16 research outputs found

    Single channel blind source separation

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    Single channel blind source separation (SCBSS) is an intensively researched field with numerous important applications. This research sets out to investigate the separation of monaural mixed audio recordings without relying on training knowledge. This research proposes a novel method based on variable regularised sparse nonnegative matrix factorization which decomposes an information-bearing matrix into two-dimensional convolution of factor matrices that represent the spectral basis and temporal code of the sources. In this work, a variational Bayesian approach has been developed for computing the sparsity parameters of the matrix factorization. To further improve the previous work, this research proposes a new method based on decomposing the mixture into a series of oscillatory components termed as the intrinsic mode functions (IMF). It is shown that IMFs have several desirable properties unique to SCBSS problem and how these properties can be advantaged to relax the constraints posed by the problem. In addition, this research develops a novel method for feature extraction using psycho-acoustic model. The monaural mixed signal is transformed to a cochleagram using the gammatone filterbank, whose bandwidths increase incrementally as the center frequency increases; thus resulting to non-uniform time-frequency (TF) resolution in the analysis of audio signal. Within this domain, a family of Itakura-Saito (IS) divergence based novel two-dimensional matrix factorization has been developed. The proposed matrix factorizations have the property of scale invariant which enables lower energy components in the cochleagram to be treated with equal importance as the high energy ones. Results show that all the developed algorithms presented in this thesis have outperformed conventional methods.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Single-Channel Signal Separation Using Spectral Basis Correlation with Sparse Nonnegative Tensor Factorization

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    A novel approach for solving the single-channel signal separation is presented the proposed sparse nonnegative tensor factorization under the framework of maximum a posteriori probability and adaptively fine-tuned using the hierarchical Bayesian approach with a new mixing mixture model. The mixing mixture is an analogy of a stereo signal concept given by one real and the other virtual microphones. An “imitated-stereo” mixture model is thus developed by weighting and time-shifting the original single-channel mixture. This leads to an artificial mixing system of dual channels which gives rise to a new form of spectral basis correlation diversity of the sources. Underlying all factorization algorithms is the principal difficulty in estimating the adequate number of latent components for each signal. This paper addresses these issues by developing a framework for pruning unnecessary components and incorporating a modified multivariate rectified Gaussian prior information into the spectral basis features. The parameters of the imitated-stereo model are estimated via the proposed sparse nonnegative tensor factorization with Itakura–Saito divergence. In addition, the separability conditions of the proposed mixture model are derived and demonstrated that the proposed method can separate real-time captured mixtures. Experimental testing on real audio sources has been conducted to verify the capability of the proposed method

    Blind source separation using statistical nonnegative matrix factorization

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    PhD ThesisBlind Source Separation (BSS) attempts to automatically extract and track a signal of interest in real world scenarios with other signals present. BSS addresses the problem of recovering the original signals from an observed mixture without relying on training knowledge. This research studied three novel approaches for solving the BSS problem based on the extensions of non-negative matrix factorization model and the sparsity regularization methods. 1) A framework of amalgamating pruning and Bayesian regularized cluster nonnegative tensor factorization with Itakura-Saito divergence for separating sources mixed in a stereo channel format: The sparse regularization term was adaptively tuned using a hierarchical Bayesian approach to yield the desired sparse decomposition. The modified Gaussian prior was formulated to express the correlation between different basis vectors. This algorithm automatically detected the optimal number of latent components of the individual source. 2) Factorization for single-channel BSS which decomposes an information-bearing matrix into complex of factor matrices that represent the spectral dictionary and temporal codes: A variational Bayesian approach was developed for computing the sparsity parameters for optimizing the matrix factorization. This approach combined the advantages of both complex matrix factorization (CMF) and variational -sparse analysis. BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION USING STATISTICAL NONNEGATIVE MATRIX FACTORIZATION ii 3) An imitated-stereo mixture model developed by weighting and time-shifting the original single-channel mixture where source signals can be modelled by the AR processes. The proposed mixing mixture is analogous to a stereo signal created by two microphones with one being real and another virtual. The imitated-stereo mixture employed the nonnegative tensor factorization for separating the observed mixture. The separability analysis of the imitated-stereo mixture was derived using Wiener masking. All algorithms were tested with real audio signals. Performance of source separation was assessed by measuring the distortion between original source and the estimated one according to the signal-to-distortion (SDR) ratio. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed uninformed audio separation algorithms have surpassed among the conventional BSS methods; i.e. IS-cNTF, SNMF and CMF methods, with average SDR improvement in the ranges from 2.6dB to 6.4dB per source.Payap Universit

    Single channel audio separation using deep neural networks and matrix factorizations

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    PhD ThesisSource Separation has become a significant research topic in the signal processing community and the machine learning area. Due to numerous applications, such as automatic speech recognition and speech communication, separation of target speech from the mixed signal is of great importance. In many practical applications, speech separation from a single recorder is most desirable from an application standpoint. In this thesis, two novel approaches have been proposed to address this single channel audio separation problem. This thesis first reviews traditional approaches for single channel source separation, and later elicits a generic approach, which is more capable of feature learning, i.e. deep graphical models. In the first part of this thesis, a novel approach based on matrix factorization and hierarchical model has been proposed. In this work, an artificial stereo mixture is formulated to provide extra information. In addition, a hybrid framework that combines the generalized Expectation-Maximization algorithm with a multiplicative update rule is proposed to optimize the parameters of a matrix factorization based approach to approximatively separate the mixture. Furthermore, a hierarchical model based on an extreme learning machine is developed to check the validity of the approximately separated sources followed by an energy minimization method to further improve the quality of the separated sources by generating a time-frequency mask. Various experiments have been conducted and the obtained results have shown that the proposed approach outperforms conventional approaches not only in reduction of computational complexity, but also the separation performance. In the second part, a deep neural network based ensemble system is proposed. In this work, the complementary property of different features are fully explored by ‘wide’ and ‘forward’ ensemble system. In addition, instead of using the features learned from the output layer, the features learned from the penultimate layer are investigated. The final embedded features are classified with an extreme learning machine to generate a binary mask to separate a mixed signal. The experiment focuses on speech in the presence of music and the obtained results demonstrated that the proposed ensemble system has the ability to explore the complementary property of various features thoroughly under various conditions with promising separation performance

    Time-Frequency Filter Bank: A Simple Approach for Audio and Music Separation

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    © 2017 IEEE. Blind Source Separation techniques are widely used in the field of wireless communication for a very long time to extract signals of interest from a set of multiple signals without training data. In this paper, we investigate the problem of separation of the human voice from a mixture of human voice and sounds from different musical instruments. The human voice may be a singing voice in a song or may be a part of some news, broadcast by a channel with background music. This paper proposes a generalized Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT)-based technique, combined with filter bank to extract vocals from background music. The main purpose is to design a filter bank and to eliminate background aliasing errors with best reconstruction conditions, having approximated scaling factors. Stereo signals in time-frequency domain are used in experiments. The input stereo signals are processed in the form of frames and passed through the proposed STFT-based technique. The output of the STFT-based technique is passed through the filter bank to minimize the background aliasing errors. For reconstruction, first an inverse STFT is applied and then the signals are reconstructed by the OverLap-Add method to get the final output, containing vocals only. The experiments show that the proposed approach performs better than the other state-of-the-art approaches, in terms of Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) and Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR), respectively

    Single channel signal separation using pseudo-stereo model and time-freqency masking

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    PhD ThesisIn many practical applications, one sensor is only available to record a mixture of a number of signals. Single-channel blind signal separation (SCBSS) is the research topic that addresses the problem of recovering the original signals from the observed mixture without (or as little as possible) any prior knowledge of the signals. Given a single mixture, a new pseudo-stereo mixing model is developed. A “pseudo-stereo” mixture is formulated by weighting and time-shifting the original single-channel mixture. This creates an artificial resemblance of a stereo signal given by one location which results in the same time-delay but different attenuation of the source signals. The pseudo-stereo mixing model relaxes the underdetermined ill-conditions associated with monaural source separation and begets the advantage of the relationship of the signals between the readily observed mixture and the pseudo-stereo mixture. This research proposes three novel algorithms based on the pseudo-stereo mixing model and the binary time-frequency (TF) mask. Firstly, the proposed SCBSS algorithm estimates signals’ weighted coefficients from a ratio of the pseudo-stereo mixing model and then constructs a binary maximum likelihood TF masking for separating the observed mixture. Secondly, a mixture in noisy background environment is considered. Thus, a mixture enhancement algorithm has been developed and the proposed SCBSS algorithm is reformulated using an adaptive coefficients estimator. The adaptive coefficients estimator computes the signal characteristics for each time frame. This property is desirable for both speech and audio signals as they are aptly characterized as non-stationary AR processes. Finally, a multiple-time delay (MTD) pseudo-stereo SINGLE CHANNEL SIGNAL SEPARATION ii mixture is developed. The MTD mixture enhances the flexibility as well as the separability over the originally proposed pseudo-stereo mixing model. The separation algorithm of the MTD mixture has also been derived. Additionally, comparison analysis between the MTD mixture and the pseudo-stereo mixture has also been identified. All algorithms have been demonstrated by synthesized and real-audio signals. The performance of source separation has been assessed by measuring the distortion between original source and the estimated one according to the signal-to-distortion (SDR) ratio. Results show that all proposed SCBSS algorithms yield a significantly better separation performance with an average SDR improvement that ranges from 2.4dB to 5dB per source and they are computationally faster over the benchmarked algorithms.Payap University

    Statistical single channel source separation

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    PhD ThesisSingle channel source separation (SCSS) principally is one of the challenging fields in signal processing and has various significant applications. Unlike conventional SCSS methods which were based on linear instantaneous model, this research sets out to investigate the separation of single channel in two types of mixture which is nonlinear instantaneous mixture and linear convolutive mixture. For the nonlinear SCSS in instantaneous mixture, this research proposes a novel solution based on a two-stage process that consists of a Gaussianization transform which efficiently compensates for the nonlinear distortion follow by a maximum likelihood estimator to perform source separation. For linear SCSS in convolutive mixture, this research proposes new methods based on nonnegative matrix factorization which decomposes a mixture into two-dimensional convolution factor matrices that represent the spectral basis and temporal code. The proposed factorization considers the convolutive mixing in the decomposition by introducing frequency constrained parameters in the model. The method aims to separate the mixture into its constituent spectral-temporal source components while alleviating the effect of convolutive mixing. In addition, family of Itakura-Saito divergence has been developed as a cost function which brings the beneficial property of scale-invariant. Two new statistical techniques are proposed, namely, Expectation-Maximisation (EM) based algorithm framework which maximizes the log-likelihood of a mixed signals, and the maximum a posteriori approach which maximises the joint probability of a mixed signal using multiplicative update rules. To further improve this research work, a novel method that incorporates adaptive sparseness into the solution has been proposed to resolve the ambiguity and hence, improve the algorithm performance. The theoretical foundation of the proposed solutions has been rigorously developed and discussed in details. Results have concretely shown the effectiveness of all the proposed algorithms presented in this thesis in separating the mixed signals in single channel and have outperformed others available methods.Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka(UTeM), Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysi

    Underdetermined convolutive source separation using two dimensional non-negative factorization techniques

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    PhD ThesisIn this thesis the underdetermined audio source separation has been considered, that is, estimating the original audio sources from the observed mixture when the number of audio sources is greater than the number of channels. The separation has been carried out using two approaches; the blind audio source separation and the informed audio source separation. The blind audio source separation approach depends on the mixture signal only and it assumes that the separation has been accomplished without any prior information (or as little as possible) about the sources. The informed audio source separation uses the exemplar in addition to the mixture signal to emulate the targeted speech signal to be separated. Both approaches are based on the two dimensional factorization techniques that decompose the signal into two tensors that are convolved in both the temporal and spectral directions. Both approaches are applied on the convolutive mixture and the high-reverberant convolutive mixture which are more realistic than the instantaneous mixture. In this work a novel algorithm based on the nonnegative matrix factor two dimensional deconvolution (NMF2D) with adaptive sparsity has been proposed to separate the audio sources that have been mixed in an underdetermined convolutive mixture. Additionally, a novel Gamma Exponential Process has been proposed for estimating the convolutive parameters and number of components of the NMF2D/ NTF2D, and to initialize the NMF2D parameters. In addition, the effects of different window length have been investigated to determine the best fit model that suit the characteristics of the audio signal. Furthermore, a novel algorithm, namely the fusion K models of full-rank weighted nonnegative tensor factor two dimensional deconvolution (K-wNTF2D) has been proposed. The K-wNTF2D is developed for its ability in modelling both the spectral and temporal changes, and the spatial covariance matrix that addresses the high reverberation problem. Variable sparsity that derived from the Gibbs distribution is optimized under the Itakura-Saito divergence and adapted into the K-wNTF2D model. The tensors of this algorithm have been initialized by a novel initialization method, namely the SVD two-dimensional deconvolution (SVD2D). Finally, two novel informed source separation algorithms, namely, the semi-exemplar based algorithm and the exemplar-based algorithm, have been proposed. These algorithms based on the NMF2D model and the proposed two dimensional nonnegative matrix partial co-factorization (2DNMPCF) model. The idea of incorporating the exemplar is to inform the proposed separation algorithms about the targeted signal to be separated by initializing its parameters and guide the proposed separation algorithms. The adaptive sparsity is derived for both ii of the proposed algorithms. Also, a multistage of the proposed exemplar based algorithm has been proposed in order to further enhance the separation performance. Results have shown that the proposed separation algorithms are very promising, more flexible, and offer an alternative model to the conventional methods

    Audio source separation for music in low-latency and high-latency scenarios

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    Aquesta tesi proposa mètodes per tractar les limitacions de les tècniques existents de separació de fonts musicals en condicions de baixa i alta latència. En primer lloc, ens centrem en els mètodes amb un baix cost computacional i baixa latència. Proposem l'ús de la regularització de Tikhonov com a mètode de descomposició de l'espectre en el context de baixa latència. El comparem amb les tècniques existents en tasques d'estimació i seguiment dels tons, que són passos crucials en molts mètodes de separació. A continuació utilitzem i avaluem el mètode de descomposició de l'espectre en tasques de separació de veu cantada, baix i percussió. En segon lloc, proposem diversos mètodes d'alta latència que milloren la separació de la veu cantada, gràcies al modelatge de components específics, com la respiració i les consonants. Finalment, explorem l'ús de correlacions temporals i anotacions manuals per millorar la separació dels instruments de percussió i dels senyals musicals polifònics complexes.Esta tesis propone métodos para tratar las limitaciones de las técnicas existentes de separación de fuentes musicales en condiciones de baja y alta latencia. En primer lugar, nos centramos en los métodos con un bajo coste computacional y baja latencia. Proponemos el uso de la regularización de Tikhonov como método de descomposición del espectro en el contexto de baja latencia. Lo comparamos con las técnicas existentes en tareas de estimación y seguimiento de los tonos, que son pasos cruciales en muchos métodos de separación. A continuación utilizamos y evaluamos el método de descomposición del espectro en tareas de separación de voz cantada, bajo y percusión. En segundo lugar, proponemos varios métodos de alta latencia que mejoran la separación de la voz cantada, gracias al modelado de componentes que a menudo no se toman en cuenta, como la respiración y las consonantes. Finalmente, exploramos el uso de correlaciones temporales y anotaciones manuales para mejorar la separación de los instrumentos de percusión y señales musicales polifónicas complejas.This thesis proposes specific methods to address the limitations of current music source separation methods in low-latency and high-latency scenarios. First, we focus on methods with low computational cost and low latency. We propose the use of Tikhonov regularization as a method for spectrum decomposition in the low-latency context. We compare it to existing techniques in pitch estimation and tracking tasks, crucial steps in many separation methods. We then use the proposed spectrum decomposition method in low-latency separation tasks targeting singing voice, bass and drums. Second, we propose several high-latency methods that improve the separation of singing voice by modeling components that are often not accounted for, such as breathiness and consonants. Finally, we explore using temporal correlations and human annotations to enhance the separation of drums and complex polyphonic music signals

    Trennung und Schätzung der Anzahl von Audiosignalquellen mit Zeit- und Frequenzüberlappung

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    Everyday audio recordings involve mixture signals: music contains a mixture of instruments; in a meeting or conference, there is a mixture of human voices. For these mixtures, automatically separating or estimating the number of sources is a challenging task. A common assumption when processing mixtures in the time-frequency domain is that sources are not fully overlapped. However, in this work we consider some cases where the overlap is severe — for instance, when instruments play the same note (unison) or when many people speak concurrently ("cocktail party") — highlighting the need for new representations and more powerful models. To address the problems of source separation and count estimation, we use conventional signal processing techniques as well as deep neural networks (DNN). We first address the source separation problem for unison instrument mixtures, studying the distinct spectro-temporal modulations caused by vibrato. To exploit these modulations, we developed a method based on time warping, informed by an estimate of the fundamental frequency. For cases where such estimates are not available, we present an unsupervised model, inspired by the way humans group time-varying sources (common fate). This contribution comes with a novel representation that improves separation for overlapped and modulated sources on unison mixtures but also improves vocal and accompaniment separation when used as an input for a DNN model. Then, we focus on estimating the number of sources in a mixture, which is important for real-world scenarios. Our work on count estimation was motivated by a study on how humans can address this task, which lead us to conduct listening experiments, confirming that humans are only able to estimate the number of up to four sources correctly. To answer the question of whether machines can perform similarly, we present a DNN architecture, trained to estimate the number of concurrent speakers. Our results show improvements compared to other methods, and the model even outperformed humans on the same task. In both the source separation and source count estimation tasks, the key contribution of this thesis is the concept of “modulation”, which is important to computationally mimic human performance. Our proposed Common Fate Transform is an adequate representation to disentangle overlapping signals for separation, and an inspection of our DNN count estimation model revealed that it proceeds to find modulation-like intermediate features.Im Alltag sind wir von gemischten Signalen umgeben: Musik besteht aus einer Mischung von Instrumenten; in einem Meeting oder auf einer Konferenz sind wir einer Mischung menschlicher Stimmen ausgesetzt. Für diese Mischungen ist die automatische Quellentrennung oder die Bestimmung der Anzahl an Quellen eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. Eine häufige Annahme bei der Verarbeitung von gemischten Signalen im Zeit-Frequenzbereich ist, dass die Quellen sich nicht vollständig überlappen. In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir jedoch einige Fälle, in denen die Überlappung immens ist zum Beispiel, wenn Instrumente den gleichen Ton spielen (unisono) oder wenn viele Menschen gleichzeitig sprechen (Cocktailparty) —, so dass neue Signal-Repräsentationen und leistungsfähigere Modelle notwendig sind. Um die zwei genannten Probleme zu bewältigen, verwenden wir sowohl konventionelle Signalverbeitungsmethoden als auch tiefgehende neuronale Netze (DNN). Wir gehen zunächst auf das Problem der Quellentrennung für Unisono-Instrumentenmischungen ein und untersuchen die speziellen, durch Vibrato ausgelösten, zeitlich-spektralen Modulationen. Um diese Modulationen auszunutzen entwickelten wir eine Methode, die auf Zeitverzerrung basiert und eine Schätzung der Grundfrequenz als zusätzliche Information nutzt. Für Fälle, in denen diese Schätzungen nicht verfügbar sind, stellen wir ein unüberwachtes Modell vor, das inspiriert ist von der Art und Weise, wie Menschen zeitveränderliche Quellen gruppieren (Common Fate). Dieser Beitrag enthält eine neuartige Repräsentation, die die Separierbarkeit für überlappte und modulierte Quellen in Unisono-Mischungen erhöht, aber auch die Trennung in Gesang und Begleitung verbessert, wenn sie in einem DNN-Modell verwendet wird. Im Weiteren beschäftigen wir uns mit der Schätzung der Anzahl von Quellen in einer Mischung, was für reale Szenarien wichtig ist. Unsere Arbeit an der Schätzung der Anzahl war motiviert durch eine Studie, die zeigt, wie wir Menschen diese Aufgabe angehen. Dies hat uns dazu veranlasst, eigene Hörexperimente durchzuführen, die bestätigten, dass Menschen nur in der Lage sind, die Anzahl von bis zu vier Quellen korrekt abzuschätzen. Um nun die Frage zu beantworten, ob Maschinen dies ähnlich gut können, stellen wir eine DNN-Architektur vor, die erlernt hat, die Anzahl der gleichzeitig sprechenden Sprecher zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Verbesserungen im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden, aber vor allem auch im Vergleich zu menschlichen Hörern. Sowohl bei der Quellentrennung als auch bei der Schätzung der Anzahl an Quellen ist ein Kernbeitrag dieser Arbeit das Konzept der “Modulation”, welches wichtig ist, um die Strategien von Menschen mittels Computern nachzuahmen. Unsere vorgeschlagene Common Fate Transformation ist eine adäquate Darstellung, um die Überlappung von Signalen für die Trennung zugänglich zu machen und eine Inspektion unseres DNN-Zählmodells ergab schließlich, dass sich auch hier modulationsähnliche Merkmale finden lassen