63,145 research outputs found

    A Graph Transformation Approach for Modeling and Verification of UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams

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    Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0 Sequence Diagrams (UML 2.0 SD) are used to describe interactions in software systems. These diagrams must be verified in the early stages of software development process to guarantee the production of a reliable system. However, UML 2.0 SD lack formal semantics as all UML specifications, which makes their verification difficult, especially if we are modeling a critical system where the automation of verification is necessary. Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a formal specification language that is suited for analysis and has many automatic verification tools. Thus, UML and CSP have complementary aspects, which are modeling and analysis. Recently, a formalization of UML 2.0 SD using CSP has been proposed in the literature; however, no automation of that formalization exists. In this paper, we propose an approach on the basis of the above formalization and a visual modeling tool to model and automatically transform UML 2.0 SD to CSP ones; thus, the existing CSP model checker can verify them. This approach aims to use UML 2.0 SD for modeling and CSP and its tools for verification. This approach is based on graph transformation, which uses AToM3 tool and proposes a metamodel of UML 2.0 SD and a graph grammar to perform the mapping of the latter into CSP. Failures-Divergence Refinement (FDR) is the model checking tool used to verify the behavioral properties of the source model transformation such as deadlock, livelock and determinism. The proposed approach and tool are illustrated through a case study

    Endurant Types in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling: Towards OntoUML 2.0

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    For over a decade now, a community of researchers has contributed to the development of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) - aimed at providing foundations for all major conceptual modeling constructs. This ontology has led to the development of an Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling language dubbed OntoUML, reflecting the ontological micro-theories comprising UFO. Over the years, UFO and OntoUML have been successfully employed in a number of academic, industrial and governmental settings to create conceptual models in a variety of different domains. These experiences have pointed out to opportunities of improvement not only to the language itself but also to its underlying theory. In this paper, we take the first step in that direction by revising the theory of types in UFO in response to empirical evidence. The new version of this theory shows that many of the meta-types present in OntoUML (differentiating Kinds, Roles, Phases, Mixins, etc.) should be considered not as restricted to Substantial types but instead should be applied to model Endurant Types in general, including Relator types, Quality types and Mode types. We also contribute a formal characterization of this fragment of the theory, which is then used to advance a metamodel for OntoUML 2.0. Finally, we propose a computational support tool implementing this updated metamodel

    Adding Graph Transformation Concepts to UML's Constraint Language OCL

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    AbstractThe Object Constraint Language OCL is an integral part of UML, the Unified Modeling Language standard. It has been added to UML as a logic-based sublanguage for the definition of class invariants and pre-/postconditions of operations. OCL is rather similar to a subset of the graph transformation language PROGRES, the so-called path expressions. These path expressions are used for similar purposes as OCL. In contrast to OCL, path expressions support functional abstraction and offer additional operators for conditional iteration and transitive closure. Furthermore, PROGRES possesses a visual query sublanguage and is equipped with a precise semantics definition. Based on our experiences with the development of PROGRES a number of modifications and extensions of OCL are suggested as recommendations for its forthcoming version 2.0

    UXP Portal 2.0 Functional Requirements Specification

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    Cybernetica on vĂ€lja töötanud toote Unified eXchange Platform (UXP), pakkumaks turvalist ja töökindlat organisatsioonidevahelist andmevahetuskihti. UXP Portal on universaalne klientrakendus ĂŒle UXP platvormi pakutavate teenuste tarbimiseks. UXP Portal’i esimese versiooni pĂ”hjal tehtud jĂ€reldused viisid vajaduseni arendada vĂ€lja versioon 2.0.KĂ€esolev bakalaureusetöö kirjeldab UXP Portal 2.0 arendusprotsessi kĂ€igusvalminud Ă€riprotsesside modelleerimise ja funktsionaalsete nĂ”uete spetsifitseerimise tööprotsessi ja tulemusi. Projekti tarkvaraarendusprotsessi aluseks on Rational Unified Process (RUP). Projekti raames valminud skeemid jĂ€rgivad unifitseeritud modelleerimiskeele (UML) pĂ”himĂ”tteid. Nii talitluse kui ka sĂŒsteemi kĂ€itumise kirjeldamiseks on kasutatud kasutusmallimudeleid. Valminud kasutusmallimudelid on sisendiks arendusprotsessi jĂ€rgnevatele tĂ¶Ă¶ĂŒlesannetele.NĂ”uete spetsifitseerimise muutis keeruliseks tĂ”siasi, et UXP Portalit arendatakse ettevĂ”tte oma tootena ehk puudub konkreetne klient, kellega koostöös nĂ”udeid vĂ€lja selgitada. Sellest hoolimata vĂ”ib vĂ€lise interaktsioonidisaineriga toimunud koostöö pĂ”hjal hinnata, et funktsionaalsete nĂ”uete spetsifikatsioon oli piisava detailsusastmega koostöö alustamiseks.Cybernetica has developed the Unified eXchange Platform (UXP) — an interoperability platform designed to serve as a secure and reliable data exchange infrastructure.UXP Portal is a component that serves as a universal client applicationfor accessing services over UXP infrastructure. Experience with the initial version of UXP Portal led to the development of version 2.0.This Thesis describes the process and the outputs of business process modelingand functional requirements specification for the development of UXP Portal 2.0.The development process is based on the Rational Unified Process (RUP). Themodels were created using Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation. Use-Case Models were developed for both the business and system level domains. The Use- Case Models will serve as an input for the implementation tasks.The requirements specification process was complicated by the fact that UXPPortal is developed as a product that has no direct customer to elicit requirements from. However, the requirements specification described in this Thesis proved to be sufficient for designing a user interface prototype in cooperation with an external interaction designer

    Modelling Smart Card Security Protocols in SystemC TLM

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    Smart cards are an example of advanced chip technology. They allow information transfer between the card holder and the system over secure networks, but they contain sensitive data related to both the card holder and the system, that has to be kept private and confidential. The objective of this work is to create an executable model of a smart card system, including the security protocols and transactions, and to examine the strengths and determine the weaknesses by running tests on the model. The security objectives have to be considered during the early stages of systems development and design, an executable model will give the designer the advantage of exploring the vulnerabilities early, and therefore enhancing the system security. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0 is used to model the smart card security protocol. The executable model is programmed in SystemC with the Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) extensions. The final model was used to examine the effectiveness of a number of authentication mechanisms with different probabilities of failure. In addition, a number of probable attacks on the current security protocol were modeled to examine the vulnerabilities. The executable model shows that the smart card system security protocols and transactions need further improvement to withstand different types of security attacks

    On Using SysML, DoDAF 2.0 and UPDM to Model the Architecture for the NOAA's Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Ground System (GS)

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    The JPSS Ground System is a lIexible system of systems responsible for telemetry, tracking & command (TT &C), data acquisition, routing and data processing services for a varied lIeet of satellites to support weather prediction, modeling and climate modeling. To assist in this engineering effort, architecture modeling tools are being employed to translate the former NPOESS baseline to the new JPSS baseline, The paper will focus on the methodology for the system engineering process and the use of these architecture modeling tools within that process, The Department of Defense Architecture Framework version 2,0 (DoDAF 2.0) viewpoints and views that are being used to describe the JPSS GS architecture are discussed. The Unified Profile for DoOAF and MODAF (UPDM) and Systems Modeling Language (SysML), as ' provided by extensions to the MagicDraw UML modeling tool, are used to develop the diagrams and tables that make up the architecture model. The model development process and structure are discussed, examples are shown, and details of handling the complexities of a large System of Systems (SoS), such as the JPSS GS, with an equally complex modeling tool, are describe

    UML 2.0 interactions with OCL/RT constraints

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    The use of formal methods at early stages of software development contributes to the reliability and robustness of the system to be constructed. Int his context, real-time system development benefits from the construction of behavioral models in order to verify the correct satisfaction of time constraints. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a software specification language widely used by the industry and the academia. Nevertheless, its version 2.0 lacks a formal semantics for the development of provably-correct models. In addition, its constraint specification language, Object Constraint Language (OCL), has limitations for its use in behavioral models of real-time systems. This work concerns the inter-component behavioral specification of real-time systems. Such behavior is described using the UML 2.0 Interactions language extended for the inclusion of time constraints using the OCL for Real Time (OCL/RT) language. The main problem addressed in this work is the definition of a formal semantics for the fusion of both languages. The semantics allows recognizing valid and invalid behaviors of a system with time constraints. Intended for formal verification, an analysis of the properties derived from the semantics is also done. In particular, the notions of refinement of interactions and refinement of constraints are explored. Finally, the proposal is compared with related works and its practical application is studied in order to analyze its benefits and weaknesses. This work contributes to the formalization of concepts widely used in practice and, inconsequence, to its inclusion in modeling and formal reasoning tools. More-over, the expressivity of the UML 2.0 Interactions language is augmented in order to support complex real-time constraints, not expressable until this moment

    Penerapan RESTful API untuk Membangun Program Pembayaran Piutang Menggunakan Otentikasi OAuth 2.0

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    Retail business competition which is increasingly fast requires businesses to have a product sales strategy that is able to compete. Amigo Group convert this strategy by providing account receivable services for customers. The study " Penerapan RESTful API untuk Membangun Program Pembayaran Piutang Menggunakan Otentikasi OAuth 2.0", focused on how to use RESTful to provide the transaction API for accounts receivable payments, and the use of OAuth 2.0 as an authentication method, as well as load testing of API. The system design has been done with UML modeling language in the form of activity diagrams and sequence diagrams. Programming was done using the Laravel framework and MySQL database. Load testing was performed using the Locust application. These designs produced Back End functions that can be used on web and mobile platforms. As a result of load testing, the use of the OAuth 2.0 method is more advantageous than using Basic Auth. This is shown by the response time and request per second which is more stable in the use of OAuth 2.0.Persaingan bisnis ritel yang semakin pesat mengharuskan pelaku usaha untuk memiliki strategi penjualan produk yang mampu bersaing. Amigo Group menerjemahkan strategi tersebut dengan menyediakan layanan bon untuk pelanggan. Penelitian “Penerapan RESTful API untuk Membangun Program Pembayaran Piutang Menggunakan Otentikasi OAuth 2.0”, memiliki rumusan masalah baga imana pemanfaatan RESTful untuk menyediakan kebutuhan Back End transaksi pembayaran piutang, dan penggunaan OAuth 2.0 sebagai metode otentikasi, serta pengujian terhadap beban yang mampu dijalankan. Perancangan sistem dilakukan dengan Bahasa pemodelan UML (Unified Modeling Language) berupa activity diagram dan sequence diagram. Pemrograman dilakukan menggunakan framework Laravel dan basis data MySQL. Pengujian beban dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Locust. Hasil perancangan tersebut menghasilkan fungsi-fungsi Back End yang dapat digunakan pada platform web dan mobile. Adapun hasil dari pengujian beban, menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode otentikasi OAuth 2.0 lebih menguntungkan dibanding penggunaan Basic Auth. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh response time dan request per detik yang lebih stabil pada penggunan OAuth 2.0. &nbsp
