97,969 research outputs found

    De Gustibus Disputandum

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    We propose a simple method to predict individuals' expectations about products using a knowledge network. As a complementary result, we show that the method is able, under certain conditions, to extract hidden information at neural level from a customers' choices database

    Content Based Image Retrieval by Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Hamreras S., Benítez-Rochel R., Boucheham B., Molina-Cabello M.A., López-Rubio E. (2019) Content Based Image Retrieval by Convolutional Neural Networks. In: Ferrández Vicente J., Álvarez-Sánchez J., de la Paz López F., Toledo Moreo J., Adeli H. (eds) From Bioinspired Systems and Biomedical Applications to Machine Learning. IWINAC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11487. Springer.In this paper, we present a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for feature extraction in Content based Image Retrieval (CBIR). The proposed CNN aims at reducing the semantic gap between low level and high-level features. Thus, improving retrieval results. Our CNN is the result of a transfer learning technique using Alexnet pretrained network. It learns how to extract representative features from a learning database and then uses this knowledge in query feature extraction. Experimentations performed on Wang (Corel 1K) database show a significant improvement in terms of precision over the state of the art classic approaches.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Generating and Validating DSA Private Keys from Online Face Images for Digital Signatures

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    Signing digital documents is attracting more attention in recent years, according to the rapidly growing number of digital documents being exchanged online. The digital signature proves the authenticity of the document and the sender’s approval on the contents of the document. However, storing the private keys of users for digital signing imposes threats toward gaining unauthorized access, which can result in producing false signatures. Thus, in this paper, a novel approach is proposed to extract the private component of the key used to produce the digital signature from online face image. Hence, this private component is never stored in any database, so that, false signatures cannot be produced and the sender’s approval cannot be denied. The proposed method uses a convolutional neural network that is trained using a semi-supervised approach, so that, the values used for the training are extracted based on the predictions of the neural network. To avoid the need for training a complex neural network, the proposed neural network makes use of existing pretrained neural networks, that already have the knowledge about the distinctive features in the faces. The use of the MTCNN for face detection and Facenet for face recognition, in addition to the proposed neural network, to achieved the best performance. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using the Colored FERET Faces Database Version 2 and has achieved robustness rate of 13.48% and uniqueness of 100%

    Supervector extraction for encoding speaker and phrase information with neural networks for text-dependent speaker verification

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    In this paper, we propose a new differentiable neural network with an alignment mechanism for text-dependent speaker verification. Unlike previous works, we do not extract the embedding of an utterance from the global average pooling of the temporal dimension. Our system replaces this reduction mechanism by a phonetic phrase alignment model to keep the temporal structure of each phrase since the phonetic information is relevant in the verification task. Moreover, we can apply a convolutional neural network as front-end, and, thanks to the alignment process being differentiable, we can train the network to produce a supervector for each utterance that will be discriminative to the speaker and the phrase simultaneously. This choice has the advantage that the supervector encodes the phrase and speaker information providing good performance in text-dependent speaker verification tasks. The verification process is performed using a basic similarity metric. The new model using alignment to produce supervectors was evaluated on the RSR2015-Part I database, providing competitive results compared to similar size networks that make use of the global average pooling to extract embeddings. Furthermore, we also evaluated this proposal on the RSR2015-Part II. To our knowledge, this system achieves the best published results obtained on this second part

    Cross-Domain Image Retrieval with Attention Modeling

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    With the proliferation of e-commerce websites and the ubiquitousness of smart phones, cross-domain image retrieval using images taken by smart phones as queries to search products on e-commerce websites is emerging as a popular application. One challenge of this task is to locate the attention of both the query and database images. In particular, database images, e.g. of fashion products, on e-commerce websites are typically displayed with other accessories, and the images taken by users contain noisy background and large variations in orientation and lighting. Consequently, their attention is difficult to locate. In this paper, we exploit the rich tag information available on the e-commerce websites to locate the attention of database images. For query images, we use each candidate image in the database as the context to locate the query attention. Novel deep convolutional neural network architectures, namely TagYNet and CtxYNet, are proposed to learn the attention weights and then extract effective representations of the images. Experimental results on public datasets confirm that our approaches have significant improvement over the existing methods in terms of the retrieval accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 8 pages with an extra reference pag

    Toxic comment classification using convolutional and recurrent neural networks

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    This thesis aims to provide a reasonable solution for categorizing automatically sentences into types of toxicity using different types of neural networks. There are six types of categories: Toxic, severe toxic, obscene, threat, insult and identity hate. Three different implementations have been studied to accomplish the objective: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and convolutional neural networks. The thesis is not thought to aim on improving the performance of every individual model but on the comparison between them in terms of natural language processing adequacy. In addition, one differential aspect about this project is the research of LSTM neurons activations and thus the relationship of the words with the final sentence classificatory decision. In conclusion, the three models performed almost equally and the extraction of LSTM activations provided a very accurate and visual understanding of the decisions taken by the network.Esta tesis tiene como objetivo aportar una buena solución para la categorización automática de comentarios abusivos haciendo uso de distintos tipos de redes neuronales. Hay seis categorías: Tóxico, muy tóxico, obsceno, insulto, amenaza y racismo. Se ha hecho una investigación de tres implementaciones para llevar a cabo el objetivo: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) y redes convolucionales. El objetivo de este trabajo no es intentar mejorar al máximo el resultado de la clasificación sino hacer una comparación de los 3 modelos para los mismos parámetros e intentar saber cuál funciona mejor para este caso de procesado de lenguaje. Además, un aspecto diferencial de este proyecto es la investigación sobre las activaciones de las neuronas en el modelo LSTM y su relación con la importancia de las palabras respecto a la clasificación final de la frase. En conclusión, los tres modelos han funcionado de forma casi idéntica y la extracción de las activaciones han proporcionado un conocimiento muy preciso y visual de las decisiones tomadas por la red.Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu aportar una bona solució per categoritzar automàticament comentaris abusius usant diferents tipus de xarxes neuronals. Hi ha sis tipus de categories: Tòxic, molt tòxic, obscè, insult, amenaça i racisme. S'ha fet una recerca de tres implementacions per dur a terme l'objectiu: LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) i xarxes convolucionals. L'objectiu d'aquest treball no és intentar millorar al màxim els resultats de classificació sinó fer una comparació dels 3 models pels mateixos paràmetres per tal d'esbrinar quin funciona millor en aquest cas de processat de llenguatge. A més, un aspecte diferencial d'aquest projecte és la recerca sobre les activacions de les neurones al model LSTM i la seva relació amb la importància de les paraules respecte la classificació final de la frase. En conclusió, els tres models han funcionat gairebé idènticament i l'extracció de les activacions van proporcionar un enteniment molt acurat i visual de les decisions preses per la xarxa

    Robust Minutiae Extractor: Integrating Deep Networks and Fingerprint Domain Knowledge

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    We propose a fully automatic minutiae extractor, called MinutiaeNet, based on deep neural networks with compact feature representation for fast comparison of minutiae sets. Specifically, first a network, called CoarseNet, estimates the minutiae score map and minutiae orientation based on convolutional neural network and fingerprint domain knowledge (enhanced image, orientation field, and segmentation map). Subsequently, another network, called FineNet, refines the candidate minutiae locations based on score map. We demonstrate the effectiveness of using the fingerprint domain knowledge together with the deep networks. Experimental results on both latent (NIST SD27) and plain (FVC 2004) public domain fingerprint datasets provide comprehensive empirical support for the merits of our method. Further, our method finds minutiae sets that are better in terms of precision and recall in comparison with state-of-the-art on these two datasets. Given the lack of annotated fingerprint datasets with minutiae ground truth, the proposed approach to robust minutiae detection will be useful to train network-based fingerprint matching algorithms as well as for evaluating fingerprint individuality at scale. MinutiaeNet is implemented in Tensorflow: https://github.com/luannd/MinutiaeNetComment: Accepted to International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2018