909 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Bio-inspired Underwater Electrosense

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    Underwater electrosense, manipulating underwater electric field for sensing purpose, is a growing technology bio-inspired by weakly electric fish that can navigate in dark or cluttered water. We studied its theoretical foundations and developed sophisticated sensing algorithms including some first-introduced techniques such as discrete dipole approximation (DDA) and convolutional neural networks (CNN), which were tested and validated by simulation and a planar sensor prototype. This work pave a solid way to applications on practical underwater robots

    Assessing the Viability of Complex Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) with a Spatially Distributed Sensor Array for Imaging of River Bed Morphology: a Proof of Concept (Study)

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    This report was produced as part of a NERC funded ‘Connect A’ project to establish a new collaborative partnership between the University of Worcester (UW) and Q-par Angus Ltd. The project aim was to assess the potential of using complex Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) to image river bed morphology. An assessment of the viability of sensors inserted vertically into the channel margins to provide real-time or near real-time monitoring of bed morphology is reported. Funding has enabled UW to carry out a literature review of the use of EIT and existing methods used for river bed surveys, and outline the requirements of potential end-users. Q-par Angus has led technical developments and assessed the viability of EIT for this purpose. EIT is one of a suite of tomographic imaging techniques and has already been used as an imaging tool for medical analysis, industrial processing and geophysical site survey work. The method uses electrodes placed on the margins or boundary of the entity being imaged, and a current is applied to some and measured on the remaining ones. Tomographic reconstruction uses algorithms to estimate the distribution of conductivity within the object and produce an image of this distribution from impedance measurements. The advantages of the use of EIT lie with the inherent simplicity, low cost and portability of the hardware, the high speed of data acquisition for real-time or near real-time monitoring, robust sensors, and the object being monitored is done so in a non-invasive manner. The need for sophisticated image reconstruction algorithms, and providing images with adequate spatial resolution are key challenges. A literature review of the use of EIT suggests that to date, despite its many other applications, to the best of our knowledge only one study has utilised EIT for river survey work (Sambuelli et al 2002). The Sambuelli (2002) study supported the notion that EIT may provide an innovative way of describing river bed morphology in a cost effective way. However this study used an invasive sensor array, and therefore the potential for using EIT in a non-invasive way in a river environment is still to be tested. A review of existing methods to monitor river bed morphology indicates that a plethora of techniques have been applied by a range of disciplines including fluvial geomorphology, ecology and engineering. However, none provide non-invasive, low costs assessments in real-time or near real-time. Therefore, EIT has the potential to meet the requirements of end users that no existing technique can accomplish. Work led by Q-par Angus Ltd. has assessed the technical requirements of the proposed approach, including probe design and deployment, sensor array parameters, data acquisition, image reconstruction and test procedure. Consequently, the success of this collaboration, literature review, identification of the proposed approach and potential applications of this technique have encouraged the authors to seek further funding to test, develop and market this approach through the development of a new environmental sensor

    Imaging beneath standing bodies of water in karst terrain

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    Side scan sonar and down scan sonar, sub bottom profiling, electrical resistivity tomography profiling (underwater cables), and continuous resistivity profiling (towed cable) surveys were conducted to characterize the lake sediments (rock and soil) beneath the man-made Little Prairie Lake, in central Missouri. Sub bottom profiling and electrical resistivity (with marine cables and towed cable) were used to determine variability in the lithology and thickness of sediments (soil and rock) beneath the lake, while side scan sonar was used to map the variations in the lithology/nature of exposed lakebed sediments and to locate the potential hazard of trees. Down scan sonar and sub bottom profiling were utilized to measure the water depth. On land, electrical resistivity tomography was used with multi-channel analysis of surface wave method to determine sediments, joints, and the depth of bedrock. Analyses of the acquired data revealed the location and orientation of the original stream channels (prior to the construction of the earth fill dam). The side scan sonar mapped the variations in the biomass at the bottom of the lake. Underwater electrical resistivity tomography and continuous resistivity profiling determined joints, sediments, and bedrock underneath water bodies. Using integrated marine geophysical tools help to evaluate the sub surface prior to any construction project (dam or bridge), are useful in determining the characteristics of lithology (fractured rock, intact rock and soil), and make it possible to map benthic habitat and the submerged potential hazards of trees on the lakebed as well as accurately measuring water depth --Abstract, page iii

    The NASA SBIR product catalog

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    The purpose of this catalog is to assist small business firms in making the community aware of products emerging from their efforts in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. It contains descriptions of some products that have advanced into Phase 3 and others that are identified as prospective products. Both lists of products in this catalog are based on information supplied by NASA SBIR contractors in responding to an invitation to be represented in this document. Generally, all products suggested by the small firms were included in order to meet the goals of information exchange for SBIR results. Of the 444 SBIR contractors NASA queried, 137 provided information on 219 products. The catalog presents the product information in the technology areas listed in the table of contents. Within each area, the products are listed in alphabetical order by product name and are given identifying numbers. Also included is an alphabetical listing of the companies that have products described. This listing cross-references the product list and provides information on the business activity of each firm. In addition, there are three indexes: one a list of firms by states, one that lists the products according to NASA Centers that managed the SBIR projects, and one that lists the products by the relevant Technical Topics utilized in NASA's annual program solicitation under which each SBIR project was selected

    Micromachined Scanning Devices for 3D Acoustic Imaging

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    Acoustic imaging (including ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging) refers to a class of imaging methods that use high-frequency sound (ultrasound) waves to generate contrast images for the interrogated media. It provides 3D spatial distribution of structural, mechanical, and even compositional properties in different materials. To conduct 3D ultrasound imaging, 2D ultrasound transducer arrays followed by multi-channel high-frequency data acquisition (DAQ) systems are frequently used. However, as the quantity and density of the transducer elements and also the DAQ channels increase, the acoustic imaging system becomes complex, bulky, expensive, and also power consuming. This situation is especially true for 3D imaging systems, where a 2D transducer array with hundreds or even thousands of elements could be involved. To address this issue, the objective of this research is to achieve new micromachined scanning devices to enable fast and versatile 2D ultrasound signal acquisition for 3D image reconstruction without involving complex physical transducer arrays and DAQ electronics. The new micromachined scanning devices studied in this research include 1) a water-immersible scanning mirror microsystem, 2) a micromechanical scanning transducer, and 3) a multi-layer linear transducer array. Especially, the water-immersible scanning mirror microsystem is capable of scanning focused ultrasound beam (from a single-element transducer) in two dimensions for 3D high-resolution acoustic microscopy. The micromechanical scanning transducer is capable of sending and receiving ultrasound signal from a single-element transducer to a 2D array of locations for 3D acoustic tomography. The multi-layer linear transducer array allows a unique electronic scanning scheme to simulate the functioning of a much larger 2D transducer array for 3D acoustic tomography. The design, fabrication and testing of the above three devices have been successfully accomplished and their applications in 3D acoustic microscopy and tomography have been demonstrated

    Micromachined Scanning Devices for 3D Acoustic Imaging

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    Acoustic imaging (including ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging) refers to a class of imaging methods that use high-frequency sound (ultrasound) waves to generate contrast images for the interrogated media. It provides 3D spatial distribution of structural, mechanical, and even compositional properties in different materials. To conduct 3D ultrasound imaging, 2D ultrasound transducer arrays followed by multi-channel high-frequency data acquisition (DAQ) systems are frequently used. However, as the quantity and density of the transducer elements and also the DAQ channels increase, the acoustic imaging system becomes complex, bulky, expensive, and also power consuming. This situation is especially true for 3D imaging systems, where a 2D transducer array with hundreds or even thousands of elements could be involved. To address this issue, the objective of this research is to achieve new micromachined scanning devices to enable fast and versatile 2D ultrasound signal acquisition for 3D image reconstruction without involving complex physical transducer arrays and DAQ electronics. The new micromachined scanning devices studied in this research include 1) a water-immersible scanning mirror microsystem, 2) a micromechanical scanning transducer, and 3) a multi-layer linear transducer array. Especially, the water-immersible scanning mirror microsystem is capable of scanning focused ultrasound beam (from a single-element transducer) in two dimensions for 3D high-resolution acoustic microscopy. The micromechanical scanning transducer is capable of sending and receiving ultrasound signal from a single-element transducer to a 2D array of locations for 3D acoustic tomography. The multi-layer linear transducer array allows a unique electronic scanning scheme to simulate the functioning of a much larger 2D transducer array for 3D acoustic tomography. The design, fabrication and testing of the above three devices have been successfully accomplished and their applications in 3D acoustic microscopy and tomography have been demonstrated

    Non-linear difference imaging approach to electrical impedance tomography

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    Hybrid Model Predictive Control for Modified Modular Multilevel Switch-Mode Power Amplifier

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