15 research outputs found

    iStarML: The i* mark-up language

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    Goal-oriented and agent-oriented modelling provides an effective approach to the understanding of nowadays distributed information systems that need to operate in open, heterogeneous and evolving environments. Existing frameworks have been extended along language variants, analysis methods and CASE tools, posing language semantics and tool interoperability issues. We focus on i*-based modelling languages and tools and on the problem of supporting model exchange between them. As a first step towards providing a practical solution, we introduce an XML interchange format called iStarML. In this report, we describe the iStarML format providing examples to illustrate its use.Postprint (published version

    Management of Security Risks in the Enterprise Architecture using ArchiMate and Mal-activities

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    Turvalisuse tase on ettevõtte üks peamisi elemente, mida tuleb organisatsioonis kontrollida. Kui ettevõtte äri arengut modelleeritakse on eesmärgiks katkematu ettevõtlus, aga tihti ei võeta sellega arvesse turvanõudeid. Selliselt on aga infosüsteemi kõrget turvalisuse taset väga raske säilitada. Selles dokumendis käsitletakse lähenemisviisi, mis parandab julgeoleku vastumeetmeid, et selleläbi aidata ettevõtte arhitektuuri turvalisemaks muuta. Ettevõtte arhitektuurimudeli ja turvariski juhtimise vaheliste soeste leidmine toimub läbi Infosüsteemi turvariskide juhtimise domeeni mudeli (ISSRM). Ettevõtte arhitektuuri modelleerimiseks on kasutatud ArchiMate modelleerimiskeelt. Paljudest riskide kirjeldamise keeltest on sobilikum mal-activity (pahatahtlikute tegevuste) diagrammid, sest see aitab julgeoleku riskide juhtimist kõige paremini visualiseerida. Struktureeritud joondus aitab ülalnimetatud keelte vahelisi seoseid näidata ning annab informatsiooni kõige haavatavamate punktide kohta süsteemis. Turvalisuse taseme säilitamine aitab ettevõttel äritegevust viia sõltumatuks infosüsteemist. Selle dokumendi tulemuseks on ArchiMate ja Mal-activity diagrammide vahelised seostetabelid ja reeglid. Nende kahe keele vaheliseks seoseks on ISSRM. Kirjeldatud lähenemise valideerimine on läbi viidud ühe näite põhjal, mis on võetud CoCoME juhtumiuuringust. Näite põhjal on loodud mitmeid illustreerivaid pilte valideerimise kohta. Kõige viimasena on kirjeldatud meetodiga saadud tulemust võrreldud Grandy et.al. (2013) poolt arendatud lähenemisega. Võtmesõnad: Infosüsteem, Infosüsteemi turvariskide juhtimine, ettevõtte arhitektuur, ettevõtte arhitektuuri mudel, julgeoleku vastumeetmed, turvariskide juhtimine, riskidele orjenteeritud modelleerimiskeeled, ArchiMate, mal-activity diagrammid.Security level of the enterprise is one of the main elements that should be taken under control in the organization. It is difficult to maintain high security level of Information System. Since development of enterprise architecture is targeted on continues business flow modeling, it sometimes does not take into account security requirements. The paper provides an approach to improve security countermeasures to contribute with secure Enterprise Architecture. Filling the gap between Enterprise Architecture model and Security Risk Management is done through Information System Security Risk Management domain model (ISSRM). To build the Enterprise Architecture model, ArchiMate modelling language is being used. Among different risk-oriented languages, selection was done in favor of Mal-activity diagrams, which help to provide visual concept of Security Risk Management. Structured alignment can show the mapping between aforementioned terms and provide the information about most vulnerable points of the system. The maintenance of security level will help to make business flow independent from the state of Information System. The outcome of this paper is an alignment tables and rules between ArchiMate and Mal-activity diagrams. The mapping link between these two languages is ISSRM. Validation of our approach is done on the example, which is taken from CoCoME case study. It is shown on number of illustrative pictures. After getting the results, there is a comparison of the output between presented method and approach developed by Grandry et.al. (2013). Keywords: Information System, Information System Security Risk Management, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture model, security countermeasures, Security Risk Management, risk-oriented modelling languages, ArchiMate, Mal-activity diagrams

    Antiquity and Loyalist Counter-Narrative in Revolutionary America, 1765-1776

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    This study explores one aspect of the American founding that scholarship has not yet fully investigated, namely, the ways in which loyalist advocates used the ancient literature of Greece and Rome to make their case against the Revolution. Neither an apologetic for the loyalist side of the revolutionary controversy nor a survey of loyalist intellectual thought, this study examines how the loyalist persuasion, much like the spirit of Whig patriotism, stemmed naturally from longstanding and earnest convictions concerning the tenets of English liberty, ideas anchored in the models and antimodels of classical antiquity. Like their patriot countrymen, loyalists shared an intense concern with conspiracies against liberty and a profound interest in the literature of the ancient past, and they looked to the classics to help them interpret the signs of the times and add rhetorical force and legitimacy to their polemic. While underestimating the important ways loyalists looked to antiquity to make their case against the Revolution, we have come to assume that classical republicanism naturally favored a radical response to the transatlantic crisis in the 1760s and 70s. However, a closer examination of the loyalists' use of the ancient literature reveals evidence to the contrary; the classical canon served both patriot and loyalist political strategies in the pre-revolutionary years. Affirming the significance of antiquity in the colonies for all British Americans, the author seeks to recapture a broader view of the ideological origins of the American founding, examining the loyalists' use of the classics to assess the influence of the ancient literature in the colonial imagination and fully appreciate the radicalism of the decade leading up to 1776

    A Performance-Centered Approach to Leslie Marmon Silko\u27s Ceremony .

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    This study argues that in Ceremony Leslie Marmon Silko rehearses her Laguna-Keres culture and her culture\u27s interactions with others. She accomplishes this rehearsal by employing representations of performances from the Laguna people as well as other cultures. To establish the context of my argument, first I offer a brief exploration of the current critical interest in Native American arts and cultures, review questions involved in defining the parameters for a study of Native American novels, examine the significance of Native novels for performance scholarship, and review performance studies scholars\u27 responses to Native texts. Second, I review methodologies from a variety of disciplines (from the early Social Scientific methods of anthropologists such as Henry Rowe Schoolcraft to the more contemporary Postmodern methods of Gerald Vizenor) that scholars have employed in examinations of Native discourse. Third, I evolve concepts of rehearsal and performance that distinguish them from each other and allow the formation of other concepts derived from the work of Stephen Greenblatt and Arnold Krupat for analyzing how Ceremony rehearses Laguna-Keres culture. Finally, using three examples of Silko\u27s representations of performance, I argue that Silko\u27s novel rehearses the Laguna-Keres culture as well as these peoples\u27 interactions with other cultures

    Thermodynamic Patterns of Life: Emergent Phenomena in Reaction Networks

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    'David as reader': 2 Samuel 12: 1-15 and the poetics of fatherhood

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    In this thesis, the concept of the character as reader is explored as a means of revealing the poetics of the text of 2 Samuel. A preliminary examination of David's interpretation of the story of the Amalekite messenger in 2 Sam 1 leads to the conclusion that the polysemy of the Amalekite's utterances is turned against him. David as reader re-writes the Amalekite's utterances. This leads to a theoretical investigation of what it might mean to refer to a character as reader. The concept of mise en abyme suggests that the character's reading may be both a model and an antimodel of the reading strategy revealed by the character. The concept of the 'character as reader' is then investigated using theories of the literary character from Aristotle to Greimas coupled with theories of reading as inference and the linguistic theories of Bakhtin and Austin. These all combine to reinforce the contention that meaning is a dialogic process, dependent on the response of the interlocutor, but in inviting response, provokes the hearer or reader to utter. The character as reader is defined as a signed site of translation, a particular interpretative transformation of perlocutionary force into illocution which is given coherence by a proper name. Character as reader is character as utterer. This definition is then used to look at two stories where David 'interprets' a text, 2 Samuel 12: 1-15 and 2 Sam 14. Here the parodic relationship between these two texts is explored, and the difference in reading stances which are labelled by the name David is pointed out. This parodic relationship foregrounds the fact that both stories share the device of provoking an oath

    Redefining U.S. borders : a reading of Sandra Cisneros’s Caramelo, Cristina Garcia’s The Agüero Sisters, and David Plante’s The Family and The Native

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Thèses et mémoires - FAS - Département d'études anglaises]Cette thèse propose une redéfinition de la notion de frontière dans le contexte américain, avec pour point de départ les romans de trois voix littéraires issues de trois minorités ethniques : Sandra Cisneros (Caramelo), Cristina Garcia (The Agüero Sisters) et David Plante (The Family et The Native). Je conceptualise la frontière comme fluctuation entre mouvement et immobilité, entre porosité et imperméabilité. Dans le premier chapitre, je fournis des repères sur la théorie des frontières et j'analyse les avancées de ce champ d'étude, du concept de terre frontalière (“Borderland Theories”) jusqu'aux récits d'immigration. Je propose un cadre conceptuel que j'appelle « Écrire la frontière à partir de la perspective de la frontière », lequel permet une lecture neuve des récits de frontière, et une redéfinition de la notion elle-même. Prise comme perspective, la frontière est une dynamique vivante, ce qui la rend plurielle et impossible à fixer définitivement; aussi les récits de frontière présentent-ils une grande variété d’expériences, toutes liées à des moments et à des points de vue uniques. Dans le second chapitre, j’analyse la porosité des frontières dans le contexte géopolitique contemporain, en mettant en lumière comment la colonisation, la mondialisation économique et l’immigration sont autant de mécanismes de transgression des frontières qui suivent des orientations transnationales, dénationales et postnationales. Dans le troisième chapitre, j’étudie la résurgence des frontières dans la vie des immigrants qui habitent aux États-Unis. J’identifie l’insécurité capitaliste ainsi que la marchandisation de l’espace et de l’ethnicité comme étant à l'origine du renforcement des frontières délimitant les quartiers ethniques; génératrices de stéréotypes négatifs, ces divisions physiques deviennent une technologie d’exclusion et d’injustice sociale. Le dernier chapitre présente une lecture des aspects esthétiques de la frontière, voyant comment ils peuvent contribuer à écrire la frontière à partir de la perspective de la frontière. Dans les textes à l'étude, j'examine de près la problématisation du concept de représentation, la multiplicité des points de vue narratifs, l’inaccessibilité du réel, et la partialité de la médiation. Mots clés : Théories et écrits sur les frontières, minorités ethniques aux États-Unis, multiculturalisme, culture, immigration, mondialisation, espace, place, territoire, état-nation, nationalisme, histoire, langue et langage, représentation, communauté, justice sociale, citoyennetéThis thesis suggests a redefinition of the concept of the border in the context of the United States starting from the novels of three minority American writers, namely Sandra Cisneros’s Caramelo, Cristina Garcia’s The Agüero Sisters, and David Plante’s The Family and The Native. I read the border in terms of movement between stasis and movement, between porousness and impermeability. In the first chapter of the dissertation, I situate border theory and analyse the progression of the field from borderland theories to immigration narratives. I introduce what I call “writing the border from the perspective of the border” as a conceptual frame from which to read border narratives and to redefine the border. Border perspective is a living dynamic that resists final resolutions. Border narratives represent a plethora of experiences that are moment-related and perspective bound. In the second chapter, I analyse the crossability of borders in the contemporary geopolitical scene. I highlight colonization, economic globalization, and immigration as instances of border crossing dynamics that function along transnational, denational, and postnational lines. In the third chapter, I analyse the movement of borders back into the life of immigrants in the United States. I identify capital insecurity and the commodification of space and ethnicity as reasons behind the tightening of the borders of the ghetto, the barrio, and the enclave. The clear-cut boundaries of the ethnic neighborhood become a technology of seclusion, stereotyping, and social injustice. The last chapter of this dissertation is a reading of border aesthetics and their contribution to writing the border from the perspective of the border. I analyse most prominently the novels’ problematization of the concept of representation and their focus on the multiplicity of perspectives and the inaccessibility of the real and the partiality of mediation. Key words: border theory and literatures, ethnic minorities in the U.S., multiculturalism, culture, immigration, globalization, space, place, territory, nation-state, nationalism, history, language, representation, community, social justice, citizenshi

    Photojournalism and the Revolution: Tactical Uses of Visual Media in the Making of the Republic of China (1905-1914)

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    This study shows that photography, despite its use in the colonial conquests of the second half of the nineteenth century, came to empower actors in East Asia and became one of the tactics that allowed them to contest and reverse unequal power structures. At the turn of the twentieth century, Chinese revolutionary movements envisioned photojournalism as one of the tools that would lead to their plan to transform the Chinese nation from a dynastic empire into a republic. A close reading of press photographs issued in the anarchist illustrated journal Le Monde (1907) and the Revolutionary Alliance-affiliated The True Record (1912-1913), edited and published in the Chinese language in the transcultural contexts of Paris and Shanghai, sheds light on the tactical uses of photography as a mean of resistance in the context of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution. Furthermore, by focusing on the images and artefacts developed and used by Sinophone actors including politicians Li Shizeng, Wu Hui, Wu Zhihui, and Zhang Jingjiang, and also by the prominent Lingnan artists Gao Jianfu, Gao Qifeng, and Chen Shuren, this dissertation remarks on the relevance of the photographic historian’s choice of sources. If the exclusive consultation of the colonial archive supports and perpetrates the perception of photography as a means of colonial violence, considering different visual archival sources and local uses of the camera uncovers a radically different story