55 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a schema for allowingappropriate onrequest network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources, that can be rapidlydelivered and released by minimal management effort or service provider.In cloud computing, you need a Web browser to access to everything needed to run your business from the required applications, services, and infrastructure. Many web developers are not security-aware. As a result, there exist many web sites on the Internet that are vulnerable. More and more Web-based enterprise applications deal with sensitive financial and medical data, which, if compromised, in addition to downtime can mean millions of dollars in damages. It is crucial to protect these applications from malicious attacks. In this paper we present a comprehensive survey of cloud based secure web application in the literature.The goal of this paper is to present a comparison of various previous methods proposed in the literature and a comparison between Python to other used programming languages

    The Importance of Accounting for Real-World Labelling When Predicting Software Vulnerabilities

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    Previous work on vulnerability prediction assume that predictive models are trained with respect to perfect labelling information (includes labels from future, as yet undiscovered vulnerabilities). In this paper we present results from a comprehensive empirical study of 1,898 real-world vulnerabilities reported in 74 releases of three security-critical open source systems (Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark). Our study investigates the effectiveness of three previously proposed vulnerability prediction approaches, in two settings: with and without the unrealistic labelling assumption. The results reveal that the unrealistic labelling assumption can profoundly mis- lead the scientific conclusions drawn; suggesting highly effective and deployable prediction results vanish when we fully account for realistically available labelling in the experimental methodology. More precisely, MCC mean values of predictive effectiveness drop from 0.77, 0.65 and 0.43 to 0.08, 0.22, 0.10 for Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark, respectively. Similar results are also obtained for precision, recall and other assessments of predictive efficacy. The community therefore needs to upgrade experimental and empirical methodology for vulnerability prediction evaluation and development to ensure robust and actionable scientific findings

    A pattern-driven corpus to predictive analytics in mitigating SQL injection attack

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    The back-end database provides accessible and structured storage for each web application’s big data internet web traffic exchanges stemming from cloud-hosted web applications to the Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices in emerging computing. Structured Query Language Injection Attack (SQLIA) remains an intruder’s exploit of choice to steal confidential information from the database of vulnerable front-end web applications with potentially damaging security ramifications.Existing solutions to SQLIA still follows the on-premise web applications server hosting concept which were primarily developed before the recent challenges of the big data mining and as such lack the functionality and ability to cope with new attack signatures concealed in a large volume of web requests. Also, most organisations’ databases and services infrastructure no longer reside on-premise as internet cloud-hosted applications and services are increasingly used which limit existing Structured Query Language Injection (SQLI) detection and prevention approaches that rely on source code scanning. A bio-inspired approach such as Machine Learning (ML) predictive analytics provides functional and scalable mining for big data in the detection and prevention of SQLI in intercepting large volumes of web requests. Unfortunately, lack of availability of robust ready-made data set with patterns and historical data items to train a classifier are issues well known in SQLIA research applying ML in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The purpose-built competition-driven test case data sets are antiquated and not pattern-driven to train a classifier for real-world application. Also, the web application types are so diverse to have an all-purpose generic data set for ML SQLIA mitigation.This thesis addresses the lack of pattern-driven data set by deriving one to predict SQLIA of any size and proposing a technique to obtain a data set on the fly and break the circle of relying on few outdated competitions-driven data sets which exist are not meant to benchmark real-world SQLIA mitigation. The thesis in its contributions derived pattern-driven data set of related member strings that are used in training a supervised learning model with validation through Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and Confusion Matrix (CM) with results of low false positives and negatives. We further the evaluations with cross-validation to have obtained a low variance in accuracy that indicates of a successful trained model using the derived pattern-driven data set capable of generalisation of unknown data in the real-world with reduced biases. Also, we demonstrated a proof of concept with a test application by implementing an ML Predictive Analytics to SQLIA detection and prevention using this pattern-driven data set in a test web application. We observed in the experiments carried out in the course of this thesis, a data set of related member strings can be generated from a web expected input data and SQL tokens, including known SQLI signatures. The data set extraction ontology proposed in this thesis for applied ML in SQLIA mitigation in the context of emerging computing of big data internet, and cloud-hosted services set our proposal apart from existing approaches that were mostly on-premise source code scanning and queries structure comparisons of some sort

    Forecasting IT Security Vulnerabilities - An Empirical Analysis

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    Today, organizations must deal with a plethora of IT security threats and to ensure smooth and uninterrupted business operations, firms are challenged to predict the volume of IT security vulnerabilities and allocate resources for fixing them. This challenge requires decision makers to assess which system or software packages are prone to vulnerabilities, how many post-release vulnerabilities can be expected to occur during a certain period of time, and what impact exploits might have. Substantial research has been dedicated to techniques that analyze source code and detect security vulnerabilities. However, only limited research has focused on forecasting security vulnerabilities that are detected and reported after the release of software. To address this shortcoming, we apply established methodologies which are capable of forecasting events exhibiting specific time series characteristics of security vulnerabilities, i.e., rareness of occurrence, volatility, non-stationarity, and seasonality. Based on a dataset taken from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), we use the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) to measure the forecasting accuracy of single, double, and triple exponential smoothing methodologies, Croston's methodology, ARIMA, and a neural network-based approach. We analyze the impact of the applied forecasting methodology on the prediction accuracy with regard to its robustness along the dimensions of the examined system and software package "operating systems", "browsers" and "office solutions" and the applied metrics. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to analyze the effect of forecasting methodologies and to apply metrics that are suitable in this context. Our results show that the optimal forecasting methodology depends on the software or system package, as some methodologies perform poorly in the context of IT security vulnerabilities, that absolute metrics can cover the actual prediction error precisely, and that the prediction accuracy is robust within the two applied forecasting-error metrics. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Enhancing Trust –A Unified Meta-Model for Software Security Vulnerability Analysis

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    Over the last decade, a globalization of the software industry has taken place which has facilitated the sharing and reuse of code across existing project boundaries. At the same time, such global reuse also introduces new challenges to the Software Engineering community, with not only code implementation being shared across systems but also any vulnerabilities it is exposed to as well. Hence, vulnerabilities found in APIs no longer affect only individual projects but instead might spread across projects and even global software ecosystem borders. Tracing such vulnerabilities on a global scale becomes an inherently difficult task, with many of the resources required for the analysis not only growing at unprecedented rates but also being spread across heterogeneous resources. Software developers are struggling to identify and locate the required data to take full advantage of these resources. The Semantic Web and its supporting technology stack have been widely promoted to model, integrate, and support interoperability among heterogeneous data sources. This dissertation introduces four major contributions to address these challenges: (1) It provides a literature review of the use of software vulnerabilities databases (SVDBs) in the Software Engineering community. (2) Based on findings from this literature review, we present SEVONT, a Semantic Web based modeling approach to support a formal and semi-automated approach for unifying vulnerability information resources. SEVONT introduces a multi-layer knowledge model which not only provides a unified knowledge representation, but also captures software vulnerability information at different abstract levels to allow for seamless integration, analysis, and reuse of the modeled knowledge. The modeling approach takes advantage of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to guide knowledge engineers in identifying reusable knowledge concepts and modeling them. (3) A Security Vulnerability Analysis Framework (SV-AF) is introduced, which is an instantiation of the SEVONT knowledge model to support evidence-based vulnerability detection. The framework integrates vulnerability ontologies (and data) with existing Software Engineering ontologies allowing for the use of Semantic Web reasoning services to trace and assess the impact of security vulnerabilities across project boundaries. Several case studies are presented to illustrate the applicability and flexibility of our modelling approach, demonstrating that the presented knowledge modeling approach cannot only unify heterogeneous vulnerability data sources but also enables new types of vulnerability analysis

    Efficiency and Automation in Threat Analysis of Software Systems

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    Context: Security is a growing concern in many organizations. Industries developing software systems plan for security early-on to minimize expensive code refactorings after deployment. In the design phase, teams of experts routinely analyze the system architecture and design to find potential security threats and flaws. After the system is implemented, the source code is often inspected to determine its compliance with the intended functionalities. Objective: The goal of this thesis is to improve on the performance of security design analysis techniques (in the design and implementation phases) and support practitioners with automation and tool support.Method: We conducted empirical studies for building an in-depth understanding of existing threat analysis techniques (Systematic Literature Review, controlled experiments). We also conducted empirical case studies with industrial participants to validate our attempt at improving the performance of one technique. Further, we validated our proposal for automating the inspection of security design flaws by organizing workshops with participants (under controlled conditions) and subsequent performance analysis. Finally, we relied on a series of experimental evaluations for assessing the quality of the proposed approach for automating security compliance checks. Findings: We found that the eSTRIDE approach can help focus the analysis and produce twice as many high-priority threats in the same time frame. We also found that reasoning about security in an automated fashion requires extending the existing notations with more precise security information. In a formal setting, minimal model extensions for doing so include security contracts for system nodes handling sensitive information. The formally-based analysis can to some extent provide completeness guarantees. For a graph-based detection of flaws, minimal required model extensions include data types and security solutions. In such a setting, the automated analysis can help in reducing the number of overlooked security flaws. Finally, we suggested to define a correspondence mapping between the design model elements and implemented constructs. We found that such a mapping is a key enabler for automatically checking the security compliance of the implemented system with the intended design. The key for achieving this is two-fold. First, a heuristics-based search is paramount to limit the manual effort that is required to define the mapping. Second, it is important to analyze implemented data flows and compare them to the data flows stipulated by the design

    Graph representation learning for security analytics in decentralized software systems and social networks

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    With the rapid advancement in digital transformation, various daily interactions, transactions, and operations typically depend on extensive network-structured systems. The inherent complexity of these platforms has become a critical challenge in ensuring their security and robustness, with impacts spanning individual users to large-scale organizations. Graph representation learning has emerged as a potential methodology to address various security analytics within these complex systems, especially in software code and social network analysis, and its applications in criminology. For software code, graph representations can capture the information of control-flow graphs and call graphs, which can be leveraged to detect vulnerabilities and improve software reliability. In the case of social network analysis in criminal investigation, graph representations can capture the social connections and interactions between individuals, which can be used to identify key players, detect illegal activities, and predict new/unobserved criminal cases. In this thesis, we focus on two critical security topics using graph learning-based approaches: (1) addressing criminal investigation issues and (2) detecting vulnerabilities of Ethereum blockchain smart contracts. First, we propose the SoChainDB database, which facilitates obtaining data from blockchain-based social networks and conducting extensive analyses to understand Hive blockchain social data. Moreover, to apply social network analysis in criminal investigation, two graph-based machine learning frameworks are presented to address investigation issues in a burglary use case, one being transductive link prediction and the other being inductive link prediction.Then, we propose MANDO, an approach that utilizes a new heterogeneous graph representation of control-flow graphs and call graphs to learn the structures of heterogeneous contract graphs. Building upon MANDO, two deep graph learning-based frameworks, MANDO-GURU and MANDO-HGT, are proposed for accurate vulnerability detection at both the coarse-grained contract and fine-grained line levels. Empirical results show that MANDO frameworks significantly improve the detection accuracy of other state-of-the-art techniques for various vulnerability types in either source code or bytecode

    Toward Data-Driven Discovery of Software Vulnerabilities

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    Over the years, Software Engineering, as a discipline, has recognized the potential for engineers to make mistakes and has incorporated processes to prevent such mistakes from becoming exploitable vulnerabilities. These processes span the spectrum from using unit/integration/fuzz testing, static/dynamic/hybrid analysis, and (automatic) patching to discover instances of vulnerabilities to leveraging data mining and machine learning to collect metrics that characterize attributes indicative of vulnerabilities. Among these processes, metrics have the potential to uncover systemic problems in the product, process, or people that could lead to vulnerabilities being introduced, rather than identifying specific instances of vulnerabilities. The insights from metrics can be used to support developers and managers in making decisions to improve the product, process, and/or people with the goal of engineering secure software. Despite empirical evidence of metrics\u27 association with historical software vulnerabilities, their adoption in the software development industry has been limited. The level of granularity at which the metrics are defined, the high false positive rate from models that use the metrics as explanatory variables, and, more importantly, the difficulty in deriving actionable intelligence from the metrics are often cited as factors that inhibit metrics\u27 adoption in practice. Our research vision is to assist software engineers in building secure software by providing a technique that generates scientific, interpretable, and actionable feedback on security as the software evolves. In this dissertation, we present our approach toward achieving this vision through (1) systematization of vulnerability discovery metrics literature, (2) unsupervised generation of metrics-informed security feedback, and (3) continuous developer-in-the-loop improvement of the feedback. We systematically reviewed the literature to enumerate metrics that have been proposed and/or evaluated to be indicative of vulnerabilities in software and to identify the validation criteria used to assess the decision-informing ability of these metrics. In addition to enumerating the metrics, we implemented a subset of these metrics as containerized microservices. We collected the metric values from six large open-source projects and assessed metrics\u27 generalizability across projects, application domains, and programming languages. We then used an unsupervised approach from literature to compute threshold values for each metric and assessed the thresholds\u27 ability to classify risk from historical vulnerabilities. We used the metrics\u27 values, thresholds, and interpretation to provide developers natural language feedback on security as they contributed changes and used a survey to assess their perception of the feedback. We initiated an open dialogue to gain an insight into their expectations from such feedback. In response to developer comments, we assessed the effectiveness of an existing vulnerability discovery approach—static analysis—and that of vulnerability discovery metrics in identifying risk from vulnerability contributing commits

    Machine Learning for Software Fault Detection : Issues and Possible Solutions

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    Viime vuosina tekoälyn ja etenkin kone- ja syväoppimisen tutkimus on menestynyt osittain uusien teknologioiden ja laitteiston kehityksen vuoksi. Tutkimusalan uudelleen alkanut nousu on saanut monet tutkijat käyttämään kone- ja syväoppimismalleja sekä -tekniikoita ohjelmistotuotannon alalla, johon myös ohjelmiston laatu sisältyy. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan ohjelmistovirheiden tunnistukseen tarkoitettujen koneoppimismallien suorituskykyä kolmelta kannalta. Ensin pyritään määrittämään parhaiten ongelmaan soveltuvat mallit. Toiseksi käytetyistä malleista etsitään ohjelmistovirheiden tunnistusta heikentäviä yhtäläisyyksiä. Lopuksi ehdotetaan mahdollisia ratkaisuja löydettyihin ongelmiin. Koneoppimismallien suorituskyvyn analysointi paljasti kaksi pääongelmaa: datan epäsymmetrisyys ja aikariippuvuus. Näiden ratkaisemiseksi testattiin useita tekniikoita: ohjelmistovirheiden käsittely anomalioina, keinotekoisesti uusien näytteiden luominen datan epäsymmetrisyyden korjaamiseksi sekä jokaisen näytteen historian huomioivien syväoppimismallien kokeilu aikariippuvuusongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Ohjelmistovirheet havaittiin merkittävästi paremmin käyttämällä dataa tasapainottavia ylinäytteistämistekniikoita sekä aikasarjaluokitteluun tarkoitettuja syväoppimismalleja. Tulokset tuovat selvyyttä ohjelmistovirheiden ennustamiseen koneoppimismenetelmillä liittyviin ongelmiin. Ne osoittavat, että ohjelmistojen laadun tarkkailussa käytettävän datan aikariippuvuus tulisi ottaa huomioon, mikä vaatii etenkin tutkijoiden huomiota. Lisäksi ohjelmistovirheiden tarkempi havaitseminen voisi auttaa ammatinharjoittajia parantamaan ohjelmistojen laatua. Tulevaisuudessa tulisi tutkia kehittyneempien syväoppimismallien soveltamista. Tämä kattaa uusien metriikoiden sisällyttämisen ennustaviin malleihin, sekä kehittyneempien ja paremmin datan aikariippuvuuden huomioon ottavien aikasarjatyökalujen hyödyntämisen.Over the past years, thanks to the availability of new technologies and advanced hardware, the research on artificial intelligence, more specifically machine and deep learning, has flourished. This newly found interest has led many researchers to start applying machine and deep learning techniques also in the field of software engineering, including in the domain of software quality. In this thesis, we investigate the performance of machine learning models for the detection of software faults with a threefold purpose. First of all, we aim at establishing which are the most suitable models to use, secondly we aim at finding the common issues which prevent commonly used models from performing well in the detection of software faults. Finally, we propose possible solutions to these issues. The analysis of the performance of the machine learning models highlighted two main issues: the unbalanced data, and the time dependency within the data. To address these issues, we tested multiple techniques: treating the faults as anomalies and artificially generating more samples for solving the unbalanced data problem; the use of deep learning models that take into account the history of each data sample to solve the time dependency issue. We found that using oversampling techniques to balance the data, and using deep learning models specific for time series classification substantially improve the detection of software faults. The results shed some light on the issues related to machine learning for the prediction of software faults. These results indicate a need to consider the time dependency of the data used in software quality, which needs more attention from researchers. Also, improving the detection performance of software faults could help the practitioners to improve the quality of their software. In the future, more advanced deep learning models can be investigated. This includes the use of other metrics as predictors and the use of more advanced time series analysis tools for better taking into account the time dependency of the data