23 research outputs found

    Understanding personal and contextual factors to increase motivation in gamified systems

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    Gamification, the use of game elements in non-game contexts, has been shown to help people reaching their goals, affect people's behavior and enhance the users' experience within interactive systems. However, past research has shown that gamification is not always successful. In fact, literature reviews revealed that almost half of the interventions were only partially successful or even unsuccessful. Therefore, understanding the factors that have an influence on psychological measures and behavioral outcomes of gamified systems is much in need. In this thesis, we contribute to this by considering the context in which gamified systems are applied and by understanding personal factors of users interacting with the system. Guided by Self-Determination Theory, a major theory on human motivation, we investigate gamification and its effects on motivation and behavior in behavior change contexts, provide insights on contextual factors, contribute knowledge on the effect of personal factors on both the perception and effectiveness of gamification elements and lay out ways of utilizing this knowledge to implement personalized gamified systems. Our contribution is manifold: We show that gamification affects motivation through need satisfaction and by evoking positive affective experiences, ultimately leading to changes in people's behavior. Moreover, we show that age, the intention to change behavior, and Hexad user types play an important role in explaining interpersonal differences in the perception of gamification elements and that tailoring gamified systems based on these personal factors has beneficial effects on both psychological and behavioral outcomes. Lastly, we show that Hexad user types can be partially predicted by smartphone data and interaction behavior in gamified systems and that they can be assessed in a gameful way, allowing to utilize our findings in gamification practice. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework to increase motivation in gamified systems, which builds upon our findings and outlines the importance of considering both contextual and personal factors. Based on these contributions, this thesis advances the field of gamification by contributing knowledge to the open questions of how and why gamification works and which factors play a role in this regard.Gamification, die Nutzung von Spielelementen in spielfremden Kontexten, kann nachweislich Menschen helfen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen, das Verhalten von Menschen zu beeinflussen und die Erfahrung der User in interaktiven Systemen zu verbessern. Allerdings hat die bisherige Forschung gezeigt, dass Gamification nicht immer erfolgreich ist. So haben LiteraturĂŒbersichten ergeben, dass fast die HĂ€lfte der Interventionen nur teilweise erfolgreich oder sogar erfolglos waren. Daher besteht ein großer Bedarf, die Faktoren zu verstehen, die einen Einfluss auf psychologische Maße sowie auf das Verhalten von Usern in gamifizierten Systemen haben. In dieser Arbeit tragen wir dazu bei, indem wir den Kontext, in dem gamifizierte Systeme eingesetzt werden, betrachten und persönliche Faktoren von Usern, die mit dem System interagieren, verstehen. Geleitet von der Selbstbestimmungstheorie, einer der wichtigsten Theorien zur menschlichen Motivation, untersuchen wir Gamification und dessen Auswirkungen auf Motivation und Verhalten in Kontexten zur VerhaltensĂ€nderung. Wir liefern Erkenntnisse ĂŒber kontextuelle Faktoren, tragen Wissen ĂŒber den Einfluss persönlicher Faktoren auf die Wahrnehmung und EffektivitĂ€t von Gamification-Elementen bei und bieten Möglichkeiten, dieses Wissen fĂŒr die Implementierung personalisierter gamifizierter Systeme zu nutzen. Unser Beitrag ist mannigfaltig: Wir zeigen, dass Gamification die Motivation durch BedĂŒrfnisbefriedigung und durch das Hervorrufen positiver affektiver Erfahrungen beeinflusst, was letztlich zu VerhaltensĂ€nderungen fĂŒhren kann. DarĂŒber hinaus zeigen wir, dass das Alter, die Absicht, das Verhalten zu Ă€ndern, und Hexad-Usertypen eine wichtige Rolle bei der ErklĂ€rung von interpersonellen Unterschieden in der Wahrnehmung von Gamification-Elementen spielen. Ebenso zeigen unsere Resultate dass die Anpassung von gamifizierten Systemen auf Basis dieser persönlichen Faktoren positive Auswirkungen auf psychologische und verhaltensbezogene Ergebnisse hat. Letztlich zeigen wir, dass Hexad-Usertypen teilweise durch Smartphone-Daten und Interaktionsverhalten in gamifizierten Systemen vorhergesagt werden können und dass sie auf spielerische Art und Weise erhoben werden können. Dies ermöglicht, unsere Erkenntnisse in der Gamification-Praxis zu nutzen. Auf Basis dieser Ergebnisse schlagen wir ein konzeptuelles Framework zur Steigerung der Motivation in gamifizierten Systemen vor, das die Wichtigkeit der BerĂŒcksichtigung sowohl kontextueller als auch persönlicher Faktoren hervorhebt. Diese Erkenntnisse bereichern das Forschungsfeld Gamification, indem sie Wissen zu den offenen Fragen, wie und warum Gamification funktioniert und welche Faktoren in diesem Zusammenhang eine Rolle spielen, beitragen

    Leaderboards in Gamified Information Systems for Health Behavior Change: The Role of Positioning, Psychological Needs, and Gamification User Types

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    Leaderboards are widely used in gamified information systems (IS) for health behavior change (HBC) to evoke both instrumental and experiential outcomes within users. In literature, however, they are often discussed controversially as they are perceived positively by some users but discouraging by others. In this work, we investigate under which circumstances users’ position on the leaderboard influences their attitudes toward an mHealth app. Based on self-determination theory and the gamification user types hexad, we conducted an online experiment among 179 potential users. The results support our hypotheses that positioning influences perceived competence and relatedness, which alongside perceived autonomy positively impact users’ attitude. Yet, our findings do not support the assumption that the relationship between needs and attitude is moderated by gamification user type. This finding reinforces recent research which questions the effectiveness of user type-based gamification and calls to focus on general need satisfaction

    Do people's user types change over time? An exploratory study

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    In recent years, different studies have proposed and validated user models (e.g., Bartle, BrainHex, and Hexad) to represent the different user profiles in games and gamified settings. However, the results of applying these user models in practice (e.g., to personalize gamified systems) are still contradictory. One of the hypotheses for these results is that the user types can change over time (i.e., user types are dynamic). To start to understand whether user types can change over time, we conducted an exploratory study analyzing data from 74 participants to identify if their user type (Achiever, Philanthropist, Socialiser, Free Spirit, Player, and Disruptor) had changed over time (six months). The results indicate that there is a change in the dominant user type of the participants, as well as the average scores in the Hexad sub-scales. These results imply that all the scores should be considered when defining the Hexad's user type and that the user types are dynamic. Our results contribute with practical implications, indicating that the personalization currently made (generally static) may be insufficient to improve the users' experience, requiring user types to be analyzed continuously and personalization to be done dynamically.Comment: 5th International GamiFIN Conference 2021 (GamiFIN 2021), April 7-10, 2021, Finlan

    Development and evaluation of a behavior change support system targeting learning behavior: a technology-based approach to complement the education of future executives using persuasive systems in higher education

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    Learning is crucial in today's information societies, and the need for comprehensive and accessible support systems to enhance learning competencies is increasingly evident. In this context, this dissertation provides descriptive knowledge about the demands for such a system, aiming to train higher education students and equip them with learning competencies. Drawing on design science research, the dissertation addresses the identified demands, considers technical frameworks and psychological models to design technology-based artifacts. Against this background, the dissertation provides a pragmatic contribution through novel artifacts in form of Behavior Change Support Systems targeting self-regulated learning in higher education. The evaluation of these artifacts extends prior design knowledge through specific recommendations, including design principles, that can guide the implementation of Behavior Change Support Systems and further technology-based interventions in higher education. These recommendations aim to promote the development of necessary competencies within the higher education context


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    Food systems activities produce around 30% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are responsible for numerous environmental issues which could ultimately harm our ability to grow food reliably. One way to reduce the food system’s impacts is to transition to a more sustainable diet composed of low impact foods. The objective of this study is to identify consumers demonstrating an intention to consume sustainably produced foods, and to identify their characteristics to inform the design of targeted gamified interventions that would promote sustainable food purchasing. A survey incorporating variables from the theory of planned behaviour (e.g. attitude), socio-demographic information (e.g. age), gamification profiling variables (e.g. player typology), as well as preferred mobile applications, was developed in this study and distributed via a market survey company. Statistical analysis in the form of hierarchical clustering was used to segment and identify target markets, while contingency analysis assessed the most effective means of promoting sustainable diets. A total of four hundred and ninety surveys were distributed and three hundred and seventy-six of them were validated because they agreed to participate, were not detected as potential AI powered responses, and their responses from the theory of planned behaviour were completed. Linear regression was used to assess the significance of all variables on the intent to consume a sustainable diet. Cluster analysis identified 3 potential target segments, and contingency analysis was used to detect their unique features. Two consumer segments were identified as having high potential as a target market. Individuals in this market intended to consume a sustainable diet but lacked follow through. Strong evidence towards the effectiveness of gamification of interventions was not observed due to low and medium frequency in gaming behaviours for the two target segments. Interventions distributed through mobile applications would be most effective if they were delivered through social media and included game design elements associated with Philanthropist and Free Spirit user types. The survey was confined to Ontario, therefore it may not be generalizable to other regions. Nevertheless, this study is unique in its assessment of the profiles of consumers with high intention to purchase sustainably sourced foods through a combination of the theory of planned behaviour, socio-demographic factors, gamification player types and game behaviours, as well as preferred mobile application usage

    Health Promotion for Childhood Obesity: An Approach Based on Self-Tracking of Data

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    [EN]At present, obesity and overweight are a global health epidemic. Traditional interventions for promoting healthy habits do not appear to be e ective. However, emerging technological solutions based on wearables and mobile devices can be useful in promoting healthy habits. These applications generate a considerable amount of tracked activity data. Consequently, our approach is based on the quantified-self model for recommending healthy activities. Gamification can also be used as a mechanism to enhance personalization, increasing user motivation. This paper describes the quantified-self model and its data sources, the activity recommender system, and the PROVITAO App user experience model. Furthermore, it presents the results of a gamified program applied for three years in children with obesity and the process of evaluating the quantified-self model with experts. Positive outcomes were obtained in children’s medical parameters and health habits

    Dynamic Personalization of Gameful Interactive Systems

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    Gameful design, the process of creating a system with affordances for gameful experiences, can be used to increase user engagement and enjoyment of digital interactive systems. It can also be used to create applications for behaviour change in areas such as health, wellness, education, customer loyalty, and employee management. However, existing research suggests that the qualities of users, such as their personality traits, preferences, or identification with a task, can influence gamification outcomes. It is important to understand how to personalize gameful systems, given how user qualities shape the gameful experience. Current evidence suggests that personalized gameful systems can lead to increased user engagement and be more effective in helping users achieve their goals than generic ones. However, to create these kinds of systems, designers need a specific method to guide them in personalizing the gameful experience to their target audience. To address this need, this thesis proposes a novel method for personalized gameful design divided into three steps: (1) classification of user preferences, (2) classification and selection of gameful design elements, and (3) heuristic evaluation of the design. Regarding the classification of user preferences, this thesis evaluates and validates the Hexad Gamification User Types Scale, which scores a person in six user types: philanthropist, socialiser, free spirit, achiever, player, and disruptor. Results show that the scale’s structural validity is acceptable for gamification studies through reliability analysis and factor analysis. For classification and selection of gameful design elements, this thesis presents a conceptual framework based on participants’ self-reported preferences, which classifies elements in eight groups organized into three categories: individual motivations (immersion and progression), external motivations (risk/reward, customization, and incentives), and social motivations (socialization, altruism, and assistance). And to evaluate the design of gameful applications, this thesis introduces a set of 28 gameful design heuristics, which are based on motivational theories and gameful design methods and enable user experience professionals to conduct a heuristic evaluation of a gameful application. Furthermore, this thesis describes the design, implementation, and pilot evaluation of a software platform for the study of personalized gameful design. It integrates nine gameful design elements built around a main instrumental task, enabling researchers to observe and study the gameful experience of participants. The platform is flexible so the instrumental task can be changed, game elements can be added or removed, and the level and type of personalization or customization can be controlled. This allows researchers to generate different experimental conditions to study a broad range of research questions. Our personalized gameful design method provides practical tools and clear guidelines to help designers effectively build personalized gameful systems

    The Consistency of Gamification User Types : A Study on the Change of Preferences over Time

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    In recent decades, several studies have suggested and validated user models (e.g., Bartle, and Hexad) to represent different user profiles in games and gamified environments. However, when applying these user models in practice (e.g., to personalize gamification), several studies reported contradictory outcomes. Recently, some studies outlined that one of the possible explanations for these contradictory findings is that people can present changes in their user profiles over time. In this study (N = 118), we present an analysis of the consistency of gamification user orientations after six months of the initial identification, by analyzing the association between user orientations in the first and second data collection. Overall, our results corroborate prior research demonstrating that user orientations can not be considered stable over time and also that the strongest tendency of the users might not be sufficient to determine how users change. Furthermore, we were able to identify that some user orientations can be more stable than others and model some relationships between their profiles after six months. Based on the results, we indicate a research agenda that can further the knowledge about the topic, as well as indicate a set of suggestions on how to model user profiles based on our results.Peer reviewe