188 research outputs found

    Accessible and inclusive cyber security:a nuanced and complex challenge

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    It has been argued that human-centred security design needs to accommodate the considerations of three dimensions: (1) security, (2) usability and (3) accessibility. The latter has not yet received much attention. Now that governments and health services are increasingly requiring their citizens/patients to use online services, the need for accessible security and privacy has become far more pressing. The reality is that, for many, security measures are often exasperatingly inaccessible. Regardless of the outcome of the debate about the social acceptability of compelling people to access public services online, we still need to design accessibility into these systems, or risk excluding and marginalising swathes of the population who cannot use these systems in the same way as abled users. These users are particularly vulnerable to attack and online deception not only because security and privacy controls are inaccessible but also because they often struggle with depleted resources and capabilities together with less social, economic and political resilience. This conceptual paper contemplates the accessible dimension of human-centred security and its impact on the inclusivity of security technologies. We scope the range of vulnerabilities that can result from a lack of accessibility in security solutions and contemplate the nuances and complex challenges inherent in making security accessible. We conclude by suggesting a number of avenues for future work in this space.</p

    Recognising diversity in older adults' cybersecurity needs

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    Older adults continue to be targeted by cybersecurity attacks: a trend which shows no signs of slowing, and one that has become even more problematic given that many older adults adopted new digital technologies during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Yet there remains a scarcity of solutions designed to help older adults protect themselves online. In part, this is due to a lack of understanding of the specific needs of older adults, who are the fastest growing, and arguably most technologically diverse population on the internet. This study draws upon recent qualitative research to identify key dimensions which are likely to influence older adult cybersecurity behaviour and subsequent vulnerability. We show how these dimensions can be used, for example, to develop a wide range of personas that help illustrate the range of abilities and attitudes in the older adult population. The dimensions outlined here can be used to help researchers, designers, and developers better understand the diverse needs of older adult users when developing digital or security solutions for this population

    How WEIRD is Usable Privacy and Security Research? (Extended Version)

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    In human factor fields such as human-computer interaction (HCI) and psychology, researchers have been concerned that participants mostly come from WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) countries. This WEIRD skew may hinder understanding of diverse populations and their cultural differences. The usable privacy and security (UPS) field has inherited many research methodologies from research on human factor fields. We conducted a literature review to understand the extent to which participant samples in UPS papers were from WEIRD countries and the characteristics of the methodologies and research topics in each user study recruiting Western or non-Western participants. We found that the skew toward WEIRD countries in UPS is greater than that in HCI. Geographic and linguistic barriers in the study methods and recruitment methods may cause researchers to conduct user studies locally. In addition, many papers did not report participant demographics, which could hinder the replication of the reported studies, leading to low reproducibility. To improve geographic diversity, we provide the suggestions including facilitate replication studies, address geographic and linguistic issues of study/recruitment methods, and facilitate research on the topics for non-WEIRD populations.Comment: This paper is the extended version of the paper presented at USENIX SECURITY 202

    Disability's Encounter with Legislation and Governance: Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario

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    This dissertation is a comprehensive study of the new legal framework for the long-term care (LTC) sector (also known as nursing homes) in Ontario, Canada. The research sought to answer the following question: What are the potential implications for persons with disabilities of the changes made by the Government of Ontario between 2004 and 2018 to the legislation and governance of treatment, care and living circumstances within LTC homes? LTC is where many older women with disabilities and serious illnesses experience care. This study brings a gendered disability perspective to a public policy issue that is usually singularly associated with aging. To theorize the regulation and provision of care in LTC, the author situates LTC research within debates about care in disability scholarship. The concept of caring relationships is used to draw out tensions inherent in receiving and delivering care. Caring relationships are shaped by, among other political and market forces, the legal and administrative structure of a benefit scheme or a regulatory regime. The New Governance literature is employed to describe and examine new processes and procedures that shape caring relationships in LTC. To create a more comprehensive account of the changes, the research methods used were document review, legal analysis and key informant interviews. The feminist political economy literature was relied upon to draw out critical insights about the LTC sector. The majority of changes identified in the review were the creation of new or the strengthening of existing processes. The few substantive changes can be described as fragmented efforts to reduce risks to the safety, physical survival and security of individual residents. These changes if properly understood and implemented are significant in that they afford more procedural protections to residents in caring relationships and allow residents to make claims for inclusion and participation in making care decisions and in influencing conditions within the home. However, the mechanisms were designed without careful consideration of how the actual circumstances of residents, connected to the intermeshing of disability, gender and age, will impact their proper implementation. Consequently, some LTC applicants and residents cannot benefit from the protections offered by the law

    Bringing light into the dark side of digitalization : consequences, antecedents, and mitigation mechanisms

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    As digital technologies permeate all aspects of our professional and private lives, digitalization causes profound changes for individuals, organizations, and societies. The use of digital technologies makes many activities easier, safer, faster, or more comfortable. In addition to many positive changes, digital technologies are also associated with numerous risks and side effects. The use of digital technologies might come along with severe negative consequences for individuals, organizations, and societies. The negative consequences can be triggered by various antecedents. In addition to identifying the negative consequences of digitalization and their antecedents, it is particularly important to develop appropriate mitigation mechanisms. This dissertation provides novel insights for IS researchers to better understand the negative consequences of using digital technologies. It contains a broad overview of the risks and side effects of digitalization and investigates related antecedents and mitigation mechanisms. To reach this goal, regarding research methods, this dissertation relies on the structured analysis of (scientific) literature and (expert) interviews as well as the analysis and interpretation of empirical data. Chapter 2 contributes to the research on the negative consequences of digitalization. Section 2.1 provides a comprehensive multi-level taxonomy of the risks and side effects of digitalization (RSEDs). Section 2.2 builds on Section 2.1 and is a substantial expansion and improvement of Section 2.1. The iterative taxonomy development process was complemented by four additional cycles. The final taxonomy comprises 11 RSEDs and their 39 subtypes. Both articles show that there is a wide range of risks and side effects of digitalization that need to be explored in more detail in the future. Chapter 3 focuses on the antecedents of digitalizations negative consequences. Section 3.1 sheds light on individuals concerns towards automated decision-making. The concerns are derived from academic literature and semi-structured interviews with potential users of algorithm-based technologies. Section 3.2 focuses on the evaluation of specific mHealth app features by potential users in Germany and Denmark. The study draws on survey data from both countries analyzed using the Kano method. Further, it comprises a quartile-based sample split approach to identify the underlying relationships between users characteristics and their perceptions of the mHealth app features. The results show significant differences between Germans and Danes in the evaluation of the app features and demonstrate which of the user characteristics best explain these differences. Both articles shed light on possible antecedents of negative consequences (i.e., user dissatisfaction, non-use) and thus contribute to a better understanding of the occurrence of negative consequences. Chapter 4 shows exemplary mitigation mechanisms to cope with the negative consequences of digitalization. Section 4.1 takes an organizational perspective and identifies data privacy measures that can be implemented by organizations to protect the personal data of their customers and address their privacy concerns. These measures were evaluated by analyzing data from two independent online surveys with the help of the Kano method. Section 4.2 focuses on an individual perspective by presenting the concept of a privacy bot that contributes to strengthening the digital sovereignty of internet users. With the help of the privacy bot, page-long privacy statements can be checked against previously stored individual data protection preferences. Both articles provide appropriate mitigation mechanisms to cope with users privacy concerns. These two examples show that there are a variety of ways to counter the risks and side effects of digitalization. The research articles included in this dissertation identify various risks and side effects of digitalization that need to be explored in more detail in future research. The two articles on antecedents help to better understand the occurrence of negative consequences of digitalization. The development of appropriate countermeasures, two of which are exemplified in this dissertation, should result in the benefits of digital technologies outweighing their risks.Da digitale Technologien alle Bereiche unseres beruflichen und privaten Lebens durchdringen, bewirkt die Digitalisierung tiefgreifende Veränderungen für Individuen, Organisationen und Gesellschaften. Viele Aktivitäten werden durch den Einsatz digitaler Technologien einfacher, sicherer, schneller oder bequemer. Neben vielen positiven Veränderungen sind digitale Technologien aber auch mit zahlreichen Risiken und Nebenwirkungen verbunden. Der Einsatz digitaler Technologien kann mit schwerwiegenden negativen Folgen für Individuen, Organisationen und Gesellschaften einhergehen. Diese negativen Folgen können durch verschiedene Einflussfaktoren ausgelöst werden. Zusätzlich zur Identifizierung der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung und ihrer Ursachen ist es besonders wichtig, geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Diese Dissertation liefert neue Erkenntnisse für IS-Forscher:innen, um die negativen Folgen der Nutzung digitaler Technologien besser zu verstehen. Sie enthält einen breiten Überblick über die Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung und untersucht die damit verbundenen Ursachen und Schutzmaßnahmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, stützt sich die Dissertation forschungsmethodisch auf die strukturierte Analyse von (wissenschaftlicher) Literatur und (Expert:innen-)Interviews sowie auf die Auswertung und Interpretation empirischer Daten. Kapitel 2 leistet einen Beitrag zur Forschung über die negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 2.1 liefert eine umfassende mehrstufige Taxonomie der Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung (RSEDs). Abschnitt 2.2 baut auf Abschnitt 2.1 auf und ist eine wesentliche Erweiterung und Verbesserung von Abschnitt 2.1. Der iterative Taxonomieentwicklungsprozess wurde durch vier weitere Zyklen ergänzt. Die endgültige Taxonomie umfasst 11 RSED und 39 Untertypen. Beide Artikel zeigen, dass es ein breites Spektrum an Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung gibt, das in Zukunft noch genauer erforscht werden muss. Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit den Ursachen der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 3.1 beleuchtet die Bedenken von Individuen gegenüber automatisierten Entscheidungen. Die Bedenken wurden aus wissenschaftlicher Literatur und halbstrukturierten Interviews mit potenziellen Nutzer:innen algorithmusbasierter Technologien abgeleitet. Abschnitt 3.2 konzentriert sich auf die Bewertung spezifischer Funktionen von mHealth-Apps durch potenzielle Nutzer in Deutschland und Dänemark. Die Studie basiert auf Umfragedaten aus beiden Ländern, die mit der Kano-Methode analysiert wurden. Darüber hinaus umfasst sie einen quartil-basierten Stichproben-Split-Ansatz, um die zugrundeliegenden Beziehungen zwischen den Merkmalen der Nutzer (z.B. Bedenken hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes) und ihrer Wahrnehmung der Funktionen von mHealth-Apps zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse zeigen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Deutschen und Dänen bei der Bewertung der App-Funktionen und zeigen, welche der Nutzermerkmale diese Unterschiede am besten erklären. Beide Artikel beleuchten mögliche Ursachen negativer Folgen (z.B. Unzufriedenheit der Nutzer, Nichtnutzung) und tragen so zu einem besseren Verständnis des Auftretens negativer Folgen bei. Kapitel 4 zeigt beispielhafte Schutzmaßnahmen zur Bewältigung der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 4.1 nimmt eine organisationale Perspektive ein und identifiziert Datenschutzmaßnahmen, die von Unternehmen umgesetzt werden können, um die personenbezogenen Daten ihrer Kund:innen zu schützen und deren Datenschutzbedenken zu berücksichtigen. Diese Maßnahmen wurden durch die Analyse von Daten aus zwei unabhängigen Online-Umfragen mit Hilfe der Kano-Methode evaluiert. In Abschnitt 4.2 wird eine individuelle Perspektive eingenommen, indem das Konzept eines Privacy Bots vorgestellt wird, der zur Stärkung der digitalen Souveränität von Internetnutzer:innen beiträgt. Mithilfe des Privacy Bots können seitenlange Datenschutzerklärungen mit zuvor gespeicherten individuellen Datenschutzpräferenzen abgeglichen werden. Beide Artikel beschreiben geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen, um den Datenschutzbedenken der Nutzer:innen gerecht zu werden. Diese beiden Beispiele zeigen, dass es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten gibt, den Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung zu begegnen. Die in dieser Dissertation enthaltenen Forschungsartikel zeigen verschiedene Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung auf, die in der zukünftigen Forschung noch genauer untersucht werden müssen. Die beiden Artikel zu den Ursachen helfen, das Auftreten von negativen Konsequenzen der Digitalisierung besser zu verstehen. Die Entwicklung geeigneter Schutzmaßnahmen, von denen zwei in dieser Dissertation beispielhaft vorgestellt werden, sollte dazu führen, dass die Vorteile der digitalen Technologien ihre Risiken überwiegen

    Disability\u27s Encounter with Legislation and Governance: Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario

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    This dissertation is a comprehensive study of the new legal framework for the long-term care (LTC) sector (also known as nursing homes) in Ontario, Canada. The research sought to answer the following question: What are the potential implications for persons with disabilities of the changes made by the Government of Ontario between 2004 and 2018 to the legislation and governance of treatment, care and living circumstances within LTC homes? LTC is where many older women with disabilities and serious illnesses experience care. This study brings a gendered disability perspective to a public policy issue that is usually singularly associated with aging. To theorize the regulation and provision of care in LTC, the author situates LTC research within debates about care in disability scholarship. The concept of caring relationships is used to draw out tensions inherent in receiving and delivering care. Caring relationships are shaped by, among other political and market forces, the legal and administrative structure of a benefit scheme or a regulatory regime. The New Governance literature is employed to describe and examine new processes and procedures that shape caring relationships in LTC. To create a more comprehensive account of the changes, the research methods used were document review, legal analysis and key informant interviews. The feminist political economy literature was relied upon to draw out critical insights about the LTC sector. The majority of changes identified in the review were the creation of new or the strengthening of existing processes. The few substantive changes can be described as fragmented efforts to reduce risks to the safety, physical survival and security of individual residents. These changes if properly understood and implemented are significant in that they afford more procedural protections to residents in caring relationships and allow residents to make claims for inclusion and participation in making care decisions and in influencing conditions within the home. However, the mechanisms were designed without careful consideration of how the actual circumstances of residents, connected to the intermeshing of disability, gender and age, will impact their proper implementation. Consequently, some LTC applicants and residents cannot benefit from the protections offered by the law

    Aging Well

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    This open access book outlines the challenges of supporting the health and wellbeing of older adults around the world and offers examples of solutions designed by stakeholders, healthcare providers, and public, private and nonprofit organizations in the United States. The solutions presented address challenges including: providing person-centered long-term care, making palliative care accessible in all healthcare settings and the home, enabling aging-in-place, financing long-term care, improving care coordination and access to care, delivering hospital-level and emergency care in the home and retirement community settings, merging health and social care, supporting people living with dementia and their caregivers, creating communities and employment opportunities that are accessible and welcoming to those of all ages and abilities, and combating the stigma of aging. The innovative programs of support and care in Aging Well serve as models of excellence that, when put into action, move health spending toward a sustainable path and greatly contribute to the well-being of older adults

    Aging Well

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    This open access book outlines the challenges of supporting the health and wellbeing of older adults around the world and offers examples of solutions designed by stakeholders, healthcare providers, and public, private and nonprofit organizations in the United States. The solutions presented address challenges including: providing person-centered long-term care, making palliative care accessible in all healthcare settings and the home, enabling aging-in-place, financing long-term care, improving care coordination and access to care, delivering hospital-level and emergency care in the home and retirement community settings, merging health and social care, supporting people living with dementia and their caregivers, creating communities and employment opportunities that are accessible and welcoming to those of all ages and abilities, and combating the stigma of aging. The innovative programs of support and care in Aging Well serve as models of excellence that, when put into action, move health spending toward a sustainable path and greatly contribute to the well-being of older adults