747 research outputs found

    Optimization of the Morpher Morphology Engine Using Knowledge Base Reduction Techniques

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    Morpher is a novel morphological rule induction engine designed and developed for agglutinative languages. The Morpher engine models inflection using general string-based transformation rules and it can learn multiple arbitrary affix types, too. In order to scale the engine to training sets containing millions of examples, we need an efficient management of the generated rule base. In this paper we investigate and present several optimization techniques using rule elimination based on context length, support and cardinality parameters. The performed evaluation tests show that using the proposed optimization techniques, we can reduce the average inflection time to 0.52 %, the average lemmatization time to 2.59 % and the number of rules to 2.25 % of the original values, while retaining a high correctness ratio of 98 %. The optimized model can execute inflection and lemmatization in acceptable time after training millions of items, unlike other existing methods like Morfessor, MORSEL or MorphoChain

    Unsupervised learning of Arabic non-concatenative morphology

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    Unsupervised approaches to learning the morphology of a language play an important role in computer processing of language from a practical and theoretical perspective, due their minimal reliance on manually produced linguistic resources and human annotation. Such approaches have been widely researched for the problem of concatenative affixation, but less attention has been paid to the intercalated (non-concatenative) morphology exhibited by Arabic and other Semitic languages. The aim of this research is to learn the root and pattern morphology of Arabic, with accuracy comparable to manually built morphological analysis systems. The approach is kept free from human supervision or manual parameter settings, assuming only that roots and patterns intertwine to form a word. Promising results were obtained by applying a technique adapted from previous work in concatenative morphology learning, which uses machine learning to determine relatedness between words. The output, with probabilistic relatedness values between words, was then used to rank all possible roots and patterns to form a lexicon. Analysis using trilateral roots resulted in correct root identification accuracy of approximately 86% for inflected words. Although the machine learning-based approach is effective, it is conceptually complex. So an alternative, simpler and computationally efficient approach was then devised to obtain morpheme scores based on comparative counts of roots and patterns. In this approach, root and pattern scores are defined in terms of each other in a mutually recursive relationship, converging to an optimized morpheme ranking. This technique gives slightly better accuracy while being conceptually simpler and more efficient. The approach, after further enhancements, was evaluated on a version of the Quranic Arabic Corpus, attaining a final accuracy of approximately 93%. A comparative evaluation shows this to be superior to two existing, well used manually built Arabic stemmers, thus demonstrating the practical feasibility of unsupervised learning of non-concatenative morphology

    Reading the Source Code of Social Ties

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    Though online social network research has exploded during the past years, not much thought has been given to the exploration of the nature of social links. Online interactions have been interpreted as indicative of one social process or another (e.g., status exchange or trust), often with little systematic justification regarding the relation between observed data and theoretical concept. Our research aims to breach this gap in computational social science by proposing an unsupervised, parameter-free method to discover, with high accuracy, the fundamental domains of interaction occurring in social networks. By applying this method on two online datasets different by scope and type of interaction (aNobii and Flickr) we observe the spontaneous emergence of three domains of interaction representing the exchange of status, knowledge and social support. By finding significant relations between the domains of interaction and classic social network analysis issues (e.g., tie strength, dyadic interaction over time) we show how the network of interactions induced by the extracted domains can be used as a starting point for more nuanced analysis of online social data that may one day incorporate the normative grammar of social interaction. Our methods finds applications in online social media services ranging from recommendation to visual link summarization.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web (WebSci'14

    Deep Learning of Inflection and the Cell-Filling Problem

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    Machine learning offers two basic strategies for morphology induction: lexical segmentation and surface word relation. The first approach assumes that words can be segmented into morphemes. Inferring a novel inflected form requires identification of morphemic constituents and a strategy for their recombination. The second approach dispenses with segmentation: lexical representations form part of a network of associatively related inflected forms. Production of a novel form consists in filling in one empty node in the network. Here, we present the results of a task of word inflection by a recurrent LSTM network that learns to fill in paradigm cells of incomplete verb paradigms. Although the task does not require morpheme segmentation, we show that accuracy in carrying out the inflection task is a function of the model’s sensitivity to paradigm distribution and morphological structure

    T2HSOM: Understanding the Lexicon by Simulating Memory Processes for Serial Order

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    Over the last several years, both theoretical and empirical approaches to lexical knowledge and encoding have prompted a radical reappraisal of the traditional dichotomy between lexicon and grammar. The lexicon is not simply a large waste basket of exceptions and sub-regularities, but a dynamic, possibly redundant repository of linguistic knowledge whose principles of relational organization are the driving force of productive generalizations. In this paper, we overview a few models of dynamic lexical organization based on neural network architectures that are purported to meet this challenging view. In particular, we illustrate a novel family of Kohonen self-organizing maps (T2HSOMs) that have the potential of simulating competitive storage of symbolic time series while exhibiting interesting properties of morphological organization and generalization. The model, tested on training samples of as morphologically diverse languages as Italian, German and Arabic, shows sensitivity to manifold types of morphological structure and can be used to bootstrap morphological knowledge in an unsupervised way

    Statistical and Computational Models for Whole Word Morphology

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Formulierung eines Ansatzes zum maschinellen Lernen von Sprachmorphologie, in dem letztere als Zeichenkettentransformationen auf ganzen Wörtern, und nicht als Zerlegung von Wörtern in kleinere stukturelle Einheiten, modelliert wird. Der Beitrag besteht aus zwei wesentlichen Teilen: zum einen wird ein Rechenmodell formuliert, in dem morphologische Regeln als Funktionen auf Zeichenketten definiert sind. Solche Funktionen lassen sich leicht zu endlichen Transduktoren übersetzen, was eine solide algorithmische Grundlage für den Ansatz liefert. Zum anderen wird ein statistisches Modell für Graphen von Wortab\-leitungen eingeführt. Die Inferenz in diesem Modell erfolgt mithilfe des Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization-Algorithmus und die Erwartungswerte über Graphen werden durch einen Metropolis-Hastings-Sampler approximiert. Das Modell wird auf einer Reihe von praktischen Aufgaben evaluiert: Clustering flektierter Formen, Lernen von Lemmatisierung, Vorhersage von Wortart für unbekannte Wörter, sowie Generierung neuer Wörter
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