145 research outputs found

    A Study on Variational Component Splitting approach for Mixture Models

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    Increase in use of mobile devices and the introduction of cloud-based services have resulted in the generation of enormous amount of data every day. This calls for the need to group these data appropriately into proper categories. Various clustering techniques have been introduced over the years to learn the patterns in data that might better facilitate the classification process. Finite mixture model is one of the crucial methods used for this task. The basic idea of mixture models is to fit the data at hand to an appropriate distribution. The design of mixture models hence involves finding the appropriate parameters of the distribution and estimating the number of clusters in the data. We use a variational component splitting framework to do this which could simultaneously learn the parameters of the model and estimate the number of components in the model. The variational algorithm helps to overcome the computational complexity of purely Bayesian approaches and the over fitting problems experienced with Maximum Likelihood approaches guaranteeing convergence. The choice of distribution remains the core concern of mixture models in recent research. The efficiency of Dirichlet family of distributions for this purpose has been proved in latest studies especially for non-Gaussian data. This led us to study the impact of variational component splitting approach on mixture models based on several distributions. Hence, our contribution is the application of variational component splitting approach to design finite mixture models based on inverted Dirichlet, generalized inverted Dirichlet and inverted Beta-Liouville distributions. In addition, we also incorporate a simultaneous feature selection approach for generalized inverted Dirichlet mixture model along with component splitting as another experimental contribution. We evaluate the performance of our models with various real-life applications such as object, scene, texture, speech and video categorization

    Variational Approaches For Learning Finite Scaled Dirichlet Mixture Models

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    With a massive amount of data created on a daily basis, the ubiquitous demand for data analysis is undisputed. Recent development of technology has made machine learning techniques applicable to various problems. Particularly, we emphasize on cluster analysis, an important aspect of data analysis. Recent works with excellent results on the aforementioned task using finite mixture models have motivated us to further explore their extents with different applications. In other words, the main idea of mixture model is that the observations are generated from a mixture of components, in each of which the probability distribution should provide strong flexibility in order to fit numerous types of data. Indeed, the Dirichlet family of distributions has been known to achieve better clustering performances than those of Gaussian when the data are clearly non-Gaussian, especially proportional data.  Thus, we introduce several variational approaches for finite Scaled Dirichlet mixture models. The proposed algorithms guarantee reaching convergence while avoiding the computational complexity of conventional Bayesian inference. In summary, our contributions are threefold. First, we propose a variational Bayesian learning framework for finite Scaled Dirichlet mixture models, in which the parameters and complexity of the models are naturally estimated through the process of minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the approximated posterior distribution and the true one. Secondly, we integrate component splitting into the first model, a local model selection scheme, which gradually splits the components based on their mixing weights to obtain the optimal number of components. Finally, an online variational inference framework for finite Scaled Dirichlet mixture models is developed by employing a stochastic approximation method in order to improve the scalability of finite mixture models for handling large scale data in real time. The effectiveness of our models is validated with real-life challenging problems including object, texture, and scene categorization, text-based and image-based spam email detection

    A Study on Online Variational learning : Medical Applications

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    Data mining is an extensive area of research which is applied in various critical domains. In clinical aspect, data mining has emerged to assist clinicians in early detection, diagnosis and prevention of diseases. On the other hand, advances in computational methods have led to the implementation of machine learning in multi-modal clinical image analysis such as in CT, X-ray, MRI, microscopy among others. A challenge to these applications is the high variability, inconsistent regions with missing edges, absence of texture contrast and high noise in the background of biomedical images. To overcome this limitation various segmentation approaches have been investigated to address these shortcomings and to transform medical images into meaningful information. It is of utmost importance to have the right match between the bio-medical data and the applied algorithm. During the past decade, finite mixture models have been revealed to be one of the most flexible and popular approaches in data clustering. Here, we propose a statistical framework for online variational learning of finite mixture models for clustering medical images. The online variational learning framework is used to estimate the parameters and the number of mixture components simultaneously in a unified framework, thus decreasing the computational complexity of the model and the over fitting problems experienced with maximum likelihood approaches guaranteeing convergence. In online learning, the data becomes available in a sequential order, thus sequentially updating the best predictor for the future data at each step, as opposed to batch learning techniques which generate the best predictor by learning the entire data set at once. The choice of distributions remains the core concern of mixture models in recent research. The efficiency of Dirichlet family of distributions for this purpose has been proved in latest studies especially for non-Gaussian data. This led us to analyze online variational learning approach for finite mixture models based on different distributions. iii To this end, our contribution is the application of online variational learning approach to design finite mixture models based on inverted Dirichlet, generalized inverted Dirichlet with feature selection and inverted Beta-Liouville distributions in medical domain. We evaluated our proposed models on different biomedical image data sets. Furthermore, in each case we compared the proposed algorithm with other popular algorithms. The models detect the disease patterns with high confidence. Computational and statistical approaches like the ones presented in our work hold a significant impact on medical image analysis and interpretation in both clinical applications and scientific research. We believe that the proposed models have the capacity to address multi modal biomedical image data sets and can be further applied by researchers to analyse correct disease patterns

    Finite Bivariate and Multivariate Beta Mixture Models Learning and Applications

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    Finite mixture models have been revealed to provide flexibility for data clustering. They have demonstrated high competence and potential to capture hidden structure in data. Modern technological progresses, growing volumes and varieties of generated data, revolutionized computers and other related factors are contributing to produce large scale data. This fact enhances the significance of finding reliable and adaptable models which can analyze bigger, more complex data to identify latent patterns, deliver faster and more accurate results and make decisions with minimal human interaction. Adopting the finest and most accurate distribution that appropriately represents the mixture components is critical. The most widely adopted generative model has been the Gaussian mixture. In numerous real-world applications, however, when the nature and structure of data are non-Gaussian, this modelling fails. One of the other crucial issues when using mixtures is determination of the model complexity or number of mixture components. Minimum message length (MML) is one of the main techniques in frequentist frameworks to tackle this challenging issue. In this work, we have designed and implemented a finite mixture model, using the bivariate and multivariate Beta distributions for cluster analysis and demonstrated its flexibility in describing the intrinsic characteristics of the observed data. In addition, we have applied our estimation and model selection algorithms to synthetic and real datasets. Most importantly, we considered interesting applications such as in image segmentation, software modules defect prediction, spam detection and occupancy estimation in smart buildings

    Unsupervised Learning with Feature Selection Based on Multivariate McDonald’s Beta Mixture Model for Medical Data Analysis

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    This thesis proposes innovative clustering approaches using finite and infinite mixture models to analyze medical data and human activity recognition. These models leverage the flexibility of a novel distribution, the multivariate McDonald’s Beta distribution, offering superior capability to model data of varying shapes. We introduce a finite McDonald’s Beta Mixture Model (McDBMM), demonstrating its superior performance in handling bounded and asymmetric data distributions compared to traditional Gaussian mixture models. Further, we employ deterministic learning methods such as maximum likelihood via the expectation maximization approach and also a Bayesian framework, in which we integrate feature selection. This integration enhances the efficiency and accuracy of our models, offering a compelling solution for real-world applications where manual annotation of large data volumes is not feasible. To address the prevalent challenge in clustering regarding the determination of mixture components number, we extend our finite mixture model to an infinite model. By adopting a nonparametric Bayesian technique, we can effectively capture the underlying data distribution with an unknown number of mixture components. Across all stages, our models are evaluated on various medical applications, consistently demonstrating superior performance over traditional alternatives. The results of this research underline the potential of the McDonald’s Beta distribution and the proposed mixture models in transforming medical data into actionable knowledge, aiding clinicians in making more precise decisions and improving health care industry

    Variational Learning for Finite Shifted-Scaled Dirichlet Mixture Model and Its Applications

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    With the huge amount of data produced every day, the interest in data mining and machine learning techniques has been growing. Ongoing advancement of technology has made AI systems subject to different issues. Data clustering is an important aspect of data analysis which is the process of grouping similar observations in the same subset. Among known clustering techniques, finite mixture models have led to outstanding results that created an inspiration toward further exploration of various mixture models and applications. The main idea of this clustering technique is to fit a mixture of components generated from a predetermined probability distribution into the data through parameter approximation of the components. Therefore, choosing a proper distribution based on the type of the data is another crucial step in data analysis. Although the Gaussian distribution has been widely used with mixture models, the Dirichlet family of distributions have been known to achieve better results particularly when dealing with proportional and non-Gaussian data. Another crucial part in statistical modelling is the learning process. Among the conventional estimation approaches, Maximum Likelihood (ML) is widely used due to its simplicity in terms of implementation but it has some drawbacks, too. Bayesian approach has overcome some of the disadvantages of ML approach via taking prior knowledge into account. However, it creates new issues such as need for additional estimation methods due to the intractability of parameters' marginal probabilities. In this thesis, these limitations are discussed and addressed via defining a variational learning framework for finite shifted-scaled Dirichlet mixture model. The motivation behind applying variational inference is that compared to conventional Bayesian approach, it is much less computationally costly. Furthermore, in this method, the optimal number of components is estimated along with the parameter approximation automatically and simultaneously while convergence is guaranteed. The performance of our model, in terms of accuracy of clustering, is validated on real world challenging medical applications, including image processing, namely, Malaria detection, breast cancer diagnosis and cardiovascular disease detection as well as text-based spam email detection. Finally, in order to evaluate the merits of our model effectiveness, it is compared with four other widely used methods

    A Novel Statistical Approach for Clustering Positive Data Based on Finite Inverted Beta-Liouville Mixture Models

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    Nowadays, a great number of positive data has been occurred naturally in many applications, however, it was not adequately analyzed. In this article, we propose a novel statistical approach for clustering multivariate positive data. Our approach is based on a finite mixture model of inverted Beta-Liouville (IBL) distributions, which is proper choice for modeling and analysis of positive vector data. We develop two different approaches to learn the proposed mixture model. Firstly, the maximum likelihood (ML) is utilized to estimate parameters of the finite inverted Beta-Liouville mixture model in which the right number of mixture components is determined according to the minimum message length (MML) criterion. Secondly, the variational Bayes (VB) is adopted to learn our model where the parameters and the number of mixture components can be determined simultaneously in a unified framework, without the requirement of using information criteria. We investigate the effectiveness of our model by conducting a series of experiments on both synthetic and real data sets

    Occupancy Estimation and Activity Recognition in Smart Buildings using Mixture-Based Predictive Distributions

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    Labeled data is a necessary part of modern computer science, such as machine learning and deep learning. In that context, large amount of labeled training data is required. However, collecting of labeled data as a crucial step is time consuming, error prone and often requires people involvement. On the other hand, imbalanced data is also a challenge for classification approaches. Most approaches simply predict the majority class in all cases. In this work, we proposed several frameworks about mixture models based predictive distribution. In the case of small training data, predictive distribution is data-driven, which can take advantage of the existing training data at its maximum and don't need many labeled data. The flexibility and adaptability of Dirichlet family distribution as mixture models further improve classification ability of frameworks. Generalized inverted Dirichlet (GID), inverted Dirichlet (ID) and generalized Dirichlet (GD) are used in this work with predictive distribution to do classification. GID-based predictive distribution has an obvious increase for activity recognition compared with the approach of global variational inference using small training data. ID-based predictive distribution with over-sampling is applied in occupancy estimation. More synthetic data are sampling for small classes. The total accuracy is improved in the end. An occupancy estimation framework is presented based on interactive learning and predictive distribution of GD. This framework can find the most informative unlabeled data and interact with users to get the true label. New labeled data are added in data store to further improve the performance of classification

    Recursive Parameter Estimation of Non-Gaussian Hidden Markov Models for Occupancy Estimation in Smart Buildings

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    A significant volume of data has been produced in this era. Therefore, accurately modeling these data for further analysis and extraction of meaningful patterns is becoming a major concern in a wide variety of real-life applications. Smart buildings are one of these areas urgently demanding analysis of data. Managing the intelligent systems in smart homes, will reduce energy consumption as well as enhance users’ comfort. In this context, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) as a learnable finite stochastic model has consistently been a powerful tool for data modeling. Thus, we have been motivated to propose occupancy estimation frameworks for smart buildings through HMM due to the importance of indoor occupancy estimations in automating environmental settings. One of the key factors in modeling data with HMM is the choice of the emission probability. In this thesis, we have proposed novel HMMs extensions through Generalized Dirichlet (GD), Beta-Liouville (BL), Inverted Dirichlet (ID), Generalized Inverted Dirichlet (GID), and Inverted Beta-Liouville (IBL) distributions as emission probability distributions. These distributions have been investigated due to their capabilities in modeling a variety of non-Gaussian data, overcoming the limited covariance structures of other distributions such as the Dirichlet distribution. The next step after determining the emission probability is estimating an optimized parameter of the distribution. Therefore, we have developed a recursive parameter estimation based on maximum likelihood estimation approach (MLE). Due to the linear complexity of the proposed recursive algorithm, the developed models can successfully model real-time data, this allowed the models to be used in an extensive range of practical applications

    Modeling Semi-Bounded Support Data using Non-Gaussian Hidden Markov Models with Applications

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    With the exponential growth of data in all formats, and data categorization rapidly becoming one of the most essential components of data analysis, it is crucial to research and identify hidden patterns in order to extract valuable information that promotes accurate and solid decision making. Because data modeling is the first stage in accomplishing any of these tasks, its accuracy and consistency are critical for later development of a complete data processing framework. Furthermore, an appropriate distribution selection that corresponds to the nature of the data is a particularly interesting subject of research. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are some of the most impressively powerful probabilistic models, which have recently made a big resurgence in the machine learning industry, despite having been recognized for decades. Their ever-increasing application in a variety of critical practical settings to model varied and heterogeneous data (image, video, audio, time series, etc.) is the subject of countless extensions. Equally prevalent, finite mixture models are a potent tool for modeling heterogeneous data of various natures. The over-use of Gaussian mixture models for data modeling in the literature is one of the main driving forces for this thesis. This work focuses on modeling positive vectors, which naturally occur in a variety of real-life applications, by proposing novel HMMs extensions using the Inverted Dirichlet, the Generalized Inverted Dirichlet and the BetaLiouville mixture models as emission probabilities. These extensions are motivated by the proven capacity of these mixtures to deal with positive vectors and overcome mixture models’ impotence to account for any ordering or temporal limitations relative to the information. We utilize the aforementioned distributions to derive several theoretical approaches for learning and deploying Hidden Markov Modelsinreal-world settings. Further, we study online learning of parameters and explore the integration of a feature selection methodology. Extensive experimentation on highly challenging applications ranging from image categorization, video categorization, indoor occupancy estimation and Natural Language Processing, reveals scenarios in which such models are appropriate to apply, and proves their effectiveness compared to the extensively used Gaussian-based models