5 research outputs found

    Unsupervised detection and localization of structural textures using projection profiles

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The main goal of existing approaches for structural texture analysis has been the identification of repeating texture primitives and their placement patterns in images containing a single type of texture. We describe a novel unsupervised method for simultaneous detection and localization of multiple structural texture areas along with estimates of their orientations and scales in real images. First, multi-scale isotropic filters are used to enhance the potential texton locations. Then, regularity of the textons is quantified in terms of the periodicity of projection profiles of filter responses within sliding windows at multiple orientations. Next, a regularity index is computed for each pixel as the maximum regularity score together with its orientation and scale. Finally, thresholding of this regularity index produces accurate localization of structural textures in images containing different kinds of textures as well as non-textured areas. Experiments using three different data sets show the effectiveness of the proposed method in complex scenes.(C)2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Unsupervised detection and localization of structural textures using projection profiles

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    The main goal of existing approaches for structural texture analysis has been the identification of repeating texture primitives and their placement patterns in images containing a single type of texture. We describe a novel unsupervised method for simultaneous detection and localization of multiple structural texture areas along with estimates of their orientations and scales in real images. First, multi-scale isotropic filters are used to enhance the potential texton locations. Then, regularity of the textons is quantified in terms of the periodicity of projection profiles of filter responses within sliding windows at multiple orientations. Next, a regularity index is computed for each pixel as the maximum regularity score together with its orientation and scale. Finally, thresholding of this regularity index produces accurate localization of structural textures in images containing different kinds of textures as well as non-textured areas. Experiments using three different data sets show the effectiveness of the proposed method in complex scenes. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Characterisation of Dynamic Process Systems by Use of Recurrence Texture Analysis

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    This thesis proposes a method to analyse the dynamic behaviour of process systems using sets of textural features extracted from distance matrices obtained from time series data. Algorithms based on the use of grey level co-occurrence matrices, wavelet transforms, local binary patterns, textons, and the pretrained convolutional neural networks (AlexNet and VGG16) were used to extract features. The method was demonstrated to effectively capture the dynamics of mineral process systems and could outperform competing approaches

    Geomatics in support of the Common Agriculture Policy

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    The 2009 Annual Conference was the 15th organised by GeoCAP action of the Joint Research Centre in ISPRA. It was jointly organised with the Italian Agenzia per le erogazioni in agricoltura (AGEA, coordinating organism of the Italian agricultural paying agencies). The Conference covered the 2009 Control with Remote sensing campaign activities and ortho-imagery use in all the CAP management and control procedures. There has been a specific focus on the Land Parcel Identification Systems quality assessment process. The conference was structured over three days ¿ 18th to 20th November. The first day was mainly dedicated to future Common Agriculture Policy perspectives and futures challenges in Agriculture. The second was shared in technical parallel sessions addressing topics like: LPIS Quality Assurance and geodatabases features; new sensors, new software, and their use within the CAP; and Good Agriculture and Environmental Conditions (GAEC) control methods and implementing measures. The last day was dedicated to the review of the 2009 CwRS campaign and the preparation of the 2010 one. The presentations were made available on line, and this publication represents the best presentations judged worthy of inclusion in a conference proceedings aimed at recording the state of the art of technology and practice of that time.JRC.DG.G.3-Monitoring agricultural resource

    Image texture analysis for inferential sensing in the process industries

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    Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The measurement of key process quality variables is important for the efficient and economical operation of many chemical and mineral processing systems, as these variables can be used in process monitoring and control systems to identify and maintain optimal process conditions. However, in many engineering processes the key quality variables cannot be measured directly with standard sensors. Inferential sensing is the real-time prediction of such variables from other, measurable process variables through some form of model. In vision-based inferential sensing, visual process data in the form of images or video frames are used as input variables to the inferential sensor. This is a suitable approach when the desired process quality variable is correlated with the visual appearance of the process. The inferential sensor model is then based on analysis of the image data. Texture feature extraction is an image analysis approach by which the texture or spatial organisation of pixels in an image can be described. Two texture feature extraction methods, namely the use of grey-level co-occurrence matrices (GLCMs) and wavelet analysis, have predominated in applications of texture analysis to engineering processes. While these two baseline methods are still widely considered to be the best available texture analysis methods, several newer and more advanced methods have since been developed, which have properties that should theoretically provide these methods with some advantages over the baseline methods. Specifically, three advanced texture analysis methods have received much attention in recent machine vision literature, but have not yet been applied extensively to process engineering applications: steerable pyramids, textons and local binary patterns (LBPs). The purpose of this study was to compare the use of advanced image texture analysis methods to baseline texture analysis methods for the prediction of key process quality variables in specific process engineering applications. Three case studies, in which texture is thought to play an important role, were considered: (i) the prediction of platinum grade classes from images of platinum flotation froths, (ii) the prediction of fines fraction classes from images of coal particles on a conveyor belt, and (iii) the prediction of mean particle size classes from images of hydrocyclone underflows. Each of the five texture feature sets were used as inputs to two different classifiers (K-nearest neighbours and discriminant analysis) to predict the output variable classes for each of the three case studies mentioned above. The quality of the features extracted with each method was assessed in a structured manner, based their classification performances after the optimisation of the hyperparameters associated with each method. In the platinum froth flotation case study, steerable pyramids and LBPs significantly outperformed the GLCM, wavelet and texton methods. In the case study of coal fines fractions, the GLCM method was significantly outperformed by all four other methods. Finally, in the hydrocyclone underflow case study, steerable pyramids and LBPs significantly outperformed GLCM and wavelet methods, while the result for textons was inconclusive. Considering all of these results together, the overall conclusion was drawn that two of the three advanced texture feature extraction methods, namely steerable pyramids and LBPs, can extract feature sets of superior quality, when compared to the baseline GLCM and wavelet methods in these three case studies. The application of steerable pyramids and LBPs to further image analysis data sets is therefore recommended as a viable alternative to the traditional GLCM and wavelet texture analysis methods.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meting van sleutelproseskwaliteitsveranderlikes is belangrik vir die doeltreffende en ekono-miese werking van baie chemiese– en mineraalprosesseringsisteme, aangesien hierdie verander-likes gebruik kan word in prosesmonitering– en beheerstelsels om die optimale prosestoestande te identifiseer en te handhaaf. In baie ingenieursprosesse kan die sleutelproseskwaliteits-veranderlikes egter nie direk met standaard sensors gemeet word nie. Inferensiële waarneming is die intydse voorspelling van sulke veranderlikes vanaf ander, meetbare prosesveranderlikes deur van ‘n model gebruik te maak. In beeldgebaseerde inferensiële waarneming word visuele prosesdata, in die vorm van beelde of videogrepe, gebruik as insetveranderlikes vir die inferensiële sensor. Hierdie is ‘n gepaste benadering wanneer die verlangde proseskwaliteitsveranderlike met die visuele voorkoms van die proses gekorreleer is. Die inferensiële sensormodel word dan gebaseer op die analise van die beelddata. Tekstuurkenmerkekstraksie is ‘n beeldanalisebenadering waarmee die tekstuur of ruimtelike organisering van die beeldelemente beskryf kan word. Twee tekstuurkenmerkekstraksiemetodes, naamlik die gebruik van grysskaalmede-aanwesigheidsmatrikse (GSMMs) en golfie-analise, is sterk verteenwoordig in ingenieursprosestoepassings van tekstuuranalise. Alhoewel hierdie twee grondlynmetodes steeds algemeen as die beste beskikbare tekstuuranalisemetodes beskou word, is daar sedertdien verskeie nuwer en meer gevorderde metodes ontwikkel, wat beskik oor eienskappe wat teoreties voordele vir hierdie metodes teenoor die grondlynmetodes behoort te verskaf. Meer spesifiek is daar drie gevorderde tekstuuranalisemetodes wat baie aandag in onlangse masjienvisieliteratuur geniet het, maar wat nog nie baie op ingenieursprosesse toegepas is nie: stuurbare piramiedes, tekstons en lokale binêre patrone (LBPs). Die doel van hierdie studie was om die gebruik van gevorderde tekstuuranalisemetodes te vergelyk met grondlyntekstuuranaliesemetodes vir die voorspelling van sleutelproseskwaliteits-veranderlikes in spesifieke prosesingenieurstoepassings. Drie gevallestudies, waarin tekstuur ‘n belangrike rol behoort te speel, is ondersoek: (i) die voorspelling van platinumgraadklasse vanaf beelde van platinumflottasieskuime, (ii) die voorspelling van fynfraksieklasse vanaf beelde van steenkoolpartikels op ‘n vervoerband, en (iii) die voorspelling van gemiddelde partikelgrootteklasse vanaf beelde van hidrosikloon ondervloeie. Elk van die vyf tekstuurkenmerkstelle is as insette vir twee verskillende klassifiseerders (K-naaste bure en diskriminantanalise) gebruik om die klasse van die uitsetveranderlikes te voorspeel, vir elk van die drie gevallestudies hierbo genoem. Die kwaliteit van die kenmerke wat deur elke metode ge-ekstraheer is, is op ‘n gestruktureerde manier bepaal, gebaseer op hul klassifikasieprestasie na die optimering van die hiperparameters wat verbonde is aan elke metode. In die platinumskuimflottasiegevallestudie het stuurbare piramiedes en LBPs betekenisvol beter as die GSMM–, golfie– en tekstonmetodes presteer. In die steenkoolfynfraksiegevallestudie het die GSMM-metode betekenisvol slegter as al vier ander metodes presteer. Laastens, in die hidrosikloon ondervloeigevallestudie het stuurbare piramiedes en LBPs betekenisvol beter as die GSMM– en golfiemetodes presteer, terwyl die resultaat vir tekstons nie beslissend was nie. Deur al hierdie resultate gesamentlik te beskou, is die oorkoepelende gevolgtrekking gemaak dat twee van die drie gevorderde tekstuurkenmerkekstraksiemetodes, naamlik stuurbare piramiedes en LBPs, hoër kwaliteit kenmerkstelle kan ekstraheer in vergelyking met die GSMM– en golfiemetodes, vir hierdie drie gevallestudies. Die toepassing van stuurbare piramiedes en LBPs op verdere beeldanalise-datastelle word dus aanbeveel as ‘n lewensvatbare alternatief tot die tradisionele GSMM– en golfietekstuuranalisemetodes