116 research outputs found

    Flood Detection in Urban Areas Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning

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    Urban flooding poses risks to the safety of drivers and pedestrians, and damages infrastructures and lifelines. It is important to accommodate cities and local agencies with enhanced rapid flood detection skills and tools to better understand how much flooding a region may experience at a certain period of time. This results in flood management orders being announced in a timely manner, allowing residents and drivers to preemptively avoid flooded areas. This research combines information received from ground observed data derived from road closure reports from the police department, with remotely sensed satellite imagery to develop and train machine-learning models for flood detection for the City of San Diego, CA, USA. For this purpose, flooding information are extracted from Sentinel 1 satellite imagery and fed into various supervised and unsupervised machine learning models, including Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), to detect flooded pixels in images and evaluate the performance of these ML models. Moreover, a new unsupervised machine learning framework is developed which works based on the change detection (CD) approach and combines the Otsu algorithm, fuzzy rules, and iso-clustering methods for urban flood detection. Results from the performance evaluation of RF, SVM, MLC and CD models show 0.53, 0.85, 0.75 and 0.81 precision measures, 0.9, 0.85, 0.85 and 0.9 for recall values, 0.67, 0.85, 0.79 and 0.85 for the F1-score, and 0.69, 0.87, 0.83 and 0.87 for the accuracy measure, respectively, for each model. In conclusion, the new unsupervised flood image classification and detection method offers better performance with the least required data and computational time for enhanced rapid flood mapping. This systematic approach will be potentially useful for other cities at risk of urban flooding, and hopefully for detecting nuisance floods, by using satellite images and reducing the flood risk of transportation design and urban infrastructure planning

    Combining remote sensing techniques and field surveys for post‑earthquake reconnaissance missions

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    Remote reconnaissance missions are promising solutions for the assessment of earthquake induced structural damage and cascading geological hazards. Space-borne remote sensing can complement in-field missions when safety and accessibility concerns limit post-earthquake operations on the ground. However, the implementation of remote sensing techniques in post-disaster missions is limited by the lack of methods that combine different techniques and integrate them with field survey data. This paper presents a new approach for rapid post-earthquake building damage assessment and landslide mapping, based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The proposed texture-based building damage classification approach exploits very high resolution post-earthquake SAR data integrated with building survey data. For landslide mapping, a backscatter intensity-based landslide detection approach, which also includes the separation between landslides and flooded areas, is combined with optical-based manual inventories. The approach was implemented during the joint Structural Extreme Event Reconnaissance, GeoHazards International and Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team mission that followed the 2021 Haiti Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone Grace

    Flood mapping from radar remote sensing using automated image classification techniques

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    Flood mapping in vegetated areas using an unsupervised clustering approach on Sentinel-1 and-2 imagery

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    The European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 constellation provides timely and freely available dual-polarized C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. The launch of these and other SAR sensors has boosted the field of SAR-based flood mapping. However, flood mapping in vegetated areas remains a topic under investigation, as backscatter is the result of a complex mixture of backscattering mechanisms and strongly depends on the wave and vegetation characteristics. In this paper, we present an unsupervised object-based clustering framework capable of mapping flooding in the presence and absence of flooded vegetation based on freely and globally available data only. Based on a SAR image pair, the region of interest is segmented into objects, which are converted to a SAR-optical feature space and clustered using K-means. These clusters are then classified based on automatically determined thresholds, and the resulting classification is refined by means of several region growing post-processing steps. The final outcome discriminates between dry land, permanent water, open flooding, and flooded vegetation. Forested areas, which might hide flooding, are indicated as well. The framework is presented based on four case studies, of which two contain flooded vegetation. For the optimal parameter combination, three-class F1 scores between 0.76 and 0.91 are obtained depending on the case, and the pixel- and object-based thresholding benchmarks are outperformed. Furthermore, this framework allows an easy integration of additional data sources when these become available

    Mapping the 2021 October Flood Event in the Subsiding Taiyuan Basin By Multi-Temporal SAR Data

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    A flood event induced by heavy rainfall hit the Taiyuan basin in north China in early October of 2021. In this study, we map the flood event process using the multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired by Sentinel-1. First, we develop a spatiotemporal filter based on low-rank tensor approximation (STF-LRTA) for removing the speckle noise in SAR images. Next, we employ the classic log-ratio change indicator and the minimum error threshold algorithm to characterize the flood using the filtered images. Finally, we relate the flood inundation to the land subsidence in the Taiyuan basin by jointly analyzing the multi-temporal SAR change detection results and interferometric SAR (InSAR) time-series measurements (pre-flood). The validation experiments compare the proposed filter with the Refined-Lee filter, Gamma filter, and an SHPS-based multi-temporal SAR filter. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and advantage of the proposed STF-LRTA method in SAR despeckling and detail preservation, and the applicability to change scenes. The joint analyses reveal that land subsidence might be an important contributor to the flood event, and the flood recession process linearly correlates with time and subsidence magnitude.This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 41904001 and 41774006), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (grant number 2018M640733), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant number 2019YFC1509201), and the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents (grant number BX20180220)

    MINDED-FBA: An Automatic Remote Sensing Tool for the Estimation of Flooded and Burned Areas

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    This paper presents the MINDED-FBA, a remote-sensing-based tool for the determination of both flooded and burned areas. The tool, freely distributed as a QGIS plugin, consists of an adaptation and development of the previously published Multi Index Image Differencing methods (MINDED and MINDED-BA). The MINDED-FBA allows the integration and combination of a wider diversity of satellite sensor datasets, now including the synthetic aperture radar (SAR), in addition to optical multispectral data. The performance of the tool is evaluated for six case studies located in Portugal, Australia, Pakistan, Italy, and the USA. The case studies were chosen for representing a wide range of conditions, such as type of hazardous event (i.e., flooding or fire), scale of application (i.e., local or regional), site specificities (e.g., climatic conditions, morphology), and available satellite data (optical multispectral and SAR). The results are compared in respect to reference delineation datasets (mostly from the Copernicus EMS). The application of the MINDED-FBA tool with SAR data is particularly effective to delineate flooding, while optical multispectral data resulted in the best performances for burned areas. Nonetheless, the combination of both types of remote sensing data (data fusion approach) also provides high correlations with the available reference datasets. The MINDED-FBA tool could represent a new near-real-time solution, capable of supporting emergency response measures

    Multi-Decadal Changes in Mangrove Extent, Age and Species in the Red River Estuaries of Viet Nam

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    This research investigated the performance of four different machine learning supervised image classifiers: artificial neural network (ANN), decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), and support vector machine (SVM) using SPOT-7 and Sentinel-1 images to classify mangrove age and species in 2019 in a Red River estuary, typical of others found in northern Viet Nam. The four classifiers were chosen because they are considered to have high accuracy, however, their use in mangrove age and species classifications has thus far been limited. A time-series of Landsat images from 1975 to 2019 was used to map mangrove extent changes using the unsupervised classification method of iterative self-organizing data analysis technique (ISODATA) and a comparison with accuracy of K-means classification, which found that mangrove extent has increased, despite a fall in the 1980s, indicating the success of mangrove plantation and forest protection efforts by local people in the study area. To evaluate the supervised image classifiers, 183 in situ training plots were assessed, 70% of them were used to train the supervised algorithms, with 30% of them employed to validate the results. In order to improve mangrove species separations, Gram–Schmidt and principal component analysis image fusion techniques were applied to generate better quality images. All supervised and unsupervised (2019) results of mangrove age, species, and extent were mapped and accuracy was evaluated. Confusion matrices were calculated showing that the classified layers agreed with the ground-truth data where most producer and user accuracies were greater than 80%. The overall accuracy and Kappa coefficients (around 0.9) indicated that the image classifications were very good. The test showed that SVM was the most accurate, followed by DT, ANN, and RF in this case study. The changes in mangrove extent identified in this study and the methods tested for using remotely sensed data will be valuable to monitoring and evaluation assessments of mangrove plantation projects
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