4,768 research outputs found

    Evaluation of unmanned aerial vehicles and analytical software for creation of a crop consulting business

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    Satellite imagery has been used to provide imagery since the 1972 starting with Landsat I (Vogt and Werspan, 2016). For the public to get imagery from satellites, the imagery must be licensed to the public, with this licensing process it makes it difficult to create products from the imagery that satellites provide (Vogt and Werspan, 2016) due to meeting the licensing standards. In addition, the resolution of satellite imagery has a high degree of variability depending upon the satellite’s altitude, image resolution, and weather conditions (clouds) when the imagery is taken (“Price Wars”, 2017). When an image is taken from a satellite it cannot be taken accurately when there is a large amount of cloud cover to hinder the imagery. I currently use Climate in my current job. This application uses satellites and it may take an image of the field weekly to every sixteen days. The amount of days between flights at times is to long as a crop issue may not be captured within the day that the flight is made with a satellite. The 2018 crop year growers experienced changes rapidly with the nitrogen losses from excess rainfall. With a drone, a flight can be done quickly depending upon weather and availability of the drone. Many times, the data can be available within a couple of hours

    Comprehensive use of 6G cellular technology accounting activity costs and cyber security

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    The purpose of this study was in the research of prospects for simultaneous use of 6G generation cellular communications for the purposes of automatization of cost accounting of the activity of enterprises of various branches and cybersecurity of accounting information. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of 6G cellular network technologies for accounting and cybersecurity purposes have been studied on the basis of general research methods – institutional and innovative; economic and mathematical methods of analysis using Excel spreadsheets were used to predict the pace of implementation of cellular communication of new generations; to determine perspective areas of use of 6G technology – methods of bibliographic and comparative analysis using the information resource "ResearchGate". The methods of permanent collection and transmission of accounting data about the production process and the procedure for monitoring the stay of employees or outsiders at the workplace using production equipment connected to the 6G cellular network has been developed. The procedure for combining the functional abilities of Global Positioning System (GPS) and cellular positioning (mobile subscribers) for accounting of transport costs and control over the movement and economic use of vehicles has been proposed.The procedure for combining unmanned aerial vehicles in a cluster on the basis of 6G communication with the purpose of aerovisual surveillance of agricultural and construction activities for automated accounting of production costs and prevention of unauthorized getting into an enterprise of persons (drones). The methods for determining the cost of rental space from the lessor based on counting the popularity among visitors and identifying offenders (thieves of information and material resources) through automated monitoring of the location of 6G cellular subscribers. The practical implementation of the developments presented in the article on the use of 6G cellular technologies will contribute to reliable costing and accounting of production costs of production, agricultural, construction, trade activities in combination with effective cyber protection of enterprises in preventing and detecting violators of information and territorial security. Further research is needed on the methods of management of business entities on the basis of accounting information obtained with the use of 6G cellular network technology


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    From the earliest of times, the human race has sought to better understand this world and its surroundings. In the last century, aeronautical engineering and aerial imagery have evolved to allow a deeper understanding into how this world lives and breathes. Now more than ever, these two technological advancements are changing the way we view this world and how we are to sustain it for a brighter, healthier future. Over time, the advances of these two technologies were combined and the birth of spectral sensing and drone technology arrived. In their earliest years, drones and spectral imaging were only available to government agencies. In the mid-1990s, President Clinton declassified this technology and allowed the public to utilize and invest in their development. Today, the world has incorporated these technologies into a number of applications; one of these being in agriculture. In the last decade, significant interest into drone technology and its possible applications have been researched. Many benefits have been discovered in the agricultural sector by incorporating drone and spectral technology. A big part of incorporating a new piece of equipment or technology into any operation is the economic feasibility. Understanding drone and spectral technology can do and what it can provide, is crucial in making a sound decision when considering investing in drone technology. This document discusses the earliest developments of drone technology, its current status, and the predicted future. It also provides basic information about drone designs, drone regulations, types of spectral sensors, their capabilities, and some of the research being done in agriculture to advance these technologies. Additionally, a case study looking at a wild oat infestation in spring wheat will be addressed. This case study involves two crop consultants and their decision to invest in drone technology. Advisor: Gary L. Hei

    Crimes against property & ownership

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    The most primeval crimes in all countries are crimes against property such as: Burglary, Larceny, Arson, Embezzlement, False pretenses, Extortion, forgery, fraud, robbery, and etc these crimes engender when ownership existed. Lord can do any possession in his/her property .If anyone trespasses to another one ownership prevailing law punishment him/her. Also we define these crimes in Islamic criminal law; because Islamic rules are strange and prober must study very hard to understand the principle of Islamic rules because most of them don't have reasonable source hence our definitions are so epitome because reader must study jurisprudence.

    UNH Researchers Identify More Effective Method to Delineate Tree Crowns Using Unmanned Aerial Imagery

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    The Japanese Impact on Global Drone Policy and Law: Why a Laggard United States and Other Nations Should Look to Japan in the Context of Drone Usage

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    The global Unmanned Aircraft System, or unmanned aerial systems (UAS) revolution is poised to have an impact across a broad range of industries from agriculture to filmmaking. The United States has taken a difficult and slower path to implementing UAS policy, with Congress essentially mandating the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to take action in 2015. The FAA\u27s 624-page rulebook marks the first attempt of any comprehensive plan to regulate remote-controlled and commercial aircraft activity. Across the globe, Japan, a country with a proven track record in electronics and technology, is outpacing other countries in devising regulations that will increase UAS use to benefit the nation\u27s citizens. This paper argues that Japan\u27s historical experience with unmanned aviation vehicles (UAVS), beginning mainly in the 1980s in the agricultural sector, allowed the Japanese government to coalesce more quickly in revising their civil aviation law than most developed countries. This note examines Japan\u27s influence on UAS policy with the formation of regulations and adoption of new technology. More specifically, it looks at the United States as a case study as evidence of Japan\u27s influence on other developed nations

    Design and development of an unmanned aerial and ground vehicles for precision pesticide spraying

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    Günümüzde, bitki hastalıkları tarımsal üretimi etkileyen önemli sorunlardan birisi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bitkileri hastalıklardan ve zararlı otların etkilerinden korumak hem tarımda üretimi artırmak hem de tarımın kalitesini yükseltmek için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Tarımsal ürünler, ülkemizde ve dünyada çeşitli ilaçlama yöntemleri kullanılarak korunabilmektedir. Bu yöntemlerin başında gelen ilaçlama yolu ile bitki koruma yöntemi üretimin kalitesini geliştirmek ve rekolteyi artırmak amacıyla yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ancak bitkilerin korunmasında uygulanan geleneksel ilaçlama yöntemlerinin bitkilere ve toprağa büyük ölçüde zarar verdiği gözlenmektedir. Son yıllarda gelişmiş ülkelerdeki tarımsal uygulamalarda robotların kullanımı hızla artmakta, tarımsal alanlarda özellikle uzaktan algılama ve hassas tarım çalışmalarında bu robotların kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Dahası, tarımsal üretimde yararlanılan fayda-maliyet oranı da dikkate alındığında, günümüzde hassas tarım uygulamalarında robotların kullanılmasının kaçınılmaz hale geldiği anlaşılmaktadır. Günümüz gereksinimleri ve gelişen teknoloji göz önüne alınarak planlanmış olan bu çalışmada, ülkemizde yaygın olarak kullanılan tarımsal mücadele yöntemlerinin maliyetlerini, tarımsal üretimin miktarını ve kalitesini önemli ölçüde etkileyecek geleneksel ilaçlama yöntemlerine alternatif olabilecek bir tarımsal mücadele sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, yakın mesafeden doğrudan hedeflenen bitki üzerine ilaçlama yapılması, ilaçlama sırasında toprağa ve bitkilere verilen zararın en aza indirgenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, özgün tasarım multispektral kamera, ilaçlama ünitesi, Yer Kontrol İstasyonu (YKİ) ve eşgüdümlü çalışabilen İnsansız Hava Aracı (İHA) ile İnsansız Yer Aracından (İYA) oluşan tarımsal mücadele mekanizması tasarlanmış ve geliştirilmiştir. Bu mekanizma, tarımsal ilaçlama uygulamaları için geleneksel yöntemlere kıyasla daha ileri düzey bir alternatif yöntem olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.TABLE OF CONTENTS ÖZET ................................................................................................................ vii ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ xi 1 . INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................. 6 2.1 Robotics ..................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Unmanned Ground Vehicles ..................................................................... 11 2.3 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ....................................................................... 11 2.4 Remote Sensing Technology .................................................................... 17 2.4.1 Remote Sensing Platforms ................................................................. 19 2.4.2 Plant Disease Detection ..................................................................... 22 2.4.3 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ........................................... 27 3 . MATERIAL AND METHOD ....................................................................... 29 3.1 Ground Control Station ............................................................................ 32 3.2 Unmanned Ground Vehicle ...................................................................... 37 3.2.1 Specifications of the UGV ................................................................. 38 3.2.2 The Chassis and Sensor Holder .......................................................... 40 3.2.3 FEM Analysis .................................................................................... 43 3.3 Multispectral Camera for Plant Disease Detection .................................... 44 3.3.1 Spectral Imaging ................................................................................ 46 3.3.2 Multispectral Camera – Spektra TSL128RN ...................................... 47 3.3.3 The hardware of the Device ............................................................... 49 3.3.4 Calibrating Steps of the Device .......................................................... 52 3.3.5 Software for the Device ..................................................................... 56 3.3.6 Measurements using NDVI Devices .................................................. 58 3.4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ........................................................................ 62 3.4.1 The Chassis and Arm ......................................................................... 66 3.4.2 FEM Analysis ................................................................................... 69 3.4.3 Modal Analysis ................................................................................. 70 3.4.4 Performance of the Propellers ............................................................ 73 3.4.5 Flight Duration and Maximum Conditions ......................................... 82 3.4.6 Strain Measurement ........................................................................... 84 3.4.7 Other Parts ........................................................................................ 92 3.4.8 Specifications of the UAV ................................................................. 95 3.4.9 Flight Tests ....................................................................................... 96 3.5 Spraying Unit –Sprayer and Tank ............................................................. 99 4 . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................. 103 4.1 The UGV ............................................................................................... 103 4.2 The Multispectral Camera ...................................................................... 105 4.3 The UAV ............................................................................................... 115 4.4 The Sprayer............................................................................................ 135 xv 4.5 UGV and Multispectral Camera .............................................................. 138 4.6 Aerial Spraying UAV ............................................................................. 145 5 . CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................... 154 REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 156 RESUME......................................................................................................... 16