180 research outputs found

    Three Essays on Enhancing Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment Using Natural Language Processing and Text Mining

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    Patient recruitment and enrollment are critical factors for a successful clinical trial; however, recruitment tends to be the most common problem in most clinical trials. The success of a clinical trial depends on efficiently recruiting suitable patients to conduct the trial. Every clinical trial research has a protocol, which describes what will be done in the study and how it will be conducted. Also, the protocol ensures the safety of the trial subjects and the integrity of the data collected. The eligibility criteria section of clinical trial protocols is important because it specifies the necessary conditions that participants have to satisfy. Since clinical trial eligibility criteria are usually written in free text form, they are not computer interpretable. To automate the analysis of the eligibility criteria, it is therefore necessary to transform those criteria into a computer-interpretable format. Unstructured format of eligibility criteria additionally create search efficiency issues. Thus, searching and selecting appropriate clinical trials for a patient from relatively large number of available trials is a complex task. A few attempts have been made to automate the matching process between patients and clinical trials. However, those attempts have not fully integrated the entire matching process and have not exploited the state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques that may improve the matching performance. Given the importance of patient recruitment in clinical trial research, the objective of this research is to automate the matching process using NLP and text mining techniques and, thereby, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process. This dissertation research, which comprises three essays, investigates the issues of clinical trial subject recruitment using state-of-the-art NLP and text mining techniques. Essay 1: Building a Domain-Specific Lexicon for Clinical Trial Subject Eligibility Analysis Essay 2: Clustering Clinical Trials Using Semantic-Based Feature Expansion Essay 3: An Automatic Matching Process of Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment In essay1, I develop a domain-specific lexicon for n-gram Named Entity Recognition (NER) in the breast cancer domain. The domain-specific dictionary is used for selection and reduction of n-gram features in clustering in eassy2. The domain-specific dictionary was evaluated by comparing it with Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine--Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT). The results showed that it add significant number of new terms which is very useful in effective natural language processing In essay 2, I explore the clustering of similar clinical trials using the domain-specific lexicon and term expansion using synonym from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). I generate word n-gram features and modify the features with the domain-specific dictionary matching process. In order to resolve semantic ambiguity, a semantic-based feature expansion technique using UMLS is applied. A hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm is used to generate clinical trial clusters. The focus is on summarization of clinical trial information in order to enhance trial search efficiency. Finally, in essay 3, I investigate an automatic matching process of clinical trial clusters and patient medical records. The patient records collected from a prior study were used to test our approach. The patient records were pre-processed by tokenization and lemmatization. The pre-processed patient information were then further enhanced by matching with breast cancer custom dictionary described in essay 1 and semantic feature expansion using UMLS Metathesaurus. Finally, I matched the patient record with clinical trial clusters to select the best matched cluster(s) and then with trials within the clusters. The matching results were evaluated by internal expert as well as external medical expert

    ASCOT: a text mining-based web-service for efficient search and assisted creation of clinical trials

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    Clinical trials are mandatory protocols describing medical research on humans and among the most valuable sources of medical practice evidence. Searching for trials relevant to some query is laborious due to the immense number of existing protocols. Apart from search, writing new trials includes composing detailed eligibility criteria, which might be time-consuming, especially for new researchers. In this paper we present ASCOT, an efficient search application customised for clinical trials. ASCOT uses text mining and data mining methods to enrich clinical trials with metadata, that in turn serve as effective tools to narrow down search. In addition, ASCOT integrates a component for recommending eligibility criteria based on a set of selected protocols

    The Revival of the Notes Field: Leveraging the Unstructured Content in Electronic Health Records

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    Problem: Clinical practice requires the production of a time- and resource-consuming great amount of notes. They contain relevant information, but their secondary use is almost impossible, due to their unstructured nature. Researchers are trying to address this problems, with traditional and promising novel techniques. Application in real hospital settings seems not to be possible yet, though, both because of relatively small and dirty dataset, and for the lack of language-specific pre-trained models.Aim: Our aim is to demonstrate the potential of the above techniques, but also raise awareness of the still open challenges that the scientific communities of IT and medical practitioners must jointly address to realize the full potential of unstructured content that is daily produced and digitized in hospital settings, both to improve its data quality and leverage the insights from data-driven predictive models.Methods: To this extent, we present a narrative literature review of the most recent and relevant contributions to leverage the application of Natural Language Processing techniques to the free-text content electronic patient records. In particular, we focused on four selected application domains, namely: data quality, information extraction, sentiment analysis and predictive models, and automated patient cohort selection. Then, we will present a few empirical studies that we undertook at a major teaching hospital specializing in musculoskeletal diseases.Results: We provide the reader with some simple and affordable pipelines, which demonstrate the feasibility of reaching literature performance levels with a single institution non-English dataset. In such a way, we bridged literature and real world needs, performing a step further toward the revival of notes fields

    Comparing and Contrasting A Priori and A Posteriori Generalizability Assessment of Clinical Trials on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Clinical trials are indispensable tools for evidence-based medicine. However, they are often criticized for poor generalizability. Traditional trial generalizability assessment can only be done after the trial results are published, which compares the enrolled patients with a convenience sample of real-world patients. However, the proliferation of electronic data in clinical trial registries and clinical data warehouses offer a great opportunity to assess the generalizability during the design phase of a new trial. In this work, we compared and contrasted a priori (based on eligibility criteria) and a posteriori (based on enrolled patients) generalizability of Type 2 diabetes clinical trials. Further, we showed that comparing the study population selected by the clinical trial eligibility criteria to the real- world patient population is a good indicator of the generalizability of trials. Our findings demonstrate that the a priori generalizability of a trial is comparable to its a posteriori generalizability in identifying restrictive quantitative eligibility criteria

    A data driven semantic framework for clinical trial eligibility criteria

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on January 17, 2012Thesis advisor: Deendayal DinakarpandianVitaIncludes bibliographic references (p. 90-93)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2011An important step in the discovery of new treatments for medical conditions is the matching of potential subjects with appropriate clinical trials. Eligibility criteria for clinical trials are typically specified in free text as inclusion and exclusion criteria for each study. While this is sufficient for a human to guide a recruitment interview, it cannot be reliably parsed to identify potential subjects computationally. Standardizing the representation of eligibility criteria can help in increasing the efficiency and accuracy of this process. This thesis proposes a semantic framework for intelligent match matching to determine a minimal set of eligibility criteria with maximal coverage of clinical trials. In contrast to top down existing manual standardization efforts, a bottom-up data driven approach is presented that finds the canonical non-redundant representation of an arbitrary collection of clinical trial criteria set to facilitate intelligent match-making. The approach is based on semantic clustering. The methodology been validated on a corpus of 708 clinical trials related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder containing 2760 inclusion and 4871 exclusion eligibility criteria. This corpus is represented by a relatively small number of 126 inclusion clusters and 175 exclusion clusters, each of which represents a semantically distinct criterion. Internal and external validation measures provide an objective evaluation of the method. Based on the clustering, an eligibility criteria ontology has been constructed. The resulting model has been incorporated into the development of the MindTrial clinical trial recruiting system. The prototype for clinical trial recruitment illustrates the real world effectiveness of the methodology in characterizing clinical trials and subjects, and accurate matching between them.Introduction -- Related work -- Data driven model for clinical trial eligibility criteria -- Creation of mock clinical trial subject database -- Ontology creation for clinical trials -- Case study on clinical trials -- WEB interface for GAD eligibility criteria -- Validation -- Conclusion and future work -- Appendi

    Mining the Medical and Patent Literature to Support Healthcare and Pharmacovigilance

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    Recent advancements in healthcare practices and the increasing use of information technology in the medical domain has lead to the rapid generation of free-text data in forms of scientific articles, e-health records, patents, and document inventories. This has urged the development of sophisticated information retrieval and information extraction technologies. A fundamental requirement for the automatic processing of biomedical text is the identification of information carrying units such as the concepts or named entities. In this context, this work focuses on the identification of medical disorders (such as diseases and adverse effects) which denote an important category of concepts in the medical text. Two methodologies were investigated in this regard and they are dictionary-based and machine learning-based approaches. Futhermore, the capabilities of the concept recognition techniques were systematically exploited to build a semantic search platform for the retrieval of e-health records and patents. The system facilitates conventional text search as well as semantic and ontological searches. Performance of the adapted retrieval platform for e-health records and patents was evaluated within open assessment challenges (i.e. TRECMED and TRECCHEM respectively) wherein the system was best rated in comparison to several other competing information retrieval platforms. Finally, from the medico-pharma perspective, a strategy for the identification of adverse drug events from medical case reports was developed. Qualitative evaluation as well as an expert validation of the developed system's performance showed robust results. In conclusion, this thesis presents approaches for efficient information retrieval and information extraction from various biomedical literature sources in the support of healthcare and pharmacovigilance. The applied strategies have potential to enhance the literature-searches performed by biomedical, healthcare, and patent professionals. The applied strategies have potential to enhance the literature-searches performed by biomedical, healthcare, and patent professionals. This can promote the literature-based knowledge discovery, improve the safety and effectiveness of medical practices, and drive the research and development in medical and healthcare arena

    Searching, navigating, and recommending movies through emotions: A scoping review

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    Movies offer viewers a broad range of emotional experiences, providing entertainment, and meaning. Following the PRISMA-ScR guidelines, we reviewed the literature on digital systems designed to help users search and browse movie libraries and offer recommendations based on emotional content. Our search yielded 83 eligible documents (published between 2000 and 2021). We identified 22 case studies, 34 empirical studies, 26 proof of concept, and one theoretical paper. User transactions (e.g., ratings, tags) were the preferred source of information. The documents examined approached emotions from both categorical (n=35) and dimensional (n=18) perspectives, and nine documents offer a combination of both approaches. Although there are several authors mentioned, the references used are frequently dated, and 12 documents do not mention the author or the model used. We identified 61 words related to emotion or affect. Documents presented on average 1.36 positive terms and 2.64 negative terms. Sentiment analysis () is frequently used for emotion identification, followed by subjective evaluations (n= 15), movie low-level audio and visual features (n = 11), and face recognition technologies (n = 8). We discuss limitations and offer a brief review of current emotion models and research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio