503 research outputs found


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    This thesis aims to introduce a new framework for the distributed control of multi-agent systems with adjustable swarm control objectives. Our goal is twofold: 1) to provide an overview to how time-varying objectives in the control of autonomous systems may be applied to the distributed control of multi-agent systems with variable autonomy level, and 2) to introduce a framework to incorporate the proposed concept to fundamental swarm behaviors such as aggregation and leader tracking. Leader-follower multi-agent systems are considered in this study, and a general form of time-dependent artificial potential function is proposed to describe the varying objectives of the system in the case of complete information exchange. Using Lyapunov methods, the stability and boundedness of the agents\u27 trajectories under single order and higher order dynamics are analyzed. Illustrative numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the validity of our results. Then, we extend these results for multi-agent systems with limited information exchange and switching communication topology. The first steps of the realization of an experimental framework have been made with the ultimate goal of verifying the simulation results in practice

    Decentralized algorithm of dynamic task allocation for a swarm of homogeneous robots

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    The current trends in the robotics field have led to the development of large-scale swarm robot systems, which are deployed for complex missions. The robots in these systems must communicate and interact with each other and with their environment for complex task processing. A major problem for this trend is the poor task planning mechanism, which includes both task decomposition and task allocation. Task allocation means to distribute and schedule a set of tasks to be accomplished by a group of robots to minimize the cost while satisfying operational constraints. Task allocation mechanism must be run by each robot, which integrates the swarm whenever it senses a change in the environment to make sure the robot is assigned to the most appropriate task, if not, the robot should reassign itself to its nearest task. The main contribution in this thesis is to maximize the overall efficiency of the system by minimizing the total time needed to accomplish the dynamic task allocation problem. The near-optimal allocation schemes are found using a novel hybrid decentralized algorithm for a dynamic task allocation in a swarm of homogeneous robots, where the number of the tasks is more than the robots present in the system. This hybrid approach is based on both the Simulated Annealing (SA) optimization technique combined with the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) technique. Also, another major contribution in this thesis is the formulation of the dynamic task allocation equations for the homogeneous swarm robotics using integer linear programming and the cost function and constraints are introduced for the given problem. Then, the DPSO and SA algorithms are developed to accomplish the task in a minimal time. Simulation is implemented using only two test cases via MATLAB. Simulation results show that PSO exhibits a smaller and more stable convergence characteristics and SA technique owns a better quality solution. Then, after developing the hybrid algorithm, which combines SA with PSO, simulation instances are extended to include fifteen more test cases with different swarm dimensions to ensure the robustness and scalability of the proposed algorithm over the traditional PSO and SA optimization techniques. Based on the simulation results, the hybrid DPSO/SA approach proves to have a higher efficiency in both small and large swarm sizes than the other traditional algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimization technique and Simulated Annealing technique. The simulation results also demonstrate that the proposed approach can dislodge a state from a local minimum and guide it to the global minimum. Thus, the contributions of the proposed hybrid DPSO/SA algorithm involve possessing both the pros of high quality solution in SA and the fast convergence time capability in PSO. Also, a parameters\u27 selection process for the hybrid algorithm is proposed as a further contribution in an attempt to enhance the algorithm efficiency because the heuristic optimization techniques are very sensitive to any parameter changes. In addition, Verification is performed to ensure the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with results of an exact solver in terms of computational time, number of iterations and quality of solution. The exact solver that is used in this research is the Hungarian algorithm. This comparison shows that the proposed algorithm gives a superior performance in almost all swarm sizes with both stable and small execution time. However, it also shows that the proposed hybrid algorithm\u27s cost values which is the distance traveled by the robots to perform the tasks are larger than the cost values of the Hungarian algorithm but the execution time of the hybrid algorithm is much better. Finally, one last contribution in this thesis is that the proposed algorithm is implemented and extensively tested in a real experiment using a swarm of 4 robots. The robots that are used in the real experiment called Elisa-III robots

    Sensor-Based Topological Coverage And Mapping Algorithms For Resource-Constrained Robot Swarms

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    Coverage is widely known in the field of sensor networks as the task of deploying sensors to completely cover an environment with the union of the sensor footprints. Related to coverage is the task of exploration that includes guiding mobile robots, equipped with sensors, to map an unknown environment (mapping) or clear a known environment (searching and pursuit- evasion problem) with their sensors. This is an essential task for robot swarms in many robotic applications including environmental monitoring, sensor deployment, mine clearing, search-and-rescue, and intrusion detection. Utilizing a large team of robots not only improves the completion time of such tasks, but also improve the scalability of the applications while increasing the robustness to systems’ failure. Despite extensive research on coverage, mapping, and exploration problems, many challenges remain to be solved, especially in swarms where robots have limited computational and sensing capabilities. The majority of approaches used to solve the coverage problem rely on metric information, such as the pose of the robots and the position of obstacles. These geometric approaches are not suitable for large scale swarms due to high computational complexity and sensitivity to noise. This dissertation focuses on algorithms that, using tools from algebraic topology and bearing-based control, solve the coverage related problem with a swarm of resource-constrained robots. First, this dissertation presents an algorithm for deploying mobile robots to attain a hole-less sensor coverage of an unknown environment, where each robot is only capable of measuring the bearing angles to the other robots within its sensing region and the obstacles that it touches. Next, using the same sensing model, a topological map of an environment can be obtained using graph-based search techniques even when there is an insufficient number of robots to attain full coverage of the environment. We then introduce the landmark complex representation and present an exploration algorithm that not only is complete when the landmarks are sufficiently dense but also scales well with any swarm size. Finally, we derive a multi-pursuers and multi-evaders planning algorithm, which detects all possible evaders and clears complex environments

    Search-Based Planning and Replanning in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

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    In this chapter, we present one of the most crucial branches in motion planning: search-based planning and replanning algorithms. This research branch involves two key points: first, representing traverse environment information as discrete graph form, in particular, occupancy grid cost map at arbitrary resolution, and, second, path planning algorithms calculate paths on these graphs from start to goal by propagating cost associated with each vertex in graph. The chapter will guide researcher through the foundation of motion planning concept, the history of search-based path planning and then focus on the evolution of state-of-the-art incremental, heuristic, anytime algorithm families that are currently applied on practical robot rover. The comparison experiment between algorithm families is demonstrated in terms of performance and optimality. The future of search-based path planning and motion planning in general is also discussed

    Separation of distributed coordination and control for programming reliable robotics

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    A robot's code needs to sense the environment, control the hardware, and communicate with other robots. Current programming languages do not provide the necessary hardware platform-independent abstractions, and therefore, developing robot applications require detailed knowledge of signal processing, control, path planning, network protocols, and various platform-specific details. Further, porting applications across hardware platforms becomes tedious. With the aim of separating these hardware dependent and independent concerns, we have developed Koord: a domain specific language for distributed robotics. Koord abstracts platform-specific functions for sensing, communication, and low-level control. Koord makes the platform-independent control and coordination code portable and modularly verifiable. It raises the level of abstraction in programming by providing distributed shared memory for coordination and port interfaces for sensing and control. We have developed the formal executable semantics of Koord in the K framework. With this symbolic execution engine, we can identify proof obligations for gaining high assurance from Koord applications. Koord is deployed on CyPhyHouse---a toolchain that aims to provide programming, debugging, and deployment benefits for distributed mobile robotic applications. The modular, platform-independent middleware of CyPhyHouse implements these functionalities using standard algorithms for path planning (RRT), control (MPC), mutual exclusion, etc. A high-fidelity, scalable, multi-threaded simulator for Koord applications is developed to simulate the same application code for dozens of heterogeneous agents. The same compiled code can also be deployed on heterogeneous mobile platforms. This thesis outlines the design, implementation and formalization of the Koord language and the main components of CyPhyHouse that it is deployed on
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