177 research outputs found

    Mapping UML models incorporating OCL constraints into object-Z

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    Focusing on object-oriented designs, this paper proposes a mapping for translating systems modelled in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) incorporating Object Constraint Language (OCL) constraints into formal software specifications in Object-Z. Joint treatment of semi-formal model constructs and constraints within a single translation framework and conversion tool is novel, and leads to the generation of much richer formal specifications than is otherwise possible. This paper complements previous analyses by paying particular attention to the generation of complete Object-Z structures. Integration of proposals to extend the OCL to include action constraints also boosts the expressivity of the translated specifications. The main features of a tool support are described

    A Recipe for Quantum Graphical Languages

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    Different graphical calculi have been proposed to represent quantum computation. First the ZX-calculus [Coecke and Duncan, 2011], followed by the ZW-calculus [Hadzihasanovic, 2015] and then the ZH-calculus [Backens and Kissinger, 2018]. We can wonder if new ZX-like calculi will continue to be proposed forever. This article answers negatively. All those language share a common core structure we call Z^*-algebras. We classify Z^*-algebras up to isomorphism in two dimensional Hilbert spaces and show that they are all variations of the aforementioned calculi. We do the same for linear relations and show that the calculus of [Bonchi et al., 2017] is essentially the unique one

    Relational Logics and Diagrams: No-Scale Conditions

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    The paper investigates logics of relational thinking and connectivity, rendering particular correspondences between the elements of representation and the things represented in drawings, diagrams, maps, or notations, which either deny notions of scale, or work at all scales without belonging to any specific one of them. They include ratios and proportions (static and dynamic, geometric, arithmetic and harmonic progressions) expressing symmetry and self-similarity principles in spatial-metric terms, but also principles of nonlinearity and complexity by symmetry-breakings within non-metric systems. The first part explains geometric and numeric relational figures/sets as taken for “principles of beauty and primary aesthetic quality of all things” in classical philosophy, science, and architecture. These progressions are guided by certain rules or their combinations (codes and algorithms) based on principles of regularity, usually directly spatially reflected. Conversely, configurations representing the main subject of the following sections, could be spatially independent, transformable, and unpredictable, escaping regular extensive definitions. Their forms are presented through transitions from scalable to no-scale conditions showing initial symmetry breakings and abstractions, through complex forms of dynamic modulations and variations of matter, ending with some of the relational diagrammatic and topological ways of architectural data-processing outside of the spatial constraints and parameters – all through diagrams as ultimate tools of relational thinking and inference.Studija razmatra logike relacionog mišlјenja i konektivnosti, prikazujući odnose između predmeta reprezentacije i načina njegovog predstavlјanja u crtežima, dijagramima, mapama i notacijama, koje ili negiraju razmeru i metrička svojstva, ili funkcionišu u svim razmerama ne pripadajući isklјučivo ni jednoj od njih. Obuhvataju korelacije i proporcije (statičke i dinamičke, geometrijske, aritmetičke, harmonijske) ispolјavajući principe samosličnosti u prostorno-metričkim progresijama, ali i principe kompleksnosti ili nelinearnosti zasnovane na prekidima simetrije u okviru nemetričkih sistema. Prvi deo rada objašnjava geometrijske i numeričke relacione figure, ili nizove predstavlјajući „osnovne principe lepog i primarne esteske kvalitete svih stvari“ na način na koji ih definišu klasična filozofija, nauka i arhitektura. Ove progresije (njihovi kodovi i algoritmi) zasnovani su na principima regularnosti, najčešće i direktno prostorno reflektovane. Na drugoj strani, složenije relacije i transformacije kao primarni predmet sledećih tematskih jedinica, su transformabilne i nepredvidive, izmičući pravilnoj ekstenzivnoj definiciji. Nјihove forme predstavlјene su tranzicijama od skalarnih ka nemetričkim stanjima prikazujući prekide simetrija i apstrakcije, preko složenijih formi dinamičkih modulacija i varijacija materije, zaklјučno sa nekim od primera digitalne relacione dijagramatike i topologije arhitektonske problematike izvan prostornih ograničenja i prostorne parametarske definicije – sve do dijagrama kao primarnog instrumenta relacionog mišlјenja

    Epicurus: a platform for the visualisation of forensic documents based on a linguistic approach

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    This paper presents a tool to visualize a cognitive model of human discourse processing known as Text World Theory (TWT) which is used to facilitate forensic discourse analysis. XML files are designed based on a linguistic annotation scheme. It encompasses the range of descriptive categories defined in TWT. Epicurus is a tool that can parse and visualize those XML files into HTML. The tool is designed for ease of language data annotation and to facilitate evidential analysis by i) visualizing the complex narratives (text-worlds) projected from any given forensic text and ii) reconstructing and visualizing reported events in timeline fashion

    Hybrid Reasoning and the Future of Iconic Representations

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    We give a brief overview of the main characteristics of diagrammatic reasoning, analyze a case of human reasoning in a mastermind game, and explain why hybrid representation systems (HRS) are particularly attractive and promising for Artificial General Intelligence and Computer Science in general.Comment: pp. 299-31


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    Abstract In recent years, the term "semantics" has been widely used in various fields of research and particularly in areas related to information technology. One of the motivators of such an appropriation is the vision of the Semantic Web, a set of developments underway, which might allow one to obtain better results when querying on the web. However, it is worth asking what kind of semantics we can find in the Semantic Web, considering that studying the subject is a complex and controversial endeavour. Working within this context, we present an account of semantics relying on the main linguist approaches, in order to then analyze what semantics is within the scope of information technology. We critically evaluate a spectrum, which proposes the ordination of instruments (models, languages, taxonomic structures, to mention but a few) according to a semantic scale. In addition to proposing a new extended spectrum, the article suggests alternative interpretations with the aim of clarifying the use of the term "semantics" in different contexts. Finally, we offer our conclusions regarding the semantic in the Semantic Web and mention future directions and complementary works

    Remarks on the Logic of Irreversible Actions

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    This paper proposes a logical system in which reversible and irreversible processes could be uniformly handled. This attempt originates in the observation that the question of reversibility not essentially emerges in logic, nor yet in temporal logic in spite of the fact that, in principle, it should be an eminent question as regards any action (where time is the vehiculum and presupposition of change). The situation is quite similar with communication theories, where the expression ’communication’ usually refers to an individual process or action in spite of the fact that any process presupposes a given, timeless type for this process. This timeless or time-indifferent types are the prototypes of pure communication