21 research outputs found

    Desain Model E-business Aplikasi Mobile (Studi Kasus: E-makanan Padat Pendamping Asi)

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    Jumlah pengguna internet dari perangkat mobile semakin bertambah. Saat ini android meraup angka lebih dari satu milyar user yang telah mengaktivasi ponsel berbasis android. Dari tingginya angka user tersebut potensi bisnis berasal dari aplikasi-aplikasi yang terdapat di pasar virtual android yang disebut Google Playstore. Pada penelitian ini akan dijabarkan langkah sistematis merancang model e-business dari mobile application dengan studi kasus pengembangan aplikasi e-MPASI atau Makanan Padat Pendamping ASI secara komprehensif sehingga dapat membantu developer untuk mengembangkan layanan berbasis elektronik (e-business). Framework ini juga dilengkapi penggambaran alur model e-business dengan memulai pengidentifikasian aktor-aktor yang bermain dalam e-business, value yang ingin dicapai, bagaimana merealisasikan value tersebut, dan analisis finansial dari masing-masing aktor

    Understanding Android App Piggybacking

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    The Android packaging model offers adequate opportunities for attackers to inject malicious code into popular benign apps, attempting to develop new malicious apps that can then be easily spread to a large user base. Despite the fact that the literature has already presented a number of tools to detect piggybacked apps, there is still lacking a comprehensive investigation on the piggybacking processes. To fill this gap, in this work, we collect a large set of benign/piggybacked app pairs that can be taken as benchmark apps for further investigation. We manually look into these benchmark pairs for understanding the characteristics of piggybacking apps and eventually we report 20 interesting findings. We expect these findings to initiate new research directions such as practical and scalable piggybacked app detection, explainable malware detection, and malicious code location

    SimiDroid: Identifying and Explaining Similarities in Android Apps

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    App updates and repackaging are recurrent in the Android ecosystem, filling markets with similar apps that must be identified and analysed to accelerate user adoption, improve development efforts, and prevent malware spreading. Despite the existence of several approaches to improve the scalability of detecting repackaged/cloned apps, researchers and practitioners are eventually faced with the need for a comprehensive pairwise comparison to understand and validate the similarities among apps. This paper describes the design of SimiDroid, a framework for multi-level comparison of Android apps. SimiDroid is built with the aim to support the understanding of similarities/changes among app versions and among repackaged apps. In particular, we demonstrate the need and usefulness of such a framework based on different case studies implementing different analysing scenarios for revealing various insights on how repackaged apps are built. We further show that the similarity comparison plugins implemented in SimiDroid yield more accurate results than the state-of-the-art

    Appgazdaság : a mobilapplikációs ökoszisztéma vizsgálata = App economy : exploring the mobile app ecosystem

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    A mobilapplikációs piac a 2008-ban történt megszületése óta folyamatosan fejlődik. A tanulmány a mobilapplikációs ökoszisztéma mikroökonómiai tényezőinek vizsgálatára fókuszál a nemzetközi kutatási eredményeken keresztül, ami a magyar szakirodalomban hiánypótlónak tekinthető. Áttekintést ad az appgazdaság szereplőiről (felhasználók, fejlesztők és alkalmazás-áruházak) és a köztük kialakult viszonyrendszerről. Azonosítja az ökoszisztémában előállított javak jellemzőit és sikertényezőit. A mobilalkalmazások az elérendő gazdasági-társadalmi haszontól függően több szempont alapján (technológiai, motivációs, felhasználás célja, üzleti modell) csoportosíthatók. A piac jellemzően rugalmas és reszponzív a gyorsan kialakuló és hirtelen változó trendekre. E jellemzője miatt könnyebb belépni a piacra, mint ott eredményesen versenyben maradni. A tanulmány kiemeli az appgazdaságban rejlő potenciált, és rámutat arra, hogy más, nagyobb üzleti ágazatok számára miért jövedelmező az applikációfejlesztésbe való befektetés. = The mobile app market has been evolving since its birth in 2008. This study focuses on the microeconomic factors of the mobile app ecosystem through international research results. The paper can be considered a gap-filling study in the Hungarian literature. It provides an overview of the players in the app economy (users, developers, and app stores) and the relationships between them. It identifies the characteristics and success factors of the goods produced in the ecosystem. Mobile applications can be grouped according to several aspects (technological, motivational, purpose of use, business model) depending on the socio-economic benefits to be achieved. The market is typically flexible and responsive to rapidly emerging and abruptly changing trends. This characteristic makes it easier to enter the market than to compete effectively. The study highlights the potential of the app economy and shows why other, larger business sectors find it profitable to invest in app development

    Agile Beeswax: Mobile App Development Process and Empirical Study in Real Environment

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    Mobile application development is a highly competitive environment; agile methodologies can enable teams to provide value faster, with higher quality and predictability, and a better attitude to deal with the continuous changes that will arise in the mobile context application (App), and the positive impact of that on sustainable development through continuous progress. App development is different from other types of software. For this reason, our objective is to present a new agilebased methodology for app development that we call Agile Beeswax. Agile Beeswax is conceived after identifying the mobile development process’s issues and challenges, and unique requirements. Agile Beeswax is an incremental, iterative development process composed of two main iterative loops (sprints), the incremental design loop and the incremental development loop, and one bridge connecting these two sprints. Agile Beeswax is structured in six phases, idea and strategy, user experience design, user interface design, design to development, handoff and technical decisions, development, and deployment and monitoring. One of its main strengths is that it has been created with academic and business perspectives to bring these two communities closer. To achieve this purpose, our research methodology comprises four main phases: Phase 1: Extensive literature review of mobile development methodologies, Phase 2: Interviews with mobile application developers working in small to medium software companies, Phase 3: Survey to extract valuable knowledge about mobile development (which was carefully designed based on the results of the first and the second phases), and Phase 4: Proposal of a new methodology for the agile development of mobile applications. With the aim of integrating both perspectives, the survey was answered by a sample of 35 experts, including academics and developers. Interesting results have been collected and discussed in this paper (on issues such as the development process, the tools used during this process, and the general issues and challenges they encountered), laying the foundations of the methodology Agile Beeswax proposed to develop mobile apps. Our results and the proposed methodology are intended to serve as support for mobile application developers.Spanish Government European Commission RTI2018-096986-B-C3

    The Impact of API Change- and Fault-Proneness on the User Ratings of Android Apps

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    The mobile apps market is one of the fastest growing areas in the information technology. In digging their market share, developers must pay attention to building robust and reliable apps. In fact, users easily get frustrated by repeated failures, crashes, and other bugs; hence, they abandon some apps in favor of their competition. In this paper we investigate how the fault-and change-proneness of APIs used by Android apps relates to their success estimated as the average rating provided by the users to those apps. First, in a study conducted on 5,848 (free) apps, we analyzed how the ratings that an app had received correlated with the fault-and change-proneness of the APIs such app relied upon. After that, we surveyed 45 professional Android developers to assess (i) to what extent developers experienced problems when using APIs, and (ii) how much they felt these problems could be the cause for unfavorable user ratings. The results of our studies indicate that apps having high user ratings use APIs that are less fault-and change-prone than the APIs used by low rated apps. Also, most of the interviewed Android developers observed, in their development experience, a direct relationship between problems experienced with the adopted APIs and the users\u27 ratings that their apps received