1,297 research outputs found

    Automated identification of river hydromorphological features using UAV high resolution aerial imagery

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    European legislation is driving the development of methods for river ecosystem protection in light of concerns over water quality and ecology. Key to their success is the accurate and rapid characterisation of physical features (i.e., hydromorphology) along the river. Image pattern recognition techniques have been successfully used for this purpose. The reliability of the methodology depends on both the quality of the aerial imagery and the pattern recognition technique used. Recent studies have proved the potential of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to increase the quality of the imagery by capturing high resolution photography. Similarly, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been shown to be a high precision tool for automated recognition of environmental patterns. This paper presents a UAV based framework for the identification of hydromorphological features from high resolution RGB aerial imagery using a novel classification technique based on ANNs. The framework is developed for a 1.4 km river reach along the river Dee in Wales, United Kingdom. For this purpose, a Falcon 8 octocopter was used to gather 2.5 cm resolution imagery. The results show that the accuracy of the framework is above 81%, performing particularly well at recognising vegetation. These results leverage the use of UAVs for environmental policy implementation and demonstrate the potential of ANNs and RGB imagery for high precision river monitoring and river management

    Inferential measurements for situation awareness: enhancing traffic surveillance by machine learning.

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    The paper proposes a generic approach to building inferential measurement systems. The large amount of data needed to be acquired and processed by such systems necessitates the use of machine learning techniques. In this study, an inferential measurement system aimed at enhancing situation awareness has been developed and tested on simulated traffic surveillance data. The performance of several Computational Intelligence techniques within this system has been examined and compared on the data containing anomalous driving patterns

    Seguimento de pessoas com drones em espaços inteligentes

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    Recent technological progress made over the last decades in the field of Computer Vision has introduced new methods and algorithms with ever increasing performance results. Particularly, the emergence of machine learning algorithms enabled class based object detection on live video feeds. Alongside these advances, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (more commonly known as drones), have also experienced advancements in both hardware miniaturization and software optimization. Thanks to these improvements, drones have emerged from their military usage based background and are now both used by the general public and the scientific community for applications as distinct as aerial photography and environmental monitoring. This dissertation aims to take advantage of these recent technological advancements and apply state of the art machine learning algorithms in order to create a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based network architecture capable of performing real time people tracking through image detection. To perform object detection, two distinct machine learning algorithms are presented. The first one uses an SVM based approach, while the second one uses an Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based architecture. Both methods will be evaluated using an image dataset created for the purposes of this dissertation’s work. The evaluations performed regarding the object detectors performance showed that the method using a CNN based architecture was the best both in terms of processing time required and detection accuracy, and therefore, the most suitable method for our implementation. The developed network architecture was tested in a live scenario context, with the results showing that the system is capable of performing people tracking at average walking speeds.O recente progresso tecnológico registado nas últimas décadas no campo da Visão por Computador introduziu novos métodos e algoritmos com um desempenho cada vez mais elevado. Particularmente, a criação de algoritmos de aprendizagem automática tornou possível a detecção de objetos aplicada a feeds de vídeo capturadas em tempo real. Paralelo com este progresso, a tecnologia relativa a veículos aéreos não tripulados, ou drones, também beneficiaram de avanços tanto na miniaturização dos seus componentes de hardware assim como na optimização do software. Graças a essas melhorias, os drones emergiram do seu passado militar e são agora usados tanto pelo público em geral como pela comunidade científica para aplicações tão distintas como fotografia e monitorização ambiental. O objectivo da presente dissertação pretende tirar proveito destes recentes avanços tecnológicos e aplicar algoritmos de aprendizagem automática de última geração para criar um sistema capaz de realizar seguimento automático de pessoas com drones através de visão por computador. Para realizar a detecção de objetos, dois algoritmos distintos de aprendizagem automática são apresentados. O primeiro é dotado de uma abordagem baseada em Support Vector Machine (SVM), enquanto o segundo é caracterizado por uma arquitetura baseada em Redes Neuronais Convolucionais. Ambos os métodos serão avaliados usando uma base de dados de imagens criada para os propósitos da presente dissertação. As avaliações realizadas relativas ao desempenho dos algoritmos de detecção de objectos demonstraram que o método baseado numa arquitetura de Redes Neuronais Covolucionais foi o melhor tanto em termos de tempo de processamento médio assim como na precisão das detecções, revelando-se portanto, como sendo o método mais adequado de acordo com os objectivos pretendidos. O sistema desenvolvido foi testado num contexto real, com os resultados obtidos a demonstrarem que o sistema é capaz de realizar o seguimento de pessoas a velocidades comparáveis a um ritmo normal humano de caminhada.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Advanced Mission Management System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    The paper presents advanced mission management system (MMS) for unmanned aerial vehicles, based on integrated modular avionics (IMA) architecture. IMA architecture enables the MMS to host high end functions for autonomous navigation and attack. MMS is a collection of systems to execute the mission objectives. The system constitutes mission computer (MC), sensors and other sub-systems. The MMS-MC needs to execute advanced algorithms like terrain referenced navigation, vision-aided navigation, automatic target recognition, sensor fusion, online path planning, and tactical planning for autonomy and safety. This demands high-end architecture in terms of hardware, software, and communication. The MMS-MC is designed to exploit the benefits of IMA concepts such as open system architecture, hardware and software architecture catering for portability, technology transparency, scalability, system reconfigurability and fault tolerance. This paper investigates on advanced navigation methods for augmenting INS with terrain-referenced navigation and vision-aided navigation during GPS non-availability. This paper also includes approach to implement these methods and simulation results are provided accordingly, and also discusses in a limited way, the approach for implementing online path planning.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 64, No. 5, September 2014, pp.438-444, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.64.599

    Multi UAV coverage path planning in urban environments

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Efficient Planning and Mapping for Multi-Robot Systems.Coverage path planning (CPP) is a field of study which objective is to find a path that covers every point of a certain area of interest. Recently, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has become more proficient in various applications such as surveillance, terrain coverage, mapping, natural disaster tracking, transport, and others. The aim of this paper is to design efficient coverage path planning collision-avoidance capable algorithms for single or multi UAV systems in cluttered urban environments. Two algorithms are developed and explored: one of them plans paths to cover a target zone delimited by a given perimeter with predefined coverage height and bandwidth, using a boustrophedon flight pattern, while the other proposed algorithm follows a set of predefined viewpoints, calculating a smooth path that ensures that the UAVs pass over the objectives. Both algorithms have been developed for a scalable number of UAVs, which fly in a triangular deformable leader-follower formation with the leader at its front. In the case of an even number of UAVs, there is no leader at the front of the formation and a virtual leader is used to plan the paths of the followers. The presented algorithms also have collision avoidance capabilities, powered by the Fast Marching Square algorithm. These algorithms are tested in various simulated urban and cluttered environments, and they prove capable of providing safe and smooth paths for the UAV formation in urban environments.This research was funded by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), through the European H2020 LABYRINTH project. Grant agreement H2020-MG-2019-TwoStages-861696

    UAV swarm path planning with reinforcement learning for field prospecting

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    [Abstract] There has been steady growth in the adoption of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarms by operators due to their time and cost benefits. However, this kind of system faces an important problem, which is the calculation of many optimal paths for each UAV. Solving this problem would allow control of many UAVs without human intervention while saving battery between recharges and performing several tasks simultaneously. The main aim is to develop a Reinforcement Learning based system capable of calculating the optimal flight path for a UAV swarm. This method stands out for its ability to learn through trial and error, allowing the model to adjust itself. The aim of these paths is to achieve full coverage of an overflight area for tasks such as field prospection, regardless of map size and the number of UAVs in the swarm. It is not necessary to establish targets or to have any previous knowledge other than the given map. Experiments have been conducted to determine whether it is optimal to establish a single control for all UAVs in the swarm or a control for each UAV. The results show that it is better to use one control for all UAVs because of the shorter flight time. In addition, the flight time is greatly affected by the size of the map. The results give starting points for future research, such as finding the optimal map size for each situation

    Surgical and Medical Applications of Drones: A Comprehensive Review

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    Drones have the ability to gather real time data cost effectively, to deliver payloads and have initiated the rapid evolution of many industrial, commercial, and recreational applications. Unfortunately, there has been a slower expansion in the field of medicine. This article provides a comprehensive review of current and future drone applications in medicine, in hopes of empowering and inspiring more aggressive investigation

    A Comprehensive Review of AI-enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Trends, Vision , and Challenges

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    In recent years, the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has brought about advancements in various areas. This comprehensive analysis explores the changing landscape of AI-powered UAVs and friendly computing in their applications. It covers emerging trends, futuristic visions, and the inherent challenges that come with this relationship. The study examines how AI plays a role in enabling navigation, detecting and tracking objects, monitoring wildlife, enhancing precision agriculture, facilitating rescue operations, conducting surveillance activities, and establishing communication among UAVs using environmentally conscious computing techniques. By delving into the interaction between AI and UAVs, this analysis highlights the potential for these technologies to revolutionise industries such as agriculture, surveillance practices, disaster management strategies, and more. While envisioning possibilities, it also takes a look at ethical considerations, safety concerns, regulatory frameworks to be established, and the responsible deployment of AI-enhanced UAV systems. By consolidating insights from research endeavours in this field, this review provides an understanding of the evolving landscape of AI-powered UAVs while setting the stage for further exploration in this transformative domain