62 research outputs found

    A configurable vector processor for accelerating speech coding algorithms

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    The growing demand for voice-over-packer (VoIP) services and multimedia-rich applications has made increasingly important the efficient, real-time implementation of low-bit rates speech coders on embedded VLSI platforms. Such speech coders are designed to substantially reduce the bandwidth requirements thus enabling dense multichannel gateways in small form factor. This however comes at a high computational cost which mandates the use of very high performance embedded processors. This thesis investigates the potential acceleration of two major ITU-T speech coding algorithms, namely G.729A and G.723.1, through their efficient implementation on a configurable extensible vector embedded CPU architecture. New scalar and vector ISAs were introduced which resulted in up to 80% reduction in the dynamic instruction count of both workloads. These instructions were subsequently encapsulated into a parametric, hybrid SISD (scalar processor)–SIMD (vector) processor. This work presents the research and implementation of the vector datapath of this vector coprocessor which is tightly-coupled to a Sparc-V8 compliant CPU, the optimization and simulation methodologies employed and the use of Electronic System Level (ESL) techniques to rapidly design SIMD datapaths

    Optimisation techniques for low bit rate speech coding

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    This thesis extends the background theory of speech and major speech coding schemes used in existing networks to an implementation of GSM full-rate speech compression on a RISC DSP and a multirate application for speech coding. Speech coding is the field concerned with obtaining compact digital representations of speech signals for the purpose of efficient transmission. In this thesis, the background of speech compression, characteristics of speech signals and the DSP algorithms used have been examined. The current speech coding schemes and requirements have been studied. The Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is a digital mobile radio system which is extensively used throughout Europe, and also in many other parts of the world. The algorithm is standardised by the European Telecommunications Standardisation histitute (ETSI). The full-rate and half-rate speech compression of GSM have been analysed. A real time implementation of the full-rate algorithm has been carried out on a RISC processor GEPARD by Austria Mikro Systeme International (AMS). The GEPARD code has been tested with all of the test sequences provided by ETSI and the results are bit-exact. The transcoding delay is lower than the ETSI requirement. A comparison of the half-rate and full-rate compression algorithms is discussed. Both algorithms offer near toll speech quality comparable or better than analogue cellular networks. The half-rate compression requires more computationally intensive operations and therefore a more powerful processor will be needed due to the complexity of the code. Hence the cost of the implementation of half-rate codec will be considerably higher than full-rate. A description of multirate signal processing and its application on speech (SBC) and speech/audio (MPEG) has been given. An investigation into the possibility of combining multirate filtering and GSM fill-rate speech algorithm. The results showed that multirate signal processing cannot be directly applied GSM full-rate speech compression since this method requires more processing power, causing longer coding delay but did not appreciably improve the bit rate. In order to achieve a lower bit rate, the GSM full-rate mathematical algorithm can be used instead of the standardised ETSI recommendation. Some changes including the number of quantisation bits has to be made before the application of multirate signal processing and a new standard will be required

    The development of speech coding and the first standard coder for public mobile telephony

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    This thesis describes in its core chapter (Chapter 4) the original algorithmic and design features of the ??rst coder for public mobile telephony, the GSM full-rate speech coder, as standardized in 1988. It has never been described in so much detail as presented here. The coder is put in a historical perspective by two preceding chapters on the history of speech production models and the development of speech coding techniques until the mid 1980s, respectively. In the epilogue a brief review is given of later developments in speech coding. The introductory Chapter 1 starts with some preliminaries. It is de- ??ned what speech coding is and the reader is introduced to speech coding standards and the standardization institutes which set them. Then, the attributes of a speech coder playing a role in standardization are explained. Subsequently, several applications of speech coders - including mobile telephony - will be discussed and the state of the art in speech coding will be illustrated on the basis of some worldwide recognized standards. Chapter 2 starts with a summary of the features of speech signals and their source, the human speech organ. Then, historical models of speech production which form the basis of di??erent kinds of modern speech coders are discussed. Starting with a review of ancient mechanical models, we will arrive at the electrical source-??lter model of the 1930s. Subsequently, the acoustic-tube models as they arose in the 1950s and 1960s are discussed. Finally the 1970s are reviewed which brought the discrete-time ??lter model on the basis of linear prediction. In a unique way the logical sequencing of these models is exposed, and the links are discussed. Whereas the historical models are discussed in a narrative style, the acoustic tube models and the linear prediction tech nique as applied to speech, are subject to more mathematical analysis in order to create a sound basis for the treatise of Chapter 4. This trend continues in Chapter 3, whenever instrumental in completing that basis. In Chapter 3 the reader is taken by the hand on a guided tour through time during which successive speech coding methods pass in review. In an original way special attention is paid to the evolutionary aspect. Speci??cally, for each newly proposed method it is discussed what it added to the known techniques of the time. After presenting the relevant predecessors starting with Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) and the early vocoders of the 1930s, we will arrive at Residual-Excited Linear Predictive (RELP) coders, Analysis-by-Synthesis systems and Regular- Pulse Excitation in 1984. The latter forms the basis of the GSM full-rate coder. In Chapter 4, which constitutes the core of this thesis, explicit forms of Multi-Pulse Excited (MPE) and Regular-Pulse Excited (RPE) analysis-by-synthesis coding systems are developed. Starting from current pulse-amplitude computation methods in 1984, which included solving sets of equations (typically of order 10-16) two hundred times a second, several explicit-form designs are considered by which solving sets of equations in real time is avoided. Then, the design of a speci??c explicitform RPE coder and an associated eÆcient architecture are described. The explicit forms and the resulting architectural features have never been published in so much detail as presented here. Implementation of such a codec enabled real-time operation on a state-of-the-art singlechip digital signal processor of the time. This coder, at a bit rate of 13 kbit/s, has been selected as the Full-Rate GSM standard in 1988. Its performance is recapitulated. Chapter 5 is an epilogue brie y reviewing the major developments in speech coding technology after 1988. Many speech coding standards have been set, for mobile telephony as well as for other applications, since then. The chapter is concluded by an outlook

    Time and frequency domain algorithms for speech coding

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    The promise of digital hardware economies (due to recent advances in VLSI technology), has focussed much attention on more complex and sophisticated speech coding algorithms which offer improved quality at relatively low bit rates. This thesis describes the results (obtained from computer simulations) of research into various efficient (time and frequency domain) speech encoders operating at a transmission bit rate of 16 Kbps. In the time domain, Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) systems employing both forward and backward adaptive prediction were examined. A number of algorithms were proposed and evaluated, including several variants of the Stochastic Approximation Predictor (SAP). A Backward Block Adaptive (BBA) predictor was also developed and found to outperform the conventional stochastic methods, even though its complexity in terms of signal processing requirements is lower. A simplified Adaptive Predictive Coder (APC) employing a single tap pitch predictor considered next provided a slight improvement in performance over ADPCM, but with rather greater complexity. The ultimate test of any speech coding system is the perceptual performance of the received speech. Recent research has indicated that this may be enhanced by suitable control of the noise spectrum according to the theory of auditory masking. Various noise shaping ADPCM configurations were examined, and it was demonstrated that a proposed pre-/post-filtering arrangement which exploits advantageously the predictor-quantizer interaction, leads to the best subjective performance in both forward and backward prediction systems. Adaptive quantization is instrumental to the performance of ADPCM systems. Both the forward adaptive quantizer (AQF) and the backward oneword memory adaptation (AQJ) were examined. In addition, a novel method of decreasing quantization noise in ADPCM-AQJ coders, which involves the application of correction to the decoded speech samples, provided reduced output noise across the spectrum, with considerable high frequency noise suppression. More powerful (and inevitably more complex) frequency domain speech coders such as the Adaptive Transform Coder (ATC) and the Sub-band Coder (SBC) offer good quality speech at 16 Kbps. To reduce complexity and coding delay, whilst retaining the advantage of sub-band coding, a novel transform based split-band coder (TSBC) was developed and found to compare closely in performance with the SBC. To prevent the heavy side information requirement associated with a large number of bands in split-band coding schemes from impairing coding accuracy, without forgoing the efficiency provided by adaptive bit allocation, a method employing AQJs to code the sub-band signals together with vector quantization of the bit allocation patterns was also proposed. Finally, 'pipeline' methods of bit allocation and step size estimation (using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the input signal) were examined. Such methods, although less accurate, are nevertheless useful in limiting coding delay associated with SRC schemes employing Quadrature Mirror Filters (QMF)

    Residual-excited linear predictive (RELP) vocoder system with TMS320C6711 DSK and vowel characterization

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    The area of speech recognition by machine is one of the most popular and complicated subjects in the current multimedia field. Linear predictive coding (LPC) is a useful technique for voice coding in speech analysis and synthesis. The first objective of this research was to establish a prototype of the residual-excited linear predictive (RELP) vocoder system in a real-time environment. Although its transmission rate is higher, the quality of synthesized speech of the RELP vocoder is superior to that of other vocoders. As well, it is rather simple and robust to implement. The RELP vocoder uses residual signals as excitation rather than periodic pulse or white noise. The RELP vocoder was implemented with Texas Instruments TMS320C6711 DSP starter kit (DSK) using C. Identifying vowel sounds is an important element in recognizing speech contents. The second objective of research was to explore a method of characterizing vowels by means of parameters extracted by the RELP vocoder, which was not known to have been used in speech recognition, previously. Five English vowels were chosen for the experimental sample. Utterances of individual vowel sounds and of the vowel sounds in one-syllable-words were recorded and saved as WAVE files. A large sample of 20-ms vowel segments was obtained from these utterances. The presented method utilized 20 samples of a segment's frequency response, taken equally in logarithmic scale, as a LPC frequency response vector. The average of each vowel's vectors was calculated. The Euclidian distances between the average vectors of the five vowels and an unknown vector were compared to classify the unknown vector into a certain vowel group. The results indicate that, when a vowel is uttered alone, the distance to its average vector is smaller than to the other vowels' average vectors. By examining a given vowel frequency response against all known vowels' average vectors, individually, one can determine to which vowel group the given vowel belongs. When a vowel is uttered with consonants, however, variances and covariances increase. In some cases, distinct differences may not be recognized among the distances to a vowel's own average vector and the distances to the other vowels' average vectors. Overall, the results of vowel characterization did indicate an ability of the RELP vocoder to identify and classify single vowel sounds

    Parallelism and the software-hardware interface in embedded systems

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    This thesis by publications addresses issues in the architecture and microarchitecture of next generation, high performance streaming Systems-on-Chip through quantifying the most important forms of parallelism in current and emerging embedded system workloads. The work consists of three major research tracks, relating to data level parallelism, thread level parallelism and the software-hardware interface which together reflect the research interests of the author as they have been formed in the last nine years. Published works confirm that parallelism at the data level is widely accepted as the most important performance leverage for the efficient execution of embedded media and telecom applications and has been exploited via a number of approaches the most efficient being vectorlSIMD architectures. A further, complementary and substantial form of parallelism exists at the thread level but this has not been researched to the same extent in the context of embedded workloads. For the efficient execution of such applications, exploitation of both forms of parallelism is of paramount importance. This calls for a new architectural approach in the software-hardware interface as its rigidity, manifested in all desktop-based and the majority of embedded CPU's, directly affects the performance ofvectorized, threaded codes. The author advocates a holistic, mature approach where parallelism is extracted via automatic means while at the same time, the traditionally rigid hardware-software interface is optimized to match the temporal and spatial behaviour of the embedded workload. This ultimate goal calls for the precise study of these forms of parallelism for a number of applications executing on theoretical models such as instruction set simulators and parallel RAM machines as well as the development of highly parametric microarchitectural frameworks to encapSUlate that functionality.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Utilizing DSP for IP telephony applications in mobile terminals

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    Tässä diplomityössä etsitään ja määritellään optimaalinen ohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri reaaliaikaisen puheenkoodauksen mahdollistamiseksi mobiilin laitteen Internet-puheluohjelmistossa. Arkkitehtuurille asetettiin vaatimus, jonka mukaan puhelu ja siihen liittyvä puheen reaaliaikaisuus ei saa rajoittaa tai liikaa kuormittaa laitteen muuta toiminnallisuutta. Työssä käytetty mobiili laite tarjoaa mahdollisuuden hyödyntää kahta prosessoria. Toinen prosessoreista on tarkoitettu yleisille käyttöjärjestelmille sekä ohjelmistoille ja toinen signaalinkäsittelyoperaatioille. Suunniteltu arkkitehtuuri yhdistää näiden kahden prosessorin toiminnallisuuden ja mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisen puheenkoodauksen (sekä toisto että äänitys) mobiliisissa laitteessa. Arkkitehtuuri toteutettiin ja sen suorituskykyä arvioitiin erilaisilla mittauksilla ja parametreilla. Havaittiin, että toteutus suoriutuu erinomaisesti sille asetetuista vaatimuksista. Todettiin myös, että käytettäessä ainoastaan laitteen yhtä prosessoria reaaliaikavaatimus ei täyty. Tämä johtuu puhekoodekin matemaattisesta kompleksisuudesta ja laitteen rajoitetuista ominaisuuksista. Työn aikana jätettiin kaksi patenttihakemusta.In this thesis, an optimal software architecture is studied and defined for enabling a real-time speech coding scheme in an Internet telephony application of a mobile terminal. According to a requirement set for the architecture, a phone call and the related real-time speech coding shall not limit or overload other functionality of the terminal. The mobile terminal utilized in this thesis provides a potential to take advantage of the efficiency of a dual core processor. One of the processors is designed for general purpose operating systems, and the other one for signal processing operations. The designed software architecture combines the functionality of these processors and enables real-time speech coding (both playback and capture) in the device. The architecture was implemented and its performance was evaluated with different measurements and parameters. It was observed that the implementation outperforms the requirements set. It was also confirmed that the performance of the general purpose processor is inadequate for real-time operations with the chosen speech coder/decoder. Two patent applications were filed by the author during the writing of this thesis