42 research outputs found

    PLU-E: a proposed framework for planning and conducting evaluation studies with children.

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    While many models exist to support the design process of a software development project, the evaluation process is far less well defined and this lack of definition often leads to poorly designed evaluations, or the use of the wrong evaluation method. Evaluations of products for children can be especially complex as they need to consider the different requirements and aims that such a product may have, and often use new or developing evaluation methods. This paper takes the view that evaluations should be planned from the start of a project in order to yield the best results, and proposes a framework to facilitate this. This framework is particularly intended to support the varied and often conflicting requirements of a product designed for children, as defined by the PLU model, but could be adapted for other user groups

    CAPD eBook: A multimedia approach for renal patients with adaptation of persuasive technology / Arifah Fasha Rosmani...[et al.]

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    CAPD eBook is a multimedia application that has been developed as a guide for renal patients on how to perform Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) in their daily life. The application has embraced multimedia elements such as text, animation, audio and graphic to ease renal patients in the learning process. This multimedia application is specifically designed to assist renal patients to learn and perform CAPD procedures as a way to remove toxin from their body. Additionally, the principle of Persuasive Technology has been adapted into CAPD eBook to increase effectiveness; this is to engage patients in using the application. Persuasive Technology is one of the techniques to persuade and encourage people in many aspects especially in the learning process. In order to evaluate the application, Usability and Heuristic Test have been conducted to assess the convenience and significance of Persuasive Technology Principles in CAPD eBook. The results have shown a significant impact and important benefits provided to renal patients

    Why UX Research Matters for HRI: The Case of Tablets as Mediators

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    Many human-robot interaction systems involve a third component: a tablet, which can either be separate or integrated in the robot (as is the case in SoftBank Robotics' Pepper robot). Such a tablet can be used, for instance, to present information to the human user or to gain control over the robot's complex surroundings, by introducing a virtual environment as a substitute for interactions that would normally happen in the physical world. While such a tablet can potentially have a big impact on the usability of the entire system and affect the interaction between human and robot, it is often not explicitly included when evaluating the user experience of human-robot interaction. This paper describes a case study where three evaluation methods were combined in order to get a comprehensive overview of the user experience of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), consisting of a robot and a tablet. The results show several major usability issues with the virtual environment, which could have affected the experience of interacting with the robot. This underlines the importance of including not only the robot itself, but also any other interaction mediators in an iterative design process

    Physiological Measurement on Students’ Engagement In a Distributed Learning Environment

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    Measuring students’ engagement in a distributed learning environment is a challenge. In particular, a teacher gives a lecture at one location, while at the same time the remote students watch the lecture through a display screen. In such situation, it is difficult for the teacher to know the reaction at the remote location. In this paper, we conducted a field study to measure students’ engagement by using galvanic skin response (GSR) sensors, where students simultaneously watched the lecture at the two locations. Our results showed the students’ GSR response was aligned with the surveys, which means that during a distributed learning environment, GSR sensors can be used as an indicator on students’ engagement. Furthermore, our user studies resulted in non-engaging student learning experiences that would be difficult obtained at a lab condition. Based on the findings, we found that the patterns of GSR readings were rather different when compared to the previous relevant studies, where users were engaged. In addition, we noticed that the density of GSR response at the remote location was higher when compared to the one at the lecture room. We believe that our studies are beneficial on physiological computing, as we first presented the patterns of GSR sensors on non-engaging user experiences. Moreover, as an alternative method, GSR sensors can be easily implemented in a distributed learning environment to provide feedback to teachers

    Development of Hearing-Impaired Evaluation Model for Mobile Phone

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    This paper discussed on usability evaluation model for the hearing-impaired mobile applications. Mobile applications developed for the disabled (hearing-impaired) are usually being scanted in term of usefulness and accessible for the disabled group. Evaluating the usability of such application are difficult due to the reason not many current models focus on the requirements for disabled people. Thus, this paper has proposed usability evaluation model for the hearing-impaired mobile application so that usability issue in such application could be identified and ensure applicability for daily usage. The model helps mobile developer and interface evaluator to produce better mobile applications for disabled people

    Systematic review on usability of mobile learning applications for children

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    The accelerated development of new technology, particularly on mobile application has increased teacher’s responsibility as a learning facilitator.Mobile learning application is very useful in enriching the mobile learning experience of children.However, some applications fail to assist and increase children knowledge on the subject they studied.Moreover, some children are not interested in mobile applications due to other issues such as poor interfaces.In this paper, some previous studies on dimensions used to evaluate mobile learning applications were reviewed.The systematic literature review approach was employed to search previous papers and studies on usability dimension, particularly for mobile learning applications.The result showed that the top four usability dimensions are efficiency,effectiveness; learn ability and user satisfaction. This study explored the current literatures on the subject matter and stimulates further studies that will lead to improved usability of mobile learning applications for children

    Usability evaluation method for mobile learning application using agile: A systematic review

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    The use of mobile phones for academic purpose has been on the rise in recent years.Most m-learning applications have been proved that they did not undergo usability evaluation while a few of the application underwent reliable usability evaluations.This paper reviews previous research that has been carried out to evaluate the usability of m-learning applications and how this approach could be integrated into the Agile development process in a bid to make a more effective and usable m-learning application. We focus on previous works that has been done in both, mobile application usability and integration of agile approaches for Usability evaluation.The incorporation of agile development processes and the usability evaluation of m-learning applications has produced a significant impact.This is seen as more m-learning applications are done in the sprints with the usability evaluation preceding it and following the development process which makes the applications more usable and user friendly

    Development cycle of a digital educational resource for primary school

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o ciclo de desenvolvimento de um recurso educativo digital (Cozinhar a Aprender) concebido para o 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este é um recurso digital interativo, de acesso livre, que tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento integrado de competências (português, matemática e estudo do meio) no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Tomando como referência o modelo Análise, Desenho, Desenvolvimento, Implementação e Avaliação (ADDIE), apresenta-se a metodologia seguida para o desenvolvimento do recurso, especificando, para cada etapa, os procedimentos e instrumentos de trabalho adotados. Espera-se, assim, fornecer orientações metodológicas que possam ser mobilizadas por outras equipas para o desenvolvimento de novos recursos educativos digitais.Abstract This paper aims to present the development cycle of a digital educational resource (Cooking to Learn) designed for primary school (6-10y). This is an interactive, open access digital resource, which aims at promoting the integrated development of skills (Portuguese, mathematics and sciences) in primary school. Framed within the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation (ADDIE) model, the methodology adopted in each stage of the model is described in order to provide methodological guidelines that might be helpful for the development of new digital educational resources.Résumé Cet article a pour objectif la présentation du cycle de développement d’une ressource pédagogique numérique (Cuisiner pour apprendre), qui a l’objectif de promouvoir le développement intégré de compétences (portugais, mathématiques, sciences naturelles) au primaire au Portugal, (6-10 ans). En prenant comme référence le modèle Analyse, Dessin, Développement, Mise en OEuvre et Évaluation (ADDIE), la méthodologie suivie pour le développement de la ressource est présentée en précisant, pour chaque étape, les procédures et instruments de travail adoptés. On espère ainsi que d’autres équipes pourront reproduire les procédures décrites pour le développement de nouvelles ressources pédagogiques numériques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Princípios pedagógico-didáticos para a conceção de recursos educativos digitais: análise do recurso cozinhar a aprender

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    Neste capítulo, discutem-se princípios pedagógico-didáticos para a conceção de recursos educativos digitais que promovam situações de aprendizagem inovadoras. Neste âmbito, destacam-se: (i) a criação de contextos significativos para a aprendizagem; (ii) a integração curricular; (iii) a implementação de um desenho instrucional de base construtivista; (iv) a promoção da autonomia do aluno; (v) a promoção do envolvimento e da motivação do aluno no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Estes princípios são mobilizados, no presente capítulo, na análise de um recurso educativo digital concreto (Cozinhar a Aprender), que visa promover o desenvolvimento integrado de competências (Português, Matemática, Estudo do Meio) no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico a partir da exploração do género textual receita culinária.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio