11 research outputs found

    Verifying the Interplay of Authorization Policies and Workflow in Service-Oriented Architectures (Full version)

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    A widespread design approach in distributed applications based on the service-oriented paradigm, such as web-services, consists of clearly separating the enforcement of authorization policies and the workflow of the applications, so that the interplay between the policy level and the workflow level is abstracted away. While such an approach is attractive because it is quite simple and permits one to reason about crucial properties of the policies under consideration, it does not provide the right level of abstraction to specify and reason about the way the workflow may interfere with the policies, and vice versa. For example, the creation of a certificate as a side effect of a workflow operation may enable a policy rule to fire and grant access to a certain resource; without executing the operation, the policy rule should remain inactive. Similarly, policy queries may be used as guards for workflow transitions. In this paper, we present a two-level formal verification framework to overcome these problems and formally reason about the interplay of authorization policies and workflow in service-oriented architectures. This allows us to define and investigate some verification problems for SO applications and give sufficient conditions for their decidability.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, full version of paper at Symposium on Secure Computing (SecureCom09


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    Constraint Datalog holds an increasing role in Trust Management. We discuss several Trust Management systems and give a description of the environment and requirements for Trust Management. Constraint Datalog using addition constraints and approximation theory provides an expressive semantic with which to describe security policies for credentials, delegations and authorizations. Approximation theory allows halting in Constraint Datalog over addition constraints. We use the decision problem of Diophantine equations to show that Constraint Datalog over addition constraints is complete. Combining these two concepts provides an approximately complete, safe language. The problem of constant additions to closed languages provides reasons for using an approximately complete, safe language for Trust Management. Semantics for the Role-based Trust Management framework (RT) are given in Constraint Datalog over addition constraints including an alternate form of a threshold policy. Advisor: Peter Reves

    Distributed Approximation of Fixed-Points in Trust Structures

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    Recently, Carbone, Nielsen and Sassone introduced the trust-structure framework; a semantic model for trust-management in global-scale distributed systems. The framework is based on the notion of trust structures; a set of ``trust-levels'' ordered by two distinct partial orderings. In the model, a unique global trust-state is defined as the least fixed-point of a collection of local policies assigning trust-levels to the entities of the system. However, the framework is a purely denotational model: it gives precise meaning to the global trust-state of a system, but without specifying a way to compute this abstract mathematical object. This paper complements q the denotational model of trust structures with operational techniques. It is shown how the least fixed-point can be computed using a simple, totally-asynchronous distributed algorithm. Two efficient protocols for approximating the least fixed-point are provided, enabling sound reasoning about the global trust-state without computing the exact fixed-point. Finally, dynamic algorithms are presented for safe reuse of information between computations, in face of dynamic trust-policy updates

    Understanding SPKI/SDSI Using First-Order Logic

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    ... control policy, derived from SPKI and SDSI. We provide a first-order logic (FOL) semantics for SDSI, and show that it has several advantages over previous semantics. For example, the FOL semantics is easily extended to additional policy concepts and gives meaning to a larger class of access control and other policy analysis queries. We prove that the FOL semantics is equivalent to the string rewriting semantics used by SDSI designers, for all queries associated with the rewriting semantics. We also provide a FOL semantics for SPKI/SDSI and use it to analyze the design of SPKI/SDSI. This reveals some problems. For example, the standard proof procedure in RFC 2693 is semantically incomplete. In addition, as noted before by other authors, authorization tags in SPKI/SDSI are algorithmically problematic, making a complete proof procedure unlikely. We compare SPKI/SDSI with RT 1 , which is a language in the RT Role-based Trust-management framework that can be viewed as an extension of SDSI. The constraint feature of 1 , based on Constraint Datalog, provides an alternative mechanism that is expressively similar to SPKI/SDSI tags, semantically natural, and algorithmically tractable

    A Logic-Based Framework for Web Access Control Policies

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    With the widespread use of web services, there is a need for adequate security and privacy support to protect the sensitive information these services could provide. As a result, there has been a great interest in access control policy languages which accommodate large, open, distributed and heterogeneous environments like the Web. XACML has emerged as a popular access control language, but because of its rich expressiveness and informal semantics, it suffers from a) a lack of understanding of its formal properties, and b) a lack of automated, compile-time services that can detect errors in expressive, distributed and heterogeneous policies. In this dissertation, I present a logic-based framework for XACML that addresses the above issues. One component of the framework is a Datalog-based mapping for XACML v3.0 that provides a theoretical foundation for the language, namely: a concise logic-based semantics and complexity results for full XACML and various fragments. Additionally, my mapping discovers close relationships between XACML and other logic based languages such as the Flexible Authorization Framework. The second component of this framework provides a practical foundation for static analysis of expressive XACML policies. The analysis services detect semantic errors or differences between policies before they are deployed. To provide these services, I present a mapping from XACML to the Web Ontology Language (OWL), which is the standardized language for representing the semantics of information on the Web. In particular, I focus on the OWL-DL sub-language, which is a logic-based fragment of OWL. Finally, to demonstrate the practicality of using OWL-DL reasoners as policy analyzers, I have implemented an OWL-based XACML analyzer and performed extensive empirical evaluation using both real world and synthetic policy sets