1,783 research outputs found

    A Survey of Current Datasets for Vision and Language Research

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    Integrating vision and language has long been a dream in work on artificial intelligence (AI). In the past two years, we have witnessed an explosion of work that brings together vision and language from images to videos and beyond. The available corpora have played a crucial role in advancing this area of research. In this paper, we propose a set of quality metrics for evaluating and analyzing the vision & language datasets and categorize them accordingly. Our analyses show that the most recent datasets have been using more complex language and more abstract concepts, however, there are different strengths and weaknesses in each.Comment: To appear in EMNLP 2015, short proceedings. Dataset analysis and discussion expanded, including an initial examination into reporting bias for one of them. F.F. and N.M. contributed equally to this wor

    Impact Factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?

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    A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between citing and cited documents, the deceptive display of three decimals that belies the real precision, and the absence of confidence intervals. These are minor issues that are easily amended and should be corrected, but more substantive improvements are needed. There are indications that the scientific community seeks and needs better certification of journal procedures to improve the quality of published science. Comprehensive certification of editorial and review procedures could help ensure adequate procedures to detect duplicate and fraudulent submissions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Multimodal segmentation of lifelog data

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    A personal lifelog of visual and audio information can be very helpful as a human memory augmentation tool. The SenseCam, a passive wearable camera, used in conjunction with an iRiver MP3 audio recorder, will capture over 20,000 images and 100 hours of audio per week. If used constantly, very soon this would build up to a substantial collection of personal data. To gain real value from this collection it is important to automatically segment the data into meaningful units or activities. This paper investigates the optimal combination of data sources to segment personal data into such activities. 5 data sources were logged and processed to segment a collection of personal data, namely: image processing on captured SenseCam images; audio processing on captured iRiver audio data; and processing of the temperature, white light level, and accelerometer sensors onboard the SenseCam device. The results indicate that a combination of the image, light and accelerometer sensor data segments our collection of personal data better than a combination of all 5 data sources. The accelerometer sensor is good for detecting when the user moves to a new location, while the image and light sensors are good for detecting changes in wearer activity within the same location, as well as detecting when the wearer socially interacts with others

    Effect of topography on subglacial discharge and submarine melting during tidewater glacier retreat.

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    -We explored secular variations in subglacial discharge and submarine melting with an idealized model -Subglacial discharge increases as tidewater glaciers retreat along retrograde beds -Submarine melting depends on subglacial discharge and therefore promotes unstable retreat on retrograde bedsTo first order, subglacial discharge depends on climate, which determines precipitation fluxes and glacier mass balance, and the rate of glacier volume change. For tidewater glaciers, large and rapid changes in glacier volume can occur independent of climate change due to strong glacier dynamic feedbacks. Using an idealized tidewater glacier model, we show that these feedbacks produce secular variations in subglacial discharge that are influenced by subglacial topography. Retreat along retrograde bed slopes (into deep water) results in rapid surface lowering and coincident increases in subglacial discharge. Consequently, submarine melting of glacier termini, which depends on subglacial discharge and ocean thermal forcing, also increases during retreat into deep water. Both subglacial discharge and submarine melting subsequently decrease as glacier termini retreat out of deep water and approach new steady state equilibria. In our simulations, subglacial discharge reached peaks that were 6–17% higher than preretreat values, with the highest values occurring during retreat from narrow sills, and submarine melting increased by 14% for unstratified fjords and 51% for highly stratified fjords. Our results therefore indicate that submarine melting acts in concert with iceberg calving to cause tidewater glacier termini to be unstable on retrograde beds. The full impact of submarine melting on tidewater glacier stability remains uncertain, however, due to poor understanding of the coupling between submarine melting and iceberg calving.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NA13OAR4310098) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (PLR-1504288 and PLR-1504521).Ye

    Systematic review of transition models for young people with long-term conditions: A report for NHS Diabetes.

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    Aims For many young people with Type 1 diabetes, transition from paediatric to adult care can result in a marked deterioration in glycaemic control. A systematic review assessed the effectiveness of transition models, or components of models, for managing the transition process in young people with long-term conditions, including Type 1 diabetes. This involved identifying (i) the main barriers and facilitators in implementing a successful transition programme, and (ii) the key issues for young people with long-term conditions and professionals involved in the transition process. Methods The following databases were searched from inception to August 2012: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL, ASSIA, Social Services Abstracts, Academic Search Complete, Social Science Citation Index, Cochrane and Campbell Libraries. Selected studies included young people aged 11 to 25 diagnosed with long-term conditions who were in transition from paediatric to adult secondary health care services. Results 16 systematic reviews and 13 primary studies were included from 9992 records retrieved. No single transition model was uniquely effective. The most successful transitions centred around: young person-focused; age and developmentally appropriate content and delivery; self-management education; family participation; paediatric and adult collaboration; designated transition clinics; transition co-ordinator; young person’s portfolio; specific professionals training; multidisciplinary approach; structured process embedded in service delivery. There were no distinctive characteristics of condition-specific Type 1 diabetes services. Conclusion This important and timely review summarises the key factors that need to be considered for the development of transition programmes for young people with long-term conditions, including those with Type 1 diabetes

    Peer Reviewing Interdisciplinary Papers

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    Interdisciplinary research is becoming more frequent because many contemporary issues can only be successfully addressed by integrating different perspectives. One general feature of the various scientific fields is peer review, i.e. the assessment and improvement of submissions to journals, conferences and workshops. Whilst there exist guidelines for the peer review of mono-disciplinary articles and empirical studies of how interdisciplinary research proposals are assessed, there is still a need for a summary of issues specific to the peer review of interdisciplinary research papers. This article provides an overview of relevant questions such as whether reviewers are competent to assess interdisciplinary papers even if unfamiliar with all the involved fields. We discuss the assessment of the interdisciplinarity, soundness, novelty, influence and general interest of interdisciplinary manuscripts. Further issues include the appropriateness of interdisciplinary submissions for journals, keeping the vocabulary of new interdisciplinary fields understandable to the reader and balancing the references across various fields. Constructive interdisciplinary reviewers are likely to be just as open-minded as interdisciplinary scientists and should be rewarded more than they currently ar

    La evolución del paisaje y la agencia humana: estudios arqueológicos de tierras áridas en en Sudamérica occidental y Australia

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    Los paisajes representan un punto dinámico de articulación entre los seres humanos y el ambiente físico. Mientras que a veces se presentan como opuestos, los grupos humanos son participantes activos en el ambiente y frecuentemente cumplen un papel muy importante en su transformación a través del tiempo. En este artículo se usan estudios arqueológicos del oeste de Sudamérica y de Australia para ilustrar la importancia de investigar interacciones, a largo plazo, entre los grupos humanos y el medio ambiente. Estas investigaciones pueden ofrecer una mayor profundidad en el conocimiento histórico al cambio ambiental y asimismo precisar el rol que han jugado los grupos humanos en modificar trayectorias particulares en la evolución del paisaje y de biodiversidad de las especies. Los grupos humanos constituyen un elemento crítico en el cambio ambiental y, en conjunto, nuestros resultados tienen fuertes implicancias para temas relacionados con sostenibilidad y la gestión efectiva de los recursos desérticos de nuestro planeta.Landscapes represent a dynamic point of articulation between humans and the environment. While often dichotomized, humans are active participants in the environment and often play a pivotal role in its transformation over time. In this paper, we use case studies from western South America and Australia to illustrate the importance of studying long-term dynamics between humans and the environment. Such investigations can bring significant historical depth to environmental change and the role humans have played in altering courses of landscape evolution and species biodiversity. Humans comprise a critical element in environmental change, and collectively, our results hold strong implications for issues related to sustainability and effective management of our planet’s desert resources.Fil: Zaro, Gregory. University of Maine; Estados UnidosFil: Builth, Heather. Monash University; AustraliaFil: Rivera, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Geociencias y Medio Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Roldán, Jimena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Suvires, Graciela Mabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; Argentin

    Identifying and Profiling Radical Reviewer Collectives in Digital Product Reviews

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    Ecommerce sites are flooded with spam reviews and opinions. People are usually hired to impede or promote particular brands by writing extremely negative or positive reviews. It is usually performed in groups. Various studies have been conducted to identify and scan those spam groups. However, there is still a knowledge gap when it comes to detecting groups targeting a brand, instead of products only. In this study, we conducted a systematic review of recent studies related to detection of extremist reviewer groups. Most of the researchers have extracted these groups with a data mining approach over brand similarities so that users are clustered. This study is an attempt to detect spammers with various models tested by various reviewers. This study presents proven conceptual models and algorithms which have been presented in previous studies to compute the spamming level of extremist reviewers in ecommerce sites and online marketplace

    What's on your mind? Recent advances in memory detection using the concealed information test

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    Lie detectors can be applied in a wide variety of settings. But this advantage comes with a considerable cost: False positives. The applicability of the Concealed Information Test (CIT) is More limited, yet when it can be applied, the risk of false accusations can be set a priori at a very low level. The CIT assesses the recognition of; critical information that is known only by the examiners and the culprit, for example, the face a an accomplice. Large effects are Obtained with the CIT, whether combined with peripheral, brain, or Motor responses. We see three important challenges for the CIT. First, the false negative rate Of the CIT can be substantial, particularly under :realistic circumstantes. A possible solution Seems to restrict the CIT to highly Salient details. Second, there exist effective faking strategies. Future research will tell whether faking can be detected or even prevented (e.g., Using Overt measures). Third, recognition of critical crime detail's does not necessarily result from criminal activity. It is therefore important to properly embed the CIT in the investigative process, While taking care when drawing conclusions from the test outcome (recognition, not guilt)