29 research outputs found

    The effect of using facebook markup language (fbml) for designing an e-learning model in higher education

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    This study examines the use of Facebook Markup Language (FBML) to design an e-learning model to facilitate teaching and learning in an academic setting. The qualitative research study presents a case study on how, Facebook is used to support collaborative activities in higher education. We used FBML to design an e-learning model called processes for e-learning resources in the Specialist Learning Resources Diploma (SLRD) program. Two groups drawn from the SLRD program were used; First were the participants in the treatment group and second in the control group. Statistical analysis in the form of a t-test was used to compare the dependent variables between the two groups. The findings show a difference in the mean score between the pre-test and the post-test for the treatment group (achievement, the skill, trends). Our findings suggest that the use of FBML can support collaborative knowledge creation and improved the academic achievement of participatns. The findings are expected to provide insights into promoting the use of Facebook in a learning management system (LMS).Comment: Mohammed Amasha, Salem Alkhalaf, "The Effect of using Facebook Markup Language (FBML) for Designing an E-Learning Model in Higher Education". International Journal of Research in Computer Science, 4 (5): pp. 1-9, January 201


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    The study attempted to explore lecturers’ perceptions on the use of Facebook-based writing material in English class at STKIP Muhammadiyah Rappang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The present study was a part of research and development (R&D). There were two writing lecturers of the English Education Department in 2016/ 2017 as the subject of the study. The data gained from the questionnaires of the lecturers’ perception on the implementation of Facebook-based instructional material in English writing class using the Likert scale. The scoring system was done positive and negative statement score. The data have been analysed descriptively by using the frequency and percentage. It aimed to measure the lecturers’ opinion. To interpret the lecturers’ responds, the researchers used the interval estimation. The interval estimation was applied to measure the parameter of population based on the score of interval rates which ranged to 4 categories level. The results found that the lecturers agree that the content of learning English writing by using Facebook-based instructional materials are suitable for the students’ level, their need for learning and their daily lives. The average score of lecturers’ perceptions is 3.4 which indicates that from the four components of the product (content, language, presentation and graphic) overall shows suitability to the writing English material and to the students. It means that the implementation of Facebook-based instruction in teaching writing is interesting for the lecturers. It was proved by the results of the lecturers’ perceptio

    The Use of Facebook for Educational Purposes in EFL Classrooms

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the possibility of blending conventional instruction with online instruction via a social networking website, Facebook, in EFL classrooms in order to motivate students and improve their English language learning. Thus, this paper seeks to examine specific ways in which EFL teachers can use Facebook as an educational tool, describing the benefits of this technological instrument and analyzing the potential pitfalls and challenges that it could create. Besides, it includes practical strategies that teachers can apply in order to overcome these pitfalls and get the most out of this social network

    Exploring the use of Facebook in the classroom: A Malaysia case study

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    With the evolution of social media, including major social networking sites that came into existence in the 21st century, social media has burgeoned into one of the most used channels of communication in the society. As it becomes well recognised for its potential as a social communication channel, recent years have witnessed an increased interest of using social media in higher education. The Social Media Survey 2013 by Pearson shows that 41% of higher education faculty in the U.S. population has use social media in teaching in 2013 compared to 34% of them using it in 2012. The survey results also show the increase use of social media for teaching by educators and faculty professionals because they see the potential in applying and integrating social media technology to their teaching. Many higher education institutions and educators are now finding themselves expected to catch up with the world of social media applications and social media users. This creates a growing phenomenon for the educational use of social media to create, engage, and share existing or newly produced information between lecturers and students and among students. However, the use of social media technologies in higher education is not an easy and straightforward process. Some educators perceived social media tool as an effective educational platform, some perceived that it was not useful at all. Some claimed that it allows them to make the classes more interactive, and some stated that the use of social media can help or hinder the achievement of student learning outcomes. Although there is a growing body of empirical research on the use of social media in higher education in the developed countries, there is not abundance in literature in Malaysia context. This study aims to examine the educational use of Facebook by lecturers and students in a private university in the Klang Valley, Malaysia, and to gauge their attitude towards adopting Facebook in the classroom. The research objectives include 1) investigating the use of Facebook for teaching and learning as well as a communication tool between lecturers and students, and 2) exploring the perception of lecturers and students on the usefulness and ease of use of Facebook in the classroom. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, this study will achieve two objectives set and the outcome will provides useful insights for academics interested in using social networking sites for teaching and learning and for researchers interested in pursuing social media in higher education research

    A Systematic Review of Technological Advancements to Enhance Learning

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    Assessing student learning styles and incorporating thought-provoking activities has been a focus of research for years. Virtual technology and social media are transforming traditional classrooms into training spaces that can be tailored for individual learning patterns and personalized for different skill levels. These technological tools are not only revolutionizing the conventional lecture-based classroom but also beginning to incorporate options such as flipped and blended classrooms. Students in these nontraditional settings are given additional hands-on experience that allows them to become immersed in a variety of subjects. Flipped classrooms in particular use class time effectively by challenging students to prepare prior to class. In return the allotted time provides a place for students to work through problems and encourage cooperative learning. Furthermore, social media is being used to increase subject interest and boost class attendance by improving instructor and student interactions. These techniques challenge students enough to maintain focus while remaining within their capabilities to preserve student curiosity. Learning enhancement using these new teaching styles was assessed through surveys provided at the beginning and end of each experiment. The studies sampled students from a variety of backgrounds and skill sets including military, medical, and college students. Alternative and cost effective approaches are revolutionizing learning to help improve each student\u27s motivation, concentration, and confidence

    The student’s writing ability in descriptive text of tenth grade of ma pim mujahidin bageng gembong pati taught by using facebook in academic year 2019/2020

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    Dalam belajar bahasa, menulis dianggap sebagai keterampilan yang paling sulit untuk dikuasai oleh siswa. Mereka harus memperhatikan komponen penulisan untuk menghasilkan tulisan yang baik. Ini menjadi tantangan bagi para guru. Guru harus membuat model pengajaran baru terutama dalam bentuk tulisan. Dalam penelitian ini fokus pada kemampuan menulis siswa kelas X MA PIM Mujahidin Bageng Pati dalam pembelajaran teks deskriptif. Mereka masih kesulitan untuk menulis teks deskriptif terutama bagaimana mereka dapat mengekspresikan ide mereka. Selain itu para siswa masih bingung tentang tata bahasa dan kosa kata yang harus digunakan. Dalam hal ini, media sosial adalah salah satu media yang kitabutuhkan. Facebook ditemukan sebagai media sosial paling populerolehsiswa di dunia.Ada banyakfitur yang disediakan Facebook.Salah satufiturnyaadalah Facebook adalah komentar Facebook. Dalam penelitian ini, penelitian ini menggunakan Facebook sebagai media untuk mengajarkan keterampilan menulis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan menulis siswa kelas sepuluh MA PIM Mujahidin Bageng Pati pada tahun akademik 2019/2020 sebelum dan sesudah diajarkan dengan menggunakan Facebook. Desain penelitian adalah desain eksperimen kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MA PIM Mujahidin Bageng Pati, peneliti mengambil kelas Xmiia sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan cluster random sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah pre-test dan post-test dengan format tekstertulis. Hasil pre-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata adalah 50,5, sedangkan rata-rata post-test adalah 70. Perhitungan T-test menunjukkanbahwa t (diperoleh) = 6,1> t (kritis) = ± 2,080 berartiadaperbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan menulis siswa kelas X MA PIM Mujahidin Bageng Pati pada tahun akademik 2019/2020 sebelum dan sesudah diajar dengan menggunakan Facebook. Hal itu dapat membuat siswa senang dan lebih aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar. Berdasarkanhasil, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa Facebook dapat menjadi media yang efektif untuk membantu siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris terutama untuk siswa tahun pertama di SMA tentang kemampuan menulis untuk mengetahui dan menggunakan kata-kata yang tepatuntuk menggambarkan seseorang

    The influence of new technologies in foreign language learning

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    The new technologies have become part of our societies especially in the so-called developed countries and it is hard to conceive our daily routines without them. This paper explores the use of new technologies in foreign language teaching and learning, in this case, English. In particular, the aim of this paper is to show the effects of new technologies in the process of English teaching and learning by using different tools, such as, students’ own computers, wikis, blogs, social networks and videos. In order to do so, I have organized this paper into two parts. First, I provide a characterization of new technologies and provide a selection of the main tools used in the classroom. The educational benefits and drawbacks of four main groups of tools are discussed: computers, the Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis, social networks, YouTube and videos), the interactive white board and electronic dictionaries. The second part of the paper presents a practical case study in which the use of the new technologies at a small school in Bergara (in the Basque Autonomous Community) is researched and reported on. The study includes an interview with the English teacher, a questionnaire on the use of these technologies which was filled out by 51 students and a report on 4 weeks of class observations I conducted. Two are the main research questions that will be addressed: (i) are the new technologies useful for foreign language teachers and foreign language learning?, (ii) do children find the use of technologies in their foreign language classroom useful? The main conclusion is that most of the students and the teacher like working with the new technologies and that they are helpful to learn a foreign language, despite a few disadvantages. Finally, in the last part of the paper I relate the theoretical part and the practical part of the paper in the conclusions

    Attitudes Toward Using Social Networking Sites in Educational Settings with Underperforming Latino Youth: A Mixed Methods Study

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    The researchers examined the online social networking attitudes of underperforming Latino high school students in an alternative education program that uses technology as the prime venue for learning. A sequential explanatory mixed methods study was used to cross-check multiple sources of data explaining students’ levels of comfort with utilizing a social networking site platform as a supplemental communication tool in connection with their schoolwork. Students were found to be significantly less comfortable using social networking sites than other online communication tools in connection with their schoolwork, and females were significantly more uncomfortable than males using such sites in school

    Social Media in the Classroom

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    The question that guided this study is: how can we use social media that our students are already fluent in, to engage them more in the classroom? The purpose of the study was to find out if teachers in the district where I work are using social media in their classrooms and if not, what objections or hesitations they have with social media. For the procedures, I interviewed elementary teachers in the district where I work, about how they use social media in their classroom and possible objections or challenges they might face in its use in the classroom. I was able to get the perspectives of 10 teachers, spanning grade levels of Kindergarten to Sixth Grade. The findings that were discovered from my data analysis were: 1) forms of social media are already being implemented, 2) teachers feel supported with the technology in their classrooms, 3) teachers view their tech savvy students as a positive, 4) despite concerns, most teachers recommend using social media for teachers. I was able to conclude from the findings that teachers are implementing a variety of social media modes successfully and see how it is positively impacting their students, and the objections that teachers have with using social media in their classrooms seems to be validated by research studies