz unterschiedlicher Web-Angebote verstanden, zu denen vor allem Soziale Netzwerke gehören, aber auch andere Community-Portale, die von den Beiträgen ihrer Nutzer leben. So zählen zu Social Media auch einige Dienste, die weniger bekannt sind (etwa Pinterest, OpenStreetMap, Foursquare oder Academia.edu). Öffentlich wahrgenommen werden jedoch vor allem die Social-Media-Giganten wie Facebook, YouTube, Wikepedia, Twitter und LinkedIn. Sie alle finden sich in den Alexa-Ranglisten unter den Top 15 der weltweit meistbesuchten Webseiten. Facebook liegt in diesem Ranking zurzeit auf Platz 1, vor der Suchmaschine Google und YouTube. Der wachsende Erfolg dieser Angebote ist auch mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Smartphones verknüpft, mit denen Nutzer (über Apps) mobil auf die Angebote zugreifen können. Welche Rolle Social Media für den Alltag ihrer Nutzer spielen, wird inzwischen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven erforscht. Dabei hat sich die öffentliche wie auch die wissenschaftliche Wahrnehmung weiterentwickelt: wurde Social Media anfangs oft als belangloses Freizeitvergnügen abgetan, so befasst man sich inzwischen immer intensiver und differenzierter mit Hintergründen und Ausprägungen der Nutzung. Neben eher allgemeinen Nutzerstudien rückt auch die Rolle von Social Media während besonderer Ereignisse und spezieller Kontexte verstärkt in den Blickpunkt. Hierzu zählen vor allem politische Ereignisse; speziell die Nutzung von Social Media im Wahlkampf nimmt weiter zu und wird entsprechend für verschiedene nationale und internationale Wahlen intensiv untersucht. Politische Partizipation durch Social Media ist aber durchaus auch unabhängig von Wahlterminen zu beobachten. Und auch während unvorhergesehener Großereignisse und Krisen spielen mittlerweile Informationen, die von Nutzern über Social Media geteilt werden, eine entscheidende Rolle

    Handa sa laban araw-araw? (Ready to fight every day?) : Readiness to Political Action and Sense of Entitlement: How strong is Citizenship in the Philippines? With a Special Focus on International Call Center Agents

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    The aim of this dissertation is to identity the sense of citizenship prevalent in the Philippines. Citizenship here is defined in two respects: an active dimension (exercis-ing voice) and a passive dimension (claiming rights or sense of entitlement). Findings from a series of problem-centered interviews with call center agents are complemented by the outcome of several annual surveys by the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), especially the ISSP surveys on government (2006), social inequality (2009) and citizenship (2004) and validated by the analysis of media col-umns and societal artefacts over the last 10 years. While the first part of the dissertation analyzes why trade unions and other forms of collective interest representation hardly develop in the call center setting (economic citizenship), the second part identifies readiness to political action and expectations towards the state (political citizenship) in the context of an “informal security re-gime” (Geoff Wood). The main part of the study is followed by a postscript offering an outlook on opportunities and limitations of citizenship in the Philippine social and cultural context. The work contains several theoretical discussions of basic concepts and issues arising when sense of citizenship, especially in a non-European context, is analyzed. These include critiques on the theory of citizenship and on precarity, the middle class(es), citizenship in a non-western context, spaces of the political and post-national citizen-ship. In sum, a sense of citizenship is identified as full of requirements so that the stand-by citizen is rather considered the norm. The work comes to the conclusion that there is no general lack of a sense of citizen-ship among Filipinos. However as they have never experienced a comprehensive public service and consider such “unrealistic,” their expectations as citizens are in practice low. The state is considered as enabler, not as provider, so that self-help is given priority. Such rather communitarian sense of citizenship is identified as con-niving with a neoliberal governementality of responsibilization. Only among those with a left political socialization can a sense of citizenship, as assumed in most schol-arly literature, be identified, with substantial expectations towards the state, demand of accountability and an identity as political subject (professional citizenship)

    Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010 : Göttingen, 23. - 25. Februar 2010 ; Kurzfassungen der Beiträge

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    Dieser Band enthält Kurzfassungen der Beiträge zur MKWI 2010. Die Vollversionen der Beiträge sind auf dem wissenschaftlichen Publikationenserver (GoeScholar) der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und über die Webseite des Universitätsverlags unter http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/univerlag/2010/mkwi/ online verfügbar und in die Literaturnachweissysteme eingebunden

    Rethinking Curating in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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    How Climate Change discourse manifests under a right-wing populist narrative framework, based on discourse analysis of the Swiss weekly magazine "Die Weltwoche"

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    This thesis seeks to analyze the Climate Change discourse as portrayed when based on a right-wing populist narrative framework. Using discourse analysis relevant topics and rhetoric tools are identified to gain an in-depth understanding of the premises underlying the CC narrative. Given the international, national, and sub-national diversity encountered in different modes of right-wing populism, this thesis chose to focus on its Swiss iteration. The primary reason for this choice has been the observation of a research gap in the discussion of right-wing populism in Europe, which only rarely integrates Switzerland into the discussion. The Schweizer Volkspartei (SVP) and the Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche have been used to exemplify the state of Right-Wing-Populist dialogue on climate change-related issues in Switzerland. The thesis is introduced through coverage of fundamental concepts such as the nature of Climate Change discourse, as well as addressing the specific case for democratic regimes, by going over inherent flaws that heighten the effectiveness of right-wing populist tendencies. Consequently, Discourse Analysis is introduced and its role as a methodological tool is explained with specific regard to right-wing populist rhetoric. A comprehensive analysis of the theoretical background and essential literature on populism in general and right-wing populism in specific is given and connected to the state of right-wing populism across Europe. Due to the comparatively less documented Swissright-wing populism and its nigh unprecedented and long-lasting dominance in political and public discourse, the thesis is dedicated to laying a fundament upon which understanding can be built, by offering relevant insights into the history and role of the SVP as a major player in Switzerland political landscape. Consequently, a justification is given for using Die Weltwoche as the primary source for the discourse analysis due to its abundance of material and more distinct and clear language used. The methodology is further elaborated upon by going over the coding utilized to generate knowledge as well as highlighting the most essential topics and rhetorical tools used to create and maintain Die Weltwoche’s Climate Change narrative. The results section is dedicated to uncovering the argumentative logic utilized to make statements relating to Climate Change as well as connecting them to the most dominant discursive domains; the State (politics and governance), the Informants (academia and media), the Objectives (economy, energy and migration), and the Adversary culture (the left/woke/green/progressive). The constructed narrative is summarized and graphically displayed once all parameters have been established and an educated overview of Die Weltwoche’s Climate Change narrative is made possible. The Thesis concludes with a final summarization of the Climate Change narrative, responses to the research questions, and an acknowledgment of mistakes made and the potential for future research discovered

    Seeing History - The Augmented Archive

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    SEEING HISTORY - THE AUGMENTED ARCHIVE erforscht – in Theorie und Praxis – die Medialitäten des Archivs in Zeiten des Übergangs vom Speichermedium hin zum Modus des Übertragens. Am Beispiel Ägyptens seit den politischen Umwälzungen 2011 wird ein neues Archivsystem entwickelt, das mit Hilfe von Augmented Reality Technologie - d.h. der virtuellen Erweiterung des Realraums von mobiler Videotechnik durch Metainformationen - das umfassendste bestehende Videoarchiv zur ägyptischen Revolution im Stadtraum Kairos per GPS-Kodierung zur Verfügung stellt

    Towards a Peaceful Development of Cyberspace - Challenges and Technical Measures for the De-escalation of State-led Cyberconflicts and Arms Control of Cyberweapons

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    Cyberspace, already a few decades old, has become a matter of course for most of us, part of our everyday life. At the same time, this space and the global infrastructure behind it are essential for our civilizations, the economy and administration, and thus an essential expression and lifeline of a globalized world. However, these developments also create vulnerabilities and thus, cyberspace is increasingly developing into an intelligence and military operational area – for the defense and security of states but also as a component of offensive military planning, visible in the creation of military cyber-departments and the integration of cyberspace into states' security and defense strategies. In order to contain and regulate the conflict and escalation potential of technology used by military forces, over the last decades, a complex tool set of transparency, de-escalation and arms control measures has been developed and proof-tested. Unfortunately, many of these established measures do not work for cyberspace due to its specific technical characteristics. Even more, the concept of what constitutes a weapon – an essential requirement for regulation – starts to blur for this domain. Against this background, this thesis aims to answer how measures for the de-escalation of state-led conflicts in cyberspace and arms control of cyberweapons can be developed. In order to answer this question, the dissertation takes a specifically technical perspective on these problems and the underlying political challenges of state behavior and international humanitarian law in cyberspace to identify starting points for technical measures of transparency, arms control and verification. Based on this approach of adopting already existing technical measures from other fields of computer science, the thesis will provide proof of concepts approaches for some mentioned challenges like a classification system for cyberweapons that is based on technical measurable features, an approach for the mutual reduction of vulnerability stockpiles and an approach to plausibly assure the non-involvement in a cyberconflict as a measure for de-escalation. All these initial approaches and the questions of how and by which measures arms control and conflict reduction can work for cyberspace are still quite new and subject to not too many debates. Indeed, the approach of deliberately self-restricting the capabilities of technology in order to serve a bigger goal, like the reduction of its destructive usage, is yet not very common for the engineering thinking of computer science. Therefore, this dissertation also aims to provide some impulses regarding the responsibility and creative options of computer science with a view to the peaceful development and use of cyberspace

    How german right-wing parties make use of mainstream press on Facebook:: a framing analysis

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    The present study will explore how the German right-wing parties assemble ideology based frames out of the mainstream media coverage that they re-post on Facebook
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