80 research outputs found

    Uplink User Capacity in a CDMA System with Hotspot Microcells: Effects of Finite Transmit Power and Dispersion

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    This paper examines the uplink user capacity in a two-tier code division multiple access (CDMA) system with hotspot microcells when user terminal power is limited and the wireless channel is finitely-dispersive. A finitely-dispersive channel causes variable fading of the signal power at the output of the RAKE receiver. First, a two-cell system composed of one macrocell and one embedded microcell is studied and analytical methods are developed to estimate the user capacity as a function of a dimensionless parameter that depends on the transmit power constraint and cell radius. Next, novel analytical methods are developed to study the effect of variable fading, both with and without transmit power constraints. Finally, the analytical methods are extended to estimate uplink user capacity for multicell CDMA systems, composed of multiple macrocells and multiple embedded microcells. In all cases, the analysis-based estimates are compared with and confirmed by simulation results.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Uplink Throughput in a Single-Macrocell/Single-Microcell CDMA System, with Application to Data Access Points

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    This paper studies a two-tier CDMA system in which the microcell base is converted into a data access point (DAP), i.e., a limited-range base station that provides high-speed access to one user at a time. The microcell (or DAP) user operates on the same frequency as the macrocell users and has the same chip rate. However, it adapts its spreading factor, and thus its data rate, in accordance with interference conditions. By contrast, the macrocell serves multiple simultaneous data users, each with the same fixed rate. The achieveable throughput for individual microcell users is examined and a simple, accurate approximation for its probability distribution is presented. Computations for average throughputs, both per-user and total, are also presented. The numerical results highlight the impact of a desensitivity parameter used in the base-selection process.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Femtocell Networks: A Survey

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    The surest way to increase the system capacity of a wireless link is by getting the transmitter and receiver closer to each other, which creates the dual benefits of higher quality links and more spatial reuse. In a network with nomadic users, this inevitably involves deploying more infrastructure, typically in the form of microcells, hotspots, distributed antennas, or relays. A less expensive alternative is the recent concept of femtocells, also called home base-stations, which are data access points installed by home users get better indoor voice and data coverage. In this article, we overview the technical and business arguments for femtocells, and describe the state-of-the-art on each front. We also describe the technical challenges facing femtocell networks, and give some preliminary ideas for how to overcome them.Comment: IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46, no.9, pp. 59-67, Sept. 200

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Coverage in Multi-Antenna Two-Tier Networks

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    In two-tier networks -- comprising a conventional cellular network overlaid with shorter range hotspots (e.g. femtocells, distributed antennas, or wired relays) -- with universal frequency reuse, the near-far effect from cross-tier interference creates dead spots where reliable coverage cannot be guaranteed to users in either tier. Equipping the macrocell and femtocells with multiple antennas enhances robustness against the near-far problem. This work derives the maximum number of simultaneously transmitting multiple antenna femtocells meeting a per-tier outage probability constraint. Coverage dead zones are presented wherein cross-tier interference bottlenecks cellular and hotspot coverage. Two operating regimes are shown namely 1) a cellular-limited regime in which femtocell users experience unacceptable cross-tier interference and 2) a hotspot-limited regime wherein both femtocell users and cellular users are limited by hotspot interference. Our analysis accounts for the per-tier transmit powers, the number of transmit antennas (single antenna transmission being a special case) and terrestrial propagation such as the Rayleigh fading and the path loss exponents. Single-user (SU) multiple antenna transmission at each tier is shown to provide significantly superior coverage and spatial reuse relative to multiuser (MU) transmission. We propose a decentralized carrier-sensing approach to regulate femtocell transmission powers based on their location. Considering a worst-case cell-edge location, simulations using typical path loss scenarios show that our interference management strategy provides reliable cellular coverage with about 60 femtocells per cellsite.Comment: 30 Pages, 11 figures, Revised and Resubmitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Power Control in Two-Tier Femtocell Networks

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    In a two tier cellular network -- comprised of a central macrocell underlaid with shorter range femtocell hotspots -- cross-tier interference limits overall capacity with universal frequency reuse. To quantify near-far effects with universal frequency reuse, this paper derives a fundamental relation providing the largest feasible cellular Signal-to-Interference-Plus-Noise Ratio (SINR), given any set of feasible femtocell SINRs. We provide a link budget analysis which enables simple and accurate performance insights in a two-tier network. A distributed utility-based SINR adaptation at femtocells is proposed in order to alleviate cross-tier interference at the macrocell from cochannel femtocells. The Foschini-Miljanic (FM) algorithm is a special case of the adaptation. Each femtocell maximizes their individual utility consisting of a SINR based reward less an incurred cost (interference to the macrocell). Numerical results show greater than 30% improvement in mean femtocell SINRs relative to FM. In the event that cross-tier interference prevents a cellular user from obtaining its SINR target, an algorithm is proposed that reduces transmission powers of the strongest femtocell interferers. The algorithm ensures that a cellular user achieves its SINR target even with 100 femtocells/cell-site, and requires a worst case SINR reduction of only 16% at femtocells. These results motivate design of power control schemes requiring minimal network overhead in two-tier networks with shared spectrum.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, Revised and resubmitted to the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Vandermonde-subspace Frequency Division Multiplexing for Two-Tiered Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Vandermonde-subspace frequency division multiplexing (VFDM) is an overlay spectrum sharing technique for cognitive radio. VFDM makes use of a precoder based on a Vandermonde structure to transmit information over a secondary system, while keeping an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based primary system interference-free. To do so, VFDM exploits frequency selectivity and the use of cyclic prefixes by the primary system. Herein, a global view of VFDM is presented, including also practical aspects such as linear receivers and the impact of channel estimation. We show that VFDM provides a spectral efficiency increase of up to 1 bps/Hz over cognitive radio systems based on unused band detection. We also present some key design parameters for its future implementation and a feasible channel estimation protocol. Finally we show that, even when some of the theoretical assumptions are relaxed, VFDM provides non-negligible rates while protecting the primary system.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Topology and interference analysis in macrocellular environment

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    In the present day, mobile based data services have become increasingly popular among end users and businesses and thus considered as one of the important issues in the telecommunication network, because of its high demand. The telecommunication industry is continuously striving to fulfil this demand in a cost-efficient manner. Fundamentally, the performance of a mobile communication network is constrained by the propagation environment and technical capabilities of the network equipment. The target of radio network engineers is to design and deploy a mobile network that provides effective coverage and capacity solution with a profitable implementation cost. In order to reach this target, careful examination of radio network planning and choosing the right tools are the key methods. Network densification is considered as a feasible evolutionary pathway to fulfil the exponentially increasing data capacity demand in mobile networks. The objective of this thesis work is to study and analyse the densification of classical macrocellular network, which is still the dominant form of deployment worldwide. The analysis is based on deep ray-tracing based propagation simulations in the outdoor and indoor environment, and considers two key performance metrics; cell spectral efficiency and area spectral efficiency. For analysing the impact of network densification, different cell densities, obtained from varying the inter-site distances are considered. Furthermore, the network is assumed to be operating in a full load condition; an extreme condition in which the base stations are transmitting at full power. From the simulations, it has been illustrated that as a result of densifying the network, the inter-cell interference increases, which reduce the achievable cell spectral efficiency. The system capacity, on the other hand, is shown to improve due to the increase in the area spectral efficiency, as a result of high-frequency re-use, in the outdoor settings. Nevertheless, it is observed that the densification of macrocellular network experience inefficiency in the indoor environment; mainly arising from coverage limitation due to extreme antenna tilt angles. This calls for sophisticated methods such as base station coordination or inter-cell interference cancellation technique to be employed for future cellular network. For fulfilling the indoor capacity demand in a cost-efficient manner, the operators will be required to deploy dedicated indoor small cells based solutions
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