2,916 research outputs found

    Sketch-based interaction and modeling: where do we stand?

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    Sketching is a natural and intuitive communication tool used for expressing concepts or ideas which are difficult to communicate through text or speech alone. Sketching is therefore used for a variety of purposes, from the expression of ideas on two-dimensional (2D) physical media, to object creation, manipulation, or deformation in three-dimensional (3D) immersive environments. This variety in sketching activities brings about a range of technologies which, while having similar scope, namely that of recording and interpreting the sketch gesture to effect some interaction, adopt different interpretation approaches according to the environment in which the sketch is drawn. In fields such as product design, sketches are drawn at various stages of the design process, and therefore, designers would benefit from sketch interpretation technologies which support these differing interactions. However, research typically focuses on one aspect of sketch interpretation and modeling such that literature on available technologies is fragmented and dispersed. In this paper, we bring together the relevant literature describing technologies which can support the product design industry, namely technologies which support the interpretation of sketches drawn on 2D media, sketch-based search interactions, as well as sketch gestures drawn in 3D media. This paper, therefore, gives a holistic view of the algorithmic support that can be provided in the design process. In so doing, we highlight the research gaps and future research directions required to provide full sketch-based interaction support

    Tangible auditory interfaces : combining auditory displays and tangible interfaces

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    Bovermann T. Tangible auditory interfaces : combining auditory displays and tangible interfaces. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2009.Tangible Auditory Interfaces (TAIs) investigates into the capabilities of the interconnection of Tangible User Interfaces and Auditory Displays. TAIs utilise artificial physical objects as well as soundscapes to represent digital information. The interconnection of the two fields establishes a tight coupling between information and operation that is based on the human's familiarity with the incorporated interrelations. This work gives a formal introduction to TAIs and shows their key features at hand of seven proof of concept applications

    Tangible user interfaces : past, present and future directions

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    In the last two decades, Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) have emerged as a new interface type that interlinks the digital and physical worlds. Drawing upon users' knowledge and skills of interaction with the real non-digital world, TUIs show a potential to enhance the way in which people interact with and leverage digital information. However, TUI research is still in its infancy and extensive research is required in or- der to fully understand the implications of tangible user interfaces, to develop technologies that further bridge the digital and the physical, and to guide TUI design with empirical knowledge. This paper examines the existing body of work on Tangible User In- terfaces. We start by sketching the history of tangible user interfaces, examining the intellectual origins of this eld. We then present TUIs in a broader context, survey application domains, and review frame- works and taxonomies. We also discuss conceptual foundations of TUIs including perspectives from cognitive sciences, phycology, and philoso- phy. Methods and technologies for designing, building, and evaluating TUIs are also addressed. Finally, we discuss the strengths and limita- tions of TUIs and chart directions for future research

    Tech Imaginations

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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Christoph Borbach, Max Kanderske und Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil sind Herausgeber der Reihe. Die Herausgeber*innen der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem In- und Ausland.Technologies and especially media technologies are pervasive in modern societies. But even more omnipresent are the imaginaries of modern technologies – what technologies are thought to be capable of or what effects they are supposed to have. These imaginations reveal a lot of the political and ideological self-descriptions of societies, hence the (techno-)imaginary also functions as a kind of epistemic tool. Concepts of the imaginary therefore have experienced an increasing attention in cultural theory and the social sciences in recent years. In particular, work from political philosophy, but also approaches from science and technology studies (STS) or communication and media studies are worth mentioning here. The term "techno-imagination", coined by Vilém Flusser in the early 1990s, refers to the close interconnection of (digital) media and imaginations, whose coupling can not only be understood as a driver of future technology via fictional discourses (e.g. science fiction), but much more fundamentally also as a constitutive element of society and sociality itself, as Castoriadis has argued. In the first part of the issue several theoretical contributions add new aspects to the discussion of socio-technical imaginaries, while in the second part a workshop held in January 2022 at the CAIS in Bochum is documented, in which the case of the imaginaries of “Future Internets” was discussed

    The People Inside

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    Our collection begins with an example of computer vision that cuts through time and bureaucratic opacity to help us meet real people from the past. Buried in thousands of files in the National Archives of Australia is evidence of the exclusionary “White Australia” policies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which were intended to limit and discourage immigration by non-Europeans. Tim Sherratt and Kate Bagnall decided to see what would happen if they used a form of face-detection software made ubiquitous by modern surveillance systems and applied it to a security system of a century ago. What we get is a new way to see the government documents, not as a source of statistics but, Sherratt and Bagnall argue, as powerful evidence of the people affected by racism

    Design algoritmico de um produto baseado em dados do consumidor

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    There is a growing trend of using computers creatively in order to enrich the design process. There are three Computational Design techniques that stand-out: Parametric Design, Generative Design and Algorithmic Design. This dissertation intends to test the viability of using these techniques in a context of product development. These techniques show tremendous potential for products that can be customizable by consumers, exploring the combination of various manufacturing methods. To achieve these goals a case study with customization potential and the ability to test algorithmic design techniques has been selected. The results originate from 2 approaches: a generative approach and an algorithmic approach, with each having different evaluation methods. The generative approach is able to explore a solution search space and compares the generated curvatures, whilst the algorithmic approach takes advantage of rapid prototyping principles. The performance indicators for the case study’s conception stage using CD techniques are very positive, but the production stage needs more research.Cada vez mais os computadores são usados de forma criativa para aprofundar o processo de design. Existem três técnicas de design computacional que merecem destaque: design paramétrico, design generativo e design algorítmico. Este trabalho tem como intuito testar a viabilidade do uso destas técnicas num contexto de desenvolvimento de produto. Estas técnicas demonstram um grande potencial para produtos que possam ser customizáveis, explorando a combinação de diferentes métodos de produção. Para isso foi selecionado um caso de estudo com potencial de customização onde seja possível testar a aplicação das técnicas de design algorítmico. Os resultados provêm de 2 abordagens: uma abordagem generativa e uma abordagem algorítmica, com cada abordagem a ter um método de avaliação de resultados. A abordagem generativa varre um espaço de soluções e compara as curvaturas geradas enquanto a abordagem algorítmica aproveita os princípios de prototipagem rápida. Os indicadores obtidos para a fase de conceção do caso de estudo usando as técnicas de CD foram positivos, no entanto a fase da produção necessita mais investigação.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Computers in Support of Musical Expression

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