82 research outputs found

    Multi-level-objective design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous wind generator and solar photovoltaic system for an urban environment application

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    This Ph.D. thesis illustrates a novel study on the analytical and numerical design optimization of radial-flux permanent magnet synchronous wind generators (PMSGs) for small power generation in an urban area, in which an outer rotor topology with a closed-slot stator is employed. The electromagnetic advantages of a double-layer fractional concentration non-overlapping winding configuration are discussed. The analytical behavior of a PMSG is studied in detail; especially for magnetic flux density distribution, time and space harmonics, flux linkages, back-EMF, cogging torque, torque, output power, efficiency, and iron losses computation. The electromagnetic behavior of PMSGs are evaluated when a number of various Halbach array magnetization topologies are presented to maximize the generator’s performance. In addition, the thermal behavior of the PMSG is improved using an innovative natural air-cooling system for rated speed and higher to decrease the machine’s heat mainly at the stator teeth. The analytical investigation is verified via 2-D and 3-D finite element analysis along with a good experimental agreement. Design optimization of electrical machines plays the deterministic role in performance improvements such as the magnetization pattern, output power, and efficiency maximization, as well as losses and material cost minimization. This dissertation proposes a novel multi-objective design optimization technique using a dual-level response surface methodology (D-RSM) and Booth’s algorithm (coupled to a memetic algorithm known as simulated annealing) to maximize the output power and minimize material cost through sizing optimization. Additionally, the efficiency maximization by D-RSM is investigated while the PMSG and drive system are on duty as the whole. It is shown that a better fit is available when utilizing modern design functions such as mixed-resolution central composite (MR-CCD) and mixed-resolution robust (MR-RD), due to controllable and uncontrollable design treatments, and also a Window-Zoom-in approach. The proposed design optimization was verified by an experimental investigation. Additionally, there are several novel studies on vibro-acoustic design optimization of the PMSGs with considering variable speed analysis and natural frequencies using two techniques to minimize the magnetic noise and vibrations. Photovoltaic system design optimization considered of 3-D modeling of an innovative application-oriented urban environment structure, a smart tree for small power generation. The horizon shading is modeled as a broken line superimposed onto the sun path diagram, which can hold any number of height/azimuth points in this original study. The horizon profile is designed for a specific location on the Barcelona coast in Spain and the meteorological data regarding the location of the project was also considered. Furthermore, the input weather data is observed and stored for the whole year (in 2016). These data include, ambient temperature, module’s temperature (open and closed circuits tests), and shading average rate. A novel Pareto-based 3-D analysis was used to identify complete and partial shading of the photovoltaic system. A significant parameter for a photovoltaic (PV) module operation is the nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT). In this research, a glass/glass module has been referenced to the environment based on IEC61215 via a closed-circuit and a resistive load to ensure the module operates at the maximum power point. The proposed technique in this comparative study attempts to minimize the losses in a certain area with improved output energy without compromising the overall efficiency of the system. A Maximum Power Point Track (MPPT) controller is enhanced by utilizing an advanced perturb & observe (P&O) algorithm to maintain the PV operating point at its maximum output under different temperatures and insolation. The most cost-effective design of the PV module is achieved via optimizing installation parameters such as tilt angle, pitch, and shading to improve the energy yield. The variation of un-replicated factorials using a Window-Zoom-in approach is examined to determine the parameter settings and to check the suitability of the design. An experimental investigation was carried out to verify the 3-D shading analysis and NOCT technique for an open-circuit and grid-connected PV module.Esta tesis muestra un novedoso estudio referente al diseño optimizado de forma analítica y numérica de un generador síncrono de imanes permanentes (PMSGs) para una aplicación de microgeneración eólica en un entorno urbano, donde se ha escogido una topología de rotor exterior con un estator de ranuras cerradas. Las ventajas electromagnéticas de los arrollamientos fraccionarios de doble capa, con bobinas concentradas se discuten ampliamente en la parte inicial del diseño del mismo, así como las características de distribución de la inducción, los armónicos espaciales y temporales, la fem generada, el par de cogging así como las características de salida (par, potencia generada, la eficiencia y la distribución y cálculo de las pérdidas en el hierro que son analizadas detalladamente) Posteriormente se evalúan diferentes configuraciones de estructuras de imanes con magnetización Halbach con el fin de maximizar las prestaciones del generador. Adicionalmente se analiza la distribución de temperaturas y su mejora mediante el uso de un novedoso diseño mediante el uso de ventilación natural para velocidades próximas a la nominal y superiores con el fin de disminuir la temperatura de la máquina, principalmente en el diente estatórico. El cálculo analítico se completa mediante simulaciones 2D y 3D utilizando el método de los elementos finitos así como mediante diversas experiencias que validan los modelos y aproximaciones realizadas. Posteriormente se desarrollan algoritmos de optimización aplicados a variables tales como el tipo de magnetización, la potencia de salida, la eficiencia así como la minimización de las pérdidas y el coste de los materiales empleados. En la tesis se proponen un nuevo diseño optimizado basado en una metodología multinivel usando la metodología de superficie de respuesta (D-RSM) y un algoritmo de Booth (maximizando la potencia de salida y minimizando el coste de material empleado) Adicionalmente se investiga la maximización de la eficiencia del generador trabajando conjuntamente con el circuito de salida acoplado. El algoritmo utilizado queda validado mediante la experimentación desarrollada conjuntamente con el mismo. Adicionalmente, se han realizado diversos estudios vibroacústicos trabajando a velocidad variable usando dos técnicas diferentes para reducir el ruido generado y las vibraciones producidas. Posteriormente se considera un sistema fotovoltaico orientado a aplicaciones urbanas que hemos llamado “Smart tree for small power generation” y que consiste en un poste con un generador eólico en la parte superior juntamente con uno o más paneles fotovoltaicos. Este sistema se ha modelado usando metodologías en 3D. Se ha considerado el efecto de las sombras proyectadas por los diversos elementos usando datos meteorológicos y de irradiación solar de la propia ciudad de Barcelona. Usando una metodología basada en un análisis 3D y Pareto se consigue identificar completamente el sistema fotovoltaico; para este sistema se considera la temperatura de la célula fotovoltaica y la carga conectada con el fin de generar un algoritmo de control que permita obtener el punto de trabajo de máxima potencia (MPPT) comprobándose posteriormente el funcionamiento del algoritmo para diversas situaciones de funcionamiento del sistemaLa tesis desenvolupa un nou estudi per al disseny optimitzat, analític i numèric, d’un generador síncron d’imants permanents (PMSGs) per a una aplicació de microgeneració eòlica en aplicacions urbanes, on s’ha escollit una configuració amb rotor exterior i estator amb ranures tancades. Es discuteixen de forma extensa els avantatges electromagnètics dels bobinats fraccionaris de doble capa així com les característiques resultats vers la distribució de les induccions, els harmònics espacials i temporals, la fem generada, el parell de cogging i les característiques de sortida (parell, potencia, eficiència i pèrdues) Tanmateix s’afegeix l’estudi de diferents estructures Halbach per als imants permanents a fi i efecte de maximitzar les característiques del generador. Tot seguit s’analitza la distribució de temperatures i la seva reducció mitjançant la utilització d’una nova metodologia basada en la ventilació natural. Els càlculs analítics es complementen mitjançant anàlisi en 2 i 3 dimensions utilitzant elements finits i diverses experiències que validen els models i aproximacions emprades. Una vegada fixada la geometria inicial es desenvolupen algoritmes d’optimització per a diverses variables (tipus de magnetització dels imants, potencia de sortida, eficiència, minimització de pèrdues i cost dels materials) La tesi planteja una optimització multinivell emprant la metodologia de superfície de resposta i un algoritme de Booth; a més, es realitza la optimització considerant el circuit de sortida. L’algoritme resta validat per la experimentació realitzada. Finalment, s’han considerat diversos estudis vibroacústic treballant a velocitat variable, emprant dues tècniques diferents per a reduir el soroll i les vibracions desenvolupades. Per a finalitzar l’estudi es considera un sistema format per una turbina eòlica instal·lada sobre un pal de llum autònom, els panells fotovoltaics corresponents i el sistema de càrrega. Per a modelitzar l’efecte de l’ombrejat s’ha emprat un model en 3D i les dades del temps i d’irradiació solar de la ciutat de Barcelona. El model s’ha identificat completament i s’ha generat un algoritme de control que considera, a més, l’efecte de la temperatura de la cèl·lula fotovoltaica y la càrrega connectada al sistema per tal d’aconseguir el seguiment del punt de màxima potenciaPostprint (published version

    Design optimization and performance analysis methodology for PMSMs to improve efficiency in hydraulic applications

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    Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de CatalunyaIn the recent years, water pumping and other hydraulic applications are increasingly demanding motors capable to operate under different working conditions, including variable pressure and volumetric flow demands. Moreover, the technical evolution trend of pumping components is to minimize the size, offering compact and adaptable hydraulic units. Hence, the need to optimize the electric motor part to reduce the volume according this trend, maximizing the efficiency, decreasing material and fabrication costs, reducing noise and improving thermal dissipation have originated the research field of this project. So far different methodologies have been focused on designing electrical machines considering few aspects, such as the rated conditions with some size limitations. In addition, the optimization strategies have been based on single operation conditions, improving multiple aspects but not considering the overall performance of the machine and its influence with the working system. This research changes the design and optimization paradigm, focusing on defining beforehand the desired performance of the electrical machine in relation with the application system. The customization is not limited to an operating point but to the whole performance space, which in this case is the torque-speed area. Thus, the designer has plenty of freedom to study the system, and define the desired motor performance establishing the size, thermal and mechanical limitations from the beginning of the process. Moreover, when designing and optimizing electrical machines, the experimental validation is of major importance. From an industrial scope so far, the testing methodologies are focused on evaluating point by point the electrical machine performance, being a robust and trustable way to measure and validate the electrical machine characteristics. Nevertheless,this method requires a large time to prepare the experimental setup and to evaluate the whole motor performance. For this reason, there is a special interest on improving parameter estimation and performance evaluation techniques for electrical machines to reduce evaluation time, setup complexity and increase the number of physical magnitudes to measure in order to have deeper information. This research also develops methodologies to extend the electrical machine experimental validation providing information to evaluate the motor performance. This doctoral thesis has been developed with a collaboration agreement between UPC and the company MIDTAL TALENTOS S.L. The thesis is included within the Industrial Doctorates program 2018 DI 019 promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya.En los últimos años, el bombeo de agua, entre otras aplicaciones hidráulicas, exige cada vez más motores capaces de operar en diferentes condiciones de trabajo, incluyendo las demandas variables de presión y caudal volumétrico. Además, la evolución técnica de los componentes de bombeo está cada vez más minimizando el tamaño ofreciendo unidades hidráulicas compactas y adaptables. De ahí la necesidad de optimizar la parte del motor eléctrico para reducir el volumen de acuerdo con esta tendencia, maximizando la eficiencia, disminuyendo los costos de material y fabricación, reduciendo el ruido y mejorando la disipación térmica. Todos estos factores han creado el campo de investigación sobre el cual se desarrolla este proyecto. Hasta ahora las metodologías se han centrado en diseñar las máquinas eléctricas considerando unos pocos aspectos técnicos, como las condiciones nominales con algunas limitaciones de tamaño. Además, las estrategias de optimización se han basado en condiciones de operación única, mejorando múltiples aspectos sin considerar el rendimiento general de la máquina y su influencia en el sistema de trabajo. Esta investigación cambia el paradigma de diseño y optimización centrándose en definir de antemano el rendimiento deseado de la máquina eléctrica en relación con el sistema de aplicación. La personalización no se limita a un punto de funcionamiento sino a todo el espacio de operación, que en este caso se expresa en el espacio par-velocidad. Así, el diseñador tiene libertad para estudiar el sistema, definir el rendimiento deseado del motor estableciendo el tamaño, limitaciones térmicas y mecánicas desde el inicio del proceso. Además, a la hora de diseñar y optimizar máquinas eléctricas, la validación experimental es de gran importancia. En el ámbito industrial hasta ahora, las metodologías de ensayo han sido enfocadas a evaluar punto por punto la máquina eléctrica, siendo una forma robusta y confiable de medir y validar sus características. Sin embargo, este método requiere mucho tiempo para preparar la configuración experimental y evaluar el motor en toda su zona de operación. Por esta razón, existe un interés especial en mejorar la estimación de parámetros y las técnicas de evaluación de la operación de las máquinas eléctricas reduciendo tiempo, complejidad y aumentando el número de magnitudes físicas a medir teniendo más información sobre la máquina. Esta investigación también desarrolla metodologías para extender la validación experimental de la máquina eléctrica proporcionando información para evaluar el rendimiento del motor. Esta tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollada con un convenio de colaboración entre la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña UPC y la empresa MIDTAL TALENTOS S.L. La tesis se engloba dentro del plan de Doctorados Industriales 2018 DI 019 impulsado por la Generalitat de Catalunya.Postprint (published version

    Mathematical Models for the Design of Electrical Machines

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    This book is a comprehensive set of articles reflecting the latest advances and developments in mathematical modeling and the design of electrical machines for different applications. The main models discussed are based on the: i) Maxwell–Fourier method (i.e., the formal resolution of Maxwell’s equations by using the separation of variables method and the Fourier’s series in 2-D or 3-D with a quasi-Cartesian or polar coordinate system); ii) electrical, thermal and magnetic equivalent circuit; iii) hybrid model. In these different papers, the numerical method and the experimental tests have been used as comparisons or validations

    Soft-computing based intelligent adaptive control design of complex dynamic systems

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    Modeling, Analysis and Control of a Variable Flux Machine

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    Electric motors are the key elements in electric propulsion systems. The performance of Electric vehicles (EVs) significantly depends on the electric motors. Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) with rare-earth magnets are widely used in EV applications because they fulfill most requirements of EV motors. However, low efficiency at high speed, limited resources and fluctuating prices of rare-earth permanent magnets (PMs) have forced industries to develop alternatives to rare-earth machine technologies. Recently, Variable-Flux PMSMs (VF-PMSMs) also known as memory motors have been introduced to overcome the drawbacks of PMSMs. This thesis focuses on the modeling, analysis and control of the Aluminum-Nickel-Cobalt (AlNiCo) magnet-based VF-PMSMs. This thesis presents the effect of different magnetization pulse widths and methods on the magnetization level, back-EMF and no-load losses of the VF-PMSM. The injection of the magnetization or de-magnetization current pulse will change the magnet flux linkage and back-EMF harmonics. An adaptive nonlinear filter is used to estimate the back-EMF during the motoring mode. The harmonics present in the machine back-EMF due to different magnetization and de-magnetization current pulse widths and magnetization methods are analyzed. Besides, the quality of the back-EMF for different speeds and machine no-load losses are presented for different magnetization states (MSs)

    Noise and vibration modelling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors - a review

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    This paper provides an overview of current Noise Vibration and Harshness (NVH) challenges for the design of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) for automotive applications. Particular attention is devoted to analytical and numerical methods utilized in NVH modelling. Electromagnetic force computation, motor structural modelling and acoustic emission calculation are reviewed focusing on NVH emissions. The literature reveals, as expected, that analytical methods are simpler than numerical ones, and are usually employed during the preliminary design stage. Numerical methods are adopted in the detailed design stage as the computational cost increases. PMSMs are selected for high performance and high efficiency motor drives, they are widely adopted in the actual transition to vehicle electrification. The paper provides guidelines for facing NVH design issues of PMSMs

    The investigation of electromagnetic radial force and associated vibration in permanent magnet synchronous machines

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    The rising public awareness of climate change and urban air pollution has been one of the key drivers for transport electrification. Such trend drastically accelerates the quest for high-power-and-torque-density electric drive systems. The rare-earth permanent magnet synchronous machine, with its excellent steady-state and dynamic characteristics, has been the ideal candidate for these applications. Specifically, the fractional-slot and concentrated-winding configuration is widely adopted due to its distinctive merits such as short end winding, low torque pulsation, and high efficiency. The vibration and the associated acoustic noise become one of the main parasitic issues of high-performance permanent magnet synchronous drives. These undesirable features mainly arise from mechanical connection failure, imperfect assembly, torque pulsation, and electromagnetic radial and axial force density waves. The high-power-and-torque-density requirement will only be ultimately fulfilled by the reduction of both electromagnetic active material and passive support structure. This results in inflated electromagnetic force density inside the electric machine. Besides, the sti.ness of the machine parts can be compromised and the resultant natural frequencies are significantly brought down. Therefore, the vibration and acoustic noise that are associated with the electromagnetic radial and axial force density waves become a burden for large deployment of these drives. This study is mainly dedicated to the investigation of the electromagnetic radial forced density and its associated vibration and acoustic noise in radial-flux permanent magnet synchronous machines. These machines are usually powered by voltage source inverter with pulse width modulation techniques and various control strategies. Consequently, the vibration problem not only lies on the permanent magnet synchronous machine but also highly relates to its drive and controller. Generally, the electromagnetic radial force density and its relevant vibration can be divided into low-frequency and high-frequency components based on their origins. The low-frequency electromagnetic radial force density waves stem from the magnetic field components by the permanent magnets and armature reaction of fundamental and phase-belt current harmonic components, while the high-frequency ones are introduced by the interactions between the main low-frequency and sideband highfrequency magnetic field components. Both permanent magnets and armature reaction current are the main sources of magnetic field in electric machines. Various drive-level modeling techniques are first reviewed, explored, and developed to evaluate the current harmonic components of the permanent magnet synchronous machine drive. Meanwhile, a simple yet e.ective analytical model is derived to promptly estimate the sideband current harmonic components in the drive with both sinusoidal and space-vector pulse width modulation techniques. An improved analytical method is also proposed to predict the magnetic field from permanent magnets in interior permanent magnet synchronous machines. Moreover, a universal permeance model is analytically developed to obtain the corresponding armature-reaction magnetic field components. With the permanent magnet and armature-reaction magnetic field components, the main electromagnetic radial force density components can be identified and estimated based on Maxwell stress tensor theory. The stator tooth structure has large impacts on both electromagnetic radial force density components and mechanical vibration behaviors. The stator tooth modulation e.ect has been comprehensively demonstrated and explained by both finite element analysis and experimental results. Analytical models of such e.ect are developed for prompt evaluation and insightful revelation. Based on the proposed models, multi-physics approaches are proposed to accurately predict low-frequency and high-frequency electromagnetic radial vibration. Such method is quite versatile and applicable for both integral-slot and fractional-slot concentrated-winding permanent magnet synchronous machines. Comprehensive experimental results are provided to underpin the validity of the proposed models and methods. This study commences on the derivations of the drive parameters such as torque angle, modulation index, and current harmonic components from circuit perspective and further progresses to evaluate and decouple the air-gap magnetic field components from field perspective. It carries on to dwell on the analytical estimations of the main critical electromagnetic radial force density components and stator tooth modulation e.ect. Based on the stator mechanical structure, the corresponding electromagnetic radial vibration and acoustic noise can be accurately predicted. Various analytical models have been developed throughout this study to provide a systematic tool for quick and e.ective investigation of electromagnetic radial force density, the associated vibration and acoustic noise in permanent magnet synchronous machine drive. They have all been rigorously validated by finite element analysis and experimental results. Besides, this study reveals not only a universal approach for electromagnetic radial vibration analysis but also insightful correlations from both machine and drive perspectives

    Magnetic Modelling of Synchronous Reluctance and Internal Permanent Magnet Motors Using Radial Basis Function Networks

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    The general trend toward more intelligent energy-aware ac drives is driving the development of new motor topologies and advanced model-based control techniques. Among the candidates, pure reluctance and anisotropic permanent magnet motors are gaining popularity, despite their complex structure. The availability of accurate mathematical models that describe these motors is essential to the design of any model-based advanced control. This paper focuses on the relations between currents and flux linkages, which are obtained through innovative radial basis function neural networks. These special drive-oriented neural networks take as inputs the motor voltages and currents, returning as output the motor flux linkages, inclusive of any nonlinearity and cross-coupling effect. The theoretical foundations of the radial basis function networks, the design hints, and a commented series of experimental results on a real laboratory prototype are included in this paper. The simple structure of the neural network fits for implementation on standard drives. The online training and tracking will be the next steps in field programmable gate array based control systems

    Field weakening and sensorless control solutions for synchronous machines applied to electric vehicles.

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    184 p.La polución es uno de los mayores problemas en los países industrializados. Por ello, la electrificación del transporte por carretera está en pleno auge, favoreciendo la investigación y el desarrollo industrial. El desarrollo de sistemas de propulsión eficientes, fiables, compactos y económicos juega un papel fundamental para la introducción del vehículo eléctrico en el mercado.Las máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes son, a día de hoy la tecnología más empleada en vehículos eléctricos e híbridos por sus características. Sin embargo, al depender del uso de tierras raras, se están investigando alternativas a este tipo de máquina, tales como las máquinas de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes. Para este tipo de máquinas síncronas es necesario desarrollar estrategias de control eficientes y robustas. Las desviaciones de parámetros son comunes en estas máquinas debido a la saturación magnética y a otra serie de factores, tales como tolerancias de fabricación, dependencias en función de la temperatura de operación o envejecimiento. Las técnicas de control convencionales, especialmente las estrategias de debilitamiento de campo dependen, en general, del conocimiento previo de dichos parámetros. Si no son lo suficientemente robustos, pueden producir problemas de control en las regiones de debilitamiento de campo y debilitamiento de campo profundo. En este sentido, esta tesis presenta dos nuevas estrategias de control de debilitamiento de campo híbridas basadas en LUTs y reguladores VCT.Por otro lado, otro requisito indispensable para la industria de la automoción es la detección de faltas y la tolerancia a fallos. En este sentido, se presenta una nueva estrategia de control sensorless basada en una estructura PLL/HFI híbrida que permite al vehículo continuar operando de forma pseudo-óptima ante roturas en el sensor de posición y velocidad de la máquina eléctrica. En esta tesis, ambas propuestas se validan experimentalmente en un sistema de propulsión real para vehículo eléctrico que cuenta con una máquina de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes de 51 kW

    Design Optimization of Permanent Magnet Machines Over a Target Operating Cycle Using Computationally Efficient Techniques

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    The common practices of large-scale finite element (FE) model-based design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) oftentimes aim at improving the machine performance at the rated operating conditions, thus overlooking the performance treatment over the entire range of operation in the constant torque and extended speed regions. This is mainly due to the computational complexities associated with several aspects of such large-scale design optimization problems, including the FE-based modeling techniques, large number of load operating points for load-cycle evaluation of the design candidates, and large number of function evaluations required for identification of the globally optimal design solutions. In this dissertation, the necessity of accommodating the entire range of operation in the design optimization of PMSMs is demonstrated through joint application of numerical techniques and mathematical or statistical analyses. For this purpose, concepts such as FE analysis (FEA), design of experiments (DOE), sensitivity analysis, response surface methodology (RSM), and regression analysis are extensively used throughout this work to unscramble the correlations between various factors influencing the design of PMSMs. Also in this dissertation, computationally efficient methodologies are developed and employed to render unprohibitive the problems associated with large-scale design optimization of PMSMs over the entire range of operation of such machines. These include upgrading an existing computationally efficient FEA to solve the electromagnetic field problem at any load operating point residing anywhere in the torque-speed plane, developing a new stochastic search algorithm for effectively handling the constrained optimization problem (COP) of design of electric machines so as to reduce the number of function evaluations required for identifying the global optimum, implementing a k-means clustering algorithm for efficient modeling of the motor load profile, and devising alternative computationally efficient techniques for calculation of strand eddy current losses or characterization of the mechanical stress due to the centrifugal forces on the rotor bridges. The developed methodologies in this dissertation are applicable to the wide class of sine-wave driven PM and synchronous reluctance machines. Here, they were successfully utilized for optimization of two existing propulsion traction motors over predefined operating cycles. Particularly, the well-established benchmark design provided by the Toyota Prius Gen. 2 V-type interior PM (IPM) motor, and a challenging high power density spoke-type IPM for a formula E racing car are treated