940 research outputs found

    A Case Study for Financial Feasibility of Automated Costing Support in A Small Machine Shop

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    A knowledge-based cost estimating expert system is chosen by a Mexican machine shop. Differences between the traditional experience-based system employed and the automated system are studied. Data is gathered to analyze time effectiveness, accuracy and payback of the software. Data from seventy part models is recorded to study the time experiment, and data from fifty part models is used to study the accuracy and consistency. Data is analyzed by calculating mean, standard deviation, and test of hypothesis. The results indicate that the software is faster than the traditional quoting system; however, the payback point is high. Also, results show the software has a smaller average time-to-manufacture percentage difference between the automated system and the actual time-to-manufacture (TTM) compared to the percentage difference between the traditional’s TTM and actual TTMs, and this difference is statistically significant. The standard deviation for the automated system is also less implying better consistency

    An Architecture for the Integration of Human Workers into an Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Environment.

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.ENGLISH SUMMARY: With the rise of Industry 4.0 and the development in technologies that contribute to this revolution in manufacturing, research has focused mainly on the machines and automated digital systems contributing to the manufacturing environment. Humans are still critical to manufacturing; offering unmatched ingenuity, robustness, and flexibility despite their apparent disadvantages in strength or precision. Many successful manufacturing firms still include humans in their manufacturing processes for these reasons, and it is critical that the integration of humans in an I4.0 manufacturing environment is given research attention. This dissertation first explores the requirements for the integration of human workers into an I4.0 environment. It was determined that the largest problem with human integration exists with data related to the human being digitised, managed, and communicated with other entities in processes that are identified as Administrative Logistics. It is identified that an administration shell similar to the RAMI4.0 administration shell concept is required to manage these Administrative Logistics on behalf of the human, and that a holonic systems approach is beneficial. The dissertation then proposes the concept of a Human Resource Holon Administration shell (HRH-AS). An architecture to implement such an administration shell is then developed, here named the BASE architecture. This administration shell facilitates the interfacing, data processing, and connectivity to other I4.0 components on behalf of the human, to aid in their integration to the digital factory environment around them. The BASE architecture addresses three identified responsibilities of such an administration shell, namely interfacing, digital data management, and delegation to other I4.0 components. BASE stands for Biography, Attributes, Schedule, and Execution, and is a time-based separation of concerns for key augmentations provided to the human worker. The BASE architecture separates value-adding and decision-making plugin components, which are specific to an application, from the core components, which are generic to any application. The BASE architecture led to the development of the 3SAL activity structure to facilitate the communication and management of industrial activities in a digital environment. With the help of an industry partner, two case studies were developed to evaluate an implementation of the BASE architecture. The company is an aerospace composites manufacturer and was chosen for the labour-intensive requirements of the composites industry. The case studies aimed to evaluate the architecture against the three identified administration shell responsibilities and determine if the human workers are elevated to resource holon status. The first case study aimed to show how BASE facilitates interfacing with humans in an I4.0 environment and also acted as a technology demonstrator for the second case study. The second case study evaluated the effect BASE had on the Administrative Logistics involved in the business processes workers were involved in. Together these case studies fully evaluate BASE’s ability to facilitate the integration of humans into an I4.0 manufacturing environment through identified responsibilities of the administration shell. The evaluation found that the BASE HRH-AS improves the effectiveness of Administrative Logistics of business processes the human workers were involved with, as well as opened new opportunities for decision making on the shop floor previously not possible. Value-adding, by means of the plug-in components of a BASE administration shell, has also been proven by the ability to do automated schedule management, automatic calculation of standard work and improved traceability using the 3SAL activity structure.AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Met die opkoms van Industrie 4.0 (I4.0) en die ontwikkeling in tegnologieĂ« wat bydra tot hierdie revolusie in vervaardiging, het navorsing grotendeels gefokus op die masjiene en digitale stelsels wat tot die vervaardigingsomgewing bydra. Menslike werkers is steeds van kritieke belang vir vervaardiging, en bied ongeĂ«wenaarde vindingrykheid, robuustheid en buigsaamheid, ondanks hul oĂ«nskynlike nadele in sterkte of noukeurigheid. Baie suksesvolle vervaardigingsondernemings sluit nogsteeds mense in hul vervaardigingsprosesse in om hierdie redes. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat die integrasie van mense met 'n I4.0 vervaardigingsomgewing navorsingsaandag geniet. Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek eerstens die vereistes vir die integrasie van menslike werkers in 'n I4.0 omgewing. Daar word eerstens geĂŻdentifiseer dat die grootste probleem met die integrasie van mense bestaan uit oneffektiewe prosesse wat data en informasie tussen mense en ander komponente in die vervaardigingsprosesse komminikeer, stoor en bestuur. Hierdie prosesse word na verwys as Administratiewe Logistieke. Daar word ook geĂŻdentifiseer dat 'n administrasie-dop soortgelyk aan die RAMI4.0 administrasie-dop konsep benodig word om Administratiewe Logistieke te bestuur namens die mens, en dat 'n holoniese stelselbenadering voordelig is. Die verhandeling stel dan die konsep van 'n Human Resource Holon Administration Shell (HRH-AS) voor. Daarna word 'n argitektuur ontwikkel om so 'n administrasie-dop te implementeer, hier genoem die BASE argitektuur. Hierdie administrasie-dop vergemaklik die inskakeling, dataverwerking en konnektiwiteit met ander I4.0 komponente namens die mens. Die integrasie van die mens in die digitale fabrieksomgewing is dus bevoordeel. Die BASE argitektuur spreek drie geĂŻdentifiseerde verantwoordelikhede van so 'n administrasie-dop aan, naamlik: koppelling met die mens, digitale databestuur, en delegering na ander I4.0 komponente namens die mens. BASE staan vir Biography, Attributes, Schedule en Execution, en is 'n tydgebaseerde skeiding van belange vir aanvullings wat aan die menslike werker verskaf word. Die BASE argitektuur skei waardetoevoeging- en besluitneming-inpropkomponente, wat spesifiek vir 'n toepassing is, van die kernkomponente, wat generies is vir enige toepassing. Die BASE argitektuur het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van die 3SAL aktiwiteitstruktuur om die kommunikasie en bestuur van industriĂ«le aktiwiteite in 'n digitale omgewing te vergemaklik. Met die hulp van 'n bedryfsvennoot is twee gevallestudies ontwikkel om 'n implementering van die BASE argitektuur te evalueer. Die maatskappy is 'n lugvaart saamgestelde-mater komponent vervaardiger en is gekies vir die arbeidsintensiewe vereistes van die saamgestelde-mater bedryf. Die gevallestudies was daarop gemik om die argitektuur teen die drie geĂŻdentifiseerde verantwoordelikhede van die administrasiedop te evalueer en te bepaal of die menslike werkers verhoog word tot holon status. Die eerste gevallestudie se doel was om te wys hoe BASE n koppelvlak tussen mense en digitale stelsels toelaat. Die eerste gevallestudie was ook 'n demonstrasie dat 'n toepassing in die bedryfsvenoot se fabriek toegepas kon word vir die tweede gevallestudie. Die tweede gevallestudie het die effek geĂ«valueer wat BASE het op die Administratiewe Logistiek betrokke by die besigheidsprosesse waarby werkers betrokke was. Saam evalueer hierdie gevallestudies BASE se vermoĂ« om die integrasie van mense in 'n I4.0 vervaardigingsomgewing te fasiliteer deur geĂŻdentifiseerde verantwoordelikhede van die administrasiedop. Die evaluering het bevind dat die BASE HRH-AS die doeltreffendheid van Administratiewe Logistiek van besigheidsprosesse wat menslike werkers benut, asook nuwe geleenthede vir besluitneming op die winkelvloer, verbeter tot n mate wat voorheen nie moontlik was nie. Waarde-toevoeging, deur middel van die inpropkomponente van 'n BASE administrasie dop, is ook bewys deur die vermoĂ« om outomatiese skedule-bestuur, outomatiese berekening van standaardwerk en verbeterde naspeurbaarheid met behulp van die 3SAL-aktiwiteitsstruktuur te doen.Doctora

    «‘Invisible schools’. The public image of rural schools in Southern Italy in photographic inquiries and photo-reportages (1925-55)

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    The dissemination of a particular public image of rural schools ―ever since the poorest and most disadvantaged schools― has frequently been used by the ruling classes and / or political parties to document the rate of modernity and/or backwardness of the national school system, depending on the respective propaganda needs. Moving from the first photographic surveys conducted in Southern Italy in 1920s by the associations engaged in the socio-economic integration of the South into the Unitary State to get to the photo reportages published in some magazines in the 1950s, the article analyses in depth the manipulation of the public image of these particular schools as it emerges by the circulation of such photographs on daily newspapers and magazines, which reveals its propagandistic use over time.La difusiĂłn de una determinada imagen pĂșblica de las escuelas rurales —desde siempre las escuelas mĂĄs pobres y desfavorecidas— ha sido utilizada frecuentemente por las clases dirigentes y/o los partidos polĂ­ticos de la oposiciĂłn para documentar la tasa de modernizaciĂłn y/o de atraso del sistema educativo nacional, de acuerdo con las respectivas necesidades propagandĂ­sticas. El artĂ­culo ―moviĂ©ndose entre las primeras encuestas fotogrĂĄficas realizadas en las regiones del Sur de Italia por asociaciones meridionalistas en los años 20 y los reportajes fotoperiodĂ­sticos publicados en algunas revistas en los años 50, pasando por la cesura fascista― pretende estudiar las alteraciones de la imagen pĂșblica de este tipo particular de escuelas comprobables en Italia en el perĂ­odo de tiempo indicado a travĂ©s del anĂĄlisis de fotografĂ­as escolares publicadas en periĂłdicos diarios y revistas, centrĂĄndose en el uso propagandĂ­stico que de las mismas se hizo a lo largo de treinta años. The dissemination of a particular public image of rural schools ―ever since the poorest and most disadvantaged schools― has frequently been used by the ruling classes and / or political parties to document the rate of modernity and/or backwardness of the national school system, depending on the respective propaganda needs. Moving from the first photographic surveys conducted in Southern Italy in 1920s by the associations engaged in the socio-economic integration of the South into the Unitary State to get to the photo reportages published in some magazines in the 1950s, the article analyses in depth the manipulation of the public image of these particular schools as it emerges by the circulation of such photographs on daily newspapers and magazines, which reveals its propagandistic use over time

    A communicative model for stakeholder consultation: towards a framework for action inquiry in tourism I.T.

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of BedfordshireThis thesis focuses on an under-researched area of tourism -the multi stakeholder, inter organisational business to business Tourism IT domain which exhibits a marked rate of failure. A critical review of B2B case studies reveals that this failure is in large part due to the primacy afforded to technical problem solving approaches over human centred ones. The main purpose of the research is therefore stated as: "how do we ensure that, as technological solutions are implemented within this domain, due consideration is given to human-centred issues?" In order to tackle this research problem an interdisciplinary approach is taken and a communicative model for stakeholder consultation is developed. At the centre of the model lies an innovative method for deconstructing and reconstructing stakeholder discourse. A Co-operative Inquiry research methodology was used and a significant number of stakeholders were engaged in an Open Space event sponsored by two major Tourism IT companies who wanted to investigate the issues and opportunities connected with travel distribution and technology. This was followed up with face to face interviews and live discussions over the internet. In addition stakeholder discourse was captured via the Travelmole tourism discussion site. The discourse between stakeholders was reconstructed and the normative and objective claims analysed in depth. The presentation of these reconstructions in textual, tabular and diagrammatic formats captures the complexity of stakeholder interactions, revealing that although IT is an important tool, what really lies at the core of multi stakeholder projects are the normative positions to which participants subscribe. The model provided a practical means for critiquing stakeholder discourse, helping to identify stakeholders both involved and affected by the issue; juxtaposing the 'is' against the 'ought'; and enabling critical reflection on the coercive use of power. The review of the tourism literature revealed that these issues are as important in general B2B tourism partnerships as in Tourism IT and in this respect the model provides a practical tool for critique and for enabling the formation of a shared normative infrastructure on which multi stakeholder projects can proceed. In addition, while borrowing from Management Science, this thesis also makes a contribution to it, specifically in the area of boundary critique, through the way in which Habermas' ideal speech criteria arc practically implemented

    Full Proceedings, 2018

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    Full conference proceedings for the 2018 International Building Physics Association Conference hosted at Syracuse University

    EDU-COM 2004 International conference: new challenges for sustainability and growth in higher education

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    EDU-COM 2004, an international conference held in Khon Kaen, Thailand from the 24th to the 26th November, 2004 took the theme: New Challenges for Sustainability and Growth in Higher Education. EDU-COM 2004 was sponsored and organised by Edith Cowan University, Khon Kaen University and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University/ The Conference was structured to address five sub-themes pertinent to the challenges facing higher education worldwide: ‱ Collaboration between campus and community in Higher Education ‱ Collaboration targeting multi-cultural and cross-cultural issues in Higher Education ‱ Collaboration through new teaching and learning technologies in Higher Education ‱ Collaboration for quality: valuing and evaluating performance in Higher Education ‱ Collaboration for effective governance in Higher Education Contributors were invited to address on or more of these sub-themes. All papers published in these proceedings reflect the drive for richer learning experiences, improved learning environments and recognition of the importance of the local community as technology enables us to think globally. Predictably perhaps, e-education brought the most substantial response, a clear indication of the perceived potential for new technologies to influence teaching, learning and administration in higher education. The papers also highlight some of the challenges and emerging expectations for higher education in a world that is increasingly characterised by international alliances, partnerships and tensions – a search for sustainability and equity in a period of rapid social and technological change. The Proceedings are in 3 sections. Section 1 – Keynote Speakers; Section 2 – Academic Peer Reviewed Papers: Section 3 - “Work in Progress”. EDU-COM 2004 was attended by delegates from Australia, Botswana, Cambodia, China, Denmark, England, Hong Kong, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Lao, Myanamar, Singapore, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam

    East-West Paths to Unconventional Computing

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    Unconventional computing is about breaking boundaries in thinking, acting and computing. Typical topics of this non-typical field include, but are not limited to physics of computation, non-classical logics, new complexity measures, novel hardware, mechanical, chemical and quantum computing. Unconventional computing encourages a new style of thinking while practical applications are obtained from uncovering and exploiting principles and mechanisms of information processing in and functional properties of, physical, chemical and living systems; in particular, efficient algorithms are developed, (almost) optimal architectures are designed and working prototypes of future computing devices are manufactured. This article includes idiosyncratic accounts of ‘unconventional computing’ scientists reflecting on their personal experiences, what attracted them to the field, their inspirations and discoveries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From cinema education to the omnipresence of digital screens: challenging the assumptions in view of educational experiences

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    Bridges to Higher Education: a resource pack for guidance counsellors, teachers, access and community education practitioners working with young people in Dublin

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    A review of this access work to date as well as consultation with stakeholders, including second-level students and third-level access students, and an analysis of national and international research on access reveals a clear gap in relation to pre-entry work. This gap relates to the more subtle factors affecting participation in higher education for students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly in areas and schools with low levels of participation in higher education. Research shows that these factors include: issues associated with sense of identity and confidence:coping with transition and decision-making:gap between the culture of school and the culture of home and area:impact of parents’ own educational experience:gap between knowledge and understanding of higher education in families with no experience of higher education and the format and content of information provided by schools and higher-education institutions Research shows that these factors affect students’ experience of schooling and academic attainment, whether or not they apply higher education, and the type of higher education courses they choose. This in turn can determine whether or not students receive and accept offers. The pre-entry work that DIT currently delivers is important. However, to support students, parents and teachers in acknowledging and addressing these more subtle factors associated with making the transition from a family and area with little experience of higher education to successfully accessing higher education, a different type of pre-entry access work is required, involving facilitated developmental sessions with students, parents and teachers. The material in this resource pack will help to address some of these factors that affect the participation in higher education of students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly from areas and schools with low levels of participation in higher education. This resource pack provides a range of material for sessions that explore these issues. The key features of the sessions in this pack are:Use of local understanding and knowledge where relevant, including input from local people such as students, graduates, family and key people in the local community:Recognition and harnessing the skills, talents and resources that a person, family and community possess: Encouragement of the idea that people can acquire new learning and skills, and that change can occur: Recognition of the impact of structures and disadvantage but also of the fact that individuals can take action to enable them to access higher education: Emphasis on the unique benefits of going on to higher educatio
