1,012 research outputs found

    Web based knowledge extraction and consolidation for automatic ontology instantiation

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    The Web is probably the largest and richest information repository available today. Search engines are the common access routes to this valuable source. However, the role of these search engines is often limited to the retrieval of lists of potentially relevant documents. The burden of analysing the returned documents and identifying the knowledge of interest is therefore left to the user. The Artequakt system aims to deploy natural language tools to automatically ex-tract and consolidate knowledge from web documents and instantiate a given ontology, which dictates the type and form of knowledge to extract. Artequakt focuses on the domain of artists, and uses the harvested knowledge to gen-erate tailored biographies. This paper describes the latest developments of the system and discusses the problem of knowledge consolidation

    Systematic Literature Review on Ontology-based Indonesian Question Answering System

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    Question-Answering (QA) systems at the intersection of natural language processing, information retrieval, and knowledge representation aim to provide efficient responses to natural language queries. These systems have seen extensive development in English and languages like Indonesian present unique challenges and opportunities. This literature review paper delves into the state of ontology-based Indonesian QA systems, highlighting critical challenges. The first challenge lies in sentence understanding, variations, and complexity. Most systems rely on syntactic analysis and struggle to grasp sentence semantics. Complex sentences, especially in Indonesian, pose difficulties in parsing, semantic interpretation, and knowledge extraction. Addressing these linguistic intricacies is pivotal for accurate responses. Secondly, template-based SPARQL query construction, commonly used in Indonesian QA systems, suffers from semantic gaps and inflexibility. Advanced techniques like semantic matching algorithms and dynamic template generation can bridge these gaps and adapt to evolving ontologies. Thirdly, lexical gaps and ambiguity hinder QA systems. Bridging vocabulary mismatches between user queries and ontology labels remains a challenge. Strategies like synonym expansion, word embedding, and ontology enrichment must be explored further to overcome these challenges. Lastly, the review discusses the potential of developing multi-domain ontologies to broaden the knowledge coverage of QA systems. While this presents complex linguistic and ontological challenges, it offers the advantage of responding to various user queries across various domains. This literature review identifies crucial challenges in developing ontology-based Indonesian QA systems and suggests innovative approaches to address these challenges

    Cross-Platform Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Interoperability - Proceedings of the LREC2016 conference

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    Cross-Platform Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Interoperability - Proceedings of the LREC2016 conference

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    Knowledge management and human trafficking: using conceptual knowledge representation, text analytics and open-source data to combat organized crime

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    Globalization, the ubiquity of mobile communications and the rise of the web have all expanded the environment in which organized criminal entities are conducting their illicit activities, and as a result the environment that law enforcement agencies have to police. This paper triangulates the capability of open-source data analytics, ontological knowledge representation and the wider notion of knowledge management (KM) in order to provide an effective, interdisciplinary means to combat such threats, thus providing law enforcement agencies (LEA’s) with a foundation of competitive advantage over human trafficking and other organized crime

    Where Information Systems Research Meets Artificial Intelligence Practice: Towards the Development of an AI Capability Framework

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    Information systems (IS) research has always been one of the leading applied research areas in the investigation of technology-related phenomena. Meanwhile, for the past 10 years, artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed every aspect of society more than any other technological innovation. Thus, this is the right time for IS research to foster more quality and high-impact research on AI starting by organizing the cumulated body of knowledge on AI in IS research. We propose a framework called AI capability framework that would provide pertinent and relevant guidance for conducting IS research on AI. Since AI is a fast-evolving phenomenon, this framework is founded on the main AI capabilities that shape today’s fast-moving AI ecosystem. Thus, it is crucial that such a framework engages both AI research and practice into a continuous and evolving dialogue

    A Review of Natural Language Processing Research

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    Natural language processing (NLP) is a theory-motivated range of computational techniques for the automatic analysis and representation of human language. NLP research has evolved from the era of punch cards and batch processing (in which the analysis of a sentence could take up to 7 minutes) to the era of Google and the likes of it (in which millions of webpages can be processed in less than a second). This review paper draws on recent developments in NLP research to look at the past, present, and future of NLP technology in a new light. Borrowing the paradigm of ‘jumping curves’ from the field of business management and marketing prediction, this survey article reinterprets the evolution of NLP research as the intersection of three overlapping curves-namely Syntactics, Semantics, and Pragmatics Curves- which will eventually lead NLP research to evolve into natural language understanding

    A Reference Architecture for Data-Driven and Adaptive Internet-Delivered Psychological Treatment Systems: Software Architecture Development and Validation Study

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    Background: Internet-delivered psychological treatment (IDPT) systems are software applications that offer psychological treatments via the internet. Such IDPT systems have become one of the most commonly practiced and widely researched forms of psychotherapy. Evidence shows that psychological treatments delivered by IDPT systems can be an effective way of treating mental health morbidities. However, current IDPT systems have high dropout rates and low user adherence. The primary reason is that the current IDPT systems are not flexible, adaptable, and personalized as they follow a fixed tunnel-based treatment architecture. A fixed tunnel-based architecture follows predefined, sequential treatment content for every patient, irrespective of their context, preferences, and needs. Moreover, current IDPT systems have poor interoperability, making it difficult to reuse and share treatment materials. There is a lack of development and documentation standards, conceptual frameworks, and established (clinical) guidelines for such IDPT systems. As a result, several ad hoc forms of IDPT models exist. Consequently, developers and researchers have tended to reinvent new versions of IDPT systems, making them more complex and less interoperable. Objective: This study aimed to design, develop, and evaluate a reference architecture (RA) for adaptive systems that can facilitate the design and development of adaptive, interoperable, and reusable IDPT systems. Methods: This study was conducted in collaboration with a large interdisciplinary project entitled INTROMAT (Introducing Mental Health through Adaptive Technology), which brings together information and communications technology researchers, information and communications technology industries, health researchers, patients, clinicians, and patients’ next of kin to reach its vision. First, we investigated previous studies and state-of-the-art works based on the project’s problem domain and goals. On the basis of the findings from these investigations, we identified 2 primary gaps in current IDPT systems: lack of adaptiveness and limited interoperability. Second, we used model-driven engineering and Domain-Driven Design techniques to design, develop, and validate the RA for building adaptive, interoperable, and reusable IDPT systems to address these gaps. Third, based on the proposed RA, we implemented a prototype as the open-source software. Finally, we evaluated the RA and open-source implementation using empirical (case study) and nonempirical approaches (software architecture analysis method, expert evaluation, and software quality attributes). Results: This paper outlines an RA that supports flexible user modeling and the adaptive delivery of treatments. To evaluate the proposed RA, we developed an open-source software based on the proposed RA. The open-source framework aims to improve development productivity, facilitate interoperability, increase reusability, and expedite communication with domain experts. Conclusions: Our results showed that the proposed RA is flexible and capable of adapting interventions based on patients’ needs, preferences, and context. Furthermore, developers and researchers can extend the proposed RA to various health care interventions.publishedVersio

    Journey of Artificial Intelligence Frontier: A Comprehensive Overview

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    The field of Artificial Intelligence AI is a transformational force with limitless promise in the age of fast technological growth This paper sets out on a thorough tour through the frontiers of AI providing a detailed understanding of its complex environment Starting with a historical context followed by the development of AI seeing its beginnings and growth On this journey fundamental ideas are explored looking at things like Machine Learning Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing Taking center stage are ethical issues and societal repercussions emphasising the significance of responsible AI application This voyage comes to a close by looking ahead to AI s potential for human-AI collaboration ground-breaking discoveries and the difficult obstacles that lie ahead This provides with a well-informed view on AI s past present and the unexplored regions it promises to explore by thoroughly navigating this terrai
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