7 research outputs found

    Parallel-Machine Scheduling Problems with Past-Sequence-Dependent Delivery Times and Aging Maintenance

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    We consider parallel-machine scheduling problems with past-sequence-dependent (psd) delivery times and aging maintenance. The delivery time is proportional to the waiting time in the system. Each machine has an aging maintenance activity. We develop polynomial algorithms to three versions of the problem to minimize the total absolute deviation of job completion times, the total load, and the total completion time

    Scheduling Jobs with Variable Job Processing Times on Unrelated Parallel Machines

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    m unrelated parallel machines scheduling problems with variable job processing times are considered, where the processing time of a job is a function of its position in a sequence, its starting time, and its resource allocation. The objective is to determine the optimal resource allocation and the optimal schedule to minimize a total cost function that dependents on the total completion (waiting) time, the total machine load, the total absolute differences in completion (waiting) times on all machines, and total resource cost. If the number of machines is a given constant number, we propose a polynomial time algorithm to solve the problem

    Joint optimization of production and maintenance scheduling for unrelated parallel machine using hybrid discrete spider monkey optimization algorithm

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    This paper considers an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with variable maintenance based on machine reliability to minimize the maximum completion time. To obtain the optimal solution of small-scale problems, we firstly establish a mixed integer programming model. To solve the medium and large-scale problems efficiently and effectively, we develop a hybrid discrete spider monkey optimization algorithm (HDSMO), which combines discrete spider monkey optimization (DSMO) with genetic algorithm (GA). A few additional features are embedded in the HDSMO: a three-phase constructive heuristic is proposed to generate better initial solution, and an individual updating method considering the inertia weight is used to balance the exploration and exploitation capabilities. Moreover, a problem-oriented neighborhood search method is designed to improve the search efficiency. Experiments are conducted on a set of randomly generated instances. The performance of the proposed HDSMO algorithm is investigated and compared with that of other existing algorithms. The detailed results show that the proposed HDSMO algorithm can obtain significantly better solutions than the DSMO and GA algorithms

    Non-identical parallel machines batch processing problem with release dates, due dates and variable maintenance activity to minimize total tardiness

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    [EN] Combination of job scheduling and maintenance activity has been widely investigated in the literature. We consider a non-identical parallel machines batch processing (BP) problem with release dates, due dates and variable maintenance activity to minimize total tardiness. An original mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is formulated to provide an optimal solution. As the problem under investigation is known to be strongly NP-hard, two meta-heuristic approaches based on Simulated Annealing (SA) and Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) are developed. A constructive heuristic method (H) is proposed to generate initial feasible solutions for the SA and VNS. In order to evaluate the results of the proposed solution approaches, a set of instances were randomly generated. Moreover, we compare the performance of our proposed approaches against four meta heuristic algorithms adopted from the literature. The obtained results indicate that the proposed solution methods have a competitive behaviour and they outperform the other meta-heuristics in most instances. Although in all cases, H + SA is the most performing algorithm compared to the others.Beldar, P.; Moghtader, M.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Ansaripoord, AH. (2022). Non-identical parallel machines batch processing problem with release dates, due dates and variable maintenance activity to minimize total tardiness. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 168:1-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2022.10813512816

    The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering

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    The Second International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ICAME-22, was held on 25th August, 2022 at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Capital University of Science and Technology. All articles underwent a rigorous single-blind peer review process. ICAME-22 accepted papers in the disciplines of experimental and computational fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, heat Ttransfer, machine and mechanisms, design, solid mechanics, manufacturing, production and industrial engineering, engineering management, technology management, renewable energy, environmental engineering, bioengineering, materials, failure analysis, and related fields

    Conception d'un modèle architectural collaboratif pour l'informatique omniprésente à la périphérie des réseaux mobiles

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    Le progrès des technologies de communication pair-à-pair et sans fil a de plus en plus permis l’intégration de dispositifs portables et omniprésents dans des systèmes distribués et des architectures informatiques de calcul dans le paradigme de l’internet des objets. De même, ces dispositifs font l'objet d'un développement technologique continu. Ainsi, ils ont toujours tendance à se miniaturiser, génération après génération durant lesquelles ils sont considérés comme des dispositifs de facto. Le fruit de ces progrès est l'émergence de l'informatique mobile collaborative et omniprésente, notamment intégrée dans les modèles architecturaux de l'Internet des Objets. L’avantage le plus important de cette évolution de l'informatique est la facilité de connecter un grand nombre d'appareils omniprésents et portables lorsqu'ils sont en déplacement avec différents réseaux disponibles. Malgré les progrès continuels, les systèmes intelligents mobiles et omniprésents (réseaux, dispositifs, logiciels et technologies de connexion) souffrent encore de diverses limitations à plusieurs niveaux tels que le maintien de la connectivité, la puissance de calcul, la capacité de stockage de données, le débit de communications, la durée de vie des sources d’énergie, l'efficacité du traitement de grosses tâches en termes de partitionnement, d'ordonnancement et de répartition de charge. Le développement technologique accéléré des équipements et dispositifs de ces modèles mobiles s'accompagne toujours de leur utilisation intensive. Compte tenu de cette réalité, plus d'efforts sont nécessaires à la fois dans la conception structurelle tant au matériel et logiciel que dans la manière dont il est géré. Il s'agit d'améliorer, d'une part, l'architecture de ces modèles et leurs technologies de communication et, d'autre part, les algorithmes d'ordonnancement et d'équilibrage de charges pour effectuer leurs travaux efficacement sur leurs dispositifs. Notre objectif est de rendre ces modèles omniprésents plus autonomes, intelligents et collaboratifs pour renforcer les capacités de leurs dispositifs, leurs technologies de connectivité et les applications qui effectuent leurs tâches. Ainsi, nous avons établi un modèle architectural autonome, omniprésent et collaboratif pour la périphérie des réseaux. Ce modèle s'appuie sur diverses technologies de connexion modernes telles que le sans-fil, la radiocommunication pair-à-pair, et les technologies offertes par LoPy4 de Pycom telles que LoRa, BLE, Wi-Fi, Radio Wi-Fi et Bluetooth. L'intégration de ces technologies permet de maintenir la continuité de la communication dans les divers environnements, même les plus sévères. De plus, ce modèle conçoit et évalue un algorithme d'équilibrage de charge et d'ordonnancement permettant ainsi de renforcer et améliorer son efficacité et sa qualité de service (QoS) dans différents environnements. L’évaluation de ce modèle architectural montre des avantages tels que l’amélioration de la connectivité et l’efficacité d’exécution des tâches. Advances in peer-to-peer and wireless communication technologies have increasingly enabled the integration of mobile and pervasive devices into distributed systems and computing architectures in the Internet of Things paradigm. Likewise, these devices are subject to continuous technological development. Thus, they always tend to be miniaturized, generation after generation during which they are considered as de facto devices. The success of this progress is the emergence of collaborative mobiles and pervasive computing, particularly integrated into the architectural models of the Internet of Things. The most important benefit of this form of computing is the ease of connecting a large number of pervasive and portable devices when they are on the move with different networks available. Despite the continual advancements that support this field, mobile and pervasive intelligent systems (networks, devices, software and connection technologies) still suffer from various limitations at several levels such as maintaining connectivity, computing power, ability to data storage, communication speeds, the lifetime of power sources, the efficiency of processing large tasks in terms of partitioning, scheduling and load balancing. The accelerated technological development of the equipment and devices of these mobile models is always accompanied by their intensive use. Given this reality, it requires more efforts both in their structural design and management. This involves improving on the one hand, the architecture of these models and their communication technologies, and, on the other hand, the scheduling and load balancing algorithms for the work efficiency. The goal is to make these models more autonomous, intelligent, and collaborative by strengthening the different capabilities of their devices, their connectivity technologies and the applications that perform their tasks. Thus, we have established a collaborative autonomous and pervasive architectural model deployed at the periphery of networks. This model is based on various modern connection technologies such as wireless, peer-to-peer radio communication, and technologies offered by Pycom's LoPy4 such as LoRa, BLE, Wi-Fi, Radio Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The integration of these technologies makes it possible to maintain the continuity of communication in the various environments, even the most severe ones. Within this model, we designed and evaluated a load balancing and scheduling algorithm to strengthen and improve its efficiency and quality of service (QoS) in different environments. The evaluation of this architectural model shows payoffs such as improvement of connectivity and efficiency of task executions