399,638 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Absensi Siswa SMP Negeri 4 Palembang

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    SMP Negeri 4 Palembang is one of the educational institutions of many educational institutions in the city of Palembang. In the process of student attendance data input in SMP Negeri 4 Palembang still using Microsoft excel. Information systems are built in order to provide solutions of these problems so that activities will become more leverage and efficiency. In the making of this system, used waterfall model as a system development methodology consisting of Definition Requirements, System Design and Software, Implementation and Unit Testing, Integration and Testing System, Operation and Maintenance, and using Visual basic and MySQL as its database. This application can be used for the process of data input attendance with data processing that has been computerized then the process of input, change, search data, deletion and report making becomes easier and faster. This application also has a security where the user who wants to access must have a username and password so as to ensure data security in it

    Rancang Bangun Penilaian Raport Pada SMP Negeri 4 Palembang

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    Palembang Public Middle School 4 is one of the many educational institutions of many educational institutions in the city of Palembang. In its activities in the report cards of students in SMP Negeri 4, report cards are still considered inefficient using Microsoft Excel. It is probable that the process of assessing report cards is longer. The information system built can provide solutions to these problems so that activities will become more maximal and efficient. In making this system, waterfall model is used as a system development methodology consisting of Requirements Definitions, system design and software, unit implementation and testing, system integration and testing, and operation and maintenance, and using Visual Basic and MySQL as the data base . This application can be expected to help for the process of inputting report cards to print student reports. With the management of data that has been computerized to eat the input process, change, data search, deletion and creation of student report cards becomes increasingly easy and fast. This application has a security system where the user who wants to access must have a username and password to ensure the security of the data inside

    Microkernel security evaluation.

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    This thesis documents the successful development and testing of a more secure industrial control system field device architecture and software. The implementation of a secure field device has had limitations in the past due to a lack of secure operating system and guidelines. With the recent verification of OK Labs SEL4 microkernel, a verified operating system for such devices is possible, creating a possibility for a secure field device following open standards using known security protocols and low level memory and functionary isolation. The virtualized prototype makes use of common hardware and an existing secure field device architecture to implement a new level of security where the device is verified to function as expected. The experimental evaluation provides performance data which indicates the usefulness of the architecture in the field and security function integration testing to guarantee secure programs can be implemented on the device. Results of the devices functionality are hopeful, showing useful performance for many applications and further development as a fully functional secure field device

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Harga Pangan Di Dinas Ketahanan Pangan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Berbasis Web

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    Technological developments greatly affect all aspects of human life, one of which is in the field of government. Currently, the food distribution sector in the food price division at the Central Kalimantan Province Food Security Service still uses excel as a medium for managing price data for reporting. This causes several problems, namely the processed data has not been integrated so that it takes time to process the price data recapitulation at the Service, slows down the performance of employees in making reports, and the risk of losing data is quite large. To overcome this problem, an application was made that can help employees/agencies to manage integrated food price data, search and make reports online through the website. The purpose of this research is to design and build a web-based food price data management application at the Food Security Service of Central Kalimantan Province. The system development method used in this research is the waterfall model, with the stages of Requirements Analysis and Definition, System and Software Design, Implementations and Unit Testing, Integration and System Testing, and Operation and Maintenance. Modeling systems and databases using Data Flow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams. This application consists of 2 (two) users, namely the provincial admin and the district admin. This application helps employees/agencies to manage food price data, search and report generation more easily and accurately

    Control and Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) Prototype Radio - Generation 2 Security Architecture Lab Test Report

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    NASA Glenn Research Center, in cooperation with Rockwell Collins, is working to develop a prototype Control and Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) radio platform as part of NASA Integrated Systems Research Program's (ISRP) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) project. A primary focus of the project is to work with the FAA and industry standards bodies to build and demonstrate a safe, secure, and efficient CNPC architecture that can be used by industry to evaluate the feasibility of deploying a system using these technologies in an operational capacity. GRC has been working in conjunction with these groups to assess threats, identify security requirements, and to develop a system of standards-based security controls that can be applied to the current GRC prototype CNPC architecture as a demonstration platform. The security controls were integrated into a lab test bed mock-up of the Mobile IPv6 architecture currently being used for NASA flight testing, and a series of network tests were conducted to evaluate the security overhead of the controls compared to the baseline CNPC link without any security. The aim of testing was to evaluate the performance impact of the additional security control overhead when added to the Mobile IPv6 architecture in various modes of operation. The statistics collected included packet captures at points along the path to gauge packet size as the sample data traversed the CNPC network, round trip latency, jitter, and throughput. The effort involved a series of tests of the baseline link, a link with Robust Header Compression (ROHC) and without security controls, a link with security controls and without ROHC, and finally a link with both ROHC and security controls enabled. The effort demonstrated that ROHC is both desirable and necessary to offset the additional expected overhead of applying security controls to the CNPC link


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    The development of a food ordering and payment information system using MIT App Inventor addresses the need for efficient and convenient solutions in the restaurant industry. This study utilized the Research and Development (RnD) method, incorporating the ADDIE procedure and the MIT framework to design and implement the system. The major findings indicate a significant improvement in operational efficiency, service quality, data security, and customer convenience. By enabling online ordering and payment processing, the system streamlines restaurant operations and enhances the overall customer experience. The secure storage of sales and order data minimizes the risk of data loss and fraudulent activities, ensuring reliable transactions. Furthermore, the system's ability to prevent fictitious orders and provide customers with a user-friendly platform for menu browsing and payment contributes to a more efficient and secure dining experience. The discussion highlights the implications of these findings, emphasizing the system's potential to revolutionize traditional restaurant transactions and improve service delivery. Suggestions for further refinement include additional testing, integration with POS systems, user training, feedback mechanisms, security enhancements, and market expansion. By implementing these suggestions, the food ordering and payment system can maximize its impact on the restaurant industry, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction

    Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testing of G-MoMo Applications

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    Financial technology (FinTech) has swiftly revolutionized mobile money as one of the ways of accessing financial services in developing countries. Numerous mobile money applications were developed to access mobile money services but are hindered by severe authentication security challenges, thus, forcing the researchers to design a secure multi-factor authentication (MFA) algorithm for mobile money applications. Three prototypes of native mobile money applications (G-MoMo applications) were developed to confirm that the algorithm provides high security and is feasible. This study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the usability of the G-MoMo applications using heuristic evaluation and usability testing to identify potential usability issues and provide recommendations for improvement. Heuristic evaluation and usability testing methods were used to evaluate the G-MoMo applications. The heuristic evaluation was carried out by five experts that used the 10 principles proposed by Jakob Nielsen with a five-point severity rating scale to identify the usability problems. While the usability testing was conducted with forty participants selected using a purposive sampling method to validate the usability of the G-MoMo applications by performing tasks and filling out the post-test questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed in RStudio software. Sixty-three usability issues were identified during heuristic evaluation, where 33 were minor and 30 were major. The most violated heuristic items were “help and documentation”, and “user control and freedom”, while the least violated heuristic items were “aesthetic and minimalist design” and “visibility of system status”. The usability testing findings revealed that the G-MoMo applications’ performance proved good in learnability, effectiveness, efficiency, memorability, and errors. It also provided user satisfaction, ease of use, aesthetics, usefulness, integration, and understandability. Therefore, it was highly recommended that the developers of G-MoMo applications fix the identified usability problems to make the applications more reliable and increase overall user satisfaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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