24 research outputs found

    Comparison between Two Group Signature Schemes

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    Zerocoin is a cryptographic extension to Bitcoin. During its development, the developers decided to make use of group signature schemes to store and verify the coins. In order to compare the performance of Simple Authentication Scheme and the Dynamic Signature Scheme and figure out which one is the optimal choice for the Zerocoin scheme, I implemented them in Java and analyzed them theoretically. This paper will discuss the performance difference between two schemes, the Java implementation of them and the analysis

    On the efficiency of revocation in RSA-based anonymous systems

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    © 2016 IEEEThe problem of revocation in anonymous authentication systems is subtle and has motivated a lot of work. One of the preferable solutions consists in maintaining either a whitelist L-W of non-revoked users or a blacklist L-B of revoked users, and then requiring users to additionally prove, when authenticating themselves, that they are in L-W (membership proof) or that they are not in L-B (non-membership proof). Of course, these additional proofs must not break the anonymity properties of the system, so they must be zero-knowledge proofs, revealing nothing about the identity of the users. In this paper, we focus on the RSA-based setting, and we consider the case of non-membership proofs to blacklists L = L-B. The existing solutions for this setting rely on the use of universal dynamic accumulators; the underlying zero-knowledge proofs are bit complicated, and thus their efficiency; although being independent from the size of the blacklist L, seems to be improvable. Peng and Bao already tried to propose simpler and more efficient zero-knowledge proofs for this setting, but we prove in this paper that their protocol is not secure. We fix the problem by designing a new protocol, and formally proving its security properties. We then compare the efficiency of the new zero-knowledge non-membership protocol with that of the protocol, when they are integrated with anonymous authentication systems based on RSA (notably, the IBM product Idemix for anonymous credentials). We discuss for which values of the size k of the blacklist L, one protocol is preferable to the other one, and we propose different ways to combine and implement the two protocols.Postprint (author's final draft

    Certificate Transparency with Enhancements and Short Proofs

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    Browsers can detect malicious websites that are provisioned with forged or fake TLS/SSL certificates. However, they are not so good at detecting malicious websites if they are provisioned with mistakenly issued certificates or certificates that have been issued by a compromised certificate authority. Google proposed certificate transparency which is an open framework to monitor and audit certificates in real time. Thereafter, a few other certificate transparency schemes have been proposed which can even handle revocation. All currently known constructions use Merkle hash trees and have proof size logarithmic in the number of certificates/domain owners. We present a new certificate transparency scheme with short (constant size) proofs. Our construction makes use of dynamic bilinear-map accumulators. The scheme has many desirable properties like efficient revocation, low verification cost and update costs comparable to the existing schemes. We provide proofs of security and evaluate the performance of our scheme.Comment: A preliminary version of the paper was published in ACISP 201

    Certificate Transparency with Enhancements and Short Proofs

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    Browsers can detect malicious websites that are provisioned with forged or fake TLS/SSL certificates. However, they are not so good at detecting malicious websites if they are provisioned with mistakenly issued certificates or certificates that have been issued by a compromised certificate authority. Google proposed certificate transparency which is an open framework to monitor and audit certificates in real time. Thereafter, a few other certificate transparency schemes have been proposed which can even handle revocation. All currently known constructions use Merkle hash trees and have proof size logarithmic in the number of certificates/domain owners. We present a new certificate transparency scheme with short (constant size) proofs. Our construction makes use of dynamic bilinear-map accumulators. The scheme has many desirable properties like efficient revocation, low verification cost and update costs comparable to the existing schemes. We provide proofs of security and evaluate the performance of our scheme.Comment: A preliminary version of the paper was published in ACISP 201

    On the Impossibility of Batch Update for Cryptographic Accumulators

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    A cryptographic accumulator is a scheme where a set of elements is represented by a single short value. This value, along with another value called witness allows to prove membership into the set. In their survey on accumulators [FN02], Fazzio and Nicolisi noted that the Camenisch and Lysyanskaya\u27s construction[CL02] was such that the time to update a witness after m changes to the accumulated value was proportional to m. They posed the question whether batch update was possible, namely if it was possible to build a cryptographic accumulator where the time to update witnesses is independent from the number of changes in the accumulated set. Recently, Wang et al. answered positively by giving a construction for an accumulator with batch update in [WWP07, WWP08]. In this work we show that the construction is not secure by exhibiting an attack. Moreover, we prove it cannot be fixed. If the accumulated value has been updated m times, then the time to update a witness must be at least (m) in the worst case

    A new Privacy Preserving and Scalable Revocation Method for Self Sovereign Identity - The Perfect Revocation Method does not exist yet

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    Digital Identities are playing an essential role in our digital lives. Today, most Digital Identities are based on central architectures. Central Digital Identity providers control and know our data and thereby our Identity. Self Sovereign Identities are based on decentralized data storage and data exchange architecture, where the user is in sole control of his data and identity. Most of the issued credentials need the possibility of revocation. For a centrally managed Digital Identity system, revocation is not a problem. In decentral architectures, revocation is more challenging. Revocation can be done with different methods e.g. list based, cryptographic accumulators and with credential updates. A revocation method must be privacy preserving and must scale. This paper gives an overview of the available revocation methods, including a survey to define requirements, assess revocation groups against the requirements, highlights shortcomings of the methods and introduces a new revocation method called Linked Validity Verifiable Credentials

    An Overview of Cryptographic Accumulators

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    This paper is a primer on cryptographic accumulators and how to apply them practically. A cryptographic accumulator is a space- and time-efficient data structure used for set-membership tests. Since it is possible to represent any computational problem where the answer is yes or no as a set-membership problem, cryptographic accumulators are invaluable data structures in computer science and engineering. But, to the best of our knowledge, there is neither a concise survey comparing and contrasting various types of accumulators nor a guide for how to apply the most appropriate one for a given application. Therefore, we address that gap by describing cryptographic accumulators while presenting their fundamental and so-called optional properties. We discuss the effects of each property on the given accumulator's performance in terms of space and time complexity, as well as communication overhead.Comment: Note: This is an extended version of a paper published In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 661-66

    Performances of Cryptographic Accumulators

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    International audienceCryptographic accumulators are space/time efficient data structures used to verify if a value belongs to a set. They have found many applications in networking and distributed systems since their in- troduction by Benaloh and de Mare in 1993. Despite this popularity, there is currently no performance evaluation of the different existing de- signs. Symmetric and asymmetric accumulators are used likewise without any particular argument to support either of the design. We aim to es- tablish the speed of each design and their application's domains in terms of their size and the size of the values

    Zero-Knowledge Argument for Polynomial Evaluation with Application to Blacklists

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    Verification of a polynomial’s evaluation in a secret committed value plays a role in cryptographic applications such as non-membership or membership proofs. We construct a novel special honest verifier zero-knowledge argument for correct polynomial evaluation. The argument has logarithmic communication cost in the degree of the polynomial, which is a significant improvement over the state of the art with cubic root complexity at best. The argument is relatively efficient to generate and very fast to verify compared to previous work. The argument has a simple public-coin 3-move structure and only relies on the discrete logarithm assumption. The polynomial evaluation argument can be used as a building block to construct zero-knowledge membership and non-membership arguments with communication that is logarithmic in the size of the blacklist. Non-membership proofs can be used to design anonymous blacklisting schemes allowing online services to block misbehaving users without learning the identity of the user. They also allow the blocking of single users of anonymization networks without blocking the whole network