21 research outputs found

    Mechanising Euler's use of infinitesimals in the proof of the Basel problem

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    In 1736 Euler published a proof of an astounding relation between π and the reciprocals of the squares. π²/6 = 1+ 1/4+ 1/9 + 1/25 … Until this point, π had not been part of any mathematical relation outside of geometry. This relation would have had an almost supernatural significance to the mathematicians of the time. But even more amazing is Euler's proof. He factorises a transcendental function as if it were a polynomial of infinite degree. He discards infinitely-many infinitely-small numbers. He substitutes 1 for the ratio of two distinct infinite numbers. Nowadays Euler's proof is held up as an example of both genius intuition and flagrantly unrigorous method. In this thesis we describe how, with the aid of nonstandard analysis, which gives a consistent formal theory of infinitely-small and large numbers, and the proof assistant Isabelle, we construct a partial formal proof of the Basel problem which follows the method of Euler's proof from his 'Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum'. We use our proof to demonstrate that Euler was systematic in his use of infinitely-large and infinitely-small numbers and did not make unjustified leaps of intuition. The concept of 'hidden lemmas' was developed by McKinzie and Tuckey based on Lakatos and Laugwitz to represent general principles which Euler's proof followed. We develop a theory of infinite 'hyperpolynomials' in Isabelle in order to formalise these hidden lemmas and we find that formal reconstruction of his proof using hidden lemmas is an effective way to discover the nuances in Euler's reasoning and demystify the controversial points. In conclusion, we find that Euler's reasoning was consistent and insightful, and yet has some distinct methodology to modern deductive proof

    A formalisation of the theory of context-free languages in higher order logic

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    We present a formalisation of the theory of context-free languages using the HOL4 theorem prover. The formalisation of this theory is not only interesting in its own right, but also gives insight into the kind of manipulations required to port a pen-and-paper proof to a theorem prover. The mechanisation proves to be an ideal case study of how intuitive textbook proofs can blow up in size and complexity, and how details from the textbook can change during formalisation. The mechanised theory provides the groundwork for our subsequent results about SLR parser generation. The theorems, even though well-established in the field, are interesting for the way they have to be “reproven” in a theorem prover. Proofs must be recast to be concrete enough for the prover: patching deductive gaps which are relatively easily grasped in a text proof, but beyond the automatic capabilities of contemporary tools. The library of proofs, techniques and notations developed here provides a basis from which further work on verified language theory can proceed at a quickened pace. We have mechanised classical results involving context-free grammars and pushdown automata. These include but are not limited to the equivalence between those two formalisms, the normalisation of CFGs, and the pumping lemma for proving a language is not context-free. As an application of this theory, we describe the verification of SLR parsing. Among the various properties proven about the parser we show, in particular, soundness: if the parser results in a parse tree on a given input, then the parse tree is valid with respect to the grammar, and the leaves of the parse tree match the input; and completeness: if the input belongs in the language of the grammar then the parser constructs the correct parse tree for the input with respect to the grammar. In addition, we develop a version of the algorithm that is executable by automatic translation from HOL to SML. This alternative version of the algorithm requires some interesting termination proofs. We conclude with a discussion of the issues we faced while mechanising pen-and-paper proofs. Carefully written formal proofs are regarded as rigorous for the audience they target. But when such proofs are implemented in a theorem prover, the level of detail required increases dramatically. We provide a discussion and a broad categorisation of the causes that give rise to this

    Verification of floating point programs

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    In this thesis we present an approach to automated verification of floating point programs. Existing techniques for automated generation of correctness theorems are extended to produce proof obligations for accuracy guarantees and absence of floating point exceptions. A prototype automated real number theorem prover is presented, demonstrating a novel application of function interval arithmetic in the context of subdivision-based numerical theorem proving. The prototype is tested on correctness theorems for two simple yet nontrivial programs, proving exception freedom and tight accuracy guarantees automatically. The prover demonstrates a novel application of function interval arithmetic in the context of subdivision-based numerical theorem proving. The experiments show how function intervals can be used to combat the information loss problems that limit the applicability of traditional interval arithmetic in the context of hard real number theorem proving.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Verification using formalised mathematics and theorem proving of reinforcement and deep learning

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    In modern artificial intelligence research, frequently there is little emphasis on mathe- matical certainty; results are often shown by experimentation, and understanding pre- cisely why a particular method works, or the guarantees that they will be effective, is often constrained to speculation and discussion. Formal mathematics via theorem proving brings a precision of explanation and certainty that can be missing in this field. We present work that applies the benefits of formal mathematics to two different fields of artificial intelligence, in two different ways. Using the Isabelle theorem prover, we formalise Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with rewards, fundamental to reinforcement learning, and use this as the basis for a formalisation of Q learning, a significant reinforcement learning algorithm. Q learning attempts to learn the reward function of an unknown MDP by estimation, correcting its estimates as it navigates the MDP repeatedly. We also formalise the Dvoretzky Stochastic Approximation theorem, a result fundamental to many stochastic processes. It is especially relevant to our work as it is necessary to prove that (given certain assumptions) the estimates of the Q learning algorithm converge to the true values of the reward function. Secondly, we use theorem proving to integrate a formalised logical system with deep learning, into a neurosymbolic process. We formalise Linear Temporal Logic over finite paths (LTLf), and develop a loss function (and its derivative) over it that returns a real value corresponding to the satisfaction of a given LTLf constraint over a given path. We prove that this is sound with respect to the semantics of LTLf. We use the code generation capabilities of Isabelle to then integrate this into a PyTorch deep learning process designed to learn trajectories. Lastly, we demonstrate experimentally that we can use the resulting neurosymbolic process to learn using LTLf constraints on the trajectories as well as by imitation of a demonstrator

    Verification using formalised mathematics and theorem proving of reinforcement and deep learning

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    In modern artificial intelligence research, frequently there is little emphasis on mathe- matical certainty; results are often shown by experimentation, and understanding pre- cisely why a particular method works, or the guarantees that they will be effective, is often constrained to speculation and discussion. Formal mathematics via theorem proving brings a precision of explanation and certainty that can be missing in this field. We present work that applies the benefits of formal mathematics to two different fields of artificial intelligence, in two different ways. Using the Isabelle theorem prover, we formalise Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with rewards, fundamental to reinforcement learning, and use this as the basis for a formalisation of Q learning, a significant reinforcement learning algorithm. Q learning attempts to learn the reward function of an unknown MDP by estimation, correcting its estimates as it navigates the MDP repeatedly. We also formalise the Dvoretzky Stochastic Approximation theorem, a result fundamental to many stochastic processes. It is especially relevant to our work as it is necessary to prove that (given certain assumptions) the estimates of the Q learning algorithm converge to the true values of the reward function. Secondly, we use theorem proving to integrate a formalised logical system with deep learning, into a neurosymbolic process. We formalise Linear Temporal Logic over finite paths (LTLf), and develop a loss function (and its derivative) over it that returns a real value corresponding to the satisfaction of a given LTLf constraint over a given path. We prove that this is sound with respect to the semantics of LTLf. We use the code generation capabilities of Isabelle to then integrate this into a PyTorch deep learning process designed to learn trajectories. Lastly, we demonstrate experimentally that we can use the resulting neurosymbolic process to learn using LTLf constraints on the trajectories as well as by imitation of a demonstrator

    Reasoning about correctness properties of a coordination programming language

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    Safety critical systems place additional requirements to the programming language used to implement them with respect to traditional environments. Examples of features that in uence the suitability of a programming language in such environments include complexity of de nitions, expressive power, bounded space and time and veri ability. Hume is a novel programming language with a design which targets the rst three of these, in some ways, contradictory features: fully expressive languages cannot guarantee bounds on time and space, and low-level languages which can guarantee space and time bounds are often complex and thus error-phrone. In Hume, this contradiction is solved by a two layered architecture: a high-level fully expressive language, is built on top of a low-level coordination language which can guarantee space and time bounds. This thesis explores the veri cation of Hume programs. It targets safety properties, which are the most important type of correctness properties, of the low-level coordination language, which is believed to be the most error-prone. Deductive veri cation in Lamport's temporal logic of actions (TLA) is utilised, in turn validated through algorithmic experiments. This deductive veri cation is mechanised by rst embedding TLA in the Isabelle theorem prover, and then embedding Hume on top of this. Veri cation of temporal invariants is explored in this setting. In Hume, program transformation is a key feature, often required to guarantee space and time bounds of high-level constructs. Veri cation of transformations is thus an integral part of this thesis. The work with both invariant veri cation, and in particular, transformation veri cation, has pinpointed several weaknesses of the Hume language. Motivated and in uenced by this, an extension to Hume, called Hierarchical Hume, is developed and embedded in TLA. Several case studies of transformation and invariant veri cation of Hierarchical Hume in Isabelle are conducted, and an approach towards a calculus for transformations is examined.James Watt ScholarshipEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Platform grant GR/SO177

    Direct methods for deductive verification of temporal properties in continuous dynamical systems

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    This thesis is concerned with the problem of formal verification of correctness specifications for continuous and hybrid dynamical systems. Our main focus will be on developing and automating general proof principles for temporal properties of systems described by non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) under evolution constraints. The proof methods we consider will work directly with the differential equations and will not rely on the explicit knowledge of solutions, which are in practice rarely available. Our ultimate goal is to increase the scope of formal deductive verification tools for hybrid system designs. We give a comprehensive survey and comparison of available methods for checking set invariance in continuous systems, which provides a foundation for safety verification using inductive invariants. Building on this, we present a technique for constructing discrete abstractions of continuous systems in which spurious transitions between discrete states are entirely eliminated, thereby extending previous work. We develop a method for automatically generating inductive invariants for continuous systems by efficiently extracting reachable sets from their discrete abstractions. To reason about liveness properties in ODEs, we introduce a new proof principle that extends and generalizes methods that have been reported previously and is highly amenable to use as a rule of inference in a deductive verification calculus for hybrid systems. We will conclude with a summary of our contributions and directions for future work

    Ontology evolution in physics

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    With the advent of reasoning problems in dynamic environments, there is an increasing need for automated reasoning systems to automatically adapt to unexpected changes in representations. In particular, the automation of the evolution of their ontologies needs to be enhanced without substantially sacrificing expressivity in the underlying representation. Revision of beliefs is not enough, as adding to or removing from beliefs does not change the underlying formal language. General reasoning systems employed in such environments should also address situations in which the language for representing knowledge is not shared among the involved entities, e.g., the ontologies in a multi-ontology environment or the agents in a multi-agent environment. Our techniques involve diagnosis of faults in existing, possibly heterogeneous, ontologies and then resolution of these faults by manipulating the signature and/or the axioms. This thesis describes the design, development and evaluation of GALILEO (Guided Analysis of Logical Inconsistencies Lead to Evolution of Ontologies), a system designed to detect conflicts in highly expressive ontologies and resolve the detected conflicts by performing appropriate repair operations. The integrated mechanism that handles ontology evolution is able to distinguish between various types of conflicts, each corresponding to a unique kind of ontological fault. We apply and develop our techniques in the domain of Physics. This an excellent domain because many of its seminal advances can be seen as examples of ontology evolution, i.e. changing the way that physicists perceive the world, and case studies are well documented – unlike many other domains. Our research covers analysing a wide ranging development set of case studies and evaluating the performance of the system on a test set. Because the formal representations of most of the case studies are non-trivial and the underlying logic has a high degree of expressivity, we face some tricky technical challenges, including dealing with the potentially large number of choices in diagnosis and repair. In order to enhance the practicality and the manageability of the ontology evolution process, GALILEO incorporates the functionality of generating physically meaningful diagnoses and repairs and, as a result, narrowing the search space to a manageable size

    Continuous probability distributions in model-based specification languages

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    PhD ThesisModel-based speci cation languages provide a means for obtaining assurance of dependability of complex computer-based systems, but provide little support for modelling and analysing fault behaviour, which is inherently probabilistic in nature. In particular, the need for a detailed account of the role of continuous probability has been largely overlooked. This thesis addresses the role of continuous probability in model-based speci cation languages. A model-based speci cation language (sGCL) that supports continuous probability distributions is de ned. The use of sGCL and how it interacts with engineering practices is also explored. In addition, a re nement ordering for continuous probability distributions is given, and the challenge of combining non-determinism and continuous probability is discussed in depth. The thesis is presented in three parts. The rst uses two case studies to explore the use of probability in formal methods. The rst case study, on ash memory, is used to present the capabilities of probabilistic formal methods and to determine the kinds of questions that require continuous probability distributions to answer. The second, on an emergency brake system, illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of existing languages and provides a basis for exploring a prototype language that includes continuous probability. The second part of the thesis gives the formal de nition of sGCL's syntax and semantics. The semantics is made up of two parts, the proof theory (transformer semantics) and the underpinning mathematics (relational semantics). The additional language constructs and semantical features required to include non-determinism as well as continuous probability are also discussed. The most challenging aspect lies in proving the consistency of the semantics when non-determinism is also included. The third part uses a nal case study, on an aeroplane pitch monitor, to demonstrate the use of sGCL. The new analysis techniques provided by sGCL, and how they t in with engineering practices, are explored.EPSRC: The School of Computing Science, Newcastle University: DEPLOY project