13 research outputs found

    Implications of Managing Health related Records and Relevant Information Systems within Intergovernmental Agencies

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    The implications of intergovernmental agencies may forever change the way in which governments provide common services within a federated Australia. As governments seek to reduce duplication and inconsistencies across state and territory borders, intergovernmental agencies are faced with the challenge of managing health related records under differing laws and with lack of clarity on ownership of each record. As records and cost of records increases within these entities we examine if an intergovernmental agencies can ever dispose of a record or does the legal frameworks for these agencies mean that the information systems need to evolve to support these new and emerging entities? This paper will examine the introduction of intergovernmental agencies and the challenges of managing health related records and relevant information systems within these agencies, to explorer how recent legal precedents or the concept of information citizenship may provide guidance on how to manage transient records and cloud services, while also mitigating the impacts of data sovereignty

    Gestão do processo de mudança nas organizações de saúde: revisão narrativa da literatura

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    Este artigo é um estudo de revisão narrativa acerca da gestão do processo de mudança nas organizações de saúde em contexto atual. As organizações de saúde são ambientes complexos, não estanques e em constante mudança. Com os rápidos avanços técnico-científicos e o processo de globalização é imprescindível que estas organizações adotem uma gestão de mudança, de modo que a organização se mantenha atualizada e consiga encontrar respostas para as suas necessidades quotidianas. Tendo como objetivo contribuir para um melhor conhecimento acerca do processo de mudança organizacional e identificar a forma como as mudanças organizacionais são percecionadas, foi definida a seguinte questão de partida: Quais os fatores que interferem no processo de mudança nas organizações de saúde? Para encontrar resposta para a questão foram efetuadas pesquisas de artigos nas bases de dados Business Source Complete e American Psychology Association PsycInfo, utilizando os descritores “organizacional change management” e “healthcare”, sendo identificados 195 artigos dos quais, após seleção e verificação de elegibilidade, foram incluídos 8 artigos relevantes e atuais na presente revisão narrativa. A análise dos artigos incluídos reforça a ideia que a resistência à mudança é um dos principais fatores para o fracasso. Pudemos concluir que um dos principais fatores de resistência à mudança é a falta de confiança entre os colaboradores e os seus superiores hierárquicos; o fracasso da gestão do processo de mudança prende-se com o facto do gestor não ter em consideração as opiniões, renitência e anseios dos seus colaboradores face a essa mesma mudança; a formação contínua, o desenvolvimento profissional e a comunicação influenciam a eficácia e desempenho dos profissionais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategies for Applying Electronic Health Records to Achieve Cost Saving Benefits

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    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 authorized the distribution of about 30billionincentivefundstoaccelerateelectronichealthrecord(EHR)applicationstoimprovethequalityofcare,safety,privacy,carecoordination,andpatients2˘7involvementinhealthcare.EHRusehasthepotentialofsaving30 billion incentive funds to accelerate electronic health record (EHR) applications to improve the quality of care, safety, privacy, care coordination, and patients\u27 involvement in healthcare. EHR use has the potential of saving 731 in costs for hospitals per patient admission; however, most hospitals are not applying EHR to reach the level at which cost savings are possible. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that IT leaders in hospitals can use to apply EHR to achieve the cost saving benefits. The participants were IT leaders and EHR super users at a large hospital in Texas with successful experience in applying EHR. Information systems success model formed the conceptual framework for the study. I conducted face-to-face interviews and analyzed organizational documents. I used qualitative textual data analysis method to identify themes. Five themes emerged from this study, which are ensuring information quality, ensuring system quality, assuring service quality, promoting usability, and maximizing net benefits of the EHR system. The findings of this study included four strategies to apply EHR; these strategies include engaging training staff, documenting accurately and in a timely manner, protecting patient data, and enforcing organizational best practice policies to maximize reimbursement and cost savings. The findings of this study could contribute to positive social change for the communities because EHR successful application includes lower cost for hospitals that may lead to the provision of affordable care to more low-income patients

    User Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Public Sector

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    The importance of aligning information technology and business strategies to exploit capabilities and change business practices has increased as firms strive for competitive advantage in a diverse and changing marketplace. Nevertheless, over 50% of firms implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems ranked expected process and value enhancements as inadequate, whereas only 13% indicated that implementations met their needs. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model formed the conceptual framework of this single case study. The study comprised a purposeful sampling of 8 business managers in Southeast Alabama working in related job roles and based on established eligibility criteria. Data collection involved semistructured interviews, casual observations, and document analysis. Through method triangulation and predetermined themes directly related to the UTAUT conceptual framework, 5 themes emerged: management endorsement, change management, training and education, dedicated resources, and governance. Results of this research may influence the elimination of key barriers central in the deployment and adoption of ERP systems by the public sector. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include the potential to enhance social and intellectual capital formation through recognizing strategies that mitigate employees\u27 gender and age variances during an ERP implementation

    Critical Success Factors in Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation in U.S. Manufacturing

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    Organizational leaders have increasingly turned to enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, also known as decision-support systems, to make their firms\u27 operational, tactical, and strategic processes more efficient and effective in the changing global marketplace. High failure rates in ERP systems implementations make these projects risky, however. Most prior research on critical success factors for conventional ERP implementation has been on large enterprises, resulting in a gap in knowledge on these factors in the small and medium enterprises that constitute the majority of U.S. employer firms. A qualitative modified Delphi study with an expert panel of U.S. manufacturing consultants and 3 iterative rounds of data collection and analysis revealed consensus on 8 critical success factors in ERP implementations, with the highest agreement on top management support and commitment, enterprise resource planning fit with the organization, quality management, and a small internal team of the best employees. In addition to furthering knowledge in the fields of leadership and enterprise applications, the study expands enterprise resource planning experts\u27 and scholars\u27 understanding of strategies to improve project success and the triple bottom line for any size enterprise in the manufacturing industry. Practitioners in the ERP industry can also apply approaches outlined during ERP implementations to mitigate risk during these engagements. Implications for positive social change include additional job opportunities and higher wages through increased efficiencies in ERP applications

    Connecting Healthcare – Leveraging Technology to Promote Value-Based Care in the Emergency Department

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    The emergency department is a fast-paced and complex environment that serves hundreds of thousands of people a day across the state of Georgia. The establishment of a culture of value-based care in the emergency department is attainable but often falls short when the staff cannot properly leverage the technology available to them. Framed by the Complex Adaptive Theory and The Input/Throughput/Output Model of ED Patient Flow, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how emergency department leaders and staff could better leverage technology to develop and sustain a culture of value-based care. The 30 participants in this study were members of the executive suite, as well as members of the emergency department staff in Georgia. The data were collected through online surveys consisting of open-ended questions. Thematic analysis of the data yielded 5 key themes, including (1) training, (2) time, (3) access to information, (4) troubleshooting, and (5) vendor selection. A key recommendation from this study includes researching the effectiveness of post-implementation health information technology in the emergency department, as it relates to sustaining a culture of value-based care

    Kollektiv endringsledelse av prosesser i en kompleks organisasjon En kvalitativ casestudie av et omstillingsprosjekt i Norges største regionale helseforetak

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    Formålet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å avdekke lederes innflytelse på gjennomføringen av digitale transformasjoner, i lys av endringsteori. Kontinuerlige samfunnsendringer krever at organisasjoner omstiller seg for å opprettholde konkurranseevnen. Den teknologiske fremgangen har utfordret tradisjonelle endringsmodeller og introdusert mer fleksible tilnærminger for å møte endringene. Imidlertid viser forskning at den digitale transformasjonen ikke bare handler om teknologiimplementeringer, men påvirker også organisasjonskultur og det menneskelige aspektet ved omstillingen (Matt, Hess & Benlian, 2015). Det menneskelige aspektet ved digital transformasjon gjør prosessen kompleks og stiller høye krav til ledere som en sentral drivkraft i organisasjonsutviklingen. Digital transformasjon har dermed blitt et fenomen med behov for perspektiver fra ulike kontekster for å oppnå en bredere forståelse (Türk, 2023). Samtidig har den norske regjeringen uttrykt et ønske om å utnytte teknologier for å forenkle samarbeid på tvers av sektorer. Grunnet et ønske om å undersøke det komplekse ved implementeringen av digital teknologi har vi gjennomført en kvalitativ casestudie av Norges største helseforetak, hvor vi har forsøkt å besvare følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan ledere av et omstillingsprosjekt påvirke gjennomføringen av digitale transformasjoner i et helseforetak? Vi har sett ulike aspekter for å lykkes med digital transformasjon gjennom å utforske en kompleks organisasjon, som Helse Sør-Øst RHF. Studiets funn indikerer at endringsledelse i en profesjonsorganisasjon har innslag av både klassiske og moderne, fleksible endringsteorier. Tradisjonelle makthierarkier var av stor betydning blant de ansatte. Imidlertid fant vi ut at enhver implementering var unik. Ved å inkludere ansatte i prosessen evner ledere å skape en fleksibel og justerbar tilnærming til omstillingen. Våre funn indikerer at det fortsatt er behov for de klassiske endringsteoriene, men at de klassiske endringsteoriene ikke er tilstrekkelige alene for å gjennomføre digital transformasjon på en vellykket måte. Det er også behov for de moderne endringsprosessene som bedre tilrettelegger for de agile prosessene i digital transformasjon. Dermed vil samspillet som oppstår mellom struktur og fleksibilitet, skape unike tilnærminger som kan styrke organisasjonen i å opprettholde konkurranseevnen.The purpose of this master’s thesis has been to uncover the influence of leaders on the execution of digital transformations in light of change theory. Continuous societal changes require organizations to adapt in order to maintain competitiveness. Technological advancements have challenged traditional change models and introduced more flexible approaches to address these changes. However, research shows that digital transformation is not only about technology implementation, but also affects organizational culture and the human aspect of the transformation (Matt, Hess & Benlian, 2015). The human aspect of digital transformation makes the process complex and places high demands on leaders as central driving force in organization development. Consequently, digital transformation has become a phenomenon that requires perspectives from different contexts to achieve a broader understanding (Türk, 2023). At the same time, the Norwegian government has expressed a desire to leverage technologies to simplify collaboration across sectors. Due to a desire to investigate the complexity of implementing digital technology we conducted a qualitative case study of Norway's largest healthcare organization, aiming to answer the following research question: How can leaders of an organizational transformation project influence the execution of digital transformations in a healthcare organization? We have substantiated various aspects to succeed in digital transformation by exploring a complex organization, such as the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst RHF). The findings of the study indicate that change management in a professional organization incorporates elements of both classical and modern, flexible change theories. Traditional power hierarchies were significant among employees. However, we found that each implementation was unique. By involving employees in the process, leaders can create a flexible and adaptable approach for the transformation. Our findings suggest that there is still a need for classical change theories, but they are not sufficient alone to successfully execute digital transformations. Modern change processes are also needed to better facilitate agile processes in digital transformation. Thus, the interplay between structure and flexibility will create unique approaches that can strengthen the organization in maintaining competitiveness

    Successful Strategies for Implementing Health Information Technology in Primary Care Practice

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    Health information technology (HIT) owner-practitioners who adopt effective strategies for HIT implementation can improve primary facility care delivery and profitability. However, some HIT owner-practitioners have ineffective implementation strategies, so they have not realized the total revenue increases of more than 8%. Grounded in general systems theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore successful strategies primary care practitioners (PCPs) use to implement HIT to improve primary facility care delivery and profitability. The participants included 6 owner-practitioners located in Queens County, NY, who successfully implemented HIT to improve facility care delivery and profitability. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews and a review of relevant practice documents. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, yielding 3 themes: HIT education and training, costs of transitioning to HIT, and focusing on expected benefits of successful HIT implementation. By providing information on effective HIT strategies, the findings from this study could impact social change because PCPs may rely on faster and more accurate health information data to offer better diagnoses and enhance treatments for patients

    Healthcare Leader Strategies for Leveraging Electronic Heath Records

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    AbstractHealthcare organizations may incur significant losses of productivity and profit because of the absence or incomplete implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). EHRs are important to healthcare leaders because they enhance communication between providers and patients, reduce unnecessary costs, and increase adherence to clinical guidelines. Grounded in the transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies that some successful healthcare leaders used to leverage EHRs in their organization to increase profit and productivity. The participants were nurse managers from four healthcare organizations that successfully implemented an EHR system in Georgia. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data from semistructured virtual interviews and public organizational documents. Four themes emerged: the importance of effective communication between EHRs, usability of software for EHRs, requiring accurate documentation, and additional training for the medical staff. The key recommendation of the study is to ensure that the medical office staff effectively communicate with other providers to provide smooth transitions of a patient’s care. Implications for social change include improving efficiencies through coordination of healthcare services, enhancing clinical decision making, and providing better healthcare at a lower cost to patients

    Knowledge, perceived skills and attitude of nurses regarding the use of electronic health records in selected primary health care facilities in the Western Cape

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    Magister Curationis - MCurThe implementation, adoption and the use of EHR globally has been proven a challenge, despite the numerous advantages that have been noted with the use of an electronic health recording system to improve health care services. Among some of the challenges that have been reported is lack of knowledge and staff attitudes towards this new technology. It has also been noted that the success or failure of an EHR system is dependent on nurses’ or individual user acceptance, as they are pivotal in the healthcare team; therefore, their attitude towards an EHR system is crucial