406 research outputs found

    Non-Disjoint Unions of Theories and Combinations of Satisfiability Procedures: First Results

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    In this paper we outline a theoretical framework for the combination of decision procedures for the satisfiability of constraints with respect to a constrainttheory. We describe a general combination method which, given a procedure that decides constraint satisfiability with respect to a constraint theory T1{\cal T}_1 and one that decides constraint satisfiability with respect to a constraint theory T2{\cal T}_2, is able to produce a procedure that (semi-)decides constraint satisfiability with respect to the union of T1{\cal T}_1 and T2{\cal T}_2. We also provide some model-theoretic conditions on the constraint language and the component constraint theories for the method to be sound and complete, with special emphasis on the case in which the signatures of T1{\cal T}_1 and T2{\cal T}_2 are non-disjoint

    A Rewriting Approach to the Combination of Data Structures with Bridging Theories

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    International audienceWe introduce a combination method Ă  la Nelson-Oppen to solve the satisfiability problem modulo a non-disjoint union of theories connected with bridging functions. The combination method is particularly useful to handle verification conditions involving functions defined over inductive data structures. We investigate the problem of determining the data structure theories for which this combination method is sound and complete. Our completeness proof is based on a rewriting approach where the bridging function is defined as a term rewrite system, and the data structure theory is given by a basic congruence relation. Our contribution is to introduce a class of data structure theories that are combinable with a disjoint target theory via an inductively defined bridging function. This class includes the theory of equality, the theory of absolutely free data structures, and all the theories in between. Hence, our non-disjoint combination method applies to many classical data structure theories admitting a rewrite-based satisfiability procedure

    A Gentle Non-Disjoint Combination of Satisfiability Procedures (Extended Version)

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    A satisfiability problem is often expressed in a combination of theories, and a natural approach consists in solving the problem by combining the satisfiability procedures available for the component theories. This is the purpose of the combination method introduced by Nelson and Oppen. However, in its initial presentation, the Nelson-Oppen combination method requires the theories to be signature-disjoint and stably infinite (to guarantee the existence of an infinite model). The notion of gentle theory has been introduced in the last few years as one solution to go beyond the restriction of stable infiniteness, but in the case of disjoint theories. In this paper, we adapt the notion of gentle theory to the non-disjoint combination of theories sharing only unary predicates (plus constants and the equality). Like in the disjoint case, combining two theories, one of them being gentle, requires some minor assumptions on the other one. We show that major classes of theories, i.e.\ Löwenheim and Bernays-Schönfinkel-Ramsey, satisfy the appropriate notion of gentleness introduced for this particular non-disjoint combination framework

    Combination of convex theories: Modularity, deduction completeness, and explanation

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    AbstractDecision procedures are key components of theorem provers and constraint satisfaction systems. Their modular combination is of prime interest for building efficient systems, but their effective use is often limited by poor interface capabilities, when such procedures only provide a simple “sat/unsat” answer. In this paper, we develop a framework to design cooperation schemas between such procedures while maintaining modularity of their interfaces. First, we use the framework to specify and prove the correctness of classic combination schemas by Nelson–Oppen and Shostak. Second, we introduce the concept of deduction complete satisfiability procedures, we show how to build them for large classes of theories, then we provide a schema to modularly combine them. Third, we consider the problem of modularly constructing explanations for combinations by re-using available proof-producing procedures for the component theories

    Combining Spatial and Temporal Logics: Expressiveness vs. Complexity

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    In this paper, we construct and investigate a hierarchy of spatio-temporal formalisms that result from various combinations of propositional spatial and temporal logics such as the propositional temporal logic PTL, the spatial logics RCC-8, BRCC-8, S4u and their fragments. The obtained results give a clear picture of the trade-off between expressiveness and computational realisability within the hierarchy. We demonstrate how different combining principles as well as spatial and temporal primitives can produce NP-, PSPACE-, EXPSPACE-, 2EXPSPACE-complete, and even undecidable spatio-temporal logics out of components that are at most NP- or PSPACE-complete

    Modular Instantiation Schemes

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    International audienceInstantiation schemes are proof procedures that test the satisfiability of clause sets by instantiating the variables they contain, and testing the satisfiability of the resulting ground set of clauses. Such schemes have been devised for several theories, including fragments of linear arithmetic or theories of data-structures. In this paper we investigate under what conditions instantiation schemes can be combined to solve satisfiability problems in unions of theories

    New results on rewrite-based satisfiability procedures

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    Program analysis and verification require decision procedures to reason on theories of data structures. Many problems can be reduced to the satisfiability of sets of ground literals in theory T. If a sound and complete inference system for first-order logic is guaranteed to terminate on T-satisfiability problems, any theorem-proving strategy with that system and a fair search plan is a T-satisfiability procedure. We prove termination of a rewrite-based first-order engine on the theories of records, integer offsets, integer offsets modulo and lists. We give a modularity theorem stating sufficient conditions for termination on a combinations of theories, given termination on each. The above theories, as well as others, satisfy these conditions. We introduce several sets of benchmarks on these theories and their combinations, including both parametric synthetic benchmarks to test scalability, and real-world problems to test performances on huge sets of literals. We compare the rewrite-based theorem prover E with the validity checkers CVC and CVC Lite. Contrary to the folklore that a general-purpose prover cannot compete with reasoners with built-in theories, the experiments are overall favorable to the theorem prover, showing that not only the rewriting approach is elegant and conceptually simple, but has important practical implications.Comment: To appear in the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 49 page

    Theory Combination: Beyond Equality Sharing

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    International audienceSatisfiability is the problem of deciding whether a formula has a model. Although it is not even semidecidable in first-order logic, it is decidable in some first-order theories or fragments thereof (e.g., the quantifier-free fragment). Satisfiability modulo a theory is the problem of determining whether a quantifier-free formula admits a model that is a model of a given theory. If the formula mixes theories, the considered theory is their union, and combination of theories is the problem of combining decision procedures for the individual theories to get one for their union. A standard solution is the equality-sharing method by Nelson and Oppen, which requires the theories to be disjoint and stably infinite. This paper surveys selected approaches to the problem of reasoning in the union of disjoint theories, that aim at going beyond equality sharing, including: asymmetric extensions of equality sharing, where some theories are unrestricted, while others must satisfy stronger requirements than stable infiniteness; superposition-based decision procedures; and current work on conflict-driven satisfiability (CDSAT)

    Politeness and Combination Methods for Theories with Bridging Functions

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    International audienceThe Nelson-Oppen combination method is ubiquitous in Satisfiability Modulo Theories solvers. However, one of its major drawbacks is to be restricted to disjoint unions of theories. We investigate the problem of extending this combination method to particular non-disjoint unions of theories defined by connecting disjoint theories via bridging functions. A possible application is to solve verification problems expressed in a combination of data structures connected to arithmetic with bridging functions such as the length of lists and the size of trees. We present a sound and complete combination method Ă  la Nelson-Oppen for the theory of absolutely free data structures, including lists and trees. This combination procedure is then refined for standard interpretations. The resulting theory has a nice politeness property, enabling combinations with arbitrary decidable theories of elements. In addition, we have identified a class of polite data structure theories for which the combination method remains sound and complete. This class includes all the subtheories of absolutely free data structures (e.g, the empty theory, injectivity, projection). Again, the politeness property holds for any theory in this class, which can thus be combined with bridging functions and arbitrary decidable theories of elements. This illustrates the significance of politeness in the context of non-disjoint combinations of theories

    Inductive Logic Programming in Databases: from Datalog to DL+log

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    In this paper we address an issue that has been brought to the attention of the database community with the advent of the Semantic Web, i.e. the issue of how ontologies (and semantics conveyed by them) can help solving typical database problems, through a better understanding of KR aspects related to databases. In particular, we investigate this issue from the ILP perspective by considering two database problems, (i) the definition of views and (ii) the definition of constraints, for a database whose schema is represented also by means of an ontology. Both can be reformulated as ILP problems and can benefit from the expressive and deductive power of the KR framework DL+log. We illustrate the application scenarios by means of examples. Keywords: Inductive Logic Programming, Relational Databases, Ontologies, Description Logics, Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems. Note: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables
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