2 research outputs found

    A cloud resource management model for the creation and orchestration of social communities

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    Managing resources, context and data in mobile clouds is a challenging task. Specific aspects of spontaneity, large interaction space and dynamic interaction share a metaphorical resemblance to chemistry, chemical reactions and solutions. In this paper, it is argued that by adopting a nature-inspired chemical computing model, a mobile cloud resource management model can be evolved to serve as the basis for novel service modelling and social computing in mobile clouds. To support the argument, a chemistry inspired computation model, Chemistry for Context Awareness (C2A), is extended with Higher Order Chemical Language (HOCL) and High Level Petri-net Graph (HLPNG) formalisms. A scenario and simulation-based evaluation of the proposed model, focusing on two applications dynamic service composition and social communities identification, is also presented in this paper. The formal encoding of C2A validates its assumptions, enabling formal execution and analysis of context-based interactions that are derived using C2A principles

    Using Chemical Metaphor to Express Workflow and Service Orchestration

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    International audienceNowadays, novel applications, such as personalized e-commerce services, call for cooperation across enterprise boundaries. Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA) forms a solution to build loosely coupled distributed applications by composing Web services that are provided by different entities. Orchestration is a perspective of Web service composition. The traditional approach to implement orchestration is to use an executable language such as WS-BPEL to express a workflow. However, it has some undesirable drawbacks due to its static nature. This paper explores an unconventional approach known as chemical programming on expressing workflow and service orchestration. It has some valuable characteristics such as automated, dynamic and parallel execution which enable it to be a competitive candidate for service composition