39 research outputs found

    End-to-end anomaly detection in stream data

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    Nowadays, huge volumes of data are generated with increasing velocity through various systems, applications, and activities. This increases the demand for stream and time series analysis to react to changing conditions in real-time for enhanced efficiency and quality of service delivery as well as upgraded safety and security in private and public sectors. Despite its very rich history, time series anomaly detection is still one of the vital topics in machine learning research and is receiving increasing attention. Identifying hidden patterns and selecting an appropriate model that fits the observed data well and also carries over to unobserved data is not a trivial task. Due to the increasing diversity of data sources and associated stochastic processes, this pivotal data analysis topic is loaded with various challenges like complex latent patterns, concept drift, and overfitting that may mislead the model and cause a high false alarm rate. Handling these challenges leads the advanced anomaly detection methods to develop sophisticated decision logic, which turns them into mysterious and inexplicable black-boxes. Contrary to this trend, end-users expect transparency and verifiability to trust a model and the outcomes it produces. Also, pointing the users to the most anomalous/malicious areas of time series and causal features could save them time, energy, and money. For the mentioned reasons, this thesis is addressing the crucial challenges in an end-to-end pipeline of stream-based anomaly detection through the three essential phases of behavior prediction, inference, and interpretation. The first step is focused on devising a time series model that leads to high average accuracy as well as small error deviation. On this basis, we propose higher-quality anomaly detection and scoring techniques that utilize the related contexts to reclassify the observations and post-pruning the unjustified events. Last but not least, we make the predictive process transparent and verifiable by providing meaningful reasoning behind its generated results based on the understandable concepts by a human. The provided insight can pinpoint the anomalous regions of time series and explain why the current status of a system has been flagged as anomalous. Stream-based anomaly detection research is a principal area of innovation to support our economy, security, and even the safety and health of societies worldwide. We believe our proposed analysis techniques can contribute to building a situational awareness platform and open new perspectives in a variety of domains like cybersecurity, and health

    Discovering a Domain Knowledge Representation for Image Grouping: Multimodal Data Modeling, Fusion, and Interactive Learning

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    In visually-oriented specialized medical domains such as dermatology and radiology, physicians explore interesting image cases from medical image repositories for comparative case studies to aid clinical diagnoses, educate medical trainees, and support medical research. However, general image classification and retrieval approaches fail in grouping medical images from the physicians\u27 viewpoint. This is because fully-automated learning techniques cannot yet bridge the gap between image features and domain-specific content for the absence of expert knowledge. Understanding how experts get information from medical images is therefore an important research topic. As a prior study, we conducted data elicitation experiments, where physicians were instructed to inspect each medical image towards a diagnosis while describing image content to a student seated nearby. Experts\u27 eye movements and their verbal descriptions of the image content were recorded to capture various aspects of expert image understanding. This dissertation aims at an intuitive approach to extracting expert knowledge, which is to find patterns in expert data elicited from image-based diagnoses. These patterns are useful to understand both the characteristics of the medical images and the experts\u27 cognitive reasoning processes. The transformation from the viewed raw image features to interpretation as domain-specific concepts requires experts\u27 domain knowledge and cognitive reasoning. This dissertation also approximates this transformation using a matrix factorization-based framework, which helps project multiple expert-derived data modalities to high-level abstractions. To combine additional expert interventions with computational processing capabilities, an interactive machine learning paradigm is developed to treat experts as an integral part of the learning process. Specifically, experts refine medical image groups presented by the learned model locally, to incrementally re-learn the model globally. This paradigm avoids the onerous expert annotations for model training, while aligning the learned model with experts\u27 sense-making

    Machine Learning for Information Retrieval

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    In this thesis, we explore the use of machine learning techniques for information retrieval. More specifically, we focus on ad-hoc retrieval, which is concerned with searching large corpora to identify the documents relevant to user queries. Thisidentification is performed through a ranking task. Given a user query, an ad-hoc retrieval system ranks the corpus documents, so that the documents relevant to the query ideally appear above the others. In a machine learning framework, we are interested in proposing learning algorithms that can benefit from limited training data in order to identify a ranker likely to achieve high retrieval performance over unseen documents and queries. This problem presents novel challenges compared to traditional learning tasks, such as regression or classification. First, our task is a ranking problem, which means that the loss for a given query cannot be measured as a sum of an individual loss suffered for each corpus document. Second, most retrieval queries present a highly unbalanced setup, with a set of relevant documents accounting only for a very small fraction of the corpus. Third, ad-hoc retrieval corresponds to a kind of ``double'' generalization problem, since the learned model should not only generalize to new documents but also to new queries. Finally, our task also presents challenging efficiency constraints, since ad-hoc retrieval is typically applied to large corpora. % The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the discriminative learning of ad-hoc retrieval models. For that purpose, we propose different models based on kernel machines or neural networks adapted to different retrieval contexts. The proposed approaches rely on different online learning algorithms that allow efficient learning over large corpora. The first part of the thesis focus on text retrieval. In this case, we adopt a classical approach to the retrieval ranking problem, and order the text documents according to their estimated similarity to the text query. The assessment of semantic similarity between text items plays a key role in that setup and we propose a learning approach to identify an effective measure of text similarity. This identification is not performed relying on a set of queries with their corresponding relevant document sets, since such data are especially expensive to label and hence rare. Instead, we propose to rely on hyperlink data, since hyperlinks convey semantic proximity information that is relevant to similarity learning. This setup is hence a transfer learning setup, where we benefit from the proximity information encoded by hyperlinks to improve the performance over the ad-hoc retrieval task. We then investigate another retrieval problem, i.e. the retrieval of images from text queries. Our approach introduces a learning procedure optimizing a criterion related to the ranking performance. This criterion adapts our previous learning objective for learning textual similarity to the image retrieval problem. This yields an image ranking model that addresses the retrieval problem directly. This approach contrasts with previous research that rely on an intermediate image annotation task. Moreover, our learning procedure builds upon recent work on the online learning of kernel-based classifiers. This yields an efficient, scalable algorithm, which can benefit from recent kernels developed for image comparison. In the last part of the thesis, we show that the objective function used in the previous retrieval problems can be applied to the task of keyword spotting, i.e. the detection of given keywords in speech utterances. For that purpose, we formalize this problem as a ranking task: given a keyword, the keyword spotter should order the utterances so that the utterances containing the keyword appear above the others. Interestingly, this formulation yields an objective directly maximizing the area under the receiver operating curve, the most common keyword spotter evaluation measure. This objective is then used to train a model adapted to this intrinsically sequential problem. This model is then learned with a procedure derived from the algorithm previously introduced for the image retrieval task. To conclude, this thesis introduces machine learning approaches for ad-hoc retrieval. We propose learning models for various multi-modal retrieval setups, i.e. the retrieval of text documents from text queries, the retrieval of images from text queries and the retrieval of speech recordings from written keywords. Our approaches rely on discriminative learning and enjoy efficient training procedures, which yields effective and scalable models. In all cases, links with prior approaches were investigated and experimental comparisons were conducted

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Automated Assessment of the Aftermath of Typhoons Using Social Media Texts

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    Disasters are one of the major threats to economics and human societies, causing substantial losses of human lives, properties and infrastructures. It has been our persistent endeavors to understand, prevent and reduce such disasters, and the popularization of social media is offering new opportunities to enhance disaster management in a crowd-sourcing approach. However, social media data is also characterized by its undue brevity, intense noise, and informality of language. The existing literature has not completely addressed these disadvantages, otherwise vast manual efforts are devoted to tackling these problems. The major focus of this research is on constructing a holistic framework to exploit social media data in typhoon damage assessment. The scope of this research covers data collection, relevance classification, location extraction and damage assessment while assorted approaches are utilized to overcome the disadvantages of social media data. Moreover, a semi-supervised or unsupervised approach is prioritized in forming the framework to minimize manual intervention. In data collection, query expansion strategy is adopted to optimize the search recall of typhoon-relevant information retrieval. Multiple filtering strategies are developed to screen the keywords and maintain the relevance to search topics in the keyword updates. A classifier based on a convolutional neural network is presented for relevance classification, with hashtags and word clusters as extra input channels to augment the information. In location extraction, a model is constructed by integrating Bidirectional Long Short-Time Memory and Conditional Random Fields. Feature noise correction layers and label smoothing are leveraged to handle the noisy training data. Finally, a multi-instance multi-label classifier identifies the damage relations in four categories, and the damage categories of a message are integrated with the damage descriptions score to obtain damage severity score for the message. A case study is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the framework. The outcomes indicate that the approaches and models developed in this study significantly improve in the classification of social media texts especially under the framework of semi-supervised or unsupervised learning. Moreover, the results of damage assessment from social media data are remarkably consistent with the official statistics, which demonstrates the practicality of the proposed damage scoring scheme

    Learning neural algorithms with graph structures

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    Graph structures, like syntax trees, social networks, and programs, are ubiquitous in many real world applications including knowledge graph inference, chemistry and social network analysis. Over the past several decades, many expert-designed algorithms on graphs have been proposed with nice theoretical properties. However most of them are not data-driven, and will not benefit from the growing scale of available data. Recent advances in deep learning have shown strong empirical performances for images, texts and signals, typically with little domain knowledge. However the combinatorial and discrete nature of the graph data makes it non-trivial to apply neural networks in this domain. Based on the pros and cons of these two, this thesis will discuss several aspects on how to build a tight connection between neural networks and the classical algorithms for graphs. Specifically: - Algorithm inspired deep graph learning: The existing algorithms provide an inspiration of deep architecture design, for both the discriminative learning and generative modeling of graphs. Regarding the discriminative representation learning, we show how the graphical model inference algorithms can inspire the design of graph neural networks for chemistry and bioinformatics applications, and how to scale it up with the idea borrowed from steady states algorithms like PageRank; for generative modeling, we build an HSMM inspired neural segmental generative modeling for signal sequences; and for a class of graphs, we leverage the idea of attribute grammar for syntax trees to help regulate the deep networks. - Deep learning enhanced graph algorithms: the algorithm framework has procedures that can be enhanced by learnable deep network components. We demonstrate by learning the heuristic function in greedy algorithms with reinforcement learning for combinatorial optimization problems over graphs, such as vertex cover and max cut, and optimal touring problem for real world applications like fuzzing. - Towards Inductive reasoning with graph structures: As the algorithm structure generally provides a good inductive bias for the problem, we take an initial step towards inductive reasoning for such structure, where we make attempts to reason about the loop invariant for program verification and the reaction templates for retrosynthesis structured prediction.Ph.D

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Sequential decision making in artificial musical intelligence

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    Over the past 60 years, artificial intelligence has grown from a largely academic field of research to a ubiquitous array of tools and approaches used in everyday technology. Despite its many recent successes and growing prevalence, certain meaningful facets of computational intelligence have not been as thoroughly explored. Such additional facets cover a wide array of complex mental tasks which humans carry out easily, yet are difficult for computers to mimic. A prime example of a domain in which human intelligence thrives, but machine understanding is still fairly limited, is music. Over the last decade, many researchers have applied computational tools to carry out tasks such as genre identification, music summarization, music database querying, and melodic segmentation. While these are all useful algorithmic solutions, we are still a long way from constructing complete music agents, able to mimic (at least partially) the complexity with which humans approach music. One key aspect which hasn't been sufficiently studied is that of sequential decision making in musical intelligence. This thesis strives to answer the following question: Can a sequential decision making perspective guide us in the creation of better music agents, and social agents in general? And if so, how? More specifically, this thesis focuses on two aspects of musical intelligence: music recommendation and human-agent (and more generally agent-agent) interaction in the context of music. The key contributions of this thesis are the design of better music playlist recommendation algorithms; the design of algorithms for tracking user preferences over time; new approaches for modeling people's behavior in situations that involve music; and the design of agents capable of meaningful interaction with humans and other agents in a setting where music plays a roll (either directly or indirectly). Though motivated primarily by music-related tasks, and focusing largely on people's musical preferences, this thesis also establishes that insights from music-specific case studies can also be applicable in other concrete social domains, such as different types of content recommendation. Showing the generality of insights from musical data in other contexts serves as evidence for the utility of music domains as testbeds for the development of general artificial intelligence techniques. Ultimately, this thesis demonstrates the overall usefulness of taking a sequential decision making approach in settings previously unexplored from this perspectiveComputer Science