14 research outputs found

    Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation

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    We have developed an infrastructure for end-to-end run-time monitoring, behavior/performance analysis, and dynamic adaptation of distributed software. This infrastructure is primarily targeted to pre-existing systems and thus operates outside the target application, without making assumptions about the target's implementation, internal communication/computation mechanisms, source code availability, etc. This paper assumes the existence of the monitoring and analysis components, presented elsewhere, and focuses on the mechanisms used to control and coordinate possibly complex repairs/reconfigurations to the target system. These mechanisms require lower level effectors somehow attached to the target system, so we briefly sketch one such facility (elaborated elsewhere). Our main contribution is the model, architecture, and implementation of Workflakes, the decentralized process engine we use to tailor, control, coordinate, etc. a cohort of such effectors. We have validated the Workflakes approach with case studies in several application domains. Due to space restrictions we concentrate primarily on one case study, briefly discuss a second, and only sketch others

    Towards Pervasive Supervision for Autonomic Systems

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    Abstract One of the key motivations for the provisioning of autonomic communication features in next generation services is to reduce the need of human inference for management tasks. This however means essentially that system control is delegated to the system itself, i.e., the system operator gives up control to a certain extent. The consequence is that autonomic systems might deviate from intended behavior, may show inconsistent or unwanted states and behavior. We propose an approach to develop control structures complementary to distributed, heterogeneous services. We concentrate on necessary properties of those control structures, and furthermore on issues like selfapplicability and self-evolution

    An Event Monitor and Response Framework Based on the WSLogA Architecture

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    Web services provide organizations with a powerful infrastructure by which information and products may be distributed, but the task of supporting Web service systems can be difficult due to the complex nature of environment configuration and operation. Tools are needed to monitor and analyze such Enterprise environments so that appropriate engineering, quality control, or business activities can be pursued. This investigation resulted in the development of a software development kit, the WSLogA Framework, which is inspired by the vision of Cruz et al. (2003, 2004). The WSLogA Framework provides distributed Enterprise systems with a platform for comprehensive information capture and environment management. Five component groups are intended for employment to enable integrated workflows addressing monitoring and response activities, but these components may also be used individually to facilitate the phased integration of the WSLogA Framework into existing environments. The WSLogA Framework\u27s design is portable across technology platforms (e.g., Java and .NET) and a variety of technologies may be substituted for the provided implementations to address unique system architectures. The WSLogA Framework supersedes existing logging and monitoring solutions in terms of both capability and intent. Applications based on the WSLogA Framework have an internal, real-time view of their operation and may adjust their environment based on the information provided by events related to their or system activities. The WSLogA Framework is intended as a software development kit around which system functionality may be organized and implemented, which makes the WSLogA Framework an architectural peer or complement to traditional application frameworks such as Spring\u27s Web module. WSLogA Framework based systems should be envisioned as information appliance elements rather than traditionally scoped applications or services