127 research outputs found

    Autonomous Vehicles

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    This edited volume, Autonomous Vehicles, is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of vehicle autonomy. The book comprises nine chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the field of study. All chapters are complete in itself but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims to provide a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors, open new possible research paths for further novel developments, and to inspire the younger generations into pursuing relevant academic studies and professional careers within the autonomous vehicle field

    Teamwork collaboration around CAE models in an industrial context

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    2015 - 2016Medium and Large Companies must compete every day in a global context. To achieve greater efficiency in their products/processes they are forced to globalize by opening multiple locations in geographically distant places. In this context, people from the same team or different teams must work together regardless of the time zone and where they are located. Therefore, a "virtual" team consists of groups of geographically distant people who can coordinate with the help of new technologies. The tools and methodologies supporting "Computer Supported Cooperative Work" (CSCW) can facilitate collaboration by reducing distance and time related issues. The main goals CSCW aims to achieve within a complex organization are listed below: • Schedule, track, and chart the steps in a project as it is being completed (Project Management) • Share, review, approve or reject project proposals from other workgroup members (Authoring Systems) • Collaborative management of tasks and documents within a knowledge-based business process (Workflow Management) • Collect, organize, manage, and share various forms of information (Knowledge Management) • Collaborative bookmarking engine to tag, organize, share, and search enterprise data (Enterprise Bookmarking) • Collect, organize, manage and share information associated with the delivery of a project (Extranet Systems) • Quickly share company information to members within a company via Internet (Intranet Systems) • Organize social relations of groups (Social Network) • Collaborate and share structured data and information (Online SpreadSheet) This work is based on the main objectives outlined through a specific research experience that verifies compliance and ensures its applicability. The real context consists of virtual team of engineers and the way they cooperate within the automotive industry. The research “iter” can be summarized as follows: (1) the main collaborative and engineering requirements have been identified by referring to a real use case within Fiat Chrysler Automobiles; (2) each requirement has been met by implementing an integrated, modular and extensible architecture; (3) Floasys platform for collecting, centralizing and sharing simulations has been designed, implemented and tested; (4) a tool called ExploraTool has been designed to visually explore a simulation repository within Floasys; (5) the possible extension of the platform has been identified in terms of multidisciplinarity and multisectorality; (6) downstream of the whole process, all the requirements a CSCW intended to meet were verified. The initial phase of the work has focused on collecting collaborative requirements and related needs that emerge when different virtual teams find themselves collaborating to pursue a common result. The collaborative requirements identified to support collaboration between geographically remote teams are: centralizing simulation data, providing annotation and adding metadata to files, providing a search engine for simulations completed by other analysts, providing data versioning and support their sharing. In line with the requirements identified, a collaborative platform prototype (CSCW) called Floasys was developed. Floasys customers are all industries using CAE simulations to design their products, so the automotive, aeronautical and naval industries, etc. Floasys collects simulation data, stores them in open XML format and centralizes them into a shared repository; It also provides additional services on collected data stored in open format, such as the ability to annotate files or search within the repository regardless of the simulator with which they were generated. It is extremely useful to be able to retrieve simulations from other members of the same team or different teams in order to compare the performance of a current project. In order to provide these services, various aspects must be considered: surely the services listed above must be immersed in an existing business environment with existing practices, workflows and software systems. To bring a concrete example, the only centralization of simulation data involves communication with existing simulation software by mitigating the problem of Vendor Lock-In, which is the strong dependence on the simulators themselves. From an architectural point of view, Floasys meets the non-functional extensibility and modularity requirements. This way the system can be tailored to the needs of customers, open to meet future needs and be used in other departments. The modular and extensible Floasys architecture was obtained based on the concept of plug-in. Although the research activity directly concerns the automotive industry, the requirements and the difficulties described are common to other sectors as described in the literature. So many of the considerations made in this work and the solutions adopted can be reused for other types of simulation as well as for data obtained from experiments. Finally, within Floasys, an interactive tool called "ExploraTool" was integrated for viewing, exploring, and querying simulation repositories. Although the idea of this tool was born in the context of simulation repository navigation, it is generic and can be used with any dataset. The tool is based on Eulero-Venn diagrams. The universe is the set of all simulations stored in one or more repositories. Simulation groups are represented by grafted ellipses. Using this tool, analysts can explore the repository through drill-down and roll-up operations to get more or less detail. Going down in the hierarchy, the user filters the items within the dataset and performs a graphical query. In this way, the user explores the repository by finally obtaining two or more simulations to be compared. After the design, implementation and implementation phase, the tool was tested with real users to gain data on its usability. [edited by author]XV n.s

    Teamwork collaboration around simulation data in an industrial context

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    2013 - 2014Nowadays even more small, medium and large enterprises are world-wide and com- pete on a global market. In order to face the new challenges, industries have multiple co-located and geographically dispersed teams that work across time, space, and organ- isational boundaries. A virtual team or a dispersed team is a group of geographically, organisationally and/or time dispersed knowledge workers who coordinate their work using electronic technologies to accomplish a common goal. The advent of Internet and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) technologies can reduce the distances between these teams and are used to support the collaboration among them. The topic of this thesis concerns the engineering dispersed teams and their collaboration within enterprises. In this context, the contributions of this thesis are the following: I was able to (1) identify the key collaborative requirements analysing a real use case of two engineering dispersed teams within Fiat Chrysler Automobiles; (2) address each of them with an integrated, extensible and modular architecture; (3) implement a working in- dustrial prototype called Floasys to collect, centralise, search, and share simulations as well as automate repetitive, error-prone and time-consuming tasks like the document generation; (4) design a tool called ExploraTool to visually explore a repository of sim- ulations provided by Floasys, and (5) identify the possible extensions of this work to other contexts (like aeronautic, rail and naval sectors). The rst research aim of this work is the analysis of the key collaborative require- ments within a real industrial use case of geographically dispersed teams. In order to gather these requirements, I worked closely with two geographically separated en- gineering teams in Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA): one team located in Pomigliano D'Arco (Italy) and the other one in Torino (Italy). Both teams use computer numerical Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations to design vehicle products simulating physical phenomenons, such as vehicle aerodynamic and its drag coefficient, or the in- ternal ow for the passengers thermal comfort. The applied methodology to collect the collaborative and engineering requirements is based on an extensive literature review, on site directly observations, stakeholders' interviews and an user survey. The identi ed key collaborative requirements as actions to perform to improve the collaboration among dispersed teams are: centralise simulation data, provide metadata over simulation data, provide search facility, simulation data versioning, and data sharing... [edited by Author]XIII n.s

    Integrated Rocket Simulation of Internal and External Flow Dynamics in an e-Science Environment

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    The internal and external flowfield variation of a launch vehicle has been simulated in an e-Science environment. To analyze the igniting process of a solid-rocket propellant, a fluid-structure interaction code has been developed using an ALE (arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) kinematical description and a staggered fluid-structure interaction algorithm. Also, unsteady motion of a detached rocket booster has been predicted by using an external flow analysis with an aerodynamic-dynamic coupled solver. A Korean e-Science environment designed for aerospace engineering, e-AIRS [15], supplies a user-friendly interface for such individual work and it can advance to an integrated rocket simulation of internal combustion and external flow variation by controlling the execution and data flow of two flow solvers. As a consequence, e-Science facilitates multi-disciplinary collaborative research, and makes individual work more convenient.The current work is a product of the Korea National e-Science project. The authors are grateful to the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information for their financial support. Also, the authors appreciate the financial supports provided by NSL(National Space Lab.) program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Grant 20090091724) and the authors are grateful to the Agency for Defence Development for financial support on solid-rocket propellant research.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2009-01/102/0000004648/4SEQ:4PERF_CD:SNU2009-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000004648ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A001138DEPT_CD:446CITE_RATE:1.2FILENAME:article.pdfDEPT_NM:기계항공공학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    IIHR Currents Winter 2015-16

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    Transport Layer solution for bulk data transfers over Heterogeneous Long Fat Networks in Next Generation Networks

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    Aquesta tesi per compendi centra les seves contribucions en l'aprenentatge i innovació de les Xarxes de Nova Generació. És per això que es proposen diferents contribucions en diferents àmbits (Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Smart Campus, Smart Learning, Mitjana, eHealth, Indústria 4.0 entre d'altres) mitjançant l'aplicació i combinació de diferents disciplines (Internet of Things, Building Information Modeling, Cloud Storage, Ciberseguretat, Big Data, Internet de el Futur, Transformació Digital). Concretament, es detalla el monitoratge sostenible del confort a l'Smart Campus, la que potser es la meva aportació més representativa dins de la conceptualització de Xarxes de Nova Generació. Dins d'aquest innovador concepte de monitorització s'integren diferents disciplines, per poder oferir informació sobre el nivell de confort de les persones. Aquesta investigació demostra el llarg recorregut que hi ha en la transformació digital dels sectors tradicionals i les NGNs. Durant aquest llarg aprenentatge sobre les NGN a través de les diferents investigacions, es va poder observar una problemàtica que afectava de manera transversal als diferents camps d'aplicació de les NGNs i que aquesta podia tenir una afectació en aquests sectors. Aquesta problemàtica consisteix en el baix rendiment durant l'intercanvi de grans volums de dades sobre xarxes amb gran capacitat d'ample de banda i remotament separades geogràficament, conegudes com a xarxes elefant. Concretament, això afecta al cas d'ús d'intercanvi massiu de dades entre regions Cloud (Cloud Data Sharing use case). És per això que es va estudiar aquest cas d'ús i les diferents alternatives a nivell de protocols de transport,. S'estudien les diferents problemàtiques que pateixen els protocols i s'observa per què aquests no són capaços d'arribar a rendiments òptims. Deguda a aquesta situació, s'hipotetiza que la introducció de mecanismes que analitzen les mètriques de la xarxa i que exploten eficientment la capacitat de la mateixa milloren el rendiment dels protocols de transport sobre xarxes elefant heterogènies durant l'enviament massiu de dades. Primerament, es dissenya l’Adaptative and Aggressive Transport Protocol (AATP), un protocol de transport adaptatiu i eficient amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment sobre aquest tipus de xarxes elefant. El protocol AATP s'implementa i es prova en un simulador de xarxes i un testbed sota diferents situacions i condicions per la seva validació. Implementat i provat amb èxit el protocol AATP, es decideix millorar el propi protocol, Enhanced-AATP, sobre xarxes elefant heterogènies. Per això, es dissenya un mecanisme basat en el Jitter Ràtio que permet fer aquesta diferenciació. A més, per tal de millorar el comportament del protocol, s’adapta el seu sistema de fairness per al repartiment just dels recursos amb altres fluxos Enhanced-AATP. Aquesta evolució s'implementa en el simulador de xarxes i es realitzen una sèrie de proves. A l'acabar aquesta tesi, es conclou que les Xarxes de Nova Generació tenen molt recorregut i moltes coses a millorar causa de la transformació digital de la societat i de l'aparició de nova tecnologia disruptiva. A més, es confirma que la introducció de mecanismes específics en la concepció i operació dels protocols de transport millora el rendiment d'aquests sobre xarxes elefant heterogènies.Esta tesis por compendio centra sus contribuciones en el aprendizaje e innovación de las Redes de Nueva Generación. Es por ello que se proponen distintas contribuciones en diferentes ámbitos (Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Smart Campus, Smart Learning, Media, eHealth, Industria 4.0 entre otros) mediante la aplicación y combinación de diferentes disciplinas (Internet of Things, Building Information Modeling, Cloud Storage, Ciberseguridad, Big Data, Internet del Futuro, Transformación Digital). Concretamente, se detalla la monitorización sostenible del confort en el Smart Campus, la que se podría considerar mi aportación más representativa dentro de la conceptualización de Redes de Nueva Generación. Dentro de este innovador concepto de monitorización se integran diferentes disciplinas, para poder ofrecer información sobre el nivel de confort de las personas. Esta investigación demuestra el recorrido que existe en la transformación digital de los sectores tradicionales y las NGNs. Durante este largo aprendizaje sobre las NGN a través de las diferentes investigaciones, se pudo observar una problemática que afectaba de manera transversal a los diferentes campos de aplicación de las NGNs y que ésta podía tener una afectación en estos sectores. Esta problemática consiste en el bajo rendimiento durante el intercambio de grandes volúmenes de datos sobre redes con gran capacidad de ancho de banda y remotamente separadas geográficamente, conocidas como redes elefante, o Long Fat Networks (LFNs). Concretamente, esto afecta al caso de uso de intercambio de datos entre regiones Cloud (Cloud Data Data use case). Es por ello que se estudió este caso de uso y las diferentes alternativas a nivel de protocolos de transporte. Se estudian las diferentes problemáticas que sufren los protocolos y se observa por qué no son capaces de alcanzar rendimientos óptimos. Debida a esta situación, se hipotetiza que la introducción de mecanismos que analizan las métricas de la red y que explotan eficientemente la capacidad de la misma mejoran el rendimiento de los protocolos de transporte sobre redes elefante heterogéneas durante el envío masivo de datos. Primeramente, se diseña el Adaptative and Aggressive Transport Protocol (AATP), un protocolo de transporte adaptativo y eficiente con el objetivo maximizar el rendimiento sobre este tipo de redes elefante. El protocolo AATP se implementa y se prueba en un simulador de redes y un testbed bajo diferentes situaciones y condiciones para su validación. Implementado y probado con éxito el protocolo AATP, se decide mejorar el propio protocolo, Enhanced-AATP, sobre redes elefante heterogéneas. Además, con tal de mejorar el comportamiento del protocolo, se mejora su sistema de fairness para el reparto justo de los recursos con otros flujos Enhanced-AATP. Esta evolución se implementa en el simulador de redes y se realizan una serie de pruebas. Al finalizar esta tesis, se concluye que las Redes de Nueva Generación tienen mucho recorrido y muchas cosas a mejorar debido a la transformación digital de la sociedad y a la aparición de nueva tecnología disruptiva. Se confirma que la introducción de mecanismos específicos en la concepción y operación de los protocolos de transporte mejora el rendimiento de estos sobre redes elefante heterogéneas.This compendium thesis focuses its contributions on the learning and innovation of the New Generation Networks. That is why different contributions are proposed in different areas (Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Smart Campus, Smart Learning, Media, eHealth, Industry 4.0, among others) through the application and combination of different disciplines (Internet of Things, Building Information Modeling, Cloud Storage, Cybersecurity, Big Data, Future Internet, Digital Transformation). Specifically, the sustainable comfort monitoring in the Smart Campus is detailed, which can be considered my most representative contribution within the conceptualization of New Generation Networks. Within this innovative monitoring concept, different disciplines are integrated in order to offer information on people's comfort levels. . This research demonstrates the long journey that exists in the digital transformation of traditional sectors and New Generation Networks. During this long learning about the NGNs through the different investigations, it was possible to observe a problematic that affected the different application fields of the NGNs in a transversal way and that, depending on the service and its requirements, it could have a critical impact on any of these sectors. This issue consists of a low performance operation during the exchange of large volumes of data on networks with high bandwidth capacity and remotely geographically separated, also known as Elephant networks, or Long Fat Networks (LFNs). Specifically, this critically affects the Cloud Data Sharing use case. That is why this use case and the different alternatives at the transport protocol level were studied. For this reason, the performance and operation problems suffered by layer 4 protocols are studied and it is observed why these traditional protocols are not capable of achieving optimal performance. Due to this situation, it is hypothesized that the introduction of mechanisms that analyze network metrics and efficiently exploit network’s capacity meliorates the performance of Transport Layer protocols over Heterogeneous Long Fat Networks during bulk data transfers. First, the Adaptive and Aggressive Transport Protocol (AATP) is designed. An adaptive and efficient transport protocol with the aim of maximizing its performance over this type of elephant network.. The AATP protocol is implemented and tested in a network simulator and a testbed under different situations and conditions for its validation. Once the AATP protocol was designed, implemented and tested successfully, it was decided to improve the protocol itself, Enhanced-AATP, to improve its performance over heterogeneous elephant networks. In addition, in order to upgrade the behavior of the protocol, its fairness system is improved for the fair distribution of resources among other Enhanced-AATP flows. Finally, this evolution is implemented in the network simulator and a set of tests are carried out. At the end of this thesis, it is concluded that the New Generation Networks have a long way to go and many things to improve due to the digital transformation of society and the appearance of brand-new disruptive technology. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the introduction of specific mechanisms in the conception and operation of transport protocols improves their performance on Heterogeneous Long Fat Networks

    Independent - Dec. 2, 2014

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    Computational Methods in Science and Engineering : Proceedings of the Workshop SimLabs@KIT, November 29 - 30, 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany

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    In this proceedings volume we provide a compilation of article contributions equally covering applications from different research fields and ranging from capacity up to capability computing. Besides classical computing aspects such as parallelization, the focus of these proceedings is on multi-scale approaches and methods for tackling algorithm and data complexity. Also practical aspects regarding the usage of the HPC infrastructure and available tools and software at the SCC are presented

    Integrated Technology Plan for the Civil Space Program, 1991

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    The purpose of the Integrated Technology Plan (ITP) is to serve as a strategic plan for the OAST space research and technology (R&T) program, and as a strategic planning framework for other NASA and national participants in advocating and conducting technology developments that support future U.S. civil space missions. The ITP begins with a discussion of the national policy and NASA organization which establishes the overall framework for civil space R&T planning. The second chapter provides a top-level review of the potential users of civil space R&T, their strategic mission plans, and the technologies they have identified as needed to achieve those plans. The overall methodology used to develop a civil space technology strategy is discussed. The technical details of the 1991 strategic plan are described, ending with a review of civil space R&T priorities. The fourth chapter describes how the strategic plan is annually translated into the OAST Space R&T Program, with a summary of the fiscal year 1992 program. The ITP concludes with a discussion of requirements for technology development coordination and strategies for facilitating the transfer of civil space technology to the private sector. Several appendices also are attached that provide further information regarding budget implications of the strategic plan, organizational roles, and other topics