2,561 research outputs found

    Two Types of Social Grooming Methods depending on the Trade-off between the Number and Strength of Social Relationships

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    Humans use various social bonding methods known as social grooming, e.g. face to face communication, greetings, phone, and social networking sites (SNS). SNS have drastically decreased time and distance constraints of social grooming. In this paper, I show that two types of social grooming (elaborate social grooming and lightweight social grooming) were discovered in a model constructed by thirteen communication data-sets including face to face, SNS, and Chacma baboons. The separation of social grooming methods is caused by a difference in the trade-off between the number and strength of social relationships. The trade-off of elaborate social grooming is weaker than the trade-off of lightweight social grooming. On the other hand, the time and effort of elaborate methods are higher than lightweight methods. Additionally, my model connects social grooming behaviour and social relationship forms with these trade-offs. By analyzing the model, I show that individuals tend to use elaborate social grooming to reinforce a few close relationships (e.g. face to face and Chacma baboons). In contrast, people tend to use lightweight social grooming to maintain many weak relationships (e.g. SNS). Humans with lightweight methods who live in significantly complex societies use various social grooming to effectively construct social relationships.Comment: Accepted by Royal Society Open Scienc

    Activity in social media and intimacy in social relationships

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    We investigated associations between online and offline socialising and groups of social ties as postulated by the Social Brain Hypothesis (SBH). An online survey of social media use, social satisfaction and loneliness generated 249 complete responses from a sample of staff and students at the University of Manchester. Regression-based analyses showed that offline social activities and social time were positively associated with size of a core support group and social satisfaction. In contrast, social media time was positively associated with social satisfaction and the size of the total network, while the number of online contacts was positively related to social satisfaction, size of a wider sympathy group and total network size. No effect for loneliness was found. The number of ties reported for each SBH group was similar to that in previous studies. The more intimate support group (∌5) appears to be more closely connected with offline social activities, whereas social media use and contacts influence the less intimate sympathy group (∌15) and total network (∌150). These findings provide further support for functional differences between different layers of closeness in personal networks, and they help us in further defining the boundaries of relationship enhancement via communication technology

    Loneliness and Social Internet Use: Pathways to Reconnection in a Digital World?

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    With the rise of online social networking, social relationships are increasingly developed and maintained in a digital domain. Drawing conclusions about the impact of the digital world on loneliness is difficult because there are contradictory findings, and cross-sectional studies dominate the literature, making causation difficult to establish. In this review, we present our theoretical model and propose that there is a bidirectional and dynamic relationship between loneliness and social Internet use. When the Internet is used as a way station on the route to enhancing existing relationships and forging new social connections, it is a useful tool for reducing loneliness. But when social technologies are used to escape the social world and withdraw from the “social pain” of interaction, feelings of loneliness are increased. We propose that loneliness is also a determinant of how people interact with the digital world. Lonely people express a preference for using the Internet for social interaction and are more likely to use the Internet in a way that displaces time spent in offline social activities. This suggests that lonely people may need support with their social Internet use so that they employ it in a way that enhances existing friendships and/or to forge new ones


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    This study aims to investigate users’ knowledge sharing intention and collaborative stickiness intention towards social network sites (SNS). SNS offer an opportunity for users to interact and form relationships, while knowledge is accrued by integrating user’s information, experience, and practice. However, there have been few systematic studies that ask why people use SNS to share knowledge. We adopt social capital theory, social identity theory, as well as use and gratification theory to explore the determinants of members’ knowledge sharing intention in SNS. The survey was conducted on two education VCs of facebook, while most members were teachers and educators. Data analysis was carried out to validate our research model, and SmartPLS were used to analyze users’ collaborative stickiness intention. The result shows that social capital and social identity have impact on teacher’s knowledge sharing intention, in turn, influence on collaborative stickiness intention toward on SNS. Our findings not only help researchers interpret why members sharing their knowledge in VC, but also assist practitioners in developing better SNS strategy

    The Role of Attachment in Young Adults\u27 Use of Facebook for Coping

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    The Internet has become integrated into the daily lives of adolescents and young adults, and researchers have begun to investigate the predictors, correlates, and consequences of Internet use. Research has suggested that individuals with social strengths and individuals with social weaknesses both may benefit from using the Internet to cope. The purpose of this study was to explore the relations among attachment, offline coping, online coping, and adjustment, as well as to evaluate whether the rich-get-richer or social compensation hypotheses of Internet use explained these relations. Undergraduate students aged 17 to 25 years ( N = 296) completed online measures of their Internet and Facebook use, attachment anxiety and avoidance, offline coping, online coping through Facebook, well-being, and distress. Results showed that the relation between higher levels of attachment anxiety and greater distress was partially mediated by online coping. Attachment avoidance was not related to online coping, but the relation between higher levels of attachment avoidance and decreased well-being was partially mediated by less frequent use of adaptive offline coping strategies. An alternative model suggested a possible reciprocal path indicating that individuals higher in both distress and well-being reported greater frequency of online coping. Further analyses of online coping indicated that most subtypes were related to more intense usage of Facebook, greater attachment anxiety and avoidance, greater use of avoidant coping strategies offline, greater distress, and reduced well-being. These results suggested that the relations among attachment, offline coping, online coping, and psychosocial adjustment are more complex than can be explained by either the rich-get-richer or social compensation hypotheses. Implications of these findings for the development of pathological Internet use also are outlined

    Emotional Social Networks and Interpersonal Communication of Emerging Adults

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    This study examines the emotional social networks and interpersonal communication of emerging adults, focussing on both general patterns and individual differences, with data collected via questionnaire. Thirty-seven questionnaires were completed by students at Durham University aimed at eliciting details on their intimate social relationships (the support clique and sympathy group), usage of technology for communication, and personality according to the Five Factor Model of the respondents. This study found support clique sizes of 6.44 ± 3.22 and sympathy group sizes of 14.31 ± 7.06, with female networks being approximately 1.5 times larger than male networks. Personality was also related to network size, with Agreeableness being correlated with both support clique and sympathy group size. This association was determined to be the result of individuals who had higher Agreeableness scores having both a larger number and proportion of non-kin to kin. Additionally, a trend towards sex and age biased homophily was observed, along with a preference for genetic kin in emotional social networks. The time to last contact with a member of the network was seen to be related to their emotional closeness and geographical distance, with the respondents’ personality also playing a significant role characterised by higher levels of Extraversion and Conscientiousness reducing the time to last contact, while higher levels of Agreeableness were associated with an increased time to last contact attributed larger network size. Additionally, the form of last contact (email, social network site etc.) was found to be dependent upon the emotional closeness, geographical distance and the type of relationship. Finally, this study found that emerging adults are heavy users of technology in communication, and that those individuals who used one form of communication were also likely to make use of others


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    Abstract This study aims to investigate users' knowledge sharing intention and collaborative stickiness intention towards social network sites (SN

    Facebook and depression in late adolescence: Intensity of use, quality of interactions, and the role of self-definition and identity

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    In contemporary society, online Social Networking Sites (SNS) such as Facebook provide increasingly popular contexts within which late adolescent peer interactions and accompanying identity experiments can occur. Consequently, of increasing interest is exploring the impact of SNS use on psychological functioning in this age group. There is some evidence suggestive of a relationship between greater SNS use and increased depressive symptoms. However, findings are inconsistent, with a large body of literature also indicative of possible beneficial effects of SNS use on adolescent social and emotional adjustment. Therefore, as a means to address this divergence, the present study aims to investigate whether it is the quantity of use, including use of the site to connect with existing or new contacts, or the quality of Facebook interactions that might relate to depressive symptoms. Moreover, the present research attempts to identify for which late adolescents these associations are more likely to be a risk, drawing on constructs implicated in offline self-definition and identity development. One hundred and sixty-nine late adolescents (mean age 18.6 years) participated in this quantitative, cross-sectional study. Participants completed an online survey comprising self-report questionnaires validated by previous research assessing depressive symptoms, the intensity of Facebook use, strategy used to connect with peers on Facebook, self-reported quality of interactions on Facebook, and self-definition and identity variables; self-concept clarity (SCC), separation-individuation, and ego-identity commitment. Consistent with previous research, no relationship was found between the intensity of Facebook use, including number of Facebook friends, time spent on the site each day, perceived integration of the platform into daily life, and connection strategy and depressive symptoms. There was, however, evidence suggestive of a relationship between reports of feeling down following interactions on Facebook and increased depressive symptoms. Self-definition and identity variables were not found to moderate this relationship
