3 research outputs found

    On dialogue games and coherent strategies

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    We explain how to see the set of positions of a dialogue game as a coherence space in the sense of Girard or as a bistructure in the sense of Curien, Plotkin and Winskel. The coherence structure on the set of positions results from a Kripke translation of tensorial logic into linear logic extended with a necessity modality. The translation is done in such a way that every innocent strategy defines a clique or a configuration in the resulting space of positions. This leads us to study the notion of configuration designed by Curien, Plotkin and Winskel for general bistructures in the particular case of a bistructure associated to a dialogue game. We show that every such configuration may be seen as an interactive strategy equipped with a backward as well as a forward dynamics based on the interplay between the stable order and the extensional order. In that way, the category of bistructures is shown to include a full subcategory of games and coherent strategies of an interesting nature

    The stack calculus

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    We introduce a functional calculus with simple syntax and operational semantics in which the calculi introduced so far in the Curry-Howard correspondence for Classical Logic can be faithfully encoded. Our calculus enjoys confluence without any restriction. Its type system enforces strong normalization of expressions and it is a sound and complete system for full implicational Classical Logic. We give a very simple denotational semantics which allows easy calculations of the interpretation of expressions.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2012, arXiv:1303.713

    Universality results for models in locally Boolean domains

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    In [6] J. Laird has shown that an infinitary sequential extension of PCF has a fully abstract model in his category of locally boolean domains (introduced in [8]). In this paper we introduce an extension SPCF ∞ of his language by recursive types and show that it is universal for its model in locally boolean domains. Finally we consider an infinitary target language CPS ∞ for (the) CPS translation (of [16]) and show that it is universal for a model in locally boolean domains which is constructed like Dana Scott’s D ∞ where D =